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2017-07-24 19:50:10
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2024-05-16 10:24:56
Version 5.0 - Preview
Coolio, been looking forward to some new things to change the meta.
2018-08-16 13:33:02
group shop,ranked shop etc
Yes and no. low level refine is a fickle item, I'd say yes as you can never grow too fast or have too many, but equally I say no as even with the event going from rank 3 to 4 with runes is usually a black hole for them. If there's another item you could use to immediately improve your team that is as important go for it, else stack em up. If your water or Ltn main Hinata is a far better tank than Gaara, speaking from my own experience. Gaara is a killer attacker if you can set it up but his mystery can be countered by any experienced player, Hinata isn't impenetrable but she's a good stall (between lower mystery burn and atk block) due to her being more wall and chain than atk you don't really need to think too much about her and are free to concentrate on your attackers. As far as the Kabuto discussion I rarely used him as Karin and later GNW Sakura are all around better healers.
General Discussion
2017-11-21 00:15:49
Arena unkillable teams
If you just want the OP ninja that you've ranted about, take a few 8 day breaks, farm up the return coupons and boom you can magically afford your desired target next time their event comes up. I got tee'd off at my leader for paying for gnw1010 last year so I just did the above method and low and behold an event came and I had the coupons to get that crazy AOE goddess... then kinkaku came out as a easy pull nin making my efforts vain... but with the excess that I farmed and interest returned from taking those breaks I farmed and grinded my way to surpassing my groups leader and it felt so good to rub it in their face xD Point is, P2W isn't always better, sometimes they're so used to the cushion that they don't notice how bad their team is, how little they've progressed etc. you have a higher drive as a F2P to earn every step, every inch that you can even if you'll never be #1, being bitter about it just makes it harder to make friends or enjoy the game.
General Discussion
2017-09-18 07:56:43
Rank arena -cursing and begging...
Hell I just avoid arena until my groupmates want to run, it's nothing against our little cluster of servers I just prefer having a chance to fight my own mates solely because we * talk eachother... though too often members start "accidentally" fighting other people over mutual hostility which leads to me kicking my own peeps, them rejoining and us failing GNW x_x. If it's getting extreme and I mean actually to the point where the fight rolls beyond battle chat, you do have the power to pm a leader of their group, most group leaders don't want bad eggs causing fights and drama that make the group as a whole look bad. Respect and basic detail's in such messages would go miles to some form of action being taken, remember we're all human. There's no need to repeatedly msg over it nor dwell on it, odds are it will boil over or be dealt with. ex: S00.Name has been needlessly toxic to me/and or my group, they've been starting fights and filling world with threats and spam directed at individuals, it'd be much appreciated if you could talk with them about it. *if it's to the point that you need to make a customer support report SS' everything relevant and give detail, even anything that incriminates yourself, honesty is as important as the details.*
General Discussion
2017-09-17 19:50:39
Mini-CLient on Linux
Yeah thing is PlayOnLinux, crossover(codeweavers) and wine itself don't actually work, you can install and open but it often bugs out with the flash plugin. I know this is practically necro just noting the wall I hit. The only chance is if it gets rebuilt completely with a different flash player (Ex. pepper) doing so would not be worth the time and effort as there is already enough variable assumption to make the current mini client run on windows, I cant imagine the nightmare of essentially doing a complete rebuild port for a OS that isn't really mainstream.
General Discussion
2017-09-12 10:04:23
Fanmade future ninja talentsets
Tayuya - Edo Tensei - Cursed seal state 2Mystery: Demonic possession melody.Cause heavy nin dmg to 2 units, chance to cause control.Standard: Shrill notesCause nin dmg to target, cause acupuncture to target.Passive: Summoning art: DokiIf there are no clones or puppets in your field summon 1 doki, doki have SuperArmor.Passive: Cold blooded:Increase dmg against non "Edo Tensei" units by 30%Chase: Summoning Jutsu: Three ghostsChase low float, cause highfloat. can be triggered twice per round.Removed curse tag, while it's a universal McGuffin I'd assume the peak stage of an edo revived nin to not require a mandatory slow start for a passive buff.
2018-06-05 06:11:40
Fanmade future ninja talentsets
__________________________Joker - Meister of Chaos---------------------------------------Mystery: Fun House:Cast a barrier that lasts 3 rounds, while active all healing effects are limited to 1hp. If this unit is defeated while barrier is active it will be revived with 10%HPChakra Use: 40Battlefield Cooldown: 3Cooldown: 2Standard: Mystery Gift!Cause random debuffs to all units on the field, has a chance to fail, if attack fails cause control to this unit and target. This attack ignores mirror coat.Chase: Impure ToxinsChase 5 hit combo, cause Ignite and poison to enemy units.Passive: Poor sportIf this unit is targeted by an attack, cause another unit on your team to take dmg instead (excluding aoe or attacks that hit more than 1 target)Passive: Non-believerThis unit is unable to be healed by any effect, this unit cannot be revived by any other effect outside of Fun House, This unit takes increased nin dmg, Double this units HP if Hidan is on your team.After reading the Sub-Zero charsheet, this got stuck in my head, I tried to stay balanced while still letting joker be... himself This post was last edited by Cherry BlossomFea... at 2017-5-29 11:47
2018-06-05 06:11:40
Fanmade future ninja talentsets
Rin Nohara (Isobu Jinchuriki)Special: Tailed beast strike!Cause nin, tai damage and ignition to enemy team, cause knockdown to target.Cooldown 4 roundsChakra 60Standard: Healing JutsuHeal 1 unit with the least life in your own team and disperse all debuffs on target.Passive: ReportRecover 40 Chakra points before each action.Chase: Leaping Bullet Shell TowerChase and attack Low Float, Cause heavy Tai Dmg and Ignition.Passive: Tailed Beast chakra: warsBefore each rounds action, recover life based on own Resistance. Immune to all Debuffs.
2018-06-05 06:11:40
Fanmade future ninja talentsets
Experiment #626 | Sound-nin | Genderless________________Mystery: One vs one thousand.Cooldown: 4Chakra: 80Causes Tai dmg to upto 9 targets. May cause Acupuncture.Standard: SmashCause Tai dmg to one opponent. Chance to cause acupuncture.Passive: Survivalist:Immune to debuffs for 3 rounds.Passive: SacrificeUpon defeat summons 1 Orochimaru(Sanin war> with no mystery, apply this ninjas attributes.Passive: EmpoweredIf this ninja is still in play after 5 rounds, sacrifice to revive 1 sound/curse nin on the same team.Just a nameless sacrifice that became a host for Orochimaru. This post was last edited by Cherry BlossomFea... at 2017-5-26 11:44
2018-06-05 06:11:40
Fanmade future ninja talentsets
Tayuya - The Immortal Musician - Yin ReleaseMystery: Revolt of the Demon World Cause knockdown to target, may cause immobile to enemy team.Cooldown: 3Battlefield Cooldown: 2Cost: 60Standard: Flute StabCauses Nin+Tai Dmg, Chance to cause Immobile. Cause sleep on crit.Chase: Doki StrikeChase Low Float, cause poison and 10 combos.Passive: Guardian DokiIf Doki Summons are on the field they have a chance of Absorbing damage taken by this Nin.Passive: Summoning Jutsu-DokiAt the start of battle bring a summon onto the Field, Summon 3 Doki, Their Attributes are based on half your Attributes. Doki Have Super ArmorI tried to think and my brain just said the answer to all problems are Doki... This post was last edited by Cherry BlossomFea... at 2017-5-24 20:30
2018-06-05 06:11:40
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