No offense but many more people are gonna quit when they cant get sage rank in arena. Or in this case, NO REWARD AT ALL. Imagine the strong p2p sages get 90 frags of rare ninja every month while you stay way back. And They cannot even put up the cross server function up for a week before releasing the reward shows how out of tune they are with the community. They just want to milk and milk. So many people already buying susuano worth of 4k usd. Man this is quite insane.
If anything is misinterpreted, they seriously need a better english translator for the community. Whatever they have been trying to explain, is still unclear. /facepalm
Please give a heads up on details from now on, using proper english like announcement from now on......
Also, There are 4 class and 70% of the people uses lightning and they say there is no need to nerf. Might as well take out earth then. When I go to bath, everyone is lightning. As if all are statues facing their left in the waters.
This post was last edited by ser*** at 2017-2-17 12:09