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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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On 2017-03-27 18:05:07Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-03-27 18:01:37
  • Let's do it another way, let's try to propose what u think is the best solution and tell them what they should or could have done, in the simplest words ever, yet detailed (at least as our final feedback & recommendations):

    1. Shop 2.0 full update
    2. Sneakpeeks on future features
    3. Cave Keys in Wishing Trees
    4. Mood Scrolls back in Group Wheels ++ we dont want shape shifting cards!
    5. Under 'Monthly events', reduce difficulties such as clearing 60 elite instance
    7. Decrease the price per ninja fragments overall
    8. Fix the DNS bugs, still on my mobile quota.
    9. Dont ever add ninjas like Jiraiya to our monthly sign-in event.
    10. Level/BP gift packs.
    11. Better rates for daily recharge or spend rebates.
    12. No daily or event limit on super rare ninjas.
    13. Fix Land of Lightning Treasure pricing and ninjas selection there. Seal Scroll at 100 ingot/coups while its much cheaper in Daily special. Animal Path at 3400 while in group shop. Or Chouza whoever needs it. Time for an update!
    14. If it's rigged then tell us it is rigged and tell us how it works.
    15. Be more generous to your players, if u make a mistake d slightest, there is no wrong to part with 1 Seal Scroll to fix the wrong. I remember Matsuri being bugged and only working in the last hour, but we have our own real life, u gave us nothing because u felt u were king and u dont treat your customers as one.
    16. Fix the Plunder, top 20 players who can plunder why it seems everyone could?
    17. Great Ninja War Rewards, TOO little, u want us to grow as a community but the reward is a killer. Give us more packs, or at least more contents! GNW used to be very exciting now as much anymore when many people from my server has quit due to the imbalance.
    18. Elsewhere, Shop Price supposed to have Original Price and Jonin Medal/discounted price, where is that?
    19. Black Market, u should have more rare ninja frags there?
    20. Events after events overlapping, why not make recharge event or even spending a permanent feature.
    21. Land of Lightning Treasure, sell us by small fragments instead of the full fragments.
    22. Lucky Dice, bring back the old valuation of ninjas, dont keep inflating the price like nobody cares.
    23. Fishing, we always wanted this to change, we know its 2 weeks long, then give it like u mean it, 2 weeks long of f2p event that is worth looking at.
    24. Colourful Balloons, the most inflated one of all, u put mood scrolls there because u know we are deprived from the group wheels and u milked us there so we couldnt get our med refs or ninja frags.
    25.Ninja Character Plates: Stop rigging us with bad luck.
    26. Group Purchase: Never touched because the rates is sh!t.
    27. Daily Specials: The discount vouchers are too hard to get, 10% is the norm, gift box from mission of generalization has bad RNG. Ninjas which are supposed to be free are still on sale there.
    28. Treasure of the sage: 5 rewards possibility, please get rid of those antidotes to something else more useful like purification runes or something and stop giving us such a bad odds to get the discount that we want. you ended up spending more in getting cave keys in order to get the discount u want.
    29. Mission Mobile Generalization: Let us have 11 mission to hold so nobody had to sacrifice getting only 9 mission or the need of using a clone account to give the last mission. Coins there should worth more too or reduce the points needed for 20k coins by at least half. Limit to keys are too small, give us higher limit, what if one does not need medium refine anymore, u should have more variety of choices.
    30. Seal & Summon Rebates: Give us permanent rebate items, instead of 7days time limited SS.
    31. Sakura Festival: Remove Ramen or Steaks or the likes.
    32. Rune Stone Consumption Rebate: The rewards are so insignificant and please remove ramen, dango and low amount of coins in there and replace them with something else more useful. Dango are free from grinding instances, thats how it is supposed to be. I can understand ramen or steak on a totally free event but not when u c*e coups/ingots to purchase! ++ Rewards of cave key should not be time limited so we can save for a 1000 for the next event. U dont have to worry us saving too much, we will need to spend to get the 1k cave keys, but if the rewards aint worth it, then f off.
    33. Crazy Slot Machine: Fukin RNG, how could u have ramen, revival potions or other useless items in here or anywhere!
    34. Shinobi Feast Recharge: Show us the log or history on who gets what so we know how hard it is to get the ninja designated in the wheel! Again fukin RNG but at least good 30% return almost fully guaranteed.
    35. More events for advanced thread or advanced refine, scroll down if we neeed, more variety is better for us. I for one wants to use my refine wish to get to lv10 straight, so I need to save up at least 1500 advanced refine!
    36. Lucky Star wheel: This is the most rigged, when u had 8 options to spin and u get 2 stars or 3 stars mostly after trying million of times. u either fix your odds or get lost.
    37. Ninja Puzzle: Hate this because it is too tidious, ninja test was enough tidious. My group community are the working class group, make this simpler and give us more rewards in Normal and get rid of the difficult mode.
    38. Drop your valuation on rare/super rare ninjas and be more generous with us, not like hiding the lv 80/90 gift pack and battle power and make us spend for battle clothing (samurai).
    39. Compensation on how we have been at loss due to the whole situation, from DNS, to getting rigged time and time again, and inflated prices etc and your 'slow' actions that keep everything delayed i.e ninjas at shop or things that are supposed to be there but not there yet.
    ++40. Group Summon, ure hiding something there, unleash the Kraken!
    ++41. Wanted Treasure rewards' RNG are bullsh1t. Bought for 90k coins in black market, walk quite a distance, found 30k Coins YAY!

    Those above are my own personal opinion. You have a voice, go make your own and respect me for what I believe personally. If u have a problem, talk to me in private and feel free to clarify my mistakes.

    PS: Additions in Bold + . Will add again if I remember more. This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-3-27 22:01 This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-3-29 09:18
* you nailed it. pretty good
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On 2017-03-27 19:08:59Show this Author Only
Well, people got really upset because they like this game. Soon the attitude will be indifferent and in the end they don't care anymore and just quit. I'll just await how everything will die down and oasgames can live in their own dreamworld with their 100 people player base spread over 500 servers
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On 2017-03-27 19:34:49Show this Author Only
Honestly, from a franchise's point of view, i don't think what he did was in anyway cool.
But from the under-average Naruto Online player, that quite enjoys the game and the people, but can't afford to invest huge amounts of cash into it, i 100% support what he did.

Issues needed to be adressed. That fact that you guys are playing it just like nothing happened and all is cool shows that he was right and that you've yet to understand what YOUR community wants from you.

Cheers and good luck, you people will need it for the upcomming months.
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On 2017-03-27 20:25:18Show this Author Only
Wow even after all of those thing that Aris have exposed Oasis still think their in the right and whats worse is there is not even a word of apology from them. I'm not even a P2W player but I feel bad to the people who have probably spend thousand of dollars for this game, Oasis even if u don't want to listen to your customers at the very least you guys should treat them with respect its not just about business its also about being a decent human being.
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On 2017-03-27 20:35:40Show this Author Only
  • McDonald's On 2017-03-27 18:00:49
  • Not just the wheel, they rigged everything in the game.

not wanting to offend but you are being a moron with that example, you know exactly what it takes to upgrade that, 40 runes, the fact that you can get it earlier its luck based, but they tell you that in a normal situation it will be 40 runes or very close to it to upgrade the item.

the information is right there for anyone to see, its a failsafe situation and you know in advance what you are getting in to.
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On 2017-03-27 20:37:41Show this Author Only
dias be like, "i see no complains, they are just discussing about things". :lol
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On 2017-03-27 20:39:19Show this Author Only
and he'll say that we're all happy here, we like everything they do
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On 2017-03-27 20:39:31Show this Author Only
27 pages of brimstone and sulphur lol. It has already begun like it did when I played Vega Conflict a couple years ago. Aint even gonna waste my breath here. I'll give this game a month. Two months tops. And then it's "Goodbye and adieu, to you ladies of spain.."
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On 2017-03-27 20:44:45Show this Author Only
  • Duall On 2017-03-27 17:50:11
  • This is bad guys. By rigging this wheel and giving everyone 50 coupons on free draw they messed up a big time... This is exactly the problem, that whoever is behind making the decision how the game goes on english server, doesn't understand how it should be. They don't understand us the players, they don't understand that we don't want free stuff, that we don't want things done easily. We want something to seek for, to work for, and be rewarded for spending our time in this game, we want to have fun, and you can't have fun if what you are doing in the game doesn't get you anywhere..
worst part is that after all that happened some players decided to recharge and spend on that wheel and then complain it was rigged even worst.

in case people didnt understand the message, you just proved their point, one BS message and people went straight back into giving them money.

Could anyone in their right mind consider they would make any big changes before the next week update?

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On 2017-03-27 20:51:20Show this Author Only
Let me clarify something quick. There are some peeps who are like "Look at the prize pool. Let me recharge quick and get ahead of the herd while they are distracted." They remind me of those colleagues at work that still sneak in to work when a unanimous strike action has been called. Look at at this way; if this game should die in 2-3 months, what are you going to do with your 10k coupons that you got from prize pool? ;P

Addendum: And to call people who dedicate time to play your game "brainless"? Aigoo...ah Aigoo.
This post was last edited by Normandy at 2017-3-27 20:54
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On 2017-03-27 20:58:35Show this Author Only
This statement doesn't answer to our frustration, if anything creates more. Why did you leave such tiny rewards, community based, aside? Level gift pack? It was a way to make player community understand you actually think about them. But you didn't even put effort into it and rather you concetrated on new (old) events for milking money and on opening more servers rather than merging them.
I'll leave this comment as it is, since it seems that players can be banned for anything.
And anyway, Dias sees us happy.
Ari didn't murder this game, he tried to save it. You guys did.
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On 2017-03-27 21:38:33Show this Author Only
Mods nowhere to be seen, but the moment someone asks something about what's going on with the rank in the rigged event of the consumption wheel and the topic is immediatly closed.
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On 2017-03-27 21:41:56Show this Author Only
  • Normandy On 2017-03-27 20:51:20
  • Let me clarify something quick. There are some peeps who are like "Look at the prize pool. Let me recharge quick and get ahead of the herd while they are distracted." They remind me of those colleagues at work that still sneak in to work when a unanimous strike action has been called. Look at at this way; if this game should die in 2-3 months, what are you going to do with your 10k coupons that you got from prize pool? ;P

    Addendum: And to call people who dedicate time to play your game "brainless"? Aigoo...ah Aigoo.
    This post was last edited by Normandy at 2017-3-27 20:54
that was such a trap but when u look at the rewards section,, the last given coupon was 250* which was prolly a 5% of 5000 pool prize. Now for the last few days (where high pool prize will attract more clicks) are their grandslam main event where they know their strategy of RIGGING the whole thing will gain them the most profit. I love the way they think from a business point of view, brilliant if they are doing it non-human beings, which shows that they treat us like things rather than humans.

People need to know one person getting a 10% pool for example 3k coupons out of 30,000, some others will need to fill those clicks to get it back to 30,000 before another person can win. THEN u remember the last event?? the lottery event.... yupp that one.. similar? What if there were ghosts accounts who win those prize pools? Will we know if they are real or ghosts accounts? can we even tell? I dont.
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On 2017-03-27 21:43:50Show this Author Only
Kaizer, Aristeaus, Narutlih.
of course they want milk dat guy.
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On 2017-03-27 22:30:59Show this Author Only
Yo guys have you seen this person (props to the guy who did this):
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On 2017-03-27 22:43:09Show this Author Only
Now the wheel is bugged or rigged, someone random appear out of nowhere and suddenly when it become su*ous, mods reappear? Plus the fact that someone got 1500 coupons and other things as compensation for this week problems while everyone else got 2seals and 2 magatama pack? Are you even serious right now? WHo are you trying to lure at this point?
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On 2017-03-27 22:47:53Show this Author Only
Everyone on my server got mostly 50 coupons from the wheel, bit "rigged" if you ask me, hopefully on thursday we'll get improvement, otherwise i might quit the game for good, not worth my time, if the team doesnt respect their community.
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On 2017-03-27 22:57:52Show this Author Only
4. New Lv. 80/90 Gift Packs (the Chinese version of the game does not have these);

A straight lie, i've played on china and many versions. i even asked few months ago, why we didn't had lvl 80 and more packs in the benefit hall LIKE GERMANY AND CHINA HAD. The answer i got was something along those lines "it's not in our plans".

Did any of you even know what you're talking about? Do any of you even reread yourself before posting ANYTHING? It's like you had a box of * and chose your whole administration like that.....
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On 2017-03-27 22:58:45Show this Author Only
Boys and girls,

I have watched throw all this thread (posted about 24 hours ago) and have to sum up some things:
1. In 24 hours and 28 pages 0 moderators or admin comments;
2. Few banned people (don't know reason)
3. Lots of suggestions;
4. Lots of complains.

Like you think anything will change?
I really don't like fact that in 24 hours mods and admins didn't say a single word.
I noticed that rewards are getting "weaker" (smaller), etc. ninja test... i remember getting coupons and seal scrolls and now i get 2 mood scrolls or something...

What I mean, anything wont change even if you complain, ask or even beg...
If you will like game you will play. If not, you won't play.

I hope that next maintenance will change something... just hope...

P.S. i wrote a lot of messages to support and most answers were: we are looking into it, or it's yours or your pc or internet fault (in other diplomatic ways).
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On 2017-03-27 23:03:51Show this Author Only
Dor those that understand chinese, Daiske is online with Do Not Disturb status playing something:
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