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[ Suggestions ] Naruto[Sage of the Six Paths] valid nerf reason (CD)


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On 2019-02-14 00:45:24Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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First of all, his Standard Attack "has a high chance of causing 5 COMBO and decreasing cooldown time by 1 round", seems fair enough. But here is the problem, his Standard is broken and allows him to decrease cooldown time even if it failed to hit the target.

For example, Minato dodges his standard every time yet Naruto is still able to reset mystery CD every round, and that should not be the case.

It should be like this: Minato dodges => Naruto fails to hit with standard attack => No 5 combo => No reset CD

Hopefully you will look into this and fix his Standard Attack, so many people are not complaining for no reason.

EDIT: It seems Minato was immobile 1 round so Naruto didn't have to use mystery then.

Basically if Naruto has more init even if he has 400 hp left only, he can stun lock Minato until the end.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2019-02-14 00:45:24.
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On 2019-02-14 03:39:05Show this Author Only

"his Standard is broken and allows him to decrease cooldown time even if it failed to hit the target."

Sorry to disappoint you, but that is not true. His standard attack can't hit a ninja who has dodge passive = he can't reset his skill. It is the same for Minato [Jonin], Naruto [Kurama Mode] etc.

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On 2019-02-14 04:13:31Show this Author Only
  • Matza Zen On 2019-02-14 03:39:05
  • "his Standard is broken and allows him to decrease cooldown time even if it failed to hit the target."

    Sorry to disappoint you, but that is not true. His standard attack can't hit a ninja who has dodge passive = he can't reset his skill. It is the same for Minato [Jonin], Naruto [Kurama Mode] etc.

Yep, I edited the post after, it seemed like that though.

This post was last edited by xxMihai on 2019-02-15 21:48:43.
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On 2019-02-14 07:59:03Show this Author Only

The only valid nerf would be to take out his leech

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On 2019-02-14 23:46:36Show this Author Only

There is no valid reason to actually Nerf the kit on Naruto. This is only a problem because of how everyone stacks bp on pos 1. In truth Naruto[Sage of Six Path] has a low damage mystery same with all his counter parts. The only difference is that unlike Naruto[Sage of Six Path] all the other Naruto s have added repulse damage which is basically broken. His leech is purely dependent on the damage of his attacks and I've already said that it's actually on the low side. In theory Naruto[Sage of Six Path] should only be healing about 20% of his hp if he hits 9 ninjas with comparable bp, but we are in this hole where pos 1 are doing 4x the amount of damage because of stacking so you see Naruto healing to full every round.

So my argument is that Naruto kit is not broken its perfectly balanced just that bp is literally overriding his low damage factor and it only seems like he is over powered. I'm pretty sure those near the limit of bp which is 500k or something will also see the low damage but anyone below this point will think Naruto[Sage of Six Path] is broken.

I would also like to point out that you can stack Lee[Gate of Joy] to literally one shot these Naruto[Sage of Six Path] but no one does anything fun like that.

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On 2019-02-16 02:00:10Show this Author Only
  • Azzakye On 2019-02-14 23:46:36
  • There is no valid reason to actually Nerf the kit on Naruto. This is only a problem because of how everyone stacks bp on pos 1. In truth Naruto[Sage of Six Path] has a low damage mystery same with all his counter parts. The only difference is that unlike Naruto[Sage of Six Path] all the other Naruto s have added repulse damage which is basically broken. His leech is purely dependent on the damage of his attacks and I've already said that it's actually on the low side. In theory Naruto[Sage of Six Path] should only be healing about 20% of his hp if he hits 9 ninjas with comparable bp, but we are in this hole where pos 1 are doing 4x the amount of damage because of stacking so you see Naruto healing to full every round.

    So my argument is that Naruto kit is not broken its perfectly balanced just that bp is literally overriding his low damage factor and it only seems like he is over powered. I'm pretty sure those near the limit of bp which is 500k or something will also see the low damage but anyone below this point will think Naruto[Sage of Six Path] is broken.

    I would also like to point out that you can stack Lee[Gate of Joy] to literally one shot these Naruto[Sage of Six Path] but no one does anything fun like that.

stop this bullpoo. How balanced character can be meta? And how the heck lee can 1st ANYONE, and in this case full stacked poss 1 ninja with cc immunity and dodge...?

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On 2019-02-16 12:30:49Show this Author Only
  • UchichaRakiri On 2019-02-16 02:00:10
  • stop this bullpoo. How balanced character can be meta? And how the heck lee can 1st ANYONE, and in this case full stacked poss 1 ninja with cc immunity and dodge...?

Naruto[Sage of Six Path] is balanced in combination with his stats, his kit has a lot of tools. There are ninjas that can handle immunity such as Madara[Sage of Six Path], Kushina[Hot-Blooded Haberno] and Jiraiya[Youth]. Dodge is also not too difficult good old certain hit or multiple attacks can chew through those paper thin defense and resistance.

Honestly Naruto[Sage of Six Path] is basically the king of pos 1 meta but once you get to the secondary stat limit he ain't much of an issue.

This post was last edited by Azzakye on 2019-02-16 21:31:39.
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On 2019-02-17 12:39:29Show this Author Only

Actually he hits 3 random persons with his standard so if someone dodge his standard then you still need to care about the other 2 units

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On 2019-02-19 19:47:48Show this Author Only
  • Azzakye On 2019-02-14 23:46:36
  • There is no valid reason to actually Nerf the kit on Naruto. This is only a problem because of how everyone stacks bp on pos 1. In truth Naruto[Sage of Six Path] has a low damage mystery same with all his counter parts. The only difference is that unlike Naruto[Sage of Six Path] all the other Naruto s have added repulse damage which is basically broken. His leech is purely dependent on the damage of his attacks and I've already said that it's actually on the low side. In theory Naruto[Sage of Six Path] should only be healing about 20% of his hp if he hits 9 ninjas with comparable bp, but we are in this hole where pos 1 are doing 4x the amount of damage because of stacking so you see Naruto healing to full every round.

    So my argument is that Naruto kit is not broken its perfectly balanced just that bp is literally overriding his low damage factor and it only seems like he is over powered. I'm pretty sure those near the limit of bp which is 500k or something will also see the low damage but anyone below this point will think Naruto[Sage of Six Path] is broken.

    I would also like to point out that you can stack Lee[Gate of Joy] to literally one shot these Naruto[Sage of Six Path] but no one does anything fun like that.

You are perfectly right, but the problem is that he was implemented in game now when almost nobody, not even in old servers, owns 20k combo and critical also in move 3 and 4 and very few have it in move 2.

If you are placeholder or loco and you face somebody like you then what you say applies fully.

Too bad there are 10 people in that situation, the other 100k players are not.

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On 2019-02-19 20:29:26Show this Author Only

naruto is really broken in this game, the most annoying thing is that he can refresh his mystery with standard attack, even if the attack misses oneo f the opponents, for me that makes no sense, it should only refresh if the standard attack hits every char that can't dodge it, if they could dodge the refresh would be stopped, that would be more than fair. Konan and minato both have to hit their standard to be able to refresh their mystery

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On 2019-02-19 21:07:24Show this Author Only
  • Kaz S590 On 2019-02-19 20:29:26
  • naruto is really broken in this game, the most annoying thing is that he can refresh his mystery with standard attack, even if the attack misses oneo f the opponents, for me that makes no sense, it should only refresh if the standard attack hits every char that can't dodge it, if they could dodge the refresh would be stopped, that would be more than fair. Konan and minato both have to hit their standard to be able to refresh their mystery

It's so for him too, just that is enough that he trigger the effect on one of the 3 targets for it to work.

That said your best counter right now are selfstacking combo ninjas and dodging ninjas.

Hokage minato for example is a very good ninja to add as your move 2 or 3 to counter him because stacks combo.

The same are agk or kurama.

Obviously the issue appear if your move 2/3/4 are so far behind the enemy move 1 that even by adding passives you do not do much.

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On 2019-02-20 01:44:59Show this Author Only
If you attack Edo Minato and he dodges you still get ignition same way that Naruto can still can get a mystery CD even if his opponent dodges.
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On 2019-02-20 05:04:35Show this Author Only
  • Youbsun On 2019-02-20 01:44:59
  • If you attack Edo Minato and he dodges you still get ignition same way that Naruto can still can get a mystery CD even if his opponent dodges.

the kind of dodges edo minato, naruto six paths, masked man, et similia own begins to fail if the difference in combo is higher than 150%.

So, for example, lets say the enemy naruto owns 20k combo and there's a dodging ninja in your team, lets say masked man.

With his selfboost naruto goes to 29k combo (so to 290%).

if masked man has less than 14k combo ( so less than 140%, so if the difference is higher than 150%) may happen he fails to dodge and the lower his combo his the higher the chance for him to fail is.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2019-02-20 05:08:12.
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On 2019-05-11 09:48:01Show this Author Only

I just agree with everyone. I personally feel his heal should be toned down to heal 15% of ninjutsu damage not 25% (This is heavily considering he seems to have a higher crit rate on his standard and all of his actions have ninjutsu in them)

I honestly just let out a long sigh of frustration when I come across 6p teams. It's not a matter of winning or losing, its a matter of even if i'm 100k more stronger than the enemy, the fight will still last 3+ rounds simply because he has a dodge, immunity, and a heal in his kit.Those who are saying just use someone like Kushina Habanero, she's a valid choice but the fact is she isn't in meta at the moment. (We'll definitely see the Kushina/Jinchuriki meta when her SBs come in) but until then we have to deal with Kakuzu (Deidara) and Naruto meta.

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On 2019-05-12 22:18:14Show this Author Only

Just make it so he can't chase after himself. The fact that he can chase off his mystery is annoying.

Quicky Post

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