So, as most of you are probably seeing now, the math from the Consumption wheel "BUG REWARD" as in, they gave you coupons because their wheel" suddenly just broke over night".....
"The affected participants during the bug period will be compensated in Coupons*5 for each Draw (Ingots*20). Free Draws will not be included in this compensation.
For example: if a player drew 50 times in the Consumption Wheel during the bug period (which would be a total of Ingots*1000), the player will be given a compensation of Coupons*250."
They sent me less than 300 coupons and I rolled 200 times lol. I'm sure this has happened to all of you, so I suggest you all put reports in too. I have made SEVERAL reports about this through the correct channels but they do nothing. Do not let them scam you out of what is owed ( technically I am owed FAR more than that, while others were winning 1600-3200 coupons every time they landed on coupon %, I was winning NOT A SINGLE COUPON! ) Simply because I would not have thrown money at this game, had I known they were just going to rig an event and apologize for it by screwing you over more? Maybe we can find a fix for this? Maybe we can throw it all the pile with the rest of the garbage that pushes players out the door.? Who knows.
This post was last edited by Teynjin at 2017-4-12 02:24 This post was last edited by Teynjin at 2017-4-12 02:24