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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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On 2017-03-27 00:12:27Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2017-03-27 00:06:14
  • If Oasis really wants to start listening to players and making actual changes, here is a list of the ninjas that CN version had in shops before they updated to the scroll reruitment system or star system or what ever is called.

    The ones in green should already be in the shops, maybe a bit more expensive so the price can drop to this prices over time
    The oranges ones could also be since they are login ninjas that were already given.

    You have no idea how long this would go to actually cater to the players.

    And you want to know how to keep players happy? Just * to the * script.
Two Ninjas was way too much upgrade for them in last 6 months shop date, they will most likely not gonna add more ninjas in another 6 months.

Thanks for the list though, but at this point don't know if this game is gonna survive that long. :)
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On 2017-03-27 00:24:19Show this Author Only
  • Blaz On 2017-03-27 00:12:27
  • Two Ninjas was way too much upgrade for them in last 6 months shop date, they will most likely not gonna add more ninjas in another 6 months.

    Thanks for the list though, but at this point don't know if this game is gonna survive that long. :)
As a player I'm giving them a chance to improve by showing them what I expect from them, and as a gesture of good will they could try to do it for next week update.

I did my part, now its up to them.
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On 2017-03-27 00:28:30Show this Author Only
You can hear here what OASIS should actually do and I could feel content with it:
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On 2017-03-27 00:28:50Show this Author Only
How about Rank Battle Point??? We try to improve my rank for what. The Rank Shop havent sale any better ninjas ??? Give us Konan in rank Battle
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On 2017-03-27 00:30:43Show this Author Only
All ninja they are selling in Shop System, its * ninjas
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On 2017-03-27 00:31:11Show this Author Only
its not unknown that you events could be rigged, just like a casino's jackpot machines.
but really please get your algorithm right(you have such bad coders?) or at least be realistic and reasonable.
spending 10 - 20 k ingots and cant even get a hit of 30 kyuubi frags?! thats toooo much..

you gotta give some to take some. if you keep taking and don't give , people will just stop recharging or worse case, stop playing. its not rocket science.
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On 2017-03-27 00:33:22Show this Author Only
This response to the whole situation made me LOL
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On 2017-03-27 00:41:56Show this Author Only
You touched on everything we heard and least those of us that were there yesterday. It's so disappointing that it took Aris to speak out for * to get changed. If you listen, you wouldn't have to worry about "employees" dropping bombs on your shady business practices. I for one stopped spending a while ago. I got tired of dropping 400 bucks into the "lucky wheel" to get screwed and not even end up with a single 50 kyubii frag spin muchless a single shurado pull. Its beyond rigged and unrealistic for anyone to expect to get him. We appreciate the response but don't sweep the most important issues under the rug. If you respect your playerbase give us the answers we deserve. Help out the free players a little more and stop shafting them with the godawful goldfish event. Fix it or kill it all together. I look forward to these changes coming to the it'll probably be your saving grace. But don't make these changes in 2 or 3 months...start implementing things next week. Doesn't have to be drastic but it'll build trust amongst us all. This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-3-27 00:43
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On 2017-03-27 00:50:27Show this Author Only
Ik that this game was rigged since it was open but come on adm and mods why can't you listen to players even f2p?If f2p left this game will be so dead more than it is.Just plz change things in good way thats all we want This post was last edited by Wolfer at 2017-3-27 03:02
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On 2017-03-27 00:50:58Show this Author Only
We deserve complete transparency. Be a company that you would be proud to let your friends and family to play. You know what you've done. It's never too late to tell the truth.
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On 2017-03-27 00:56:19Show this Author Only
Honestly, as a spender that i was, i not surprised by this business model, you know one thing thou, OASIS is screwed if the gaming community unite under this reason, there's no division right now, you managed to piss off, both spenders and non spenders with this, i knew about rigged events, but the fact u boldly admited that you dont care about f2p.

You have Game liasons for a reason, they report to you for a reason, now how do you use that information was up to you, i think you didnt care at all, had no respect for the community whatsoever, even from a business standpoint this is bad practice overall, my boss once said "every person that you come in contact with, can be a potencial client."

So take this in perspective, and assume that every f2p can be a spender here playing and enjoying the game, if they enjoy the content you generate more income, more income, more content, more content, happy players, happy players will tell their friends to try it out. That's how a online basic rules is applied, not teaching you or patronizing devs or admins.

There's a lot of problems to address, starting with merges, then shop updates, but more importantly transparency is very important on this business, because if you want to sweep all your problems under the rug, it will ac*ulate and end up being visible to everyone's eyes, like it is now, we all had our su*ions, and Aristaeus end up proving you guys are in the wrong.
Not saying he was or is a saint, but he did what he had to, under the circunstances, he fought for different scenarios, while most of people just coped with it.

In a nutshell im very disgusted with this team overall, and the matter of some mods rather cope with it, than do something about it, we want a better game, not prizes, not ninjas, not seals, we want improvement.

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On 2017-03-27 00:56:54Show this Author Only
Come on and ban me. Censor us all you * bags.
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On 2017-03-27 01:06:30Show this Author Only
  • Wolfer On 2017-03-27 00:50:27
  • Ik that this game was rigged since it was open but come on adm and mods why can't you listen to players even f2p?If f2p left this game will be so dead more than it is.Just plz change things in good way thats all we want This post was last edited by Wolfer at 2017-3-27 03:02
lol they would still get the money if the odds for winning were there instead of impossible. Slot machines have number generators when they give payouts. They still make plenty of money not only from the slots but other things at the casino. Just like events and features in this game. Making realistic odds for wining isn't too much to ask. They still make plenty of money from other events going on at the same time as well as features and shops. Top up events, cave keys, clothing, seals, magatams, etc. People would be inclined to spend more if chances were better and not being shafted.
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On 2017-03-27 01:10:27Show this Author Only
  • Drippy On 2017-03-27 00:33:22
  • This response to the whole situation made me LOL
Bro, you are not the only one LOL.
They dont even want to man up and admit they wrong doing.I dont want new ninjas or new functions now, what I want is the real RNG visible to the players China made a law about this because how shady game companys can be, not saying oasis is one of them, but visible rng would prove that oasis has nothing to hide.
This post was last edited by yca*** at 2017-3-27 01:14
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On 2017-03-27 01:20:09Show this Author Only
Not sure i'd trust it even if they made it visible, just throw up a bunch of numbers to silence us, they need to do alot more to fix the issues.
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On 2017-03-27 01:34:11Show this Author Only
Every major similar video game runs on a similar model, with similar ideas. Just a few commit the mistake to let it leak public. Another thing is, we do not know how viable was the information that was provided. If you have any basis - sue oasis. But you do not, that is why you rant on forums. I understand, that if it's true, it's upsetting for many of us. But we are still able to play this game for free and engage in many different ways. It's fun, if you choose not to be bitter. Try to think from the company's perspective. I have worked in a similar company, and far worse things happen elsewhere.
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On 2017-03-27 01:40:37Show this Author Only
I see Aristeaus was right after all go f2p folks. What a joke I'm not spending anymore until oasis gets there crap together. Also if you ban me i have no problem doing a chargeback. This post was last edited by omg*** at 2017-3-27 01:42
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On 2017-03-27 01:40:59Show this Author Only
You can't sue Oasis please, People are lucky they even allow refunds for months of playing.
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On 2017-03-27 01:48:02Show this Author Only
  • OMGZAPPY On 2017-03-27 01:40:37
  • I see Aristeaus was right after all go f2p folks. What a joke I'm not spending anymore until oasis gets there crap together. Also if you ban me i have no problem doing a chargeback. This post was last edited by omg*** at 2017-3-27 01:42
i second that, all go f2p until we see some real change, lets see how long they can keep the servers running without money comming in
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On 2017-03-27 01:53:28Show this Author Only
F2p players should be able to play and enjoy the features and competition, but if they want a little a extra, spend some money. However, the prices should not be astronomical because then people leave and the only people who stay are the ones who can spend $5,000 in a week. The f2p players get discouraged by the increasing gap between p2w and f2p and eventually stop playing. With no people, p2w have a handful of opponents and that slowly kills a MMO because the competition and large playerbase is the whole point of a MMO.
If the prices were reasonable and most players could obtain them, the competition would never stop because everyone would keep pushing each other toward the next level. And the best part, f2p players could keep up with everyone, and in the longrun, equals more money. Simple and elegant. However, Naruto would be very upset with how this is playing out. That is not his Ninja way.
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