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[ Help ] Space Time Betting


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-28 10:47:27Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Anyone have a clue how to bet in Space Time?

I assume those green tokens you get before preliminaries are the "Bet Credits" I need to bet. However, when I tried to bet I wasn't able to as I have a credit of zero.
Correct me if I am mistaken.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-28 10:48:53Show this Author Only
click redeem. dats the key.
u can exchange scroll for points
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On 2017-04-28 12:37:35Show this Author Only
what green tokens?? screen shot them.
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On 2017-04-28 15:23:18Show this Author Only
Honestly I fail to understand what even the point of this betting system, considering how crazy limited what you even can buy in that shop. One seal fragment daily? This is serious? After I exchanged all my *, I ended up with 270.000+ chips. And I dont even think that would be that much, I am sure many more gotten even more. Considering you keep getting more and more materials what you can exchange, I could keep spending it without any need to bet.
So at this point, I just really hope, or suggest to increase the limit in that shop, or put more stuff to it, because sitting on 360.000 survival coin is already * enough, dont really feel like gathering chips too for no reason, because oasgames are holding back every kind of free ninja from the shops or putting everything in group shop, what we have the lowest possible means to get coins.
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On 2017-04-28 15:50:46Show this Author Only
I'd say you shouldn't worry much... At the end of the Fighting season (which is probably next week) the cooins will be reset to 0, and the redeem shop is closing too.

Good luck with having 270k+ chips too. :)
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On 2017-04-28 16:17:03Show this Author Only
  • 552*****uf16 On 2017-04-28 15:50:46
  • I'd say you shouldn't worry much... At the end of the Fighting season (which is probably next week) the cooins will be reset to 0, and the redeem shop is closing too.

    Good luck with having 270k+ chips too. :)
wait what?
Is that an assumption or fact? (about coins will be reset to 0).
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On 2017-04-28 18:19:24Show this Author Only
  • Arghafsw On 2017-04-28 16:17:03
  • wait what?
    Is that an assumption or fact? (about coins will be reset to 0).
Sorry, I think I forgot to add the "likely" in my sentences...

I was saying I can't find any information on what happen with Redeem and Chips Count after Tournament ends. I am not sure but knowing OG, I'd assume that even if it doesnt resets to 0, you can't still redeem them outside Tournament times...
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On 2017-04-28 18:28:25Show this Author Only
I can't quote the source, but I remember reading somewhere that a mod said that the currency "shouldn't" reset.
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On 2017-04-28 19:03:39Show this Author Only
chips are there so your useless scrolls and other upgrading stuffs can turn into something useful, sadly a tiny amount only. at least they become something useful.
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On 2017-04-28 19:25:03Show this Author Only
  • Boy Genius On 2017-04-28 15:23:18
  • Honestly I fail to understand what even the point of this betting system, considering how crazy limited what you even can buy in that shop. One seal fragment daily? This is serious? After I exchanged all my *, I ended up with 270.000+ chips. And I dont even think that would be that much, I am sure many more gotten even more. Considering you keep getting more and more materials what you can exchange, I could keep spending it without any need to bet.
    So at this point, I just really hope, or suggest to increase the limit in that shop, or put more stuff to it, because sitting on 360.000 survival coin is already * enough, dont really feel like gathering chips too for no reason, because oasgames are holding back every kind of free ninja from the shops or putting everything in group shop, what we have the lowest possible means to get coins.
have you tried to do all of survival shop ninjas 5*?? you know you can refine fragments and get some stuff time to time.. i got x3 8 seal scrolls and 3 kyuubi fragments.. just remind you
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-28 19:46:56Show this Author Only
  • Jori. On 2017-04-28 19:25:03
  • have you tried to do all of survival shop ninjas 5*?? you know you can refine fragments and get some stuff time to time.. i got x3 8 seal scrolls and 3 kyuubi fragments.. just remind you
WHat does that have to do with anything?
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On 2017-04-28 23:59:59Show this Author Only
  • Jori. On 2017-04-28 19:25:03
  • have you tried to do all of survival shop ninjas 5*?? you know you can refine fragments and get some stuff time to time.. i got x3 8 seal scrolls and 3 kyuubi fragments.. just remind you
Yes, I have the ninjas 5 star. ANd omg 3 kyuubi fragments I am amazed, then just 47 more to go.
Personally I went for iruka, close to 4 star him.And to the guy who said the chips will reset, do you think I care? What the difference between exchanging the chips or selling the materials for 100 coin each? Not gonna kill me, they were useless anyway. Just now the feature looks even much more * than before, thank you to letting me know. Till now I thought you will have your chips left what you can keep spending till the next tournament part starts, to use them up, but look like I was wrong, and U can get total of 7 seal frags or so while the evnet on with some other stuff etc. Ahh soo cool.
-sarcasm off
This post was last edited by ger*** at 2017-4-29 00:03
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