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2017-07-24 19:09:19
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2017-08-17 01:00:30
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2017-07-24 21:57:09
Matsuri STILL a joke
Sup, Iam that guy you fought ;) Luv you long time :$
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:57:23
incorrect math for Consumption wheel bug
What a joke, now they are even being greedy about compensation of coupons.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2022-06-29 19:18:55
*ers in arena
Lmao You mean me? XD hahahaha I saw you writing in chat "mifune mystery 2 times in a row? How?" Dude, how about checking lightning main talents before you say "*UUUURRR".
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:52:14
so i got 4th place in consumtion event, where is the reward???
Chill out, geez, there was an announcement already, sometimes it takes time to figure out exactly who gets what.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:52:12
Consumption Wheel is literally consuming.
I lole'd at the guy XD ty for pointing it out.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:50:50
GG I'm out
That is true, everything is rigged from the moment on you choose it. Everything is already determined what you are going to get.Example:TI rewards, you don't need to choose, just click on return, no matter what, it is already determined what you are going to get, even if you choose.That's basically how everything works in this game.They don't have "randomness" in there, no percentual no rates nothing which I think makes the game less fun but not un-enjoyable.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:47:38
What is going wrong with this game ?
You are using PNG as image format, PNG is used for lossless best quality images used mainly in production.Just use jpg and you wont have an issue.PC 101s....also almost everything I read in your post is utter bull* that has nothing to do with the game itself.Only point 1. is legitimate, there is currently a bug where you might disconnect from the matchmaking.Pay attention to the loading circle, if it only pops up once you are bugged and you wont find anyone to fight against. If it pops up twice you are connected.If you are bugged, just restart the game.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:46:46
[Scarlet Blaze]
initiative bugs?
Dont know if this is intended or not but when I use torunes poison aoe on an opponent that has more initiative (especialy those lightning blitz teams) I dont get my bonus chakra on the same round (round 1), which makes casting danzos izanagi impossible (I have to do this to keep my main alive for round 2 so he can cast his flame dragon) and sometimes when I do get the bonus chakra that is 10chakra per hit and I initiate danzos mystery he only casts it on round 2. honestly I dont know what the hell is going on with this game but from the looks of it everything about this game benefits paying players.Stop talking bullcrap, you elaborated a tiny fraction of what is important to know. The game works like this. Let's say your neji has 900 initative and is on pos 1. Opponents Ao has 1.1k initative but is on pos 2. THen your Neji will move first, because positioning > initative. Only same positions are initative against initative, then the ninja with higher individual initative will move first.Barrier is calculated with total team initative, so the one with more total initiative will keep his/her barrier.Of all what I#ve read of what you wrote it just shows you absolutely have no clue about the game and you don't want to be very specific either, see your 2nd last comment. You just choose to slander around and don't come to the point.Now... Just tell me what happened, in which mode it happened and what you think is bugged. Because apparently you are seemingly the only one.Do you kinda see what's going on here? I do.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:46:37
[Scarlet Blaze]
initiative bugs?
How about elaborating which ninja casted what mystery. Because prompts go off b4 standard attacks. If you have high ping/lag ofc it can happen that mystery doesnt go off first. Everything how the game works has already been explained. So I don't see the reason to say it one more time.Edit: after reading some more of your bs...See that is exactly what I am talking about, for some reason some ninjas move first compared to others no matter what, for example Ao always moves first with his acupuncture vs neji even though they have same mystery, (unless neji is non-prompt, I never really used the f2p ninjas much because I got lucky with gakido and conan pretty early so I ran a wind team with recharge garra). also hinata and sennin tsunade do their mystery first even vs iruka but Ao can out speed all of them, its like every ninja has a hidden built in base initiative stat. also note that Ao goes first vs neji even if neji is 1st slot and Ao is in the second slot.So after reading this, Iam just like... what am I reading HERE, this is wrong on so many levels. No Neiji wont go after Ao if Ao is on 2nd slot and Neji on 1st. Then you must have lags like hell. But what are you even talking about here? Ninja exam? Arena? Survival Trial? Sealed Ninja? If you are talking about Ninja exam or Sealed Ninja, those are special cases where the game wants it to make harder for you and basically disable certain game functions such as initative etc. This post was last edited by Yunomegasai at 2017-3-16 08:10
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:46:37
[Scarlet Blaze]
initiative bugs?
I think you need to learn more about the game first before posting anything new ;)
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:46:37