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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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On 2017-03-27 05:04:14Show this Author Only
  • Daniel Feng On 2017-03-27 05:02:36
  • Thanks for putting Deidara in the survivial shop you idiots!!!! He was already in fu3king group shop
I thought Deidara was originally supposed to be in survival shop, but for some reason they put him in group shop first... I think?
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On 2017-03-27 05:24:48Show this Author Only
WHY IN HEAVEN you dont adress the GIANT gap between f2p/lowP2W vs Hard P2W? THAT's one of the major problems. Godamit you guys are go* blind.
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On 2017-03-27 05:28:37Show this Author Only
Watch this guys and see it for yourself:
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On 2017-03-27 05:30:01Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-03-27 05:24:48
  • WHY IN HEAVEN you dont adress the GIANT gap between f2p/lowP2W vs Hard P2W? THAT's one of the major problems. Godamit you guys are go* blind.
What are you talking about? What gap? There are no gap between players , and even plunder doesn't make this gap bigger, it'a just 4500 coupons for free for p2w so they can become much stronger, it won't affect gap, you re a liar >_
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On 2017-03-27 05:49:11Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2017-03-27 04:54:31
  • it is true that we complain in the beginning of each week about the events and stuff annd then stop, but that is because players get tired of saying the same stuff over and over and never getting listenned to.

    their logic: they end up liking the event we put up.

    it just show how disconected they are of what really is going on.
Yup. I bet they believe 20+ pages on each event thread are about happy players saying how much they love all. :L The devs and mods live on Narulala land lol
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On 2017-03-27 05:55:47Show this Author Only
  • Drippy On 2017-03-27 00:33:22
  • This response to the whole situation made me LOL
exactly my thoughts....also thanks to you i found out about this whole situation.....and i have also 64k bp, im not a f2p and i still got raged for all the money ive spend for stuff and got "unlucky", and when i raged in the past on the forums about this strange unluck we the spenders have, i got deleted messages :))) so yeah, its time to destroy this mfs that rips money from us like riping leaves from trees
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On 2017-03-27 05:59:34Show this Author Only
Un-ban Aris plz, he said the right thing, he's not a liar with all the proofs he has. Plz unban him plz tyrant Oasis
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On 2017-03-27 06:07:16Show this Author Only
  • stynchi On 2017-03-27 05:55:47
  • exactly my thoughts....also thanks to you i found out about this whole situation.....and i have also 64k bp, im not a f2p and i still got raged for all the money ive spend for stuff and got "unlucky", and when i raged in the past on the forums about this strange unluck we the spenders have, i got deleted messages :))) so yeah, its time to destroy this mfs that rips money from us like riping leaves from trees
yeah that happend aswell to me they remove negative post ...
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On 2017-03-27 06:12:23Show this Author Only
Thank you for your time and your continuous support,

The above is unlikely now especially the threat of Spreading false information will have a player banned (including: links in the World channel, false information about the core system of the game);

i want to hear a real response and decide then to waste any more time with this game anymore.

I wonder if they still think we are happy with the game now?
None of this is surprising but its the straw that broke our backs, with your lack of consideration.
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On 2017-03-27 06:25:20Show this Author Only
Hopefully, with all this backlash you guys will start to make the appropriate changes needed to gain back trust and faith of your consumers. Events now need to be addressed, as we now they are unfairly organized. Now that we have all this information about the game it is up to you to take the next steps in the right direction. It is unfortunate that Ari needed to go this far to get information to us that we should have had to begin. I will look forward to the next month or so of the game and it will probably be a big game changer for many players.
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On 2017-03-27 06:38:34Show this Author Only
What does your nice word "postponed" mean? Since you earn enough money?:D:D:D
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On 2017-03-27 06:55:05Show this Author Only
Where are the words about balance? WHERE ARE THE WORDS ABOUT BALANCE?

* team, i hope this goes to higher owners and kick oasgames of it.
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On 2017-03-27 06:57:59Show this Author Only
I'll be giving the game about a month before I leave for good. Give them time to prove to us that these statements are for once truthful; if in that time I don't see major changes in the correct direction like how the game felt in the beginning then it will just be time to move on. Reading through all these pages and not seeing a single apology or post from a staff member is a bit disheartening. Also there needs to be something said for firing someone from their job and at the same time banning them from the game, it's just not right...
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On 2017-03-27 07:15:11Show this Author Only
I don't even know anymore. This post was last edited by cad*** at 2017-3-27 08:01
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On 2017-03-27 07:16:04Show this Author Only
I and many others would appreciate it if you took responsibility for the problems that are occurring over these past few days and fixing the already flawed game that is being fixed toward the pay to players, and also an understanding of why we are all outraged about the situation.
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On 2017-03-27 07:21:44Show this Author Only
I just hope everyone realizes that there is an obvious lack of communication between the players and those who manage this game. It has created a distorted point of view for them. Though many players are rightfully upset, they won't pan through and read everyone's complaints. IF they cared they would personally read all of these complaints, but will they? probably just have some lackey do it. They know we are upset but they will focus on making sure another "Aristeaus" doesn't happen again.

Developers: OH the players are complaining again. Give it some time and they will get over it. We don't have to make changes; that is just more work for us. Just make them feel better about themselves later on.

Players: I hope the game doesn't die.
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On 2017-03-27 07:42:45Show this Author Only
If you Do Not Conform to the Borg, WE WILL BAN YOU!!!!
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On 2017-03-27 07:42:56Show this Author Only
Well i'll quit the game in 1 month if i don't see significant changes on how they address the game. If the game has in intermediate positions a bunch of kids it's a waste of my time proving my point of view or arguing with them because:
1: They won't understand because they are not smart enough
2: They don't care
3: Even if this game has everything that makes you stay addicted to it, they are removing the factor that eventually makes all the games to fall. And that is to have fun. If players don't have fun, the game is done. And free players are surely not having fun. Hell not even spenders are having fun. With this situation better quit really.

Final Words: Oasis will need to completely revamp their system of doing things otherwise i feel that 50% of playerbase will quit ( me included) in the next 1 - 2 months. Have fun finding a solution ( and no it won't be that stuff you said in the post that were already leaked , there are a lot of things that need to change. )
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On 2017-03-27 07:47:58Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-03-27 05:03:53
  • And we can see here all different youtubers and their position about this, again, togheter with the community, against these liars and bad ill company that try to make fools of us:
    Still think this is a small matter and that you can just shush us down like nothing happenned?
u forgot
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On 2017-03-27 07:59:12Show this Author Only
  • Alkai On 2017-03-27 05:30:01
  • What are you talking about? What gap? There are no gap between players , and even plunder doesn't make this gap bigger, it'a just 4500 coupons for free for p2w so they can become much stronger, it won't affect gap, you re a liar >_
u blind or are u a mod.
The gap is d reason why everyone is quitting my server n is happening in all other servers. all those f2p ninjas u can get but they decide to make u pay for them is pure f off.

Finally Scion has spoken, he has always been on the stance with this current drama that it was gonna happen and now we have the * up.

This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-3-27 08:42
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