Hello mods, So after a full week of no mitsuri and u guys saying the issue was fixed on monday, the same issue happened on friday and u guys havent given any feedback to us players. I've talked in PM with a mod on monday and friday but on friday i was just completely ignored after him telling me the issue was fixed. Obviously it wasnt and so basically was lied to for no reason when u guys could of just said u were still looking into it. Obvously im 100% u guys wont give compensation to the people who are affected by this problem , but can u guys just tell us if u even found the problem? Like players are losing out on free stuff that it kinda easy to attain now. Im kinda a small paying player so i like when i can get my free seal scrolls and other stuff from mitsuri but if this keeps on going il just keep losing out and u mods are not giving out information to help us players.
It really *s when u guys say after the first day its fixed and its not, that's just a blatant lie. Ithink i can talk for alot of players but anykind of feedback would be useful so that we are not left in the dark. Anyways hope to get some news and not be ignored....