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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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On 2017-03-27 11:01:54Show this Author Only
I'll believe that they are listening once they stop spamming new servers it's a pretty clear indicator of how much they don't care.
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On 2017-03-27 11:08:59Show this Author Only
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-27 10:55:43
  • Honestly Sir, People are going to get perks from a company they work for. They aren't just giving it away. He still had to try and get it on his own before they even considered giving him it. Think of it this way, if you worked for a hospital you are going to get some great health care worth tens of thousands. Its the same in this scenario OR think of it as a company looking out for its worker. He does good work, so when he tried to get the Naruto frags and didn't, They felt sorry for their employee thats been around since the get go and they gave it to him. Almost exactly the equivilant of a bonus for hard work. This post was last edited by TheRealQlowe at 2017-3-27 11:01
Thats not the point.

Their are other high spenders who will never be compensated for the amount of money put into the game.

Awarding a certain few since they couldn't get and not everyone is unfair.

They award staff coupons, I'm not complaining about those, they are earned fairly due to work.

I am merely stating that giving someone something free over others who have spent the same amount towards the event is unacceptable.

If I open the game today and have a Susano that was given to me for free and "you" have spent 800+ seals to attain it, is this fair ... ... ..
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On 2017-03-27 11:18:54Show this Author Only
  • Ky01 On 2017-03-27 11:08:59
  • Thats not the point.

    Their are other high spenders who will never be compensated for the amount of money put into the game.

    Awarding a certain few since they couldn't get and not everyone is unfair.

    They award staff coupons, I'm not complaining about those, they are earned fairly due to work.

    I am merely stating that giving someone something free over others who have spent the same amount towards the event is unacceptable.

    If I open the game today and have a Susano that was given to me for free and "you" have spent 800+ seals to attain it, is this fair ... ... ..
So basically your saying that you would be mad at a person who works at a hospital because of the excellent health care they are getting from the company. Just off the fact that other people are paying for the same health care. Its the same thing They both get wages but of course its a benefit. He worked for them so of course he is going to get things for free. Its regular in any big company. Your upset at the fact employees get employee benefits. Especially when he was so high up.
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On 2017-03-27 11:27:41Show this Author Only
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-27 11:18:54
  • So basically your saying that you would be mad at a person who works at a hospital because of the excellent health care they are getting from the company. Just off the fact that other people are paying for the same health care. Its the same thing They both get wages but of course its a benefit. He worked for them so of course he is going to get things for free. Its regular in any big company. Your upset at the fact employees get employee benefits. Especially when he was so high up.
It's a * *ogy. The person working at the hospital getting benefits does not affect me in any way. If a player gets a ninja like Naruto 4* for free and I have to play against him, that's an unfair advantage.
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On 2017-03-27 11:34:25Show this Author Only
  • FrancoBlanco On 2017-03-27 11:27:41
  • It's a * *ogy. The person working at the hospital getting benefits does not affect me in any way. If a player gets a ninja like Naruto 4* for free and I have to play against him, that's an unfair advantage.
But its does. We all pay taxes. Its what were paying for so it does affect you sir. What you guys are failing to realize its a company and they can give things to the workers. I must remind you he basically still paid for it. But since he worked for them they compensated him. Its normal and happens all the time in companies. Stop overreacting about something minor thats happens everyday.
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On 2017-03-27 11:34:35Show this Author Only
  • FrancoBlanco On 2017-03-27 11:27:41
  • It's a * *ogy. The person working at the hospital getting benefits does not affect me in any way. If a player gets a ninja like Naruto 4* for free and I have to play against him, that's an unfair advantage.
I mean the thing was the mods told him that he they tested it and he was gonna be guaranteed 150 frags if he uses all his spins for the week. He got nothing so the dev just gave it to him apparently. He used around 20k ingots for the wheel.
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On 2017-03-27 11:39:12Show this Author Only
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-27 11:18:54
  • So basically your saying that you would be mad at a person who works at a hospital because of the excellent health care they are getting from the company. Just off the fact that other people are paying for the same health care. Its the same thing They both get wages but of course its a benefit. He worked for them so of course he is going to get things for free. Its regular in any big company. Your upset at the fact employees get employee benefits. Especially when he was so high up.
If you are happy with the state of things as they are, please do continue to support the game and play for many more years.

Ignore everything that has been said and continue to spend large amounts on a chance that may or may not exist.

The people at OASIS GAMES are a user friendly community and care very deeply about your well being. and will, as stated in this post continue to understand and take to heart player concerns, suggestions and opinions making the game just perfect for people like you :)

If you are a Free2Play player however, please do not use the forums to lengthen the forum posts pages, as we need to spend our time and attention on those who contribute to the development and future of OASIS GAMES current and FUTURE projects.

We do apologize for the lengthy reply and hope to simplify our actions so even the most "special" people in our community can understand our words and meanings behind the actions we take :)
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On 2017-03-27 11:46:31Show this Author Only
  • Ky01 On 2017-03-27 11:39:12
  • If you are happy with the state of things as they are, please do continue to support the game and play for many more years.

    Ignore everything that has been said and continue to spend large amounts on a chance that may or may not exist.

    The people at OASIS GAMES are a user friendly community and care very deeply about your well being. and will, as stated in this post continue to understand and take to heart player concerns, suggestions and opinions making the game just perfect for people like you :)

    If you are a Free2Play player however, please do not use the forums to lengthen the forum posts pages, as we need to spend our time and attention on those who contribute to the development and future of OASIS GAMES current and FUTURE projects.

    We do apologize for the lengthy reply and hope to simplify our actions so even the most "special" people in our community can understand our words and meanings behind the actions we take :)
You basically ignored the entire thing said and change the subject. You guys are making it worse. The situation will never get better if the forums keeps complaining. Give oasis the time to fix problems. Continuously Saying the same thing over will not make things move quick sir. As for my future with oasis I will be here and continue moving forward with a company that is receiving immeasurable backlash. They know their problems. If we aren't willing to become level headed. How will change ever come into fruition. Thank you For you time Though
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On 2017-03-27 12:01:48Show this Author Only
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-27 11:46:31
  • You basically ignored the entire thing said and change the subject. You guys are making it worse. The situation will never get better if the forums keeps complaining. Give oasis the time to fix problems. Continuously Saying the same thing over will not make things move quick sir. As for my future with oasis I will be here and continue moving forward with a company that is receiving immeasurable backlash. They know their problems. If we aren't willing to become level headed. How will change ever come into fruition. Thank you For you time Though
I am not here to Argue with the community.

As individuals , the individual may do as he/she pleases.

I quit this game :)

I have being banned on my Main from the Forum :)

I have contacted VISA and they are looking into the matter wit ha customer service run by the actual company :)

I am not here for MOD's/Liaisons/etc.

People who are regarded as staff do not get paid real money they are compensated in coupons so basically they work for FREE. since the coupons are only worth something with the GAME and have no value in each Staff members real life.

I am here for OASIS GAMES :)

I am here for Mr Doe :)

I have Inherited the WILL OF FIRE passed down by the sacrifices of others who have done nothing but try to help this community.

I will not sit idly by and watch certain * aspects continue as they are :)
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On 2017-03-27 12:10:48Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-03-27 07:59:12
  • u blind or are u a mod.
    The gap is d reason why everyone is quitting my server n is happening in all other servers. all those f2p ninjas u can get but they decide to make u pay for them is pure f off.

    Finally Scion has spoken, he has always been on the stance with this current drama that it was gonna happen and now we have the * up.

    This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-3-27 08:42
Dude) it was sarcasm) I'm f2p player, you think I don't know about top 50 and other players gap? When they earning 5k+ coupons per month instead of 1-2k for other players?
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On 2017-03-27 12:11:51Show this Author Only
The saddest thing about that reply is that they either choosing to ignore the elephant in the room or they are that * * of their own product that they don't understand why people are upset. We been talking about how we been unhappy at lack of transparency about how we spend our money and being ripped off for months now dangling some new features that we knew were coming isn't going to solve that. I hope all the people who got cheated out of thousand of dollars on something they never had the chance of getting Sue Oasis because otherwise they will never learn . People in charge of licence need to do a serious office purge and rehire otherwise they will seriously damage this franchise because of the greedy and * people who been running NA naruto online. This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-3-27 12:14
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On 2017-03-27 12:23:20Show this Author Only
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-27 11:46:31
  • You basically ignored the entire thing said and change the subject. You guys are making it worse. The situation will never get better if the forums keeps complaining. Give oasis the time to fix problems. Continuously Saying the same thing over will not make things move quick sir. As for my future with oasis I will be here and continue moving forward with a company that is receiving immeasurable backlash. They know their problems. If we aren't willing to become level headed. How will change ever come into fruition. Thank you For you time Though
if no1 complains then oasis will think everything is fine and never improve just like they have been.

saying the same thing again and again may not speed up anything but it lets them know we STILL arent happy with them.

if you watched aristeaus' video you would see the mods own text saying all the problems people complain about on forums DONT EXIST and that everyone is happy

im an american, being level headed never did anything good for us, we got where we are by saying f* u i dont like this give me what i want, thats the reason america is its own country rather than a british colony, we didnt like what they were doing so we complained and when that didnt work we fought

change can come anytime oasis decides to bring it regardless of what the players think or say, we dont actualy have the ability to change the game directly, so if we want something we have to speak up about it and make our voices heard
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On 2017-03-27 12:29:07Show this Author Only
*cough* Class Action *cough*
the facts are in the open now OG its better for you to Refund the people that have spent money on the NA game since youre rates are not define this is a gambling game. for which you are not Licensed to operate.

I'm sure ill be banned by OG.
This post was last edited by doom1983 at 2017-3-27 12:33
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On 2017-03-27 12:37:11Show this Author Only
First of all, thanks? Even though it's pretty much damage control, i still appreciate the gesture.

Second of all, even though I (and many other players) have had my su*ions about the wheel, the poll, etc., it still hurts having them confirmed. Because we TRUSTED you. It might be a long while until we could trust you guys again. Sorry mates.

Well... that's all. This was fun while it lasts.
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On 2017-03-27 12:42:52Show this Author Only
adios mofo's
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On 2017-03-27 12:46:57Show this Author Only
Guys... it's sad, but lets be real... they DONT CARE about anything we're complaning, as ari showed, they just thinking that we're "happy". With wheels and etc.... rates are not define... saddly, but they wont do anything about it, cause some idiots will still spend hell amount of money on it and will think that it's just a bad luck. They dont care about us leaving this game, cause again, they'll find some nabs that will pay for their lies. We're all complaning here, in almost all last threads, but lets see, what happened? They just DELETED those thread and BANNED players so NOONE would find information. Lets think, what they'll do? Right. Nothing! They'll just wait a little, till players will calm down a little and then give us some "compensation" to make us forget everything.

I bet, this post will be deleted or i'll be banned for what i'm saying (sadly, but it's actually truth)
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On 2017-03-27 12:55:59Show this Author Only
WHEN OASIS TRIES TO CAST *Y JUTSU ON THEIR BULL* This post was last edited by chi*** at 2017-3-27 13:00
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On 2017-03-27 12:56:25Show this Author Only
When the Byakugan can see through all of Oasis' misdeeds. This post was last edited by SeikaSlash at 2017-3-27 13:00 This post was last edited by SeikaSlash at 2017-3-27 13:01
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On 2017-03-27 13:27:23Show this Author Only
You know what's funny? I guess higher i said totally everything they gonna do.... Right now, on my servers almost everyone getting 50 coupons from this wheel, literally almost everyone.... Yeah OASIS, Ari lied to us and you didnt doing anything to make us just forgive everything and continue believing your lies
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On 2017-03-27 14:29:15Show this Author Only
To be honest this is a very strange policy to give some servers extra features than others and a lot cheaper too.
bottom line, Oasis should
1-Make it fair and square for all servers.
2-Reveal the chances in the events so you will spend knowing when you will get what you are spending for.
3-Decrease the rate of prices for God's sake, we need to sell a kidney to get a ninja that we want.
4- Give more events for the F2p not only to get 4 or 5 frags of 1 event.

other than this I wish someone to write the real money rate for getting a ninja so people could imagine what are these guys doing.

I will give an example. if you want uchiha Itachi susano'o u need at least 1200 scrolls. if you dont have scrolls and you are purchasing in a "discount event" you will get those by 12000 coupons which means arround 230 US $ which in some countries is more than a salary of an adult individual???

I played other games online without saying names since 2008 till now where if you spend 230 $ in it the whole server you will be very strong and happy and have lots and lots of merits which in the same time will help you but will never give you a great advantage on the F2p and as a developer company these other games really win a lot because they have so many servers and so many active players and putting money is a normal thing for all players.

Please adjust your game and I myself am willing to continue spending for this game but only if it is reasonable and giving chances for f2p more than that.
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