2017-03-27 15:46:47
All of you Scion fanboys fail to realize several things...
1) Everything he says is basic knowledge and can easily be researched on your own. Props to making some of it more transparent but he has also been wrong several times. Literally first week he said never top up and don't get medal cause it's useless. The next week he had topped up like $100 bucks and was praising the medal. Sure you can gain some knowledge from that but in reality it's nothing you couldn't see for yourself or get from a better source. He also stated that you shouldn't buy the ninjas from the shop because the prices are so high then, immediately after the new system was put in, talked about how he regretted not getting more stars to buy better ninja in the new system. Everything he does ends up being contradictory.
2) All of his info about CN servers comes from google translate as well as slight trial and error with little actual knowledge of the process they went through. He himself had said that he didn't play on CN for months and it was during those several months that most of the features we are slated to get came out.
3) If you haven't played on CN you won't realize it but they cater to paying players just as well. Do you think that a free ninja from the seal/tendo treasure that they give you in random gift packs is in any way, shape or form usable in CN meta? Just cause he hypes them up doesn't make them good, or even usable for that matter. If you played CN at all you would see level 30 players day one with Hokage Tsunades and Susanoo Sasuke. You think your free Ningendo will compete with that? And yes, that is comparing paying player to F2P but it still doesn't leave much room to argue that CN is that much better th*.
4) Last but not least. CN region was the pro*or of this game. They are the original and the longest running. Of course they won't trouble giving out free * like ninjas from the first three or so packs because they are all, except for Sage Naruto and Hashi with skill books, useless.
Bloody hell. It's like nobody can think for themselves or try out the other regions before being completely biased in their opinions. Frankly speaking, I don't hate Scion by any means because he is a decent source of knowledge for very early players and does put out some content reveals for CN: Which is the only thing that I feel his videos are really interesting or good for. He, in himself, is really not that great a strategist or good player by any means. Yes he can save you a little bit of time and money but that's literally just by stating things that are so blatantly obvious it shouldn't have to be stated. I can get why some people really like him and what he does but as a player that sees a lot of flaws in his info, I no longer prescribe to it.
Scion has some interesting videos because we see CN updates as best as a non-speaker can give but in terms of actual skill/understanding he is subpar.
Also I'm prepared for the 9 million dislikes I am about to get for *ting on "the best youtuber" especially since he appears to be the lord of the flamy F2P. -_-
no one worshipped Scion as a god that hes perfect and always right. But he showed us enough hindsight for us to make our own judgements. For instance, the future shop projections and what will be there, and what patience will reap for us in the future.
Even if CN server caters for P2W as well, the cost aint as expensive as what we have in NA, thus more people would be able to achieve that. FYI in late game, certain BP difference will not matter as much as getting ur strategies and ninja combinations right. Right now we dont even have enough ninja options for f2p to beat p2w in any way, its a crushing defeat every time. and the gap will get larger and larger as they are making u pay for every single new ninjas out there, compromising the opportunity to get more power. Had those * 2.0 shop been updated, that wont be 100% the case. The curiousity will keep players in the game way longer.
As compared to NA, CN dev are doing it far better than NA devs on making their players happy, while this one disrespects spenders, let alone the f2p(s), as mentioned in Aris' stream.