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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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On 2017-03-27 08:06:14Show this Author Only
  • Aniszougari On 2017-03-27 07:42:56
  • Well i'll quit the game in 1 month if i don't see significant changes on how they address the game. If the game has in intermediate positions a bunch of kids it's a waste of my time proving my point of view or arguing with them because:
    1: They won't understand because they are not smart enough
    2: They don't care
    3: Even if this game has everything that makes you stay addicted to it, they are removing the factor that eventually makes all the games to fall. And that is to have fun. If players don't have fun, the game is done. And free players are surely not having fun. Hell not even spenders are having fun. With this situation better quit really.

    Final Words: Oasis will need to completely revamp their system of doing things otherwise i feel that 50% of playerbase will quit ( me included) in the next 1 - 2 months. Have fun finding a solution ( and no it won't be that stuff you said in the post that were already leaked , there are a lot of things that need to change. )
Well, if this continues then it's sure that this huge amount will quit~ The game is going to become boring if there will be 7 ppl on the whole server. And some cross-server things won't help much either.
I agree with what Anis/Zelo said.
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On 2017-03-27 08:24:38Show this Author Only
WENDY you fking hoe
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On 2017-03-27 08:25:06Show this Author Only
Diaz you * *ER
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On 2017-03-27 08:26:53Show this Author Only
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On 2017-03-27 08:40:01Show this Author Only
My man Scion Storm has spoken.

This is d easiest vid to understand all that fuss.
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On 2017-03-27 08:52:51Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-03-27 08:40:01
  • My man Scion Storm has spoken.

    This is d easiest vid to understand all that fuss.
Scion's video doesn't say anything of substance.

All he does is say Aris doesn't deserve praise, Daiske is a "punk", and that he was right all along.
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On 2017-03-27 08:53:27Show this Author Only
get a life boys :))))))))))
its time to move on XD
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On 2017-03-27 08:56:48Show this Author Only
  • DraconusNex On 2017-03-27 08:52:51
  • Scion's video doesn't say anything of substance.

    All he does is say Aris doesn't deserve praise, Daiske is a "punk", and that he was right all along.
Maybe he knew Oasis from before experiences, and he knew this was gonna happen no matter what, but like i said, aristaeus aint a saint and i agree with most of scion said.
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On 2017-03-27 09:00:24Show this Author Only
  • DraconusNex On 2017-03-27 08:52:51
  • Scion's video doesn't say anything of substance.

    All he does is say Aris doesn't deserve praise, Daiske is a "punk", and that he was right all along.
Watch here then FG3000 giving a neutral *ysis of all this:
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On 2017-03-27 09:01:21Show this Author Only
lol? Does the hard working merge each 2 weeks solve the problems of SWB ,9 tails and GNW? We 3 dead servers got the brainless merge and still 30 ppl in sage world lmfao, 4 dead groups in GNW. "postponed" "patient" are the best words for a greedy team? How eager you need the suk money like a "beggar"? Best experience for players? Why not say unique way to earn money by the way? Why can you even waste time on begging players to send those useless requests ?
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On 2017-03-27 09:21:20Show this Author Only
  • DraconusNex On 2017-03-27 08:52:51
  • Scion's video doesn't say anything of substance.

    All he does is say Aris doesn't deserve praise, Daiske is a "punk", and that he was right all along.
If u have followed Scion's words of advice, u would know that this is coming. He has been d first to go against OG for telling us the truth and cut off the profit OG was trying to milk us from. All the while Scion had been teaching us how to spend smart because this OG is a greedy pig.
Unlike China, who always seek to balance p2w to f2p players, this North America version never did and only create a larger imbalance between f2p n p2w. China go all d way to cancel events which they realized are widening the gap even more.

now u telling me that Scion spoke nothing?

He din discredit Aris, but if u had known what Aris had done in the past, this action of his was to atone for what he did wrong in the past (by saying good stuff abt OG because he was paid by them regardless of them being the truth or not). At the end of d video he even give credits to Aris for finally taking one for the team.
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On 2017-03-27 09:42:02Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-03-27 09:00:24
  • Watch here then FG3000 giving a neutral *ysis of all this:
This is a good summary of Aris ' revelations. Thanks!
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On 2017-03-27 09:48:02Show this Author Only

Quote from FG3000 video:

Some events are rigged to the point that you guys give 1 payout per server per day.
Jackpots: when 1 player won a Minato ninja at morning, from that standpoint even all the players from that server waste their money, no one else could win Minato because someone already won it.

Please OASIS you never discussed this in your Official Statement, the most *, illegal, scammy, unethical practice that I've ever heard in a game.

Please mods, devs or even owners explain this biggest BS in this game's history. This is disturbing to be honest.
This post was last edited by dee*** at 2017-3-27 09:51
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On 2017-03-27 09:53:22Show this Author Only
  • McDonald's On 2017-03-27 09:48:02

  • Quote from FG3000 video:

    Some events are rigged to the point that you guys give 1 payout per server per day.
    Jackpots: when 1 player won a Minato ninja at morning, from that standpoint even all the players from that server waste their money, no one else could win Minato because someone already won it.

    Please OASIS you never discussed this in your Official Statement, the most *, illegal, scammy, unethical practice that I've ever heard in a game.

    Please mods, devs or even owners explain this biggest BS in this game's history. This is disturbing to be honest.
    This post was last edited by dee*** at 2017-3-27 09:51
Thats a good one.

The Mod have failed to realise the youtuber viewers' influence to their community in their own respective server. They even disregard spenders who spend 500bucks a month or less.

I personally have spread Scion's wisdom to my fellow p2w players in my server and now this scandal should revealed all the more why we should not trust OG.
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On 2017-03-27 10:08:47Show this Author Only
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On 2017-03-27 10:09:18Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-03-27 07:59:12
  • u blind or are u a mod.
    The gap is d reason why everyone is quitting my server n is happening in all other servers. all those f2p ninjas u can get but they decide to make u pay for them is pure f off.

    Finally Scion has spoken, he has always been on the stance with this current drama that it was gonna happen and now we have the * up.

    This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-3-27 08:42
lol, he was being sarcastic
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On 2017-03-27 10:12:12Show this Author Only
They're still opening new servers , nothing gonna change probably none read all these complaints , y'all talking in the void :D
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On 2017-03-27 10:19:49Show this Author Only
So ...

Am I going to receive a FREE Naruto 6 Tails and Konan ( Not to mention the * ton of stuff you have probably sent to mods and other staff )

I feel like I should get these FREE STUFF also don't you?

Blatantly telling someone you will give them Nine Tails Frags since they didn't get it in an event ( which every Normal player spends a lot of MONEY to try to get ) IS simply unfair and unacceptable.

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On 2017-03-27 10:45:57Show this Author Only
  • ToroKenshee On 2017-03-27 09:21:20
  • If u have followed Scion's words of advice, u would know that this is coming. He has been d first to go against OG for telling us the truth and cut off the profit OG was trying to milk us from. All the while Scion had been teaching us how to spend smart because this OG is a greedy pig.
    Unlike China, who always seek to balance p2w to f2p players, this North America version never did and only create a larger imbalance between f2p n p2w. China go all d way to cancel events which they realized are widening the gap even more.

    now u telling me that Scion spoke nothing?

    He din discredit Aris, but if u had known what Aris had done in the past, this action of his was to atone for what he did wrong in the past (by saying good stuff abt OG because he was paid by them regardless of them being the truth or not). At the end of d video he even give credits to Aris for finally taking one for the team.
Draconus was mostly right though. I followed Scion when game was early and he had useful insight. I also saw the drama going down early on with Ari and Daiske. However, in this latest video he really didn't do much but tell people how he wasn't spending and that he saw it all coming. It was basically a regurgitation of what we all already knew anyways. In the end he did give minor props but that has nothing to do with him basically just tooting his own horn.
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On 2017-03-27 10:55:43Show this Author Only
  • Ky01 On 2017-03-27 10:19:49
  • So ...

    Am I going to receive a FREE Naruto 6 Tails and Konan ( Not to mention the * ton of stuff you have probably sent to mods and other staff )

    I feel like I should get these FREE STUFF also don't you?

    Blatantly telling someone you will give them Nine Tails Frags since they didn't get it in an event ( which every Normal player spends a lot of MONEY to try to get ) IS simply unfair and unacceptable.

Honestly Sir, People are going to get perks from a company they work for. They aren't just giving it away. He still had to try and get it on his own before they even considered giving him it. Think of it this way, if you worked for a hospital you are going to get some great health care worth tens of thousands. Its the same in this scenario OR think of it as a company looking out for its worker. He does good work, so when he tried to get the Naruto frags and didn't, They felt sorry for their employee thats been around since the get go and they gave it to him. Almost exactly the equivilant of a bonus for hard work. This post was last edited by TheRealQlowe at 2017-3-27 11:01
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