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2017-07-24 19:05:42
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2018-01-11 18:24:55
Shisui's Lineups
I pretty much move Shisui up, and Itachi back in that build. Shisui slot one gives a good nuke and control to a team lacking in control. Lightning main allows for Shisui to have root, meaning if he does end up taking a brunt of the round 1 attack he is still good to go round 2. And running Warriors Killing Intent (I think that is the name... Server is down so I can't double check or take a screen shot) allows Shisui to go every round if you are lucky to kill someone with him. I run sealing slash on my main for some extra control/damage to secure a low target to refresh Shisui's mystery round 2.
2022-05-12 06:14:22
Are interrupts useful?
I wish "auto battle" was smarter. Don't get me wrong, I want there to be a gap so a better player can beat a computer, but I just wish there were better commands given to the AI when using auto. My biggest thing when I ran an Interrupt team (granted, early on before some of the better control ninja showed up) was that the AI would only wait until about the third or fourth auto attack (so about half way through the first round) before just using it as a damage dealer on the lowest life ninja. It was even worse in Ranked battle. My biggest wish at the time was that they would tweak the AI to wait until the end of the round, or better yet, not use an interrupt move unless it was need. It should also be noted, that if you have two interrupts on your team, 'auto battle" may use both to stop an attack if you have enough chakra. And if you only have enough for 1, hope that you set your team up right (in when you placed them) so the AI uses the one in the highest slot to interrupt.... and last I checked, the AI still used a "main" over any other ninja when it came to uses an interrupt... so if your main was in slot 4, it would waste your move trying to stop someone who could be in a faster slot. Anyways, I really wish interrupts were more user friendly, with out flat out shifting the shift in balance in their favor (adding a delay to every mystery to allow counter play could make it impossible to... well out play). Even in the current meta with people running immune teams, sometimes my control turns into nothing but a Chance to interrupt. Nothing feels better then timing it just right to shut down a team that thought they had the upper hand... And nothing feels worse then seeing the prompt, hitting the mystery only to watch them get it off and yours go after to do nothing but waste a move.
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2018-01-13 12:00:14
BEST healer
I personally rank Healer Pain higher, when I'm looking for a ninja to keep my team alive that is. My current ranking of healers goes: Healer/Revive Pain, Sailor Sakura, Tsunade. The reason for my rankings is due to the heals (What I look at in terms of healers, duh). Even though Tsunade may have the highest healing out put, I've been let down by RNG. Pain will always heal the 2 lowest life ninja on my team and remove ALL debuffs from them (This is HUGE for me. The meta on my server is all about staking debuffs). He also revives, meaning if someone Did out damage your heals, you still have a chance to get back in the game. The fact that he heals himself when units die also adds to his own ability to stay alive. Sailor Sakura is my second due to her ability to tank damage, put out decent damage (great on a water team running poison), and good healing ability. The main reason she is my second is the on demand heal her mystery provides. Her standard heal isn't bad, but not removing more then 1 debuff hurts abit. But her being able to heal twice a round is nice.And last is Tsunade. To be honest, on my list it would be 5th Hokage, then Sannin War in 4th. Sannin is not bad, and her mystery allows her to be a good off tank. But 5th Hokage has really let me down on some of the RNG when I needed her most. Since she heals 3 Random ninja, or the whole team (I'm only talking for 1v1 so far), she can be hit or miss. I've had times where she has saved me by healing everyone. But I've also had times where she heals everyone that Doesn't need it instead of those who do. One time she healed 2 clones and the only other ninja on my team that was above 90% life instead of the ninja that were getting focused down. Her mystery being a confuse is ok (and it does hit like a truck), but I have other options if I need to control someone... I much rather have my healer... heal. Also, since she only removes one debuff per heal, it means in a meta full of debuff stacking I have to count on her removing the worst debuff at the time... and that almost never happens. But I will add in here that when you add in 2v2, or 3v3 matches you really can't beat her in terms of what she brings to the Overall team. If one person runs her, and another runs Hanzo (who clears before her, if possible to get rid of any ignites) you have the chance to great sustain cause she does seem to have a high chance to heal 9 or 12 ninja.So that is where I stand on my over all rankings of healing nin. I would like to point out I feel the rest of the list has their place on the right teams for sure, but these are just my go-to ninja if I want to try and out last who every I am fighting.
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2017-07-24 21:57:31
[Breeze Dancer]
Sage Art-Sand Dust is STRONG
I don't really agree with this. I know someone that runs sand dust. At first, it was just to counter root teams, but after using it they said you don't really notice how many teams run buffs. Sand Dust does alot more then just remove root, it removes all buffs. That is a big hit to any team, not just root. My server has alot of Iruka/Mabui/Konan teams that run around for the shields to get their team into round 2. Being able to make those ninja pointless is huge.However, I run a root team, and it is something that can ruin my day. Only real problem with it is I run a stop in slot 2 or 3, and most windmains are in slot 3 or 4, meaning they don't get it off. But when my friend puts their wind main to counter me (slot 2 or even slot 1) it does really ruin your team when you are running ninja that need those buffs to do any real damage.
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2017-07-24 21:39:47
New Death Squad in GNW....Enter Hidan
Unless you throw Gakido's shield on him. Then Tendo can't be stopped unless you are able to some how kill him round 1. His skill can't be interrupted. And with Gakido's shield he can't be acupunctured, immobiled, or anything else for that round.I've also tested, As long as he is shielded, he can't be stopped. Where some people can't be interrupted using an acupuncture or something, that does not work with Tendo.
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2017-07-24 21:22:45
[Midnight Blade]
Isn't he too OP??
Problem is this is too easy to counter. This was the "meta counter" team some people on my server were running before 2.0. It was ok for the Fire Main/Tobi teams that counted on the ignite buff/debuff. But it fell way short against any other team.On my server (high level play atleast), most teams run some sort of of round one CC/interrupt (Iruka, Earth/Lightning/Fire main, Ao, etc.), along with a CC of some kind in the chase. You know he is going to use Sasuke or Jugo round 1, so be ready to counter it. Then in round 2, thanks to Kimimaro almost always being in slot one, you are free to use Your combo starter to counter the Lightning main (cause as long as you stopped Sasuke, that is all he c*e). Round 3 sees Kimimaro move, but at this point you should have killed someone. If you don't care about trying to stop the Main, aim for Sasuke, as he dies really easy.Or as I said above, run Mifune in slot one, and you get that free move round 2, and can control the main with a CC combo. I think one of the other Mains even have the ability to do this.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:22:24
[Midnight Blade]
Isn't he too OP??
Every build has it's weakness. Like some have stated above, Lightning teams tend to be Blitz teams. Most are not set up to handle much after round one and two. However, even at that, they are not with out a weak point. Root of the Warrior only effects 3 ninja. Watch at the start of battle for who isn't buffed (if there are 3 sword users) or the non-sword user, and attack them round 1 and two if able. Even if most of the combo/power comes from the 3 sword ninja, taking out the 4th Should make it a 3v3 on round three. This is also when their buff is gone, so you should have the upper hand.Also keep in mind, some ninja have the ability to remove buffs, including Root. Mifune in slot one (as long as your faster) on the enemies highest target, along with a CC combo backing him up means you just took someone out of the round for the Lightning main. When that happens, they tend to fall apart because their team is not set up to counter that when it happens.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:22:24
[Ninja Profile]
Tendo Pain thrown in the dumpster
Sage Naruto, Earth Main (new mystery shields one target, and gives 40 chakra) and you are good to go. With sage you still have a turn 2 prompt/starter, but you can soften them up round 1 with Tendo. In both cases, you should be setting acupuncture. Better yet, if you have low initiative on Tendo in slot 4, you will go after the enemy team's healer/debuff remover meaning you can shut down their turn 2 starter. Then Naruto finishes it up.I don't see Tendo being nurffed. I also saw the damage dealt by 3 Tendo teams round one in GNW, and have to say it is very scary.EDIT: and as stated before me, it is 800 pulls worse case for Tendo, over 1,800 pulls for Sasuke worst case. 1,000 pulls diffrence is Huge. This post was last edited by Maroner at 2017-1-10 16:06
2017-07-24 22:15:45
[Player Guide]
Changes in Talents in Version 2.0 - Detailed Version
Is it just me, or did they miss a change to the Earth Main? Boulder Jutsu seems to have also been changed. It used to give a random member of the team (or any team on your side of the field) another standard attack/action, along with increased critical hit: It got changed toa shield for your team: Was I the only one that noticed this? I wouldn't have if it were not for the fact I went to do SA today, only to find no ability to grant another attack at random. Also, since it is late, did I miss it from the change log on this thread, or is it not there?Edit: Just looked once more. I think I see what happend. It looks like they mixed it up with Steel body. #6 on the list says:"6. Steel BodyBefore: Before the action each round, double the Critical Hit of one team member at random and provide one extra Standard attack (cannot be stacked up with the effects of other Standard attacks).Current: Immune to , , and Debuffs. Will also have his Defense increased by 100%."So the "Before" lists the old Boulder Jutsu stats... so maybe they got mixed up with typing it out. Steel body does say the same as "Current", so maybe it was cleaned up, but atleast the skill it's self did not get changed. This post was last edited by Maroner at 2017-1-7 19:34
2017-07-24 21:33:28
Risks vs Rewards for New Plunder?
150 Coupons and all you have to do is hide for the rest of the day.... Kind of a no brainer to me. They don't even stop you from being able to hide. Just spend all your time in your group base, and you don't even have the risk of losing anything. I'm not even sure you would run into people that try and attack you out side of Konoha, cause they are most likely don't something else.Only warning I'll give... Don't do Anko's Quiz while red. They can start a fight with you mid question, and you lose all credit for said question. Other then that, no way to lose more then your coins... and that is only if you temp fate by standing in the middle of town.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:22:07