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2017-07-24 19:07:19
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2017-11-01 23:40:13
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2017-07-24 20:48:00
Adjustments to the Language Filter
The problem is these filters simply do not work.Right now I see two issues, the first is obvious.This test filter is not taking into consideration exclusivity or spacing in titular sentences...Ahem, in english...words like that followed by it become tit for this language filter... meaning it sees a bad word... well, not a 'bad' word, but a word that the majority of society find inappropriate. Ahem... The second problem with this filter is, it simply will not prevent bad people from being bad people.If I wanted to say, you are a horrible person, you simply are worthless and not really good enough to play this game...... did I use a single bad word? is worthless a bad word? No... but my intent was clear, I was making a person, the target of my verbal attack feel low... and I did it without using a single inappropriate word.Filters only hurt players, they do not help anything, at all.The community on this game, at least, the server I am on, is pretty tame and civil, I can understand how other servers might get more trolls or such, but the only true answer to that is increased Moderator interactionIf the number of servers was reduced by a little, or merged with others, then Mods could be around more often to see any misbehavior or receive reports quicker.Well, I do hope the filter is fixed, so it can recognize 'SPACING' at least, as that quirk is quite unfortunate and interferes with a lot of normal sentences....
2017-07-24 20:37:42
Your favourite character of Naruto (3 as most)
Haku: My favorite ninja, and arguably the potentially most powerful ninja in existence. This child prodigy with a Kekei Genkai that combined Wind and Water jutsu to naturally, almost magically wield Ice Style brought so much death as Zabuza's loyal tool. It's almost insane to imagine how it took the power of Kurama in naruto to match his speed.Besides his beauty and personality, Haku is one of the best characters, both in design and story, it still *s me away such an amazing character was taken out so early in the series. Tayuya: Flute playing was beautiful, genjutsu was so useful and nicely done, and beyond all that, her personality... well, it's been said in this thread already, but beyond that, yes, just amazing.Kabuto: A strange choice, but yes, Kabuto is one of the most devious characters in the series, He is also my favorite, his conniving nature, abilities, and the decisions he makes prove he is so much more evil than most of the villains in the show. His absolute devotion to ruining others, growing stronger and all that deception. His character baffles me in so many ways, that the only way to explain a lot of his actions are pure evil. Experimentation, psychological damage, and betrayals abound. But beyodn that, I like his design before he becomes... a ... Sage dragon. He both resembles an assassin and a medic, which sums his character up quite well in some ways.
2017-07-24 20:49:19
Great Ninja War Rewards.
As a group Leader I have to agree, I've only participated in 2 Wars, and we only got so far, but I still appreciated the attendance of something around 12 members of my group, 6 or so showed up on Saturday as well.The distribution has been taxing and i really hope the number of 'level 1 packs' ... i believe those are called elites, can be increased. At least make it somewhere around 14 or so, a number large enough to be meaningful... Ideally, i was hoping the packs issued would always equal the number of participants... I guess I cannot be too surprised a game like this, which is clearly more interested in coaxing money out of players, would limit how many free rewards we can obtain. It's sad but understandable I guess. I will just be happy that we get some rewards for free. As for distribution, I'll just keep a tally in my head, of which players got what.
2017-07-24 22:20:04
Feedback about Other Bugs
Platform: Mini ClientServer ID: Kiba 12Character Name: UminoKoibitoUID: OAS accountBug Description: The new 'Chase Ninja' event has German language, despite being on an american serverScreeshoot(error page): Du hast heute keine weiterenMoglichkeiten nehr. Ruh dich aus undkomm nachstes Mal wieder!
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:08:23