Attac an Respec
2017-03-17 01:47:59
also I already ''elaborated'' which ninja and what mystery was used if you read my previous comments
Dont know if this is intended or not but when I use torunes poison aoe on an opponent that has more initiative (especialy those lightning blitz teams) I dont get my bonus chakra on the same round (round 1), which makes casting danzos izanagi impossible (I have to do this to keep my main alive for round 2 so he can cast his flame dragon) and sometimes when I do get the bonus chakra that is 10chakra per hit and I initiate danzos mystery he only casts it on round 2. honestly I dont know what the hell is going on with this game but from the looks of it everything about this game benefits paying players.
Stop talking bullcrap, you elaborated a tiny fraction of what is important to know. The game works like this. Let's say your neji has 900 initative and is on pos 1. Opponents Ao has 1.1k initative but is on pos 2. THen your Neji will move first, because positioning > initative. Only same positions are initative against initative, then the ninja with higher individual initative will move first.
Barrier is calculated with total team initative, so the one with more total initiative will keep his/her barrier.
Of all what I#ve read of what you wrote it just shows you absolutely have no clue about the game and you don't want to be very specific either, see your 2nd last comment. You just choose to slander around and don't come to the point.
Now... Just tell me what happened, in which mode it happened and what you think is bugged. Because apparently you are seemingly the only one.
Do you kinda see what's going on here? I do.