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2017-07-24 19:16:29
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2019-05-06 15:59:15
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2017-07-24 22:00:03
[Player Guide]
Reanimated Treasure
Actually - they are worse. Only Rasa, Kinaku and Ginkaku is good (kin\gin only for lightning, Rasa - mostly for wind, and in ranking to otheres). Otheres is almost useless.
2017-07-24 22:05:23
Server Merge Request - 6th March
1. Server ID: S312. Server Region: HK3. Server Age: Estimated 5~6 month4. Sage Battlefield: roughly 1 PAGE of 8-10 participants PER battlefield (Mount, Cave, Woods)5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 5 minutes++6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 4 (mainly 1 active group, the remaining 3 groups have roughly 10-15 participants in TOTAL)7a. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 54K, 7b. Average Power Rank of Top 10: 51K, 7c. Average Power Rank of Top 20: 47kAs per above, server 31 is definitely not the "most-dead" server so to speak, but the number of players is steadily dropping as the days go by. Most of the players feel very "bored" because of the lack of participants in several server events such as sage world, fighting matsuri, and great ninja wars. As much as everyone is trying to * with the game because of our love for Naruto, it is slowly starting to feel draggy to just log in and do mundane dailies (which many people now are too lazy to complete), and then pray that our servers get merged. Even though there were previous threads created to "suggest a server for merger", it has been months since that and to be honest, i feel that the "older servers" need more attention to get "sorted out", and by that i meant things like: salvaging the various servers that have similar situations which are causing players to quit/slow down playing the game due to such scenarios/problems (low server activity rate etc). We sincerely hope that server mergers can be carried out "SOON" .Cheers~
2017-07-24 21:46:53
Server Merge Request - 20th February
1. Server ID: S312. Server Region: HK3. Server Age: Estimated 5~6 month4. Sage Battlefield: roughly 1 PAGE of 8-10 participants PER battlefield (Mount, Cave, Woods)5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 5 minutes++6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 4 (mainly 1 active group, the remaining 3 groups have roughly 10-15 participants in TOTAL)7a. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 54K, 7b. Average Power Rank of Top 10: 51K, 7c. Average Power Rank of Top 20: 47kAs per above, server 31 is definitely not the "most-dead" server so to speak, but the number of players is steadily dropping as the days go by. Most of the players feel very "bored" because of the lack of participants in several server events such as sage world, fighting matsuri, and great ninja wars. As much as everyone is trying to * with the game because of our love for Naruto, it is slowly starting to feel draggy to just log in and do mundane dailies (which many people now are too lazy to complete), and then pray that our servers get merged. Even though there were previous threads created to "suggest a server for merger", it has been months since that and to be honest, i feel that the "older servers" need more attention to get "sorted out", and by that i meant things like: salvaging the various servers that have similar situations which are causing players to quit/slow down playing the game due to such scenarios/problems (low server activity rate etc). We sincerely hope that server mergers can be carried out "SOON" .Cheers~ This post was last edited by Astravous at 2017-2-20 16:23
2017-07-24 21:42:01
Post Maintenance Issues - 16th February
@Acer1,Attacked is the screenshot for my queue time in/from my server, details are as follows:Currently(before season ended and rewards are given out) ranked #1 in my server(Sever 31:Asuma), i am having very long queue times despite the arena having a "Cross-Server" function implemented and supposedly working. Server : 31 HKPlayer ID : AstraeiaTime of Arena Queue : 1130Hrs GMT+8Queue Duration : ~9minutesProblem Encountered : No arena matches found despite cross-server implementation and a long queue/wait time.
2017-07-24 21:36:34
Post Maintenance Issues - 16th February
im also experiencing the same problem as the above user!~ :o
2017-07-24 21:36:34
So what did you guys get from the Arena rewards?
Not sure how/what to feel after receiving my rewards ...groupies who are ranked 2nd - 7th have gotten ninjas like kakashi beheading blade, ningendo, mabui, gnw kankuro etc... and im here sitting at 1st place with CEE !
General Discussion
Naked Snake
2018-04-01 08:27:35
Server Merge Request – Week Feb 13th
1. Server ID: S312. Server Region: HK3. Server Age: Estimated 5~6 month4. Sage Battlefield: roughly 8-11 participants PER battlefield (Mount, Cave, Woods)5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 5 minutes++6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 4 (mainly 1 active group, the remaining 3 groups have roughly 10-15 participants in TOTAL)7a. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 54K, 7b. Average Power Rank of Top 10: 51K, 7c. Average Power Rank of Top 20: 47kAs per above, server 31 is definitely not the "most-dead" server so to speak, but the number of players is steadily dropping as the days go by. Most of the players feel very "bored" because of the lack of participants in several server events such as sage world, fighting matsuri, and great ninja wars. As much as everyone is trying to * with the game because of our love for Naruto, it is slowly starting to feel draggy to just log in and do mundane dailies (which many people now are too lazy to complete), and then pray that our servers get merged. Even though there were previous threads created to "suggest a server for merger", it has been months since that and to be honest, i feel that the "older servers" need more attention to get "sorted out", and by that i meant things like: salvaging the various servers that have similar situations which are causing players to quit/slow down playing the game due to such scenarios/problems (low server activity rate etc). We sincerely hope that server mergers can be carried out "SOON" .Cheers~ This post was last edited by Astravous at 2017-2-13 19:36 This post was last edited by Astravous at 2017-2-13 19:40
2017-07-24 21:37:20
Matsuri cross server issue
seems like its not cross server this week :p
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:34:16
TOP 40 Individual and TOP 5 Group with highest BP in all HK server [UPDATED]
woah ! thanks for compiling the list :p This post was last edited by Astravous at 2017-2-13 15:55
General Discussion
214 Alisha
2017-07-24 21:34:06
Matsuri bug is back
yeap, looks like we've got the bug again for matsuri :QServer : 31 - Asuma ( HK )Time of issue/bug/problem : 19:00 GMT + 8 issue : as per screenshot, loading icon followed by "request timeout" error message.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:25:57