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[ Events ] Matsuri Balance


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On 2017-02-21 03:43:47Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Whats up with the matsuri? Since it became cross server it became even more broken than before.

Every match i got today was not close to equal , 1 guy 10k power under me and every other match guys 10k power ahead of me.
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On 2017-02-21 03:44:56Show this Author Only
when we got balance there, how long we should w8 2 month mb 3?
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On 2017-02-21 03:51:05Show this Author Only
3 times vs people over 50k in my 28k power its normaly?????????
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On 2017-02-21 05:07:36Show this Author Only
hum personally it's been two matsuri in a row that it went pretty well. i have fought people around my power except one who was 10k stronger than me but i had 3 wins so.
i was actually wondering if they had balanced it.
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On 2017-02-21 05:12:07Show this Author Only
I just got one with 36k more power than me.
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On 2017-02-21 05:15:52Show this Author Only
I guess i was lucky. :)
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On 2017-02-21 08:21:30Show this Author Only
I think it's better if they will change it like this..Matsuri lvl40-50, lvl51-60, lvl61-70, lvl71-80 and 81-85
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On 2017-02-21 10:08:33Show this Author Only
  • S1018 Ambition On 2017-02-21 08:21:30
  • I think it's better if they will change it like this..Matsuri lvl40-50, lvl51-60, lvl61-70, lvl71-80 and 81-85
dynamic +/- 5 or within 15% power would be better, hard bracketing always hurt some players while benefit others, no reason why lv 80 gets to win all the time while 71 always lose.
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On 2017-02-21 10:11:43Show this Author Only
This reminds me of a game design/balance article by Riot Games on anti-fun. I feel like they were talking about scenarios like these.

I would gladly wait more than 10 seconds for a fight that's not an absolute *out one way or the other every time. I feel lucky to get a single fight where someone is within 5k of me (I'm 40k). For this reason I currently do not find the mode enjoyable.

I don't care if I win or lose, I care that nothing I did mattered - I was going to auto-win or auto-lose regardless. Boring.

It's just not fun/challenging/engaging like this. Find a middle spot, please =)

This post was last edited by bbs*** at 2017-2-21 10:27
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On 2017-02-21 10:30:39Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-02-21 10:11:43
  • This reminds me of a game design/balance article by Riot Games on anti-fun. I feel like they were talking about scenarios like these.

    I would gladly wait more than 10 seconds for a fight that's not an absolute *out one way or the other every time. I feel lucky to get a single fight where someone is within 5k of me (I'm 40k). For this reason I currently do not find the mode enjoyable.

    I don't care if I win or lose, I care that nothing I did mattered - I was going to auto-win or auto-lose regardless. Boring.

    It's just not fun/challenging/engaging like this. Find a middle spot, please =)

    This post was last edited by bbs*** at 2017-2-21 10:27
The rewards are nice and all but i agree with this guy.

Need more challenges :l.
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On 2017-02-21 10:48:47Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-02-21 10:11:43
  • This reminds me of a game design/balance article by Riot Games on anti-fun. I feel like they were talking about scenarios like these.

    I would gladly wait more than 10 seconds for a fight that's not an absolute *out one way or the other every time. I feel lucky to get a single fight where someone is within 5k of me (I'm 40k). For this reason I currently do not find the mode enjoyable.

    I don't care if I win or lose, I care that nothing I did mattered - I was going to auto-win or auto-lose regardless. Boring.

    It's just not fun/challenging/engaging like this. Find a middle spot, please =)

    This post was last edited by bbs*** at 2017-2-21 10:27
The problem with this comparison is that LoL takes way longer per fight, so 10s is a relatively small portion of the per match time, whereas for this game, it's statistically significant.
At the same time, due to amount of overall traffic, just a 10s increase will have a large impact on LoL matchmaking but might not for this game.

That said, I am willing to wait for up 2 min per fight if it guarantees me a fair fight every time.
Unfortunately, "similar" power doesn't equate fair fight, most people around my power are ptw with ptw ninjas.... so I have trouble fighting them as a ftp (by ptw ninja I mean exclusive stuff like susanno, playboy etc).
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On 2017-02-21 11:22:56Show this Author Only
I'm not comparing games - the company wrote an article that seems relevant in how Matsuri feels to me.

Wait time is important as well... there's a fine line on all criteria.

For example, For Honor matchmaking begins search by saying 'Skill Level: Strict,' and then relaxes as wait time goes on. Same concept.

I'm ~39k. I think my first fight today today was vs a 54k, then two 20k's. It seems like every time, win or lose, I always wonder how there's not one person between 35-45k I could've fought 3 fights in a row? I would gladly wait longer than 10 seconds for a good fight. (Increasing on win streak is expected.)

Bonus points for considering initiative? ;) This post was last edited by bbs*** at 2017-2-21 11:51
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On 2017-02-21 11:52:15Show this Author Only
i posted this on a differebt thread. ill jus post it here too

this is the solid solution to unfair matchmaking in matsuri

just some things to put out there to make things clear, once you started your que in matsuri the event itself will search for someone who is close/similar to your power for 60 seconds. after that time frame it will match you with a random player that is in que. the problem why you still get match with other people who is far away from your battle power is because of the wait time. even thou your timer just started if someone else's timer get past 60 seconds he can be matched with you.

so a simple solution is instead of getting matched with a completely random person after the 60 second mark just make it so that you get match with other people who has also exceeded the 60second time frame. this way players who are desperate to get matched with someone who is close to his power can just refresh their que before it reaches 60 seconds.
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On 2017-02-21 11:56:13Show this Author Only
My server finally got cross server matsuri. Of all the fights I had today; everything single fight is a complete one sided *out, with the results known before first action even take place. Not much of a contest when you face someone with twice or half your power.
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On 2017-02-21 12:15:26Show this Author Only

This was my last fight in Matsuri today, I was on a 4 win streak as well. I'm 85 and have about 45k power so this definitely needs some fine tuning but maybe a limit in the level difference would be a great place to start.
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On 2017-02-21 12:19:18Show this Author Only
  • Azυrα On 2017-02-21 12:15:26

    This was my last fight in Matsuri today, I was on a 4 win streak as well. I'm 85 and have about 45k power so this definitely needs some fine tuning but maybe a limit in the level difference would be a great place to start.
was this with 1 min+ matchmaking thou? I've never had anything this extreme except in those.
Those don't count because it SAYS it will match u with ANYONE
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On 2017-02-21 12:42:06Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-02-21 12:19:18
  • was this with 1 min+ matchmaking thou? I've never had anything this extreme except in those.
    Those don't count because it SAYS it will match u with ANYONE
More than likely, I don't remember how long I was in queue. I have almost 30 levels on him and close to 6x his power. I understand that it'll match you with anyone after the 60 seconds but this was just on the more ridiculous side of the spectrum. I doubt there'll ever be ideal match-up situations but putting into place certain restrictions on who you can end up against is, in my opinion, necessary.
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On 2017-02-21 13:25:55Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-02-21 10:08:33
  • dynamic +/- 5 or within 15% power would be better, hard bracketing always hurt some players while benefit others, no reason why lv 80 gets to win all the time while 71 always lose.
+/- 5 levels is also better so it will be really fair for everyone
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On 2017-02-21 13:30:34Show this Author Only
game is p2w it is not balanced in the first place
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On 2017-02-21 22:51:44Show this Author Only
There really isn't a great way to do matching. If you want to try to do it based on levels, well my lvl 79 with 38k power will destroy 90% of 70-80 players who are probably all middling around 20-30k power. Hell I was lvl 75 with 34k power facing off against people lvl 83-85 in SageWB who had less power than me, and even those with upwards of 43k power I was beating fairly handedly. So my alt on S2 alone shows that if you tried to pair by power or by level it's not guaranteed to be perfect. Now my main is on S95 lvl 85 with 55k power. Should I be forced to wait for 2 hours for a match if there aren't anyone near my power level when I do matsuri as I can't always do Matsuri right away as I have class.

From what I could tell on my two characters, my lvl 79 on S2 being 38k power got matched with people with power ranging from about 18k(level 83 at that) to 46k the past 2 Matsuri and it's mostly all one server, I was able to finish both with 5 victories, one without having to revive/change teams. My lvl 85 on S95 with 55k power I typically get matched with people ranging from 35k(lvl 85s as well) to a max of 90k though I haven't seen higher than 63k in awhile. If I don't join Matsuri until an hour or so in, I typically have to wait over a minute to finally get matched and then occasionally it's an even lower level person, I feel bad but it happens sometimes and they are starting late as well probably hoping to avoid someone like me with high power so it's just a risk you have to take.

It's still better than before cross-server Matsuri where on S95 I would be literally forced to face the same 6 people each week, 3 of which were from my own group, to try and get our 5 wins in.

Get better. Even as a free player there is 0 reasons you should be under 35k at lvl 85, make sure to redeem rewards for Threads and Refines, save your coupons for Lucky Board and increase your power and stop looking for Ninjas. If you aren't spending that's what you have to do until you reach a reasonable power level if you actually want to do well. For the most part Battle Power > Ninjas, but even a Cursed Hidan/Minato/Konan team can't beat a team with 6k more power that's played well, as I have constantly beat numerous times in SWB on S2.
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