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2019-05-11 09:48:01
Naruto[Sage of the Six Paths] valid nerf reason (CD)
I just agree with everyone. I personally feel his heal should be toned down to heal 15% of ninjutsu damage not 25% (This is heavily considering he seems to have a higher crit rate on his standard and all of his actions have ninjutsu in them) I honestly just let out a long sigh of frustration when I come across 6p teams. It's not a matter of winning or losing, its a matter of even if i'm 100k more stronger than the enemy, the fight will still last 3+ rounds simply because he has a dodge, immunity, and a heal in his kit.Those who are saying just use someone like Kushina Habanero, she's a valid choice but the fact is she isn't in meta at the moment. (We'll definitely see the Kushina/Jinchuriki meta when her SBs come in) but until then we have to deal with Kakuzu (Deidara) and Naruto meta.
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litty titty
2019-05-12 22:18:14
Let's talk Decisive Bonds
Correct. Only reason me and my partner are even trying is because of the new Spring Festival put in place in which one of the medals is to reach Six Paths rank at least once. After that it doesn't matter.
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2019-03-10 06:16:17
Reaction Speed Countering
Thats pretty much what I was thinking Scarett and you are absolutely right, the situation was much worse pre-5.0 but still is an issue. and as Mitokiri simply stated you basically get about 0.5 seconds or 6 miliseconds to react to interrupt your opponent, even if you are faster, which we all know is not humanly possible.
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2019-03-11 10:16:10
Let's talk Decisive Bonds
Glad to see this thread getting some attention guys and just to put things in perspective I am actually the strongest player on my server sitting at around 243k BP on average and I team with the 2nd strongest from my group who's at about 223k on average. So power isn't really a problem for us, neither is synergy we just end up getting paired against a LOT of 350k+ players with their alts or someone low and we end up losing all our points that we spent the past 20 minutes getting. To be specific yesterday we went in and I had about 578 points, only about 11 points off from reaching Six Paths rank, at the end of that day I ended up with 543 points. A lot of it is running in lower powered players who instant retreat and getting 3 points or having a decent even battle and earning the same and then losing it all to the the big bois, and then we get matched against them again, even after waiting a good minute. Its essentially a 1 step forward 2 steps back kind of situation.
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2019-03-10 06:16:17
Minato [Edo Tensei]
I own him and pretty much use him exclusively in all modes (except 9tails) and am very satisfied with him. His damage is decent, and his kit is overall good (minus the 3round mystery) which is why I use Wind main with him for the mystery reset. I usually use him with 5 kage madara and 8-tails jinchuriki Bee/6P Naruto for the immobile chase. I'd advise against using him with Fire Main since he can't really help unless you have 6P Naruto or someone similar as Pos 1 and Minato as the support which is fine, otherwise just stay with Jonin Minato for Fire Main.
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2019-03-07 14:05:43
Reaction Speed Countering
You bring up good examples and thank you for replying to my post but I do not believe it is intentional. As my example is pretty specific I have encountered it multiple times and have found that sometimes I have those 3 seconds to react properly and others I do not. So I do not believe it is an intention that some mysteries are instant while others aren't. If i'm being completely honest I believe this has to do with connectivity or the server at fault, while I can confidently say that my wifi has never been an issue the servers on the other hand can be a major nuisances at time telling me orochimaru has attacked me when I know my wifi/internet did not go out at all. Or my opponent has a slightly laggy connection of some sort and for them their mystery wasn't instant but for me it was because the data of their wifi sending it to the server was delayed in some way. But who knows, while I can appreciate your answer of thinking that the system has been set up in such a way by Tencent/Oasis which is true to a degree, I would not give them THAT much credit.
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2019-03-11 10:16:10
[Ninja Profile]
Mabui - Ninja Discussion
1. Thank you for reading my post, I wasn't sure if anyone is going to read it or not 2. Yeah totally, I understand that Mabui's role is completely support but with all of the things I listed off, she has too much going for her. The only other characters that provide chakra are usually ones that require damage to themselves, a death, chase, etc. Kakashi [Makout-Paradise] is the only other ninja that gives a lot of chakra each round, his being 10 less than mabui at 30. But Kakashi is pretty much a meme character that is there for fun. 3. But this could all be for nothing as we might start getting new ninja/patches quicker and the meta will change in time, its just a frustrating aspect as of right now. But I know people feel the same way about the Lightning Main Blitz team, which is annoying but thats a completely different topic I won't touch on.
2017-08-21 20:18:56
[Ninja Profile]
Mabui - Ninja Discussion
Personally I feel like its a good thing that a less recognizable ninja in the Narutoverse has a big use in the game, but I stand to believe that Mabui has a bit too much going for her in her kit. Now, most people will point out that they hate the fact that she can give a team 40 chakra in a single round, and 80 chakra on round 2 if you use her mystery. This is mostly because of the dreaded Mabui, Mei, Tenten, Azure Fang lineup, but this isn't about that team. It's about Mabui; some people think Tenten needs the nerf, Azure Fang, Mabui, the whole 9 yards. I won't really touch matters on Tenten other than I think maybe her mystery should have a Battlefield Cooldown of 1 to have players make a more impactful choice between Tenten or Mei's mystery on round 2. But I digress, to me what makes Mabui a bit too strong in my eyes is not only the fact that she can give a team 40+ chakra in a given round, but its also the fact that she can disperse ALL debuffs on a target. Now, you can argue to me that I can quickly dispatch of mabui if I target her and her alone and take her out, which is true to a degree, but usually that'll cost you dearly since you have to make a choice between her or Azure Fang, or whoever else can disperse debuffs as a healer or Breeze Dancer, amongst other ninja, and timing is always key as well of course if you want to counter, so there are a LOT of variables to take into consideration, it's never as simple as just using a blitz team or a team with ignition, because if you're going in arena or SWB you're not always preparing to counter 1 team specifically, atleast most people aren't. Anyway... from the research i've done at looking at all other healers that we have access to in the current NA version of the game, only 2 other ninja disperse of all debuffs on a target, that being Azure Fang (Which is completely fine since she's a main character), and GNW Sakura. As far as I can tell GNW Sakura isn't quite in the meta right now, although I've seen some people use her as a replacement for Sailor Sakura, but GNW Sakura doesn't feel quite as strong as Mabui, well strength wise Sakura wins *Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge* anyway, Sakura doesn't quite feel as strong simply because her overall potential is designated around utilizing her Katsuyus with her buff and them overall tanking damage and healing the team. Some can argue this would make her stronger, heal and debuff wise, but I counter-claim since the Katsuyus are generally not that tanky and will only target the lowest life target in your team (not themselves) and disperse the debuffs on that target, and 90% of the time their usually just healing the same person so it somewhat loses purpose and they can be dealt with, with an AoE mystery. That and GNW Sakura has a completely different role than Mabui, sure both are designated healers but Sakura is meant to get in there and deal some damage while healing, while Mabui is an overall buffer. She gives shields, chakra, heals and debuffs, she has a lot more use in more teams than GNW Sakura (depending on the team). Overall I feel as though Mabui shouldn't be able to give BOTH large amounts of chakra AND disperse all debuffs with her healing, instead I think it would be more fair to make it so that she only disperses 2 debuffs at most, this would still keep her in line with the meta, making her still overall useful, and be a nerf in a way where it isn't too much, and lets be honest here, the only other ninja that disperses 2 debuffs is Shizune and nobody is using her (not that I know of). But at the end of the day this is just my opinion and my opinion alone, and i'm a man that spent 20 minutes typing this long winded paragraph that probably won't get read or noticed and i'm sure the few of you reading this will either agree or disagree with me, and i'm not saying Mabui is OP or she can't be dealt with, I would just like to see her toned down a bit where she is still viable and fair. If you're still reading this, than you Sir and/or Madam have a lot of time on your hands and are very patient, so thank you for putting up with this babble and have a good day.
2017-08-21 20:18:56
Midnight Blade China Updated Portrait
I just wish they didn't make LM look like Sasuke 2.0...
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2017-08-05 01:15:28
Hokage Minato Minor Buff??
I'd argue that Flak Vest/Jonin is more viable than 4th Hokage Minato, simply because of his utility. But I will say Hokage Minato got a bit buffed to help compete with Flak Vest Minato. For instance I found out that when 4th Hokage Minato uses his mystery on a person already tagged, the entire lineup receives tags (which isn't anything new) but I believe he also interrupts the entire lineup if he's able to do this. I experienced this with running a team yesterday in arena, where the opponents Fu had a tag, I capatlized on this to target her with 4th Hokage Minato's mystery, the opponents LM had their Chidori Blade - Shadow qued up as well and Minato interrupted his mystery even though he wasn't the one being targeted. I'd also like to point out they fixed Hokage Minato's text for his dodge, it now properly states that he can avoid mysteries just like Flak vest.
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2017-08-01 07:55:51
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