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[ Suggestions ] Pay 2 win


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On 2016-09-23 14:34:09Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Please, make the game easier... the power of "Pay 2 win" is remarkable, normal users haven't a oportunity to face an active pay 2 win user
events, ninjas, they have everything to his hand I know that developers need money but make the game easier can attract more people and many of them can afford to buy things in the game but don't be bad, we all want a fair game
Forgive me if I had some flaws in the script, my original language is Spanish
i really like this game but pay 2 win users...
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On 2016-09-23 14:48:24Show this Author Only
Unless they are heavy pay 2 win then no way you can beat them but if they just invest some money into it. You can beat them by use good team and counter. Go to strategy box and research as much as you can. If you can't pay money and can't spend days to research then accept your place : an amuse toy for heavy P2W. Nothing more, nothing less.
And I speak from my experience, srsly since the day I started to play this game I spent most of my free time here in strategy box. I learned alot about the game and prevent alot of mistake that usually make by other players. Yes I managed to beat all players from my server except 3 guys that are heavy spenders and I'm free to play. Only spent 2 bucks to get Gaara 3 stars. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-9-23 13:49 This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-9-23 13:50
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On 2016-09-23 16:55:33Show this Author Only
What's the point of paying if we cant win? What's the point of creating a game that doesn't make money? I'm not sure if you have played many other games like this before but if you have you should know that this game is extremely favorable to free players in the sense that even free players can wreck pay players with the right setup
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On 2016-09-23 17:35:43Show this Author Only
money = server up
no money = no honey(the game closed) simple
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On 2016-09-23 19:54:50Show this Author Only
I'm sorry man, been an f2p player myself, we have to understand the situation here even thought we are at the bad end of it.. This topic will change nothing, we just have to hope for the game to get better for us .. in due time.
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On 2016-09-23 19:59:16Show this Author Only
I think it's just fair that their stronger because there are people spending hundreds my frend is f2p and he is second strongest in server and the 1st player is our group leader and he have spend around 4 - 5 k on the game and my frend is still close to him all my frend spent money on is chunin medal for fast bounty doing
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On 2016-09-23 20:02:45Show this Author Only
all my frend spent money on is chunin medal
Ya... he is p2w too, guess he like to call himself f2p :D
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On 2016-09-23 21:14:42Show this Author Only
  • hellRated On 2016-09-23 20:02:45
  • all my frend spent money on is chunin medal
    Ya... he is p2w too, guess he like to call himself f2p :D
Yeah lol. Chunin gives a lot of advantage over a LEGIT f2p
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On 2016-09-23 21:22:04Show this Author Only
If there is no "pay to win" then there will be no " free to play"... Understand?
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On 2016-09-24 01:52:35Show this Author Only
I just said "Make the game easier" not "Remove the pay system" but thanks for reply :)
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On 2016-09-24 02:02:06Show this Author Only
It's not really P2W, because it's also their hardwork. On my server, I have a F2P player who's in top 3, and no one, not even the other P2P players can win against him. He's the only one who can go against the highest top paying player. Same with me, I'm a F2P player, and still managed to stay in top 10.
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On 2016-09-24 03:48:18Show this Author Only
Easier ? And what is so hard about this game ?
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On 2016-09-24 04:56:37Show this Author Only
Here is a much better way to state it, and look at it, even though I know i'll get flamed for this but oh well.

There of course should be the advantages that the P2P people have, they paid, they deserve what comes with shelling out the money. But, the events and all, that heavily cater to them, they make those events near impossible for the F2P to achieve in them. Again, the P2P should have the advantage and have the much easier time in them, but don't make F2P completely out of reach when it comes to rewards in those events.
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On 2016-09-24 06:32:59Show this Author Only
There's a major difference between a player who has spent a lot of money on the game and a play who has only gotten the Jonin Medal. There's a player that almost always tops in my server that has always been free to play -- they're just a really good player, with a good understanding of the game, and puts a lot of work into progressing. A lot of the ingot events don't give as major of an advantage as many claim.

It will take longer for free players to get things done, sure, the medals offer easier ways to achieve some things and waste less time, but the game is still a strategy game. If you work hard, you can achieve a lot of things, and on most servers, the paying players that have major advantages are a very small number. You can get so many things with coupons and coupons are gotten for free, via the game, and there are very few things that can only bought with ingots. If you save up your coupons, you will even be able to get high level characters later on -- characters that paying players will shell out a lot of money for.

They could have easily made it so that you could only get magatama, refines sand such using ingots. They could've made it so that not completing an instance will not give you back your stamina -- to encourage players to buy stamina even more. Even some of the more heavily "pay to win" players don't buy stamina with ingots, and wait like everyone else.

And a game like this allows you to play for free, and running it definitely isn't free, so they need paying aspects of the game, there's no denying that they need to cover the costs. If someone can get a few things easy and free, they are less likely to pay for the game. Would you rather have to spend 60 or more dollars just so you could sign up and play the game? People who put money into the game, do they not deserve some advantages? They are helping the game keep being free to play.

There are plenty of browser games that are way worse, Naruto Online is one of the least "pay to win" browser games I've seen. And many paying players shell out a lot of money for characters, and not power. There's only so many things you can do with a large cast of characters but with awful stats (to note: people can do whatever they want with their money). Any type of player can make bad choices playing the game, of course.

This post was last edited by Amadeu at 2016-9-24 06:38 This post was last edited by Amadeu at 2016-9-24 06:39
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On 2016-09-24 11:16:30Show this Author Only
I opened this because of the p2w events but i wanted to know your oponion about the pay users... i know this game is really fair thanks for reply
love this game ;D
My ranking battle: 24
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On 2016-09-24 11:40:25Show this Author Only
  • TimelessHonor On 2016-09-23 21:22:04
  • If there is no "pay to win" then there will be no " free to play"... Understand?
not in all cases
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On 2016-09-24 11:57:35Show this Author Only
Please be more specific then making the game more fair. How is the games catering to pay to win? The packs can be bought with coupons that you can have saved up. The refines can be obtained from group shop and ranked battle. The only event cashers have access to the rebate event which is long overdue and the rewards aren't even that special. Everything there a free to play player will have access to eventually. I understand that English isn't your native language but please offer more concrete suggestions or modify the existing events in a way that anyone can understand.
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On 2016-09-24 12:21:42Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-24 11:40:25
  • not in all cases
We are not talking about all cases. We are talking about this game, which it IS the case...
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On 2016-09-24 12:36:05Show this Author Only
you get a lot of coupons , many stuff can be bought with coupons but only few things are worth to spend coupons on

Ingots on other hand are for people who are impatient and rushing the game , mainly to win
same with jounin medals, but there are also people who do it to support the server.

You only aim to get strong against people around your level and thats it, it keeps things competitive and fun

If you aim for people who are way above your level or talk about how they are stronger than you because they pay then thats totally false

The pvp is based on strategy, who have better team combos, who worked hard to get a ninja fragment and achieve them to improve their team, who max their upgrades and level on their ninjas , and how they position their ninjas to do the combos and keep themselves sustain in fights

You can get many overpowered ninjas from the seal treasure but if you dont know how to use their abilities they can seem weak and useless

Everything can obtain here, or nearly everything, you just got to be very patient!
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On 2016-09-24 12:43:26Show this Author Only
  • Goddess Chii On 2016-09-24 12:36:05
  • you get a lot of coupons , many stuff can be bought with coupons but only few things are worth to spend coupons on

    Ingots on other hand are for people who are impatient and rushing the game , mainly to win
    same with jounin medals, but there are also people who do it to support the server.

    You only aim to get strong against people around your level and thats it, it keeps things competitive and fun

    If you aim for people who are way above your level or talk about how they are stronger than you because they pay then thats totally false

    The pvp is based on strategy, who have better team combos, who worked hard to get a ninja fragment and achieve them to improve their team, who max their upgrades and level on their ninjas , and how they position their ninjas to do the combos and keep themselves sustain in fights

    You can get many overpowered ninjas from the seal treasure but if you dont know how to use their abilities they can seem weak and useless

    Everything can obtain here, or nearly everything, you just got to be very patient!
so.. dat guy with 55k power? or more
u can win.. with strategy?
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