Now today I fought over 40 fights in rank arena just to get from 44 to 49...i was going back and fort for more than 2 hours but that is not an issue...the iasue is that people are cursing u right from the start like and telling me ohh u got roshi u probably are 6 paths and u troll people .Roshi is so easy to get...i wonder what they write when they fight itachi and sasuke susano and ay...or hey man I need just one more win please man give me the win and when he loses .. dude....all day I get this type of msgs which I saved but I want to talk to a moderator and the reason behind this...Now ive been fighting in rank arena for months now and sometimes things like this would happen but I noticed when people started posting on the forum that they become 6 paths and only then I got to see this things happen...this is happening all week and people are jealous and I beg of the moderators not to let people brag about that 6 paths thing on the forums cause I think its great that they achived something big...3 months ago I was happy when I did it but I didnt post on forums and trust me people are angry...cursing and stuff its just hostile all around. Thank you.
I set my chat on 'group' when i do arenas to avoid that kind of mess. Btw, hear my tip, if after 10 fights you are still around the points you were when you began to fight in arena, just stop, do something else for a while and go back there in a different time span or the following day, your inner peace will say you thanks.
Guess I'm sorry if posted me becoming Six Paths? I was just overflowed wit joy that my montyhs of agonizing pain of waiting and getting faster opponwnts than me, paid off. Personally, I dont immediately think anyone who has Roshi is immedistely Six Paths. I more like tink, "Oh crap, how am I gonna bypass this?".
And right now, Im not getting any negativity, so im good for now?
First of all if you come here and say that to my face ull probably need to grow up...2nd im saying this because it started being too toxic..i dont mind people saying stuff and if anyone have to grow something is them...this is a game which my little girl cousin is playing and dont want that stuff around her...cause if I post all that probably ull be there also lol...this is a game and people should enjoy it not being all jelous or angry cause someone beats them. I wrote this cause I want to be settled not cause I want people getting warnings or banned.
I set my chat on 'group' when i do arenas to avoid that kind of mess. Btw, hear my tip, if after 10 fights you are still around the points you were when you began to fight in arena, just stop, do something else for a while and go back there in a different time span or the following day, your inner peace will say you thanks.
Thx man but I dont mind really...i was doing rank arena cause my friends were and im ok with being super kage cause already finished it...and yes that is true if ur stuck u should quit...
Guess I'm sorry if posted me becoming Six Paths? I was just overflowed wit joy that my montyhs of agonizing pain of waiting and getting faster opponwnts than me, paid off. Personally, I dont immediately think anyone who has Roshi is immedistely Six Paths. I more like tink, "Oh crap, how am I gonna bypass this?".
And right now, Im not getting any negativity, so im good for now?
Nah man ita not ur fault dont get me wrong happy for u I really am and I know the feeling of getting there...myself I had so much luck winning the last two matches I was jumping all around and im like an adult lol...well 24 but still...i dont do that but I was so overjoyed. But im telling u people are getting seeing it first in my group mates when suddenly decided to do rank arena...i was like ok ill go rank ill help if I get you...have a feeling people posting on the forums about their 6 paths made a lot more people to do rank arena but not with good mood like every fight is hard and I love that but come on..srsly u lose and curse...well I guess people will be people.
pvp is always toxic whatever the game is, there's always salty people around. Though i kinda get what your point of view is, We all getting tired of those salty people behavior after all. Especially here, so many salty people lol.
Removing thread that make people brag to get six paths isnt the best solution though, we all love to brag no matter what people said. soo.. my suggestion is just ignore those people, and report it when its offensive and annoying. Jealousy isnt getting anyone anywhere.. Just enjoy yourself dude, game is being played to make people enjoy it. ignore people that ruins the fun..
I am on the other side of the fence. Not only does it not annoy me, I join in and insist that they are correct. Yes I spend a lot of money, yes I'm winning because my formation is better, and never will I surrender because you can't win!
I rarely play after getting six paths though, it's just a Roshi contest at that point.
I just say sorry usually, it doesn't matter either way, I feel their frustration, I've been there plenty of times, the moment I got Mei & Mabui I skyrocketed from being stuck at Anbu for months to getting 6 Paths in about an hour, it's rough being on the other side of that.
Let people vent, they're frustrated and rightfully so, it's an incredibly frustrating game.
People in sage and arena are generally respectful and I'll be respectful to them in return, I've had some nasty comments in Matsuri though.
I had one guy go off at me in my final match one day for being pay2win when I was at about level 70 and 45k power and he was level 85-90 or something with 63k power, he was using Darui, Mifune and I believe Ningendo pain in his team VS my SN, Iruka & Guy poison/chaos team and I won, somehow. Apparently despite a 20k difference and him having an overall more expensive team, I was the pay 2 win player.
There's no point getting mad at that, but there's also no point rubbing it in their faces either.
I like to be straight forward "Sorry, just getting my Matsuri done" "Sorry just doing daily arena stuff" etc. etc. Hell I wouldn't even do half of these things if it didn't get me rewards, I need those arena coins, those adv refines in sage and so on. At some point living for competition and beating others doesn't really lead anywhere positive.
Ranked arena is tough man. Some people are really desperate for that last rank up. People are gonna be frustrated... though in my personal opinion toxicity is a bit too far. It's just an Internet game, you're having a virtual duel with a stranger. How much does that affect you on the long term?
What really makes people so frustrated is current Ranked Arena system of rewards. You can work very hard for a whole month and all your determination and time spend on it goes into vain when you get a silly reward for it. Ranked Arena should have full reset of rank every month for everyone and rewards ba
Begging and toxic comments are very common but nothing work so well as just ignoring them. In every competetive part of every game there always will be people like this. You wish to block people on forum from posting their happiness of getting through that hell finally- sorry from my side for joining that too- but well then we shouldn't get server ranking for Arena and titles for it neither. But that's not really the problem. See, whole game is about geting something and bragging about it- even when you don't do it on your own- see: chat messages when someone draw a rare ninja, drop something nice in event. Titles and rankings. System messages about Ranked Battle and things like this. All of this is a way to heat up competition in certain area. And with things like this- there always will come frustration and toxicity from side of some players. As I said earlier- best way is to build up immunity for them and ignoring.
Since you mention your little cousin in comments- as a mother I will tell you that- if you let a kid/teen join any online competetive game, then you won't save him/her from toxicity, salt and insults for every litlest thing. Instead of pointing out forum posts- teach them to not join these toxic people and learn to not get their words into them so much.
And, like I said before- real problem is rewards system on arena, it wouldnt be so frustrating if anyone could get stuff for their rank every month. And that would be fair too, since it does need rather a lot of work and time to grab any higher rank in there.
Good luck getting to Six Paths and little to none trolls and toxins on your way there!
What really makes people so frustrated is current Ranked Arena system of rewards. You can work very hard for a whole month and all your determination and time spend on it goes into vain when you get a silly reward for it. Ranked Arena should have full reset of rank every month for everyone and rewards ba
Begging and toxic comments are very common but nothing work so well as just ignoring them. In every competetive part of every game there always will be people like this. You wish to block people on forum from posting their happiness of getting through that hell finally- sorry from my side for joining that too- but well then we shouldn't get server ranking for Arena and titles for it neither. But that's not really the problem. See, whole game is about geting something and bragging about it- even when you don't do it on your own- see: chat messages when someone draw a rare ninja, drop something nice in event. Titles and rankings. System messages about Ranked Battle and things like this. All of this is a way to heat up competition in certain area. And with things like this- there always will come frustration and toxicity from side of some players. As I said earlier- best way is to build up immunity for them and ignoring.
Since you mention your little cousin in comments- as a mother I will tell you that- if you let a kid/teen join any online competetive game, then you won't save him/her from toxicity, salt and insults for every litlest thing. Instead of pointing out forum posts- teach them to not join these toxic people and learn to not get their words into them so much.
And, like I said before- real problem is rewards system on arena, it wouldnt be so frustrating if anyone could get stuff for their rank every month. And that would be fair too, since it does need rather a lot of work and time to grab any higher rank in there.
Good luck getting to Six Paths and little to none trolls and toxins on your way there!
Im my oppinion its bad when u already have reached six paths sennin and still fight there just to stop others of reaching it also.
If u want to fight on arena just for fun , then go not ranked ... very simple.
Mainly when u are a big spender and have itachi , minato ...
Im my oppinion its bad when u already have reached six paths sennin and still fight there just to stop others of reaching it also.
If u want to fight on arena just for fun , then go not ranked ... very simple.
Mainly when u are a big spender and have itachi , minato ...
Well, that's the other thing that builds up frustration too- as for me as soon as I reach the rank, I stop joining ranked arena, since I dont care for server ranking. Some people do care that's why they still fight there, to grab some more points. Personally I have met some Sennin rank during my way to top there who told me that he fight there still just to troll others and for fun... But they should be matched up only against other Six Paths- as mentioned many times in suggestions about arena. And situation when some Jonin rank, for example, get to fight with crushing team of Sennin there, is just another hit.
probably because we are not heartless like you?
I'd like to point out also that the worst time to do ranked in Arena is within the first week after rank reset. It's probably just common sense to some people but even if you have a team that can get you there quickly it's really rough for those first few days. Best to give it a week or even 2 weeks and then go for it.
See when I get people whining and *ing at me in arena, that's like the best thing that happens to me while I'm playing. It means the other guy is so salty he got out comped and out played he actually felt the need to comment not just to his group or to one of his friends, or out loud, but go in and actively try to bring you down to his level of bad.
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