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2017-07-24 19:10:06
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2018-11-06 06:29:17
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2017-07-24 22:04:22
Suggestion - Stop Creating New Servers and instead bring 7 Day Beginner Shield
This is actually a * good idea. An x amount of time shield which gives some buffs to players who are playing on servers older than Y amount of time. A shield/buff which basically gives them some improved rates for stuff, a bit more experience, a bit more coins, maybe 2 convoys instead of one so they get that tiny bit of coupons to catch up with at least the 9 tails coupons. And instead of giving each new server the new server event thing, give the new player the same event but just for them. This can't really be abused either, I don't see why. But honestly, all we are going to hear is that Tobei will just relay the suggestion to the team and never hear about this thing again until some other player brings it up so...
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:04:26
Space time AI useless
The first placed goes first is not really that true, for me at least. I run Tobi, Hashirama and Fire Main with the Mirror Vision, I placed Tobi the first in my team and yet, when I see an Iruka in Space Time, he will always target my main, even if I have 3 masteries going off, but maybe Iruka's targeting is special too. Also, the AI seems to target the character with the least HP first. Chase skills which have an interrupt or immobile don't count as something special though. Even if I could interrupt someone with Hashirama's chase, I often see the AI targeting the person with the least HP, regardless if that character actually does a skill cast. And every healing/shielding jutsu will go off as soon as someone gets damaged even by 1 dmg(for heals) or as soon as they are available(for shields). Although, these are my own observationsBut on a side note. As a newbie programmer, I find making an action list made by each player for auto play A LOT EASIER to code and more simple for us. If they made auto play, at least give us some sort of guide on how this thing works.But I digress, if we figure it out maybe we could make a forum post explaining how this thing works precisely
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:08:14
Ginkaku line ups
I'm thinking of Sage Naruto, Ginkaku, Hashirama and EM which could get a 7 combo (Primary Lotus + Shiba, combo which can start from whatever character) and run EM with the super lightened jutsu so hashirama gets his barrier off first round (you will get 60 chakra, 20 from the start, 20 from Ginkaku and 20 from Sage Naruto)
2017-07-24 22:01:32
The new "Aoneko" and Anko quizzes and translation
Most likely, judging from my nonexistent Japanese and how much stuff I know about China's server
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:01:11
Space Time Betting
I can't quote the source, but I remember reading somewhere that a mod said that the currency "shouldn't" reset.
General Discussion
2022-08-09 16:30:06
The Space Time Betting shop needs to be thought out better
I would prefer to have good items but them to be very expensive. I would give 10K chips for 1 mood scroll, instead of that lvl 2 magatama pack give me a lvl 2 summon rune, or 1 cave key for whatever price, instead of those common cloths, low level refine I would prefer even dango(we might be able to exchange them later on into mood scrolls, or so I heard) and there might be more stuff but none come into my mind right now. I don't really care if they are high priced, all I care is that whatever is in there it's actually useful(most of them are, but some are a joke) and I would prefer to exchange how many I want, not 1 a day -_- . But sure, "the gifted horse doesn't get it's teeth searched" (old dumb saying meaning that if it's a gift, then don't complain)
Bugs & Support
Test Ninja
2017-07-24 22:00:30
Still Ninja Tools Nerf?
I will use something against them that they used many times against us. Naruto Online NA is different than Naruto Online CN, whatever route CN took, we are not obligated to take the same one, so whether did they receive the same treatment as us it's irrelevant.But regardless, I think I can take a quick guess on what really happened. We should've gotten the nerfed tools since the beginning of 2.0 (5th of January, almost 5 months ago) but we didn't get them because they simply forgot to implement them. When Ultimate Training came around, they saw that they should give us those stones with yellow stats and they remembered that they forgot to implement the nerfed tools altogether, so they changed it now stating it's a "bug". We had tools for sale many times but no one bought them because there wasn't a reason to do so. If I am right, this technically is a bug, but not in the game's code this time, it's a bug in their own game design, programming and I think I can be cheeky enough to say *ity.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:59:38
Still Ninja Tools Nerf?
I'm legit so angry right now...Why? Because I was a week too late on the 32K TI. When I managed to get to 32K power and did the TI, guess what? My old ninja tools are most likely better than the new ones I should get. What's even worse? Everyone in the top 15 managed to get their tools before the tool update. Me, the number 16? Nope. Do I have a chance to contest them, when they received received a good 5K power and I will receive 1K at most? Yeah, sure. I'll have a chance when they will also have to change their tools, in about a year or so. This is simply amazing....
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:59:38
Tendo Fragment in Ultimate Traini
I remember seeing Tendo in the chase mission a while ago and I thought to myself: "Helll, why would I need 1 or 2 Tendo frags? It's not like I will need that 2 frags". Now, all I can think about is how naive I was.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:11:59
Arena is broken, but I have proof that it's broken
Uhmmm.. do you think Hashirama grows in trees?(pun intended). Hashirama is impossible for me to get, a F2P player so yeah. I am using Make out Paradise Shikamaru, for the repulse to knockdown chase and knockdown to immobile which allows me to stop anyone who is slower than me(Having Main and Onoki 1st and 2nd allow me to stop a large amount of people) Why I use Ino? Do you know any healers who are either earth, wind and fire? Karin? Yeah sure, link her up with another knockdown to high float, while her not even being that good of a healer. Shizune? Same problem. Jigokudo? Do you think I can dig him up or something? Ino? Yeah, why not? She buffs Shikamaru, she heals 2 people, she gets buffed by Shikamaru, works with Onoki's barrier and whenever I am fighting squads with no root, their turn 2 is broken in some way or form. To interrupt someone I could also use GNW Neji, but I don't have him, Ao who doesn't work, Hinata who doesn't work..see, my options are limited. Plus, I wouldn't even get to Jonin if the team "was bad".
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:57:03