Hello guys,
I would like to ask about a few things. First, does anybody have Edo Minato lineups with fire main? Second, how much does he cost and where should I buy him from? Lastly. how is his mystery damage? Is it okay or is it bad? Thank you!
I use him pretty exclusively with wind main for the mystery reset, so I can't answer the first question. As for the others, I believe he usually runs about 20k. I picked him up in the dancing capsule event for about 13k (as did many others in my server once we figured out that math), but that was an exception and I wouldn't expect it to happen again. As for his mystery damage, it's fine. It's the lowest of the three minatos, but it's not so bad as many people claim it is. The big selling point is it hits multiple fields unlike jonin, and is completely undodgeable unlike both of the other two, making it the only undodgeable guaranteed interrupt that I know of. That is the true reason to use him, not his damage. Pair him with a kisame or other such chakra drainer (looking at you sage Hashi), and with a fast slot 1 you can completely deny your opponent any mysteries the round he goes off (with the exception of 0 chakra mysteries which you have to watch out for)
DONT EVER BUY edo minato, he is not good enough, his damage is super super super weak just like kakashi susanoo. If u wanna buy him, u will regret it unless u have tons of power than ur opponent or in the other word, unless you are a heavy spenders lol
I'm a f2p and I bought and I'm not regretting.
I used him pos1 with naruto kurama pos2 bee and light main (for leech) and worked very well the damage isn't that bad. Its unforgeable so causing lot of damage to dodge ninja is better than not causing at all
DONT EVER BUY edo minato, he is not good enough, his damage is super super super weak just like kakashi susanoo. If u wanna buy him, u will regret it unless u have tons of power than ur opponent or in the other word, unless you are a heavy spenders lol
Is his damage really that bad? I've heard it's okay
Is his damage really that bad? I've heard it's okay
I haven't seen Edo Minato used too much, so I don't know too much regarding his damage...
But I can actually see Edo Minato being amazing for Ranked Battle, primarily for his mystery. It's an undodgable 10 unit interruption, which could stop most enemy mysteries, and hit at least 1/3 of the field.
Good thing about edo minato and kurama naruto combo is that you have undodgeable mystery followed by undodgeable chase. Downside of this lineup is that currently most me
yes, very bad
Unless you actually own the ninja and/or consistently played against him, don't throw nonsense around. When I use him against comparable powered players, his mystery still does 4-5k against their stacked pos 1, which is the best honest to evaluate damage. Honestly, that amount is on par with or even slightly better than most of the current dps units when you look at what they do to opposing pos 1s at comparable powers.
Unless you actually own the ninja and/or consistently played against him, don't throw nonsense around. When I use him against comparable powered players, his mystery still does 4-5k against their stacked pos 1, which is the best honest to evaluate damage. Honestly, that amount is on par with or even slightly better than most of the current dps units when you look at what they do to opposing pos 1s at comparable powers.
Also of note, Edo Minato's mystery triggers repulse, which is a cut above all other mystery chase statuses. Repulse essentially means that all enemies behind the target take 150% damage rather than 100%. No other Minato has repulse on his chase.
Also, Edo Minato pairs well with Edo Sasori, and Edo Sasori is amaaaaazing. The constant revives are a huge deal.
Also, OP, here's an Edo Minato team for fire main that is otherwise totally F2P:
Note that Kirin is not at all necessary. The purple deer works just fine; Kirin just gets an extra hit over the deer at the end of Minato's standard attack chase. You c*so move fire main to either of the two positions behind Minato. I wouldn't recommend stacking both Ay and your main behind Minato, though. Ninjas like Shisui (with a strong repulse SA) and Madara [Founder], Edo Itachi, or Edo Hiruzen (with their strong whole-row SAs) are way too common right now to recommend a 3-ninja line.
u will get regret it if u bought edo minato, unless you are a heavy spenders who has bigger bp, trust me. On top of that u need to win initiative attribute to make full use of him (only whales c*e him, even in arena, he is very very very week)
u better save up for naruto six path or angel konan or even just use jonin minato.
the biggest-smallest damage between 3 kind of minatos are Hokage Minato (the biggest damage), jonin minato with bond mystery, and then edo minato
X Edo hashirama edo minato
Wind main kushina x
X x x
Talents 32114, summon: koh.
Kushina water main x
Edo hashirama edo minato x
X x x
Talents: 22443 or 23443, summon koh.
yep, those two teams are quite op if used correctly (i suppose the kushina you talk about is normal kushina, the one that summons clones, not the habanero version).
u will get regret it if u bought edo minato, unless you are a heavy spenders who has bigger bp, trust me. On top of that u need to win initiative attribute to make full use of him (only whales c*e him, even in arena, he is very very very week)
u better save up for naruto six path or angel konan or even just use jonin minato.
the biggest-smallest damage between 3 kind of minatos are Hokage Minato (the biggest damage), jonin minato with bond mystery, and then edo minato
as rough damage dealt, edo minato has the highest outcome.
the only issue is the 3 rounds cd for the mystery,
that said now we have a good and easy to get ninja that works fine with him and is gakido with his mystery y+2
pair him with wind main and you basically have the mystery every round for the first 5 rounds but round 1 (use a madara 5ks or kisame samehada as the 4th ninja and is done)
as rough damage dealt, edo minato has the highest outcome.
the only issue is the 3 rounds cd for the mystery,
that said now we have a good and easy to get ninja that works fine with him and is gakido with his mystery y+2
pair him with wind main and you basically have the mystery every round for the first 5 rounds but round 1 (use a madara 5ks or kisame samehada as the 4th ninja and is done)
For the record, you only need Gakido's Y mystery. His Y+1 just increases the shield from 40% res to 50%. Also, Y+1 is the cap, not Y+2.
Also, I just tested that team out. You c*e Minato's mystery every round but round 1, as far as I can tell (I was only able to put it into practice up through round 5, cuz that's when Kakashi dies). It's pretty crazy. And for every round except round 10, his mystery can be used at the very beginning of the round. However, this requires a LOT of using his mystery the turn before, which is super vulnerable to interrupts and stuff. Generally speaking, doing that is not recommended.
For the record, you only need Gakido's Y mystery. His Y+1 just increases the shield from 40% res to 50%. Also, Y+1 is the cap, not Y+2.
Also, I just tested that team out. You c*e Minato's mystery every round but round 1, as far as I can tell (I was only able to put it into practice up through round 5, cuz that's when Kakashi dies). It's pretty crazy. And for every round except round 10, his mystery can be used at the very beginning of the round. However, this requires a LOT of using his mystery the turn before, which is super vulnerable to interrupts and stuff. Generally speaking, doing that is not recommended.
U said "You c*e Minato's mystery every round but round 1" , its not aplicable dude, since ur wind main or gakido will get controlled by opponents ninja lol
and when ur support ninjas dies, ur team is doomed
like i said unless he is a whale who has tons of power, edo minato is not worth it
as rough damage dealt, edo minato has the highest outcome.
the only issue is the 3 rounds cd for the mystery,
that said now we have a good and easy to get ninja that works fine with him and is gakido with his mystery y+2
pair him with wind main and you basically have the mystery every round for the first 5 rounds but round 1 (use a madara 5ks or kisame samehada as the 4th ninja and is done)
just test it ur self first dude . Hokage minato is highest than edo minato. And minato jonin with bond skill mystery is higher than edo minato lol (as we already knew, in the battlefield, our damage is not raw damage, scaling damage by either from chakra or chase or passive are very important)
dont be fooled by other players, just save ur coupons to get naruto six path, or try to get edo deidara 4stars or kakuzu egf 4 stars, when their skill trial is available, u will get endgame line up :)
but if u are a whale/heavy spenders with very high power, then u can buy that edo minato.
I suggest "CO" to watch amber channel first, he is a infamous youtuber of naruto online, he seems like quit the games or kind of ,so he rarely upload videos nowadays
Unless you actually own the ninja and/or consistently played against him, don't throw nonsense around. When I use him against comparable powered players, his mystery still does 4-5k against their stacked pos 1, which is the best honest to evaluate damage. Honestly, that amount is on par with or even slightly better than most of the current dps units when you look at what they do to opposing pos 1s at comparable powers.
you are the one who throwing nonsense lol
you are the one who throwing nonsense lol
your comments in this thread so far equate to "don't buy, whale only ninja" (debatable, undodgeable interrupt is good for anyone) and "damage lower than other minatos so must be bad damage" (which in reality only means there are two ninjas with higher damage than him). also other people, myself included agree that his damage is lowest of the minutes, and you know what? it's STILL good damage. and unlike the other two edo minato can't be controlled. he's not a blitz ninja, he's a midrange ninja
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