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2017-07-24 19:22:24
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2017-07-24 21:30:18
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2017-07-24 21:30:18
Events - 2nd February
Since the 2.0 update there has been several bugs problems with in game content. People have spoken out and they are still not fixed. I have no idea what the plans for the dev team is but i feel like before they were alot quicker on problems in game and even compensated players for like say longer maintenance and players missing events becasue of it. Now we have issues with game content for 3 weeks + and nothing has changed. They keep saying everyweek the same things and nothing changes so i guess just play the game and not care. Dont give anymore feedback and dont spend. Let them try to get people to spend with the events because we all want that sweet Guy from goldfish event. And if like mods say everyweek that they listen to feedback and tell the devs, well this goldfish is worst then the previous one we had with GNW neji frags. All the same rewards are there but with guy frags now? No way in hell that they even heard about the feedback that the goldfish event got if they did this for this time around. Anyways ive learned since christmas that the game is going downhill becasue of the decision the Oasis team is taking. From what i can tell they are only trying to make money off events and absolutely dont care about the game and players. Otherwise there would be 0 reason for in game content to be broken for 3 weeks and not been adressed yet. We can keep speaking out but it really doesnt seem like mods/devs or who ever u want to name is not taking the information the players are giving them to try and make the game better. This post was last edited by Varz at 2017-2-2 12:23
2017-07-24 21:32:29
Events - 2nd February
People are mad becasue these features since 2.0 have not been working....The company wich u keep proctecting wich is 100% fine have made decisions over the month and i think have not been the right ones. These permanent features should of been fixed WAY BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE. Arena should of been fixed in the first week and same for mitsuri event wich are still not fixed to this date. I personally dont care about the events i think they all have their positives and negatives features with them but its fine. I want our permanent in game features to be fixed where we can actually do them with no problem. And for events, for the past month i felt like we have been back tracking on rewards for trade in in certain events. Thats my opinion but i dont care about them. Like i stated the real problem is the permanent features in game that have been not working properly for almost a month now and all that we are being told is : We are aware of these problems we will get back to u when we have more feedback. U guys were told this 3 weeks + abou this and still havent found a solution? Alright it might be hard to find i get it but why not compensate the players? its all digital stuff in game anyways no? I play everyday on 3 accounts and i still want to play becasue im having fun but the devs are not helping out the frustrations with players when they dont have stuff working. U guys gave out compensation for people missing a event like sage or 9 tils before becasue maintenance was extended, but the devs arent compensating players who have missed out Mitsuri event for 3 weeks? and now arena still not working intended? I feel lke the dev's are putting so much emphasis on events when its just the same events comming back but different rewards... Just fix the permanent GAME FEATURES PLZ!
2017-07-24 21:32:29
Events - 2nd February
All the devs did for this week is give 1 event that people kept asking about for more then 1 month after putting up other bad events up several times. They just do what they want and dont care about the player base at all. My reason for that is that we got horrible events for hollidays. Like no great event for christmas and didnt even get a CNY event when event previous mods said to expect more for CNY then we got nothing. There are also the prices in several events that are just plain bad ( increase in price ) and then there also plenty of issues in the game that the devs/mods have stated fixed but were not for all the players. Players didnt get compensation for missing out on events becasue they were having issues on their side. Like from what i can see from these events, If people havent noticed yet but lucky board has always been the first week of the next month. Its been like that for the past 3-4 month easy so i was expecting this event this week. BA rebate has been asked for more then 1 month so they finally gave it after people complaining for more then a month. So to me these events are pretty normal yet again. For me i was happy about 2.0 update and the server merge, but i c*ready see top players on our server quitting because how bad The American team for oasis gaming has taken care of its players compared to others regions. The oasis teams need to start being serious about their work and fix several issues they currently have or the game will die out alot faster then they think. I'm really neer the pooint of quitting also because im wasting my time to log on for a event for 3 weeks now and still cant do it and have posted about it everytime except for this week becasue nothing has changed.
2017-07-24 21:32:29
Still having same issue with mitsuri....
Hey Tobei, the issue im still having is the request timeout with mitsuri. Iv'e now missed 5 mitsuri events because of it :( . I've tried on my main and alt's every mitsuri events and still doesnt work.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:29:36
S124 Request Timeout - Matsuri
2 weeks and still hasnt been fixed, im wondering what will come first....The fix to this issue or rewards to compensate us missing on mitsuri event and spending out time to be there and nothing works everytime.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:28:42
There is like no way for people to do the TI or sweep for mats now becasue the newer FTP will never be able to upgrade their gear until they get like 5 extra lvls even more. My alt wont be getting mats to upgrade my gear past the 70 lvls because they are neer impossible.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:27:26
[Fighting Matsuri] Request Timeout
Server ID : s124Character name :Varz , Varzigoth , VarzygoonUID : 200000086111910 and 200000085838885What's the problem ? : request timeout for the past 3 mitsuri eventsHow long are you experiencing this problem ? : for the last 3 mitsuri events counting the one tonight after being told it was fixed last 2 times....Screenshot: for some reason with windows 10 i cant take screenshots...So just doing the maths real quick bascially im losing out on 1200 rank points, 6 bond scrolls, 1.5 summoning srcolls , 1.3 seal scrolls and 120 summon point per mitsuri event. On my main account and 2nd highest alt this is huge losses for me and since ive missed 3 events due to this problem ive lost out on 3600 rank points/ 18 bond scrolls / 4.5 summonning scrolls / 3.9 seal scrolls and 360 summon points. After almost 2 full weeks of no mitsuri for me are u guys going to compensate now for everything that ikm losing out? This is beginning to get a little out of control and its getting frustrating. I dont care about my 3 alt becasue he could never clear it but my 2 main accounts could clear this even easy and was very helpfull for a f2p player. Plz give some insight on this. Thx
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:27:12
Additional Events
Also i understand u guys release these events becasue of the feedback like u guys said, but just release them in the next week with chinese new year. Then both party can be happy! But w/e the events are not bad but just *s its at the ned of week after people topped off
2017-07-24 21:27:36
Additional Events
They will never tell the players the % of a reward on wheel, absolutely no point to tell us because it will obvouskly make smart players probly avoid going for it.
2017-07-24 21:27:36
So when are we going to get feedback?
If u look in the mitsuri clicky thread, its not fixed for alot of players still. It wasnt fixed i posted in the thread that all 3 of my accounts sitll cant get it and several players in my group and server can't do it still. Like i've stated before also i think its a server thing, mostly players of my group are from s124 and alot of us have the issue. But back to the topic i just want the mods to shed some light for us who still had the issue after telling us it was fixed.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:26:32