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2017-07-24 19:04:22
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2017-07-24 21:47:28
Serious question
That first team is an annoying/deadly lineup unless your lineup is tanky and/or includes a healer.Sasuke can override any kage barrier ninja. Being immune thanks to root passive, mean even if you bring someone like Ao/Neji - have to time it exactly or else its wasted.Main goes strategically towards the end of round 2, paralyzing the whole team so it can't combo in round 3. And usually 2 round is enough to take out atleast 1 ninja. Battles become very one sided after that.Its totally fine that not evey team can counter others. But its surprising how effective this team is against most other teams. In a battle between similar power, this one dominates others most of the time.One counter is running Azure-sailor sakura lineup. Helps to survive 2 round blitzs, and then poison stats doing its work.Would love to hear other inputs.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:47:28
Enough of this!
Matsuri matchup problems have been there ever since cross-server was introduced in it.1) It is said that if the matchup timer goes beyond 1 min it will be a random result. However, it should be true if both side's timer goes over 1 min. Currently it matches with anyone in random if one player's timer goes over 1 min, even if the other player just qued there.2) It may sound silly but, how about having a bp difference threshold there? Let's say, if the bp difference of two player is over 10k, lower power player doesn't lose any ninja even if he/she loses the match.Probably just a wishful thinking and will never happen.3) that being said, you can probably avoid the big sharks if you don't que early at the event. High power players have no reason to wait around and most will be finished within the first hour or so. Try queing about 1 hour after nine tail and see how it matches.Also, not a lot of players are in that 60k-70k region yet. So you won't get them everytime. With 9 ninja, you can build 3 good teams+ can revive one team if needed. so there is a good chance to get all 5 win if you keep improving yourself on a regular basis.Just some random thoughts that comes to mind when seeing such topics.:)
General Discussion
Broken Screen
2017-07-24 21:46:49
Mabui's passive
This is the typical setup of Azure-mei-mabui-tenten lineup:It's a quite annoying lineup in arena where both poison/ignition plays a big role and this team can do both.Here main have heal in both standard and mystery.As for how this team works:1) You acupunture/immobile tenten round 1, mabui heals her and then she goes, dealing AoE dmg which also does poison.2) You acupunture mabui, she heals and tenten goes. You immobile mabui, main heals her and then she and tenten goes round 1.On round 2, if you lose to mabui in terms of initiative, she c*e her mystery and generate enough chakra for mei to go. If you somehow manage to immobile/acupunture mei/mabui here, main can cast heal and then they will go as usual. Because of having 2 healer debuffs such as poison/ignition doesn't work well against this team, whereas this lineup can keep doing stackable poison damage.In short, using cc on this team can be really tricky.One easy counter can be to bring a manual barrier ninja and remove mei barrier round 1. but even then, things doesn't bemore to easier. Both tenten/mei and myetery that has 2 round cd. As long as main is alive team will keep doing poison damage. Ig mabui is alive then tenten-mei can have enough chakra for mystery.Not everyone plays as MB to run RoW. if you are using other teams, how do you counter it? using which lineup?Maybe a elaborate answer with steps will help quite a few people here, as this team is very very effective in arena where our stats are reduced.Thank you. Waiting for some good answers.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:44:28
Extreme cat
It might help others more to also say at what power you do what damage.Someone might be able to kill the cat in extreme, but maybe that's cause that person might have 70k+ power and not because of a certain setup.Earlier I used Anko-Hidan-Tobi team (Anko barrier- poison-ignition chase). At around 52k bp can get around 280k coins.Tried replacing Anko with mei and the dmg output is more or less same.Tried using nine tail team before, but it always ended up doing less dmg than the highest I can reach.Try to post how much coin you get at what power with which setup, that should make it more clear.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:42:59
1000 Seal Scrolls Challenge
Depends on how you spend the ingots. There are quite a few good ways to convert ingots into coupons.1) Jonin medal2) monthly pack ($6 per month)3) Lucky wheel. See if you can add $1 everyday instead of a $50 one time. That way you can spin the wheel twice each day ($6/$12 per month)4) You c*so plunder to get coupons. It its not suitable, then you can do extra SS convoys by spending ingots.Save these for good deals such as land of lightning treasure, treasure of the sage and such. Saving seal scrolls also depends on how good you are in-game. If you can win matsuri everyweek, get rank on sage battle often - seals usually pile up quite fast.Combining these, and you may reach the goal sooner than you think. This post was last edited by Sourav at 2017-3-5 09:46
General Discussion
Saw Yuuki
2017-07-24 21:41:47
Ninja questions
No, its not a bug.Read the question carefully, it says what ninja you can get from that instance when clearing 'for the first time'.So, it is asking about the clearance reward you get for this particular instance. And, the clearance reward is guy.To make these a little bit easier, you can remember that clearance reward for lvl 20 elite is team 7, lvl 30 elite instance is team 8 and lvl 40 instance is team 9.Also try to remember which ninja's you get as clearance rewards. Most of the time it only gives you one suitable option, others we dont get as clearance reward from anywhere.These question are a bit tricky and I used to make a lot of mistakes on them too.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:41:44
Question about jonin medal renewal event
So, even if I don't have medal now, if I activate it during this event, can get the coupons as rebate, right? Since I had medal once before?
Bugs & Support
2017-12-26 08:55:49
[OFFICIAL] Polls & Surveys System
If you click on the recharge option, a new interface will open and will show your UID at the top of the page. :)
Surveys & Polls
2017-07-24 22:13:24
Events - 2nd March
Was kyuubi naruto in lucky board for 100 point before?Or, was it 100 point where you'd get 1 point/10 ingot spending?I don't remember it well.
2017-07-24 21:42:51
[Strategy Share]
Ninja clones
Yes, it does affect.Basically, a clone's hp depends on the ninja's overall attributes, where hp contribute more compared to others stats.Zabuza, akatsuchi, torune - these ninja's creates clones based on 100% of their attributes.gnw kankuro creates puppet based on 80% of his stats.
2017-07-24 21:39:57
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