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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-26 21:35:18Show All Posts
“Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you are saying.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

i think that quote sums it up nicely. But in case you actually want to try and use your actions to PROVE you intentions I will say a bit more.

I'm a spending player, I've put over $3k into this game since it came out. I've only put $10 into it in the last 3 months because:
A) I knew wheels were rng based with hidden chances so none of them had clear value so they needed to be avoided.
B) I have almost all of the power items that appear in events completed and so have no reason to spend on those.

People have been asking for you to do this for MONTHS. I've asked for you to do this, specifically for whats coming out in the near future without any timelines and I have a feeling that this will be the last time you do this unless Daiske goes on a stream and shows off sensitive information next.

People understand testing has to happen and bugs pop up, I'm a programmer so I understand that very well. But most people are fine letting you test so you can give us bug free game-play, we WANT you to test so we don't have to wait 2+ weeks for our team instance rewards. If you say a bug popped up and is delaying the release of something, people UNDERSTAND we accept it and while we will be saddened and annoyed we wont be outright PISSED OFF.

We have been asking for most these things for MONTHS.
1. We started asking for it the day mood scrolls were removed over a month ago.
2. We started asking for this when cave came out back in what December?
4. We asked for new lvl packs back when lvl 80 was released along with new power packs, and I saw a video on Youtube a couple weeks ago where another version had them, its not the German version so it was either China or Taiwan that has this already.
5. You have been saying this for months now and people are still begging for more merges
6. I got Deidara 5* for free before you moved him to survival shop, without spending any group coins on him either, we can get him from elite instance we don't need him in shops too, especially when he isn't useful compared to kage ninjas.
Chikushodo is bad, she was only ever good for ranked team to buff my other pains 30% ninjutsu, but without the full pain lineup to make use of her buff she isn't worth ever buying, so whats the point of having her in the shop? F2p wont get all the pains for free without thembeing added to shops, p2p have past the point of using full pain ranked teams.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-27 10:09:18Show All Posts
  • Clazsic On 2017-03-27 07:59:12
  • u blind or are u a mod.
    The gap is d reason why everyone is quitting my server n is happening in all other servers. all those f2p ninjas u can get but they decide to make u pay for them is pure f off.

    Finally Scion has spoken, he has always been on the stance with this current drama that it was gonna happen and now we have the * up.

    This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-3-27 08:42
lol, he was being sarcastic
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-27 12:23:20Show All Posts
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-27 11:46:31
  • You basically ignored the entire thing said and change the subject. You guys are making it worse. The situation will never get better if the forums keeps complaining. Give oasis the time to fix problems. Continuously Saying the same thing over will not make things move quick sir. As for my future with oasis I will be here and continue moving forward with a company that is receiving immeasurable backlash. They know their problems. If we aren't willing to become level headed. How will change ever come into fruition. Thank you For you time Though
if no1 complains then oasis will think everything is fine and never improve just like they have been.

saying the same thing again and again may not speed up anything but it lets them know we STILL arent happy with them.

if you watched aristeaus' video you would see the mods own text saying all the problems people complain about on forums DONT EXIST and that everyone is happy

im an american, being level headed never did anything good for us, we got where we are by saying f* u i dont like this give me what i want, thats the reason america is its own country rather than a british colony, we didnt like what they were doing so we complained and when that didnt work we fought

change can come anytime oasis decides to bring it regardless of what the players think or say, we dont actualy have the ability to change the game directly, so if we want something we have to speak up about it and make our voices heard
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On 2017-03-28 20:06:41Show All Posts
  • Test Ninja On 2017-03-28 16:26:10
  • what if i tell you that because of that consumption wheel a lot o people in the UK servers went crazy yesterday and spent thousands of ingots on it?
    out of the blue a lower powered person got the lead for the susano'o sasuke reward, the pool size just grew to 50k cuppons and the guys that had their positions lost started to spend again like crazy.

    at a point during the night someone got a 5% cuppons reward the pool droped to 5k and not 30 secs later was back at over 75k, and it ended up over 100k and right now it dropped back to around 75k and you can follow the "drama" here ... 695&highlight=wheel

    how are some suppose to fight back if a selected few keep giving them money? it just shows that the company was right all along to scam and milk the players.

    and because i'm a good person i will give this to the ones that keep spending before any actual changes have been made, it will help with the friction, so just stop complaining all together that you got rigged on an event that you knew was rigged and kept spending anyway.*-tape-and-vaseline-marathon-training-my-gym.jpg
it could very well be a plant account took 1st to make people spend more on the wheel, but even spending on the wheel doesnt mean recharging, i have 14k ingots from last year that i havent used
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On 2017-04-04 05:17:43Show All Posts
  • Shadoefrost On 2017-04-04 04:53:37
  • Not sure if this is in violation of anything but if it is feel free to delete this post.

    I grow tired of people complaining about monthly sign in ninja. So million dollar question is why and the answer is in three parts and i am willing to listen to any logical reply that addresses all three

    1. Lets start with the really obvious, it is a free ninja. By this I me*l you have to do is take 3mins tops a day for one month and you get her, simple, straightforward and no RNG

    2. Not a lot of people have her, when she came she cost a lot of cupons now she is free, if you already have her its free frags for 4/5*. Would you ever use her? who knows, I personally like to fool around with different nins

    3. This is probably the argument i see thrown around a lot. x version of the game has better sign in ninjas. Really? How sure are you? Have you played on x version for a long period of time? Free nins change every month, there are a limited amount of nins to give for 'free' so obviously some months would have more sought after nins than others. I will let you in on a little secret, the Chinese fb ver log in for this month is KISAME before this it was SASORI (before which it was konan i believe). They cant give GNW whatever every month and repeats would be met with equal if not more hate.

    So please before you throw around complaints try to think on it a bit then let them know your thoughts, for example events now are still bad because while new/with better rewards they last a shorter amount of time making it harder to get ..... because of limit cap for f2p. Rather than events are bad. We need to give them something to go on at least
My complaint about her is that they are giving her away for free when they have her listed as an event only ninja in game and i spent coupons on her.

i dont want her stars i wanted her for my collection which i had her so now the 800 coupons i spent r wasted.

if they gave me frags of i ninja i would use i would be happy regardless of if i spent for that ninja or not, if they gave me frags of a ninja that i havent had an oportunity to get yet even if i wouldnt use the ninja i would be happy with that so i could collect it for free(like gnw choji, gnw shino, gnw kiba etc, i havent used any of the gnw sign in ninjas for anything so they were all nice for my collection)

these frags are worthless for me unless they have her be a sign in ninja again because this month i will only get 80/100 frags for 4* and i wont spend any coupons on her, i wouldnt have spent more on her even if she hadnt become a sign in ninja.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-04 21:22:36Show All Posts
  • Clazsic On 2017-04-04 17:58:59
  • So, I just upgraded my Group Lucky wheel from Level 9 to Lv 10, and given recent events I want to prove if OG is being fair to us players, afterall they removed mood scroll, so they must have something better to compensate us with... and look what I found..

    lv9 and Lv10 Group wheel difference show below.
    The only bonus I got is u get to spin 12x a day instead of 11x. Pointless without anything useful like mood scrolls!
    P.S: method of collection, using two accounts, pre-upgrade screenshot with one account, and post-upgrade screenshot with another account.

    This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-4-4 22:18
the mags u get on wheel change daily, its not the fault of the upgrade, the only difference between most levels, including this one, is 1 extra spin
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