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2017-07-24 19:17:58
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2019-04-14 05:48:48
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2019-04-14 03:47:38
New Ninja Collection! [6.0 Preliminary Event]
Might Guy [Eight Gates Released Formation]Mystery: Night Guy [TAI]Chakra Consumption: 40Cooldown: 3Battlefield cooldown: 1Description: Causes unmissable high damage up to 9 units in enemy lineup,Repulse, 5 Combo, Interruption and increases the selected units Mystery Cooldown by 1. Once used this unit loses 25% health. This unit c*e 3 standard attacks this round.Standard attack: Evening Elephant [TAI]Description: Attack a random line of opponents, very likely to cause Repulse and 3 Combo. This skill cannot miss. Each attack Guy does reduces his Health by 1%.Chase: Leaf Great Whirlwind [TAI]Description: Chases Repulse and Causes Low Float, also removes all of that units Shields and Buffs and causes Immobile, Immobile lasts 2 rounds.Passive: Youth is EternalDesc: For every 1% health lost, Guy gains 1.4% Critical and 2.5% Combo rate.Guy is immune to all debuffs.Passive 2: Strongest Taijutsu userDesc: Every time Guy attacks, increase his Attack by 6%. If this attack kills an enemy Guy can attack again. If there is a Konoha unit in your team, gain 20 chakra every time Guy uses his Standard attack. Player information: Character name: NightRaven Server Number: S17UID: 200000082073558
2019-04-18 10:29:29
Daylight Saving Issue Involving Sign-In Rewards (UK Servers)
Server ID: S17 Zabuza Character Name: NightRaven
Bugs & Support
2019-04-08 18:51:22
IMPORTANT - Mystery skills delay problem
It happens all the time for me, mostly in arena, usually in rounds 2 and 3, after first 2 mystery happen the rest of them won't till next round. In normal mode its somewhat the same.
Bugs & Support
2018-04-10 02:51:55
Fanmade Future Ninja Skillbooks/Breaks
Hopefully gonna restart this thread with this post. I hope :P Nagato (Edo Tensei) Mystery: Y+2:Chibaku Tensei(Prompt) Cause medium damage to 9 enemy units, cause Knockdown, Immobile and disperses all Shields and Buffs on selected unit. Every time this units Standard absorbs 20 or more Chakra points reduce Cooldown of this skill by 1. Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round Cooldown: 2 rounds Chakra use: 40 Standard Y: Now absorbs up to 100 chakra and has a chance to remove all Immune state(removes roshi immunity but not super armor) for 1 round and cause knockdown. Chase now turned into: Rinnegan Y+2: Whenever your team gains chakra heal 10% of your overall life and heal all debuffs off this unit. Raise your defense and ninjutsu by 1% for each chakra point you have over 40. Chase +2: Now also causes immobile. Passive now changed to: Allmighty Push: At the start of battle give another Edo Tensei unit a chance to dodge first mystery, chase or standard attack each round while this unit is alive .
Naked Snake
2018-06-21 19:38:23
Fanmade Future Ninja Skillbooks/Breaks
Here's some skills to make normal deidara OP again! Deidara Mystery: Y: Causes damage to 4 enemy units and ignites them. Cause repulse to selected unit. If the target is already ignited reduce the Cooldown of this mystery by 1. Does pretty much same damage as before. Chakra use: 20 Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round Cooldown: 2 rounds Standard +1:Now has chance for 10 combo and ignite. Also attacks a random unit. +2: Now causes ignite and has change for 10 combo. Also attacks a random unit. Passive No.1: +1: Now increases its Ninjutsu by 10% every time it causes Nin dmg. +2: Now increases by 7% and increases Combo Rate by 10% every time it causes Nin dmg. Passive No.2: +1: Now causes also a small bit of damage + ignites a random enemy before each action. +2: Also causes a bit of damage, ignites 2 enemy units before each action. Y: If this units standard attack hits 10 combo reduces mystery cooldown by 1 round. Launch 2 standard attacks each round. Chase: +1: Increase damage by 50%. L:Now ignites 3 enemy units and causes ignite to them. If enemy affected by chase already ignited cause immobile. If all 3 enemy ignited when deidara uses his chase they will all be immobiled.
Naked Snake
2018-06-21 19:38:23
Fanmade future ninja talentsets
How bout a HxH character? Feitan (Phantom Troupe) Mystery: Pain Packer: Rising Sun - Deal Critical damage to up to 12 enemy units, Ignite and cause Knockdown to the selected enemy unit. For each 20% health lost lower the Cooldown of this mystery by 1 round. Chakra use: 60 Battlefield Cooldown: 1 rounds Cooldown: 3 rounds Standard: Umbrella attack: Causes damage to the enemy unit with least health, has a Chance of 10 Combo, Critical and Low Float. Chase: KO Stab! : Chases High Float, causes Knockdown and Critical, can be triggered twice each round. Passive 1: Torture Enthusiast: Every time Feitan deals Critical damage increase your attack by 5%, and ninjutsu by 12%. Passive 2: Unforgiven: Heal yourself for 10% damage caused, increase your attack by 1% every time you receive healing effect.
2018-06-05 06:11:40
Fanmade future ninja talentsets
Let me just leave this broken Minato here. :D Minato Namikaze ( Edo-Tensei, Jinchuriki, Konoha Ninja, Secret Technique user, Kage, Senjutsu user) Mystery: Rasen-Flash Super-Circle Dance Howl Stage Three (thats the original name :D) : Causes Interrupt, Huge TAI/NIN dmg to selected enemy unit, and disperses its Tag, Buffs and all Shields. Also causes dmg up to 4 Tagged enemies, and 5 combo on each enemy. For each enemy unit that suffered dmg from this unit launch an extra Standard attack this round. Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round Cooldown: 3 rounds Chakra use: 40 points Standard attack: Flying Raijin Slash Combo: Attacks a random enemy unit, causes Tai damage, and can cause Tag, 5 combo and Knockdown. Increase your combo rate by 12% each time this attack causes 5 combo. Chase: Rasengan Barrage: Chases Low Floated enemy, causes 3 combo and Repulse. Can be triggered 3 times. Increase your Attack by 4%, and Ninjutsu by 7% each time this unit triggers its chase. Passive 1: Nine Tails Jinchuriki: Before each action recover life based on your own Ninjutsu. Immune to all Debuffs. At the start of the fight make one random ninja from your team evade first standard, chase, mystery for 3 rounds. Passive 2: Flying Raijin: Each round evade first enemy Standard,Chase, Mystery. If there is a Konoha, Kage ninja in your team this can be triggered twice each round.
2018-06-05 06:11:40
Fanmade future ninja talentsets
Scarlet Blaze {Uchiha's Succesor} Mystery: Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame: Causes huge Fire attribute damage to 9 enemy units and Ignition, cause Knockdown to selected unit. If this skill kills and enemy unit, reduce its Cooldown by 1 round. Battlefield Cooldown: 1 round Chakra cost: 60 Chakra Cooldown: 3 rounds Standard Attack: Genjutsu Mirror Shield: Disperses all debuffs from 1 unit of your team with lowest Health, and gives it a shield based on 15% of your Resistance. Units with this Shield gain Immune. {This shield would be a different colour and would be the first to be removed by enemy attacks} Chase: Genjutsu: Fire Control: Chase Sleeping or Immobile enemy, causes Chaos and Ignite, enemy Ignited by this skill cannot receive Healing, or Buff effect. Lasts for 1 round. Passive 1: Visual Prowess: Before each action gives this unit Immune, lasts until the end of this round. Passive 2: Susano'o: Become Immune to High Float, Low Float, Repulse and Knockdown. Got the Idea for this by seeing Azzakye's post about Earth Main, Thank you!
2018-06-05 06:11:40
Fanmade future ninja talentsets
Sorry man, I was playing Naruto other day and came up with him. Think he's pretty interesting and cool. You can still do your version, myb we can make some ultimate talent set for him :D
2018-06-05 06:11:40
Fanmade future ninja talentsets
Obito(Rampaging). This is kid Obito after seeing Kakashi killing Rin. Mystery: Wood Style: Cutting Sprigs: Causes huge damage to selected enemy unit, 5 combo and Interrupt. If this skill kills an enemy remove its Cooldown.(TAI/NIN) Battlefiled Cooldown: 1 rounds Cooldown: 3 rounds Chakra cost: 20 Standard Attack: Wood Style Taijutsu Attack: Attacks front enemy, causes damage, has a chance to do 7 combo and Immobile.(TAI/NIN) Chase: Wood Style: Giant Tree Spear: Triggered by 30 combos, cause damage to 3 enemy units, increase your own Combo Rate by 5%. Passive: Rampaging: Every time this units Standard triggers 7 combo, reduce Mystery Cooldown by 1 round. Launch 2 Standard attacks each round. Every time this unit causes damage to enemy unit with Mystery increase its Attack and Ninjutsu by 10%. Passive: Kamui: Very high chances of evading first Mystery, Standard Attack, Chase suffered by this unit. Can be triggered once each round.
2018-06-05 06:11:40
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