i posted this on a differebt thread. ill jus post it here too
this is the solid solution to unfair matchmaking in matsuri
just some things to put out there to make things clear, once you started your que in matsuri the event itself will search for someone who is close/similar to your power for 60 seconds. after that time frame it will match you with a random player that is in que. the problem why you still get match with other people who is far away from your battle power is because of the wait time. even thou your timer just started if someone else's timer get past 60 seconds he can be matched with you.
so a simple solution is instead of getting matched with a completely random person after the 60 second mark just make it so that you get match with other people who has also exceeded the 60second time frame. this way players who are desperate to get matched with someone who is close to his power can just refresh their que before it reaches 60 seconds.