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s24 NaraShikama
s24 NaraShikama
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Topics 15 |Posts 44
2017-07-24 19:17:15
Last Login:
2017-07-29 21:50:48
Last Post:
2017-07-24 21:17:49
Pay 2 win
Please be more specific then making the game more fair. How is the games catering to pay to win? The packs can be bought with coupons that you can have saved up. The refines can be obtained from group shop and ranked battle. The only event cashers have access to the rebate event which is long overdue and the rewards aren't even that special. Everything there a free to play player will have access to eventually. I understand that English isn't your native language but please offer more concrete suggestions or modify the existing events in a way that anyone can understand.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:47:07
Ninja Tools: Golden Cudgel/Pain's Cudgel
I have. I chose the middle twice because purple tends to settle there. It ended up the very right at the end. I picked the very right it ended up in the middle. Finally I chose the middle again and it was at the 4th position. I play at s24 and our server is almost 2 months old. I level relatively fast cause I do all the events (9tails included). @Ram, 500 coupons takes a long time to save up for as a free to play. The pain cane is an ok buy because the base stats are higher then the one you can get from instance. 40/40 ninjutsu vs 35/35 from instance. Too bad the bonus stats are random. Anyways when you max out the cane at 18 there should be a slight difference. The level 4 attack natagama is worth 135 coupons. Summoning scroll is worth 63 scrolls. So the cane seems to be valued at 303 coupons. If you level slowly, keep in mind that Im rank 4 for level rank cause I adjust/switch my team just for 9tails. If your a slow leveler, don't buy it. Even if you hit 80 and still don't get it, you c*ways go back to 70 and try farming for it. Overall just depends on how impatient you are. I'm just sick of being rank 4 for level but rank 10 in power.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:56:20
Ninja Tools: Golden Cudgel/Pain's Cudgel
will hit 75 tomorrow. I have seen gold cudgel 4 times but haven't gotten it. Just rng. My friend who is the top player has gotten it 6 times from the cards at the end.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:56:20
Regular supply of a few things
There is only 10 levels. If you want another source of refinement, there's always better armor. Game content is suppose to be for the long term. Most players don't really focus on refinement, they rather spend it on getting kisame or the other group shop ninjas. If refinement was any easier, the cashers would have more level 10 refinement already and you would still have the exact same problem. When you make it easier for everyone, only the game developer might lose money since there is no incentive to top up. Black market refreshes every 3 hours. Survival, group shop, arena every 12 hours. The free scroll that gives food, coin or random materials every 8 hours. There's incentive to log on more often. As the game contents come later, there will be more and more things to do. Just be patient. They are releasing content as fast as the publishers (osa) can. There is one thing that a player with a lot of time but no money can do to get ahead. Its boring and tedious but if you do your materials for upgrading equipment manually instead of auto you can get a lot more coins to upgrade equipment. When you are done upgrading gear and your elite instances and awakening materials, you can farm Tsunade's whereabouts (8100 coin manual, level 45 unlocked) or scout Deadwood forest (10500 coin manual, level 65 unlocked). I use to do this to get my gear from 50 to 60. 9 tails wasn't enough. Now I'm too busy but trust me it helps a lot early to mid game. 100 stamina on auto gives 5000 coins vs 100 stamina on tsunade whereabouts = 81,000 coin or scout deadwood forest 105,000 coins. Right now the rate of scrolls is acceptable because everyone struggles to get more. There are ways to get slightly more which is doing harder group trials, 2star or harder. Refinement is mostly for pvp which only certain players are really interested in. I'm happy with things are. They give us an option to get premium items over time. Sure the success rate is terrible but at least failure doesn't mean reset or item breaking. After all in other games refinement is a lot more rng. Refinement in other games would more trying to get the perfect stats instead just trying to get more stats.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:46:47
[Ninja Exam]
Exam 95 - Anyone beat it?
" ... ead&tid=3147&extra=again player is not me but zha*** the person who created the amazing water guide and finish SA with water main on difficult solo. 21k power it seems.
2017-07-24 20:51:54
[Ninja Exam]
Exam 95 - Anyone beat it?
" goes to zha**26k power was used and 2 pains... Best of luck.
2017-07-24 20:51:54
[Ranked Battles]
Ranked Team
Wish there was more pictures but Ill make do. You may wish to switch the position of haku and zabuza. This way haku will cause the combo and zabuza will chase and finish them off. If the mist is an issue use the 7 swordsman variation as his skill will trigger ino's chase. Not to mention he can double attack and finish off low health members. Keep in mind his resistance and health is a lot lower then his regular version. He has much higher taijutsu and defense to compensate. If you want akamaru to last longer, use kiba with hinata since her skill takes the taijutsu standard for the turn. The reason team gai dies so fast is there is no dedicated healer/debuffer. Personally I would not rely on the leech since ignite stops it and Lee has low resistance and health so it doesn't take much to kill him with a full combo, same with gai. Ino, Great war kiba, fire main, hinata. Hinata will allow akamaru to survive longer and she can acupuncture whoever kiba repulses with his summon. Your fire main and Ino can sleep/chaos the enemy. Regular neji is pretty terrible for ranked battle. His skill lasts only 1 round making him have only 20% dodge as his back up defense. Most fights last 5 or longer. Instead try kidomaru, sakura, gai, zabuza. Depending on which version of zabuzu you use you have 2 interrupts possibly.Finally Anko, Karin, Kabuto and Great war neji. This team will poison and hopefully two healers will keep neji alive. Anko is there for the barrier to disrupt enemy gaara/sasuke ninjutsu. Before you heavily invest in these ninjas, keep in mind you get tsunade at 69, Jiriyia/orchimaru sannin version and Yamato at 70 elite.
Iarusu Fakod
2017-07-24 20:46:37
Events - Sep 22nd
Thanks for the puzzle events Osa.
2017-07-24 20:46:38
S24: Hidden Sand
" main 100 main 100+History of server 24, a general overview Month 1 (8/02/16)-Hidden Sand is created within the first few days, Gaara is the group leader. -Mars creates Exonerated, Hana creates Straw hats, Madara creates Uchina, Pilantine creates Izanami, DemonlordMyro creates the other Uchina with weird symbols. There is a group called Black Ops Anbu and Nara clan lead by NaraTemari who fill in the rest of the top 8. -rank 1 Uchina are able to enter and win group war 1st week since they are the only group with 200 activity on day 2-Uchina worries about a spy the next week due the su*ious match up in group war, the idea of a spy in group causes paranoia and worsens relationship with other groups-Uchina rapidily expands by recruiting strong players in top 100 power rankings-Mars of exonerated starts a heated rivalry when Uchina interferes in his friendship with Lilas-Hidden Sand's strongest players are Rickuto, Notagirl, Omnishamble, Gaara-Uchina Clan secures rank 1 position in group war, Madara dominates leaderboards, 9tails and sage battlefields-the rest of the groups fight for rank 2, 3 and 4-Towards the end of the month, Omnishamble raqequits over not getting top 10 in 9tails. Inazami leader's and 2 seniors leave for another server resulting in the group to collapse and merge with Straw hats. Gaara has to work during events resulting in senior Notagirl who renames himself NaraShikamaru to recruit, manage group war and help out the group in general. Month 2 september-Naratemari decides to join Uchina due to inactivity amongst her own group. Nara Clan fades. -Silence emerges and becomes active enough to participate in group war lead by Carti, formerly called Nameless-Eventually NaraShikamaru convinces Silence to merge with Hidden Sand-DemonlordMyro mismanages his group and creates drama resulting the end of the other Uchina. -Black Ops Anbu merges with Exonerated due to a lack of activity. -Loenftw in Hidden Sand decides to recharge, and ends up as rank 1 in many things. As a result of his high power and ability to adapt, he manages to defeat Madara in sage battlefield, 9 tails and ranked battle. He is the first to acquire Tendo Pain in server. Attempts are made to recruit him to Uchina but he enjoys fighting Uchina too much and is loyal to Hidden Sand. -Madara changes his name to Chi as a result of not being rank 1 anymore and stops showing up for events. -Ormund is a senior of Uchina and holds it together when Chi is borderline inactive. He threatens to kick several Uchina and is at times a tyrant according to some annoymous group members resulting in them not joining him if he is leader. -Near the end of the month is when things get exciting. As a result of a misunderstanding and some bad history, tensions explode between Straw hats and rank 1 Uchina Clan. Several Straw hat members join Uchina but despite that Straw hats manage to defeat Uchina in group war. However it turns out the Uchina group has not been recieving group chest from Chi for 2 weeks despite him logging in daily or every other day. As a result when Ormund, the only senior still active leaves to create his own group Rebirth which doesn't work out, rank 1 Uchina collapses. -Within a day or 2, Uchina rank 1 loses over half its members. 43 and counting join the newly created Sannin, lead by NaraTemari who is leader with Ormund and Salvin as seniors. -Several former Uchina join Straw hats and Hidden Sand but leave to return to Sannin except one This post was last edited by s24 NaraShikamaru at 2016-10-3 22:04 This post was last edited by s24 NaraShikamaru at 2016-10-3 22:09
Iarusu Fakod
2017-07-24 21:31:04
S24: Hidden Sand
" an event but a unique lightning team for survival. Not many of us are lightning anymore, earth is too flexible for pvp and survival but still for those of us who struggle a bit as lightning, try Kabuto, Kimimaro and Hinata. For more details, check thread for skills. This post was last edited by s24 NaraShikamaru at 2016-11-5 13:14
Iarusu Fakod
2017-07-24 21:31:04
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