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2022-08-01 04:06:42
New Event Cycle - 28th of July
That alone showed your cluelessness, we didn't have sage not enough people, spacetime I actually won 1st place - due to inactivity of many players, ninjas exams i don't remmeber where I even stopped tbh, how can i set-up my end game meta when I had to leave for a while (as stated). Had a lot of plans for that account tho. Arena? I even lectured you about it in the past LOL. 9tails I even posted some auto-set up with elaborated explanation in this forum. Illusion event check the score of higher bp vs mine, you'll be surprised. You seen a couple months version of an incomplete f2p account and you think you know it all. haha If we can both have a restart, fair start with no ingots, you won't have a chance againts real player. a real noob relies on money to power up. real player knows how to play. That's all to it. As expected, you don't know what to look for. No need to investigate cause you don't know how. Your only achievement is getting played, by the game and not the other way around. What an amazing investor you are xD
2022-08-01 07:14:37
New Event Cycle - 28th of July
LOL investigate further and you'll see why. Well that is, if you know how to investigate. I don't need to tell you what my current stats are. All you need to know are the things I have presented above, how I got those ealy pic stats s in that server (the timeframe, stats, ninjas for an f2p = you would be surprised how I did it, those where even the times when infiniteillusion were not a thing). Look for what my requests there when it comes to xserver events and so on. Oh wait, you can't assess cause you don't know how the game works without your precious ingots. Actually just visited that account for a month recently, to see the activity there. Anyway, my goal there was done so nothing else to do there. Have I never had to leave and stayed there, I could've reached so much more. Real life obligations are more important than a game. But then I came back, tho to the old one. You wouldn't understand, all you see is current POWER that you easily bought and is so proud of. Have you seen the title on that account? That will tell you alot about the x-server and the cluster and the whole situation. (that is assuming you know what to look for and where = given your lack of basic knowledge about the game). Tell me again your achievements? if there is any? Doesn't change the fact that you got exposed earlier. A whale that doesn't know how to play who insult f2p while in fact he doesn't know how the game works.
2022-08-01 07:14:37
New Event Cycle - 28th of July
LOL that was taken a year ago. I even went to my previous servers. What seems to be your focus is the power yeet it is the knowledge and tthe implementation in the game that counts. As said many times, I had to go on and off cause I have important things to attend to. But when it comes to knowledge abut the game, you won't even compare to what I know. Well, a 2-4M player without any idea of how to strategize in a game of strategy is much more sus than a few hundered Ks or even 5 digits with more knowledge and has more substance. Your fake achievements wont matter to real players whoknow how to play the game.
2022-08-01 07:14:37
New Event Cycle - 28th of July
I haven taken a lot of space and time for dear readers (if there is any LOL). My whole weekend is about lecturing these experts and now it is monday all over again. A tiring weekend this is, now back to reality. Well, I am not always active so always be careful of people acting like they know a lot while infact they are just pretending. Take away their ingots and they won't even know how to start, given that for them this game is not a ame of strategy. LOL
2022-08-01 07:14:37
New Event Cycle - 28th of July
All you can do is throw tantrums and irrelevant insults since my actual argumentts you can't take. I ahve perfectly lined it up for you, but unlucky for you I am not just some pushover that you can trick. you got exposed and for that reason, you try so hard to insult others to distract them from your earlier flawed reasonings and arguments. Remeber you calling me an impostor whale, even tho I proudly claim to be F2p. When you call me delusional for thinking that Naruto online is a strategy game, while infactt I have presenteed too many examples where stratgey is taking place. And pretty much your all other nonsense comment, which exposed how deep (or rather SHALLOW) youur knowlede is when it comes to playing the game itself. Even before I always say, I can show respect to people, but for arrogant people like you, I c*ways make some adjustments. I reply based on the responses I am getting. I could've writen 2-3 liners but if these long sentences you can't understand, what more if I say less, you would flood me with nonsense quesions until you realize you were wrong all along.
2022-08-01 07:14:37
New Event Cycle - 28th of July
There are a lot of strategies/considerations in this game. And if people don't see any, and claims it is not a game of startegy, then from there we can tell who really knows the game and who only relies on money to play...
2022-08-01 07:14:37
New Event Cycle - 28th of July
I think you are confusing my breakdown (lisk) of some possible reasons why people play the game. even put etc in both sides. That is not part of the strratey that I was taking about. I have given different examples of different types of ingame strategy this game has to offer, as seen in my previous comments. Regarding your arugment that "whoever disagree with me is a spender" well ofc I know the backgrund of some people, esp those who think highly of themselves. Read some post here and there that ties them as being spender. Both of you two said it yourselves. Bbefore you were ask by someone (not sure if last year) and you responded that you never claimed to be an f2p, then came your other comments. Or were you lying all along, either way, I don't see you as an f2p cause even the f2p side of things you seem not to know. else you wouldn't claim about the non existence of overused word in here (strategy). And for the other person, I knew all along that he is a spender, I remember him simply because I letcured him before regarding his wrong inputs in a certain discussion. Substats are ofc very important, nd the overall stats of each ninja. A game having a meta doesn't restric people from thinking of different ways in order to reach their goal, ergo they strategize. lemme give you another e*ample. Moons vs sun (ofc at the time of writing) See original post here: Tell me if any of these require meta As for Moons/Suns consumption here is what I do: 1. Moon - During early game (first 1-3 weeks i guess) I knew I couldn't make it to full 1k key rebate (since every week we only have 40k-50k limit due to low level) so I only traded moons for basic/medium refines. It is very crucial in the beginning of the server that you keep up with the everyone else while also managing your items properly. With that being said, I rushed refines in this way: a. 1st month refines: I made my pos2-pos4 ninjas at lvl4 during the first week of refine rebates Note: Pos1 ninja tools remain at lowest level - do not touch them (in the mean time, use lvl4 tools on your pos1 and leave the lvl1 for pos4) b. 2nd month refines: I made sure to get my pos1 3 equipments from lvl1 up to lvl7 or lvl8 each c. 3rd month refines: I made sure my pos1 get all the remaining 2 equipments from lvl1 to lvl7orlvl8 d. skip until ready for lvl10 upgrade (or you can do 100 refines for each level 7 so that you can still claim the rebate rewards. But totally up to you) Simultaneously A. 1st month cave rebate: ignored the incomplete cave-keys - due to time constraint B. 2nd month rebate: I was able to hit 1050 this time C. 3rd month rebate: I was able to hit 2100 this time D. 4th month rebate: I was able to hit 2100 this time E. not yet available: I was able to get 3k atm Note: there are alot of ways to collect keys. Before, I thought that it is not doable to hit 2k consecutively but it is actually achievable (with all the event key freebies and stuff) ***and also with the help of my incomplete fuku spending 15k coupons hehe 2. Suns - During early game I didn't touch my suns. I keep on collecting. Your target should be atleast 250 charms or 500 if you can. For refines it is advisable to go for lvl7/lvl8 to level10 for pos1 so that you can still be competitive. (tho this is debatable) Even for Merchant, I only trade in the beginning for Summon accessories (summon cultivation) until I unlocked some useful Summon Mystery. Shiba, Pakkun. After that I only claim advance refines there. Same with monthly rewards, I only claim either charm or refines depending on the needs per month. What I am trying to say is, if you do not use moons/suns on ninjas and use them for cavekeys+advance refines+charms instead then you would not have any problem in the long run. Your stats will still catch up to the actual full potential of a typical strong player. Cause ninjas, you can just collect through daily grinds in the events or coupons/fuku deals. Say you recruit nagato/naruto sage/chojuro [using moons/suns] then another good ninjas come around (sometimes free) and you have to replace them in your lineup. The resources you used to recruit those ninjas via moons/suns would go to waste. Not totally wasted tho but a little bit that way. hehe Now why did I tell you all of this you might ask? This is because this set-up is not applicable all the time. Say I registered in another new server and it happened that during the first cave rebate I can collect 1050 keys, then I would rather do it than refines. Per month you should aim 1050 keys, much better if you can do 2100 so you c*ready use the power-ups and be competitive. At the same time you would want to rush your refines also but always prioritize cave keys :) As always, adjust to the game. Adapt to your surroundings and have fun! And take note, each people have their ways/strategies. And each people in each server do not have to do the same exact thing as the other. And that's the good thing about strategy games, they require people to think, "you talk about how wrong i am for saying that what the events was offering was very bad thy you never made an actual counter argument, like tell me why was good then?" What I am trying to ask you is that how can you possibly tell if a certain event/redeemable/offers are relevant or irrelevant to every players playing the same game as you? It is your generalization that is off. As for the argument, the focus in on the newer servers... along with that, other redeemables may or maynot be available in the succeding weeks. So that as well should be taken into consideration. Remember my post regarding 6p? ( If not, then here's the gist, my dilemma back then was to spend 15k cps since anytime our server will merge with the other servers. Tho at the asme time, I am in a good position where I don't need a higher tier ninja than I currently have. But since there came a better deal in that week, I had to make a choice. Cause anytime, next month or so my ninja goal could be off of the fuku and I won't be able to BT him in time before merging. And that is all part of the game, risk of spending to early or risk on letting go of good opportunity. Hence another great example of ingame related strategy that isn't even related to meta (considering I am talking to my Desired ninja and not the actual meta ninja) As an F2p we have to first set our primary team, a team who can carry through the first few months of the game, then plan for either long term OP ninja (but would take more time hence during the time of having a weak team for many months collecting hard earned cpns, daily rewards will suffer-plnder-sage-matsuri-etc. Or we can take another temporary secondary team who can catchup with server's activity (daily/weekly) and then collect for powerups/long term OP ninjas (but could result to even longer time period). This part is what differentiate f2ps with spender. Cause planning your early-mid-team while also managing your equipments, upgrades will surely be challenging, Another good point, whatever free ninjas that the early servers are getting will be of great help to those who are just adjusting with the game and are not that familiar with rebates and stuff. While these toxic people continues to rant and demand for better ones (not saying you are 'those' people just tying up the issues with this example). So people claiming that they are giving/offering (redeemables and/or free) ninjas at a certain week don't know that the early servers needed them, same as they did back when they were staring with the gam in their ownn servers. And then again, as what is bein observed, new servers are favored to entice new set of people to join and whales to spend in an active server. Altho ofc, not all will need those, expert f2ps and expert p2ws already know what to get right from the start so not much of a problem, even at early stages of the server... What I am asking you is to answer my simple questions yet nothing still. Why do you play, who did you stay (for more than a year if you are not happy with the game overall and that you feel the management don't care about community feedbacks? It is actually the comment that you replied in, in the first place.
2022-08-01 07:14:37
New Event Cycle - 28th of July
For you maybe it is the best event, but as presented the subject is very subjective. And for the record, you said in your prior comment where you first ask the question 'on this topic', the main reason why I elaborated the strategy portion within the game and said that it is not in the event itself. And now, I am asking you, are you aware of our initial discussion (with the other super active person in this forum?) To summarize: 1. A specific person Y posted non-sense rants mocking event ninjas along with free ninjas aka fuku (basically a mockery overall) 2. I responded with the concept #1 (a bit subjective but with supporting claims as elaborated) regarding new server events and ask why he (Y) play basically 3. The_X came with an attack and replied to my comment 4. I responded back - no response 5. I added second concept (#2 to further discuss the existing issues) and ask if he understand it - the thread closed the next day 6. I combined the two arguments as 1 subject and ask crucial questions - related to his initial response (#3) and why he play/stayed given that he is not satisfied. 7. I ask him if he understood those arguments presented cause if he does, then he would know better than throwing those nonsense remarks. 8. Tried to explain everything on and on while he try to get out of the main topic. The main reason why I ask why people still play if they are not contented for more than a year now and still they are here influencing others with wrong ideals. (with his attack in #2 in the list with his flawed arguments in #3 and claims people censor criticism and so on and his other claim regarding investors argument not knowing that it is their expectations that are off. Altho it is not disregarded that there are flaws in the game, a lot actually. But it is also clearly stated that everything is up to the DEVs. Feedback section are there but still out of anyone's control aside from the management. A lot of negative feedbacks were given but seems the DEVs do not care. The question is why do you still play given that you don't like the system, and for more than a year a presume. IF you stayed then ask politely in feedbacks without any other high expectations of them doing the fixes. Why stay and make a fuss, with flawed arguments, the main reason why other people get their confidence like the person Y is because of those people tolerating such claims and defending them. 9. then came another clueless whale/low spender who joined the discussion thinking I claim to be this informed whale, who is faking my persona and whatnot, claims I am delusional for thinking this is a game of strategy. While in fact, he is the one who lacks so much knowledge about the topic, the game itself (as seen thorough his responses) and he has the audacity to attack and call names to other. and here we are...
2022-08-01 07:14:37
New Event Cycle - 28th of July
Now, your turn to clear your name. As at the moment, I see you as this clueless whale/low spender who attacks people and call them names but in reality he is the one at fault. Prove me wrong, my friend.
2022-08-01 07:14:37
New Event Cycle - 28th of July
The best event that you are asking is subjective in each person. One who wants ninjas in lucky star redeemable and is willing to spend - maybe his missing piece for his ideal team, the missing piece for his 4 star with BT infinite illusion team, will say he thinks the wheel has much better value. For others, great plates with their target ninja packs+ vials, regardless if the ninja is off meta or not, if one likes it or is needing the ninja, then he would want it. Spending tons of cpns/ingots in great tree will give a bunch of rewards in terms of coupons value but for so much cost - not ideal to low spenders (cpns and/or ingots). You know, the huge discounts are there but still limited to the actual redeemable (ninja/powerups) that each player needs/wants. one may get a ton of powerups there, but if he is missing ninjas then he might consider other events as his go to event. If ask, he would say the better event is event X. You know why? cause I said from the start, subjective...
2022-08-01 07:14:37
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