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2019-09-24 06:56:16
An Open Letter to the Community
They are being totalitarian with their enforcement of the rules, they don't want to hear any negative feedback at all. There have been several posts they've made to indicate as such as well as those leaked transcripts from the mod chat that shows they really just want us to shut up and let them do whatever they want. They are saying, hey keep giving us your money and if your polite we will consider, considering to listen to the things you have to say but if your mean we won't and its your fault we are doing this to you so stop being mean to us and we will consider, thinking about listening to what you have to say.
General Discussion
2019-10-02 16:54:38
An Open Letter to Oasis Part 2
in fact it's really only helping the players that are the ones that are spending a ton of money already since whales always end up first and 2nd place at least on my server so it's like they buffed the players that were already spending and said who cares to everyone else.
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2019-09-23 11:06:04
An Open Letter to Oasis Part 2
if you're going to pull stuff out of thin air you should at least pretend to make your lies passable either that or you aren't competent to be doing anything related to your role with this company. did you seriously think making a poll where it was overwhelmingly obvious this feature wasn't wanted then saying we are doing it anyways, would generate less hate then just implementing it. don't smack someone then apologize it's called growing a back bone. at the very least if you guys just implemented the feature which you knew you were doing regardless then we could be annoyed and moved on. and i've complained about this before but ANYTHING your mod team or you or anyone from your company posts is taken as holy writ and UNDER NO CIR*STANCE should ANYONE from YOUR COMPANY be posting things that are "unofficial" or "Just for fun" without it being EXPLICITLY stated as such because otherwise we will think its real because... ITS THE COMPANY YOU'RE REPRESENTING.
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2019-09-23 11:06:04
Forum Censorship
i dont even think they really care about censoring us. i'm guessing they are far more interested in their "payment" then they are with us having a good time. they aren't investing any money into the game and its pretty clear oasis wants us to just shut up and let them decide what is best for us(policy sound familiar? hmm) so just stop spending. i quit spending 3 months ago and started using that money for going out and having fun with friends. log on 2-3 times a week and with updates like this it'll probably get less. at the end of the day oasis already made enough money to walk away and not care so don't invest too much emotion when the other side can get up from the table at any point with no consequences.
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2019-09-19 02:32:42
Thank You for giving back my lost lv12 rune
More players to experience level 14 runes? lol how about more players experience missing features from 5.0 and 6.0? or would that require work that doesn't lead to profit? do you guys have a hard time going about your day knowing your siphoning peoples money and have no plans to offer missing features?
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2019-07-06 10:49:00
Event Cycle - April 25th
Does anyone from oasis actually post/look here or is it just the mods? I have a hard time believing that either a) oasis takes the mods seriously or b) that oasis is actually given the real feedback from us or c) they don't care what we say. It's almost embarrassing at this point how obvious it is that they are only interested in releasing features that will make them more money opposed to having a complete game. The broken translations, the skipped features, the missing skill trials, the increased number of stars to skillbreak on some ninjas (i.e the useful ones).Frankly this will be my last month spending, my little $60 a month is a drop in the bucket to some of these whales but since its evident that either won't see or don't care about what I'm saying here then I have to vote with my wallet. XIV has an expansion dropping soon so it will be a very easy transition to go to a game that isn't about milking every last cent from its playerbase. I mean even an obviously fake message saying "hey we hear and understand you're frustration, we need this money to help translate(lmao as if) the updates and we have many exciting things planned soon for players who do not spend money or do not spend lots of money, thanks for your patience" would heal the wounds a bit. feel free to copy and use that word for word.
2019-05-01 14:44:05
This Community
Honestly dude you really need to start posting from a non-mod account or something, your comments are seriously unprofessional and im honestly kind of surprised no one has stepped in and said something. A forum mod calling f2p toxic salty and whiny and openly admitting to spending time with whales and listening to their opinions privately on matters is the wildest thing ive ever seen a forum mod post
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2018-12-11 19:12:15
Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag
It's moreso how they have been handling the situation. They have gone from clamming it's a bug, to trying to gaslight us and now a forum moderator is using their moderator account to post statements then gone back and said it was personal opinion. We are told to not ask for anything unreasonable like coupons as compensation for an extreme oversight on their part which messed with game balance even if only a bit it still has undeniably. The correct response would have been an apology a specifc date picked an players given notice of that date, with 24 hours to claim items at the same price. Instead they have called us liars, tried to convince us the screenshots we have are either misdated or otherwise incorrect and told us to stop complaining. This is textbook example of what NOT to do when your company has a massive screw up, it's like their pr person gave them advice and they flying rajin teleported in the complete opposite * direction. The reason people won't be satisfied is because the only way to make a person who had enough coupons to buy kakazu when the price was the correct price but now doesn't because of the adjustment is to offer that person the chance to buy it at the same price and it's pretty evident that's not going to be what happens, so ya people are going to be pissed when it's going to be 20 foodsacks, a smattering of dangos and 10 adv refine runes along with a we will work harder to not have this happen in the future.
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2018-10-08 18:44:05
Root of Warrior, still get CCed by water mains
Not gonna lie han isn't even really the biggest concern for root anymore. There are quite a few ninjas now that can take off root iirc. 5k madara, masked man, sai suit, kushinia hot blooded. it's still really useful but when you run into those teams it falls apart pretty quickly.
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2018-10-06 18:54:01
to all complainers (i guess)..... please
I have no idea what your talking about, i've been playing this game for the exact same amount of time and nothing has changed. The game still massively caters towards newer players and those who spend a lot. In fact the birthday pack was a really nice opportunity to give players a little bump in competitiveness amongst eachother without it being a threat to big spenders. Will cloak sakura help a 60k beat a 105k? not even at 10 stars but it sure as hell helps when fighting someone with 65k power. This wasn't a huge change for the whales they already were going to beat the average f2p player. this was about f2p players having the chance to finally get some reasonably priced useful ninjas if they have saved up a bit.
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2018-10-10 11:54:19