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2022-02-06 00:45:28
Naruto's Birthday - Fanfic Event
Server ID: 328 In game name: ユジンタカラ UID: 200000097379279 Create your own Naruto: New ninja Naruto Uzumaki [Baryon Mode] Atribute: Male, Konoha, Uzumaki Clan, Senjutsu, Jinchuriki Element: Wind Recruitable at 3 star Price: Approximately 200.000 ingots/coupons for 80 frags. Mystery [Prompt] (Taijutsu + Ninjutsu) Baryon Mode – Rasengan: Deals heavy damage, 20 Combo and Repulse to a selected unit. That unit will also suffer from Suppress Super Armor for the entire battle and also will have their Mystery cooldown locked for 4 rounds. Battlefield cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 5 Chakra: 0 Standard (Taijutsu) Baryon Mode – Heavy Punch: Attacks the unit in the front row and guarantees causes Suppress Immunity for 2 rounds and Low Float. Additionally reduces that unit’s Defense by 20% (stackable) and Critical Rate by 10% (stackable). This skill is not subjected to the opponent's defensive skills. Chase (Taijutsu) Baryon Mode – Tripple Kick: Chases and Attacks a Low Floated unit, causes Repulse, 3 Combo and Immobile for 1 round. Additionally reduces that unit’s Injury Rate by 10% (stackable), can be triggered twice per round. Passive 1 (Taijutsu + Ninjutsu) Baryon Mode – Extreme Speed: Naruto has a 70% chance of evading all attacks and has Level 2 Immunity to Debuffs. Units attacking Naruto will have to target Naruto as the selected unit for their next Standard Attack or Mystery and will have their Control Rate reduced by 40% (not-stackable) for 2 rounds. If Naruto’s HP is above 50%, this skill changes to Baryon Mode – Extreme Counter. Baryon Mode – Extreme Counter: Naruto has Level 2 Immunity to Debuffs. Units attacking Naruto will have to target Naruto as the selected unit for their next Standard Attack or Mystery and will have their Mystery cooldown increased by 1. Whenever Naruto takes any damage, there’s a 70% chance that Naruto will neglect all of the damage caused, and counterattack that unit with Baryon Mode – Counter Kick. Baryon Mode – Counter Kick: Deals heavy damage to the unit attacking Naruto, causes Knockdown and reduces that unit’s Initiative by 30% (not-stackable) for 1 round. Passive 2 (Taijutsu + Ninjutsu) The Will of the two Comrades: All of Naruto’s attacks never miss. Every time Naruto executes an action, Naruto consumes 10% of his max HP to increase his damage caused to opponents by 50% (stackable). Whenever he attacks a unit, he also causes Irremovable Enfeeble which neglects Immunity and Suppress Healing for 1 round and also deals additional damage equal to 10% of his max HP to the unit he attacks. Additionally, all of Naruto’s attacks will deal 70% splash damage to units 2 grids away from the attacked unit. Whenever Naruto’s HP is below 50%, he will only take 1 damage every time he’s attacked. If Naruto’s defeated, he cannot be revived.
2021-10-13 12:34:13
New Event Cycle - 16th of September
Let's take a moment to see the path we've come since the past till now. This is from late 2019 early 2020. We don't even have a choice back then. i dont see any reasons to uselessly complain about 1 specific thing in a fraction of an event, unless it's a bug... and i dont think adding hiruzen there is considered ''a bug''. if you dont like this fuku, wait next cycle, if you are guarantee to do this fuku and not aiming hiruzen, why even complain?
2021-09-19 01:20:12
change kakuzu creation revive to something more usefull
1. Before you say Madara is missing a description, you might want to RECRUIT him first? It's similar to ''when u go buy milk, you can only drink it when u already paid for it'', you can only see the true details when you already recruit a ninja. 2. Kakuzu description is confirmed to be misleading, so no need to bring this up again. 3. Nagato and Shisui's reflect passive are written in their description 4. Karin's slow doesn't affect Immunity. you might need to recheck that yourself. 5. Splash and Repulse are considered true damage, it can even bypass elemental puppets in ninja exam, so a small clone like gengetsu's obviously cant survive. 6. Let's learn the fact that AI ain't as smart as human if set in a specific way, so ofc they won't notice chakra cost decrease. 7. Splash damage going through the screen is intentional. We should have the splash that goes from the bottom lineup to the top as well, but somehow, for god's sake, it got bugged and so we dont have it in-game currently, we only have top --> bottom splash but no bottom --> top splash. So it drags to the disgusting fact that some people like you only report the non-bug thing because you see that the bugged thing is beneficial to you. 8. Tsunade only revive when that lineup uses 3 mys, not the whole ally field. I can say their work isn't perfect, but i can say their work has become better from time to time. If you don't find their work good enough for you, you can walk away.
Bugs & Support
2021-09-15 23:43:38
Mu BT clone
maybe if you pay closer attention, or actually have that breakthrough and hover on him.
Bugs & Support
2021-08-28 12:35:45
Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Fanfic Section
Server ID: 328 In game name: ユジンタカラ UID: 200000097379279 -Create your own breakthrough event. -Story: +Orochimaru looks at Mitsuki, and his sweet smile when he’s asleep. Orochimaru again looks at the registration form for the Anniversary Combat Tournament. He has decided. His aim is the top prize of an unlimited fund for a project that the winner wants. It’s everything for his beloved son. However, he is informed with a lot of information, that there will be an unusual amount of talented and strong ninjas. But without hesitation, he already has a plan. “Summoning Technique: Impure World Reincarnation Jutsu!” +Rise from the ground, is a talented Uchiha. Orochimaru chose him because he’s one of the most intelligent ninjas to have ever lived. +After hearing what has happenned, the famous Uchiha agrees, and starts to enhance himself even further, in order to aid Orochimaru towards his victory. -New ninja skill breakthrough Itachi Uchiha [Edo Tensei]: Requirement: 4 star Item usage: Advanced Experimental Vial, Advanced Protection Vial Mystery: -Izanami [Prompt]: Causes damage and Dream for 2 rounds to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 20 -Izanami +1 [Prompt]: Causes damage and Dream for 2 rounds to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 0 -Izanami +2 [Prompt]: Causes unavoidable damage and Dream for 2 rounds to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 0 -Izanami Y [Prompt]: Causes damage, Suppress Immunity and Dream for 1 round to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 20 -Izanami Y+1 [Prompt]: Causes damage, Suppress Immunity and Dream for 2 rounds to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 20 -Izanami – Infinite Loop L+1 [Prompt]: Causes damage and Dream for 1 round to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs. Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 1 Chakra: 20 -Izanami – Infinite Loop L+2 [Prompt]: Causes damage and Dream for 1 round to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 1 Chakra: 20 Standard Attack: -Yasaka Magatama: Attacks the line of units in front and has a high chance of causing Knockdown to 1 random unit hit. This skill never misses. -Yasaka Magatama +1: Attacks the line of units in front and has a high chance of causing Knockdown and Imprison for 3 rounds to 1 random unit hit. This skill never misses. -Yasaka Magatama +2: Attacks the line of units in front and causes Imprison for 3 rounds to all units hit, guarantee to cause Knockdown to 1 random unit hit. This skill never misses. -Yasaka Magatama Y: Attacks the line of units in front and has a high chance of causing Knockdown and Suppress Super Armor until the end of the next round to 1 random unit hit. This skill never misses. -Yasaka Magatama L-1: Attacks the line of units in front and has a high chance of causing Knockdown with damage decreased by 15%. This skill never misses. -Yasaka Magatama L-2: Attacks the line of units in front and has a chance of causing Knockdown with damage decreased by 30%. This skill never misses. Chase: -Amaterasu: Chases and Attacks a High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 Combo and Ignition for 3 rounds. -Amaterasu +1: Chases and Attacks a High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 Combo, Ignition for 3 rounds and reduces that unit’s Resistance by 5% (stackable up to 5 times). -Amaterasu Y: Chases and Attacks a High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 Combo and Ignition for 3 rounds. This skill never misses. Passive 1: -Demonic Illusion – Mirror World: For the first time each round, when a unit receives a Debuff, it will instead be reflected to the opponent’s unit. While Itachi is on the field, the first 2 times each round a unit in your lineup suffers from a Pure Ninjutsu damage, that damage will be reduced by 50%. -Demonic Illusion – Mirror World +1: For the first time each round, when a unit receives a Debuff, it will instead be reflected to the opponent’s unit. While Itachi is on the field, the first 3 times each round a unit in your lineup suffers from a Pure Ninjutsu damage, that damage will be reduced by 50%. -Demonic Illusion – Mirror World +2: For the first time each round, when a unit receives a Debuff, it will instead be reflected to the opponent’s unit. While Itachi is on the field, the first 3 times each round a unit in your lineup suffers from a Pure Ninjutsu damage, that damage will be reduced by 70%. -Demonic Illusion – Mirror World Y: Every ninja in your lineup will have 1 chance each round to reflect the first Debuff which that ninja receives back to the opponent. While Itachi is on the field, the first 2 times each round a unit in your lineup suffers from a Pure Ninjutsu damage, that damage will be reduced by 50%. Passive 2: -Crow Clone: Itachi has high chances of evading Chase Attacks. -Crow Clone +1: Itachi has high chances of evading Chase Attacks and also has high chances of evading 1 Mystery Attack each round. -Crow Clone +2: Itachi has high chances of evading Chase Attacks and also has high chances of evading 1 Mystery Attack each round. Whenever Itachi successfully evades an attack, Itachi summons a Crow Clone with 20% of Itachi’s stats. The Crow Clone uses Yasaka Magatama +2 as its Standard Attack and this clone cannot suffer damage. The clone will disappear when Itachi is defeated. There can only be a maximum of 3 Crow Clones present in the lineup at any time. -Crow Clone Y: Whenever Itachi is defeated, he revives 2 rounds later with 30% of his HP. Whenever Itachi revives using this passive, Itachi summons a Crow Clone with 40% of Itachi’s stats. The Crow Clone uses Yasaka Magatama +2 as its Standard Attack and this clone cannot suffer damage. The clone will disappear when Itachi is defeated and will be summoned again when he revives using this passive.
2021-07-29 17:43:51
Splash Damage
from what I'm seeing and comparing in both our version and CN's version. this type of splash is currently the intended one, it's the same as in CN's version. I don't think it will be changed, so I reccommend 1. build balance stat instead of pos 1 stacked 2. avoid playing with very lower power friends, so you won't get damage shocked by the damage.
Bugs & Support
2021-05-09 00:30:07
Returning Back to Konoha - Hokage Missions
Server ID: 328 In-game name: ユジンタカラ UID: 200000097379279 Create Your Own Akatsuki Ninja Behind the reason of the ninja: Midnight Blade has decided to join the Akatsuki, not because he is obsessed with evil, but because his dear friend, Scarlet Blaze, is kidnapped. In his last efforts to search for intel, he has left the village, to become: Midnight Blade [Akatsuki] (credits for Kuebiko, my old groupmate, for drawing this) Element: Lightning Attribute: Male, Konoha, Sword User, Anbu, Akatsuki. Requirement: Midnight Blade reached 5 stars, Scarlet Blaze hasn't been used by the Player for more than 6 months. Mystery 1 [Prompt]: (Tai) Akatsuki's Secret Art - Immense Slash: Deals damage, Suppress Immunity until the end of the round, and Acupuncture for 2 rounds to the selected unit. If the selected unit is a non-Konoha ninja, this skill will cause Irremovable Acupuncture which neglects Immunity for 2 rounds instead of Acupuncture. After using this skill, the Mystery is changed to Akatsuki's Secret Art - Raging Thunder. Battlefield cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 1 Chakra: 20 Mystery 2 [Prompt]: (Tai/Nin) Akatsuki's Secret Art - Raging Thunder: Deals Lightning damage, 3 Combo, and Irremovable Paralysis which neglects Immunity for 1 round to up to 9 units in the opponent's field. The selected unit will suffer from Knockdown and have his/her Mystery cooldown locked at 2 until the end of the next round. Any non-Konoha units hit by this skill will suffer 60% more damage. After using this skill, the Mystery is changed to Akatsuki's Secret Art - Immense Slash. Battlefield cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 1 Chakra: 40 Standard: (Tai/Nin) Inherited Art - Phlogistic Blade Dance: Attacks the unit with the lowest HP and causes Fire damage, Enfeeble for 1 round, high chance of causing Knockdown. If your lineup has more than 20 Chakra, Midnight Blade will use 20 Chakra to deal Fire and Lightning damage, guarantee causing Knockdown and Fear for 1 round instead of Enfeeble. Chase: (Tai/Nin) Secret Sword - Heaven Lightning: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Lightning damage, Low Float and increases Midnight Blade's Critical Rate by 5% and Attack by 15% (stackable). Can be triggered at most twice per round. Passive 1: (Nin) Assault Tactics - Akatsuki's Lightning Speed: At the beginning of every round, Midnight Blade and 1 random Akatsuki ninja in your lineup will receive Explosive Mode until the end of the round. Under Explosive Mode, their Initiative will be increased by 7%, they will become Immune to Debuffs and whenever their Standard Attacks defeat a unit, receive 2 Extra Standard Attacks. Passive 2: (Tai/Nin) Scarlet Blaze - The Will of a Friend: Midnight Blade is immune to Fear. When Midnight Blade is on the field, all Fire ninjas in your field will receive a 25% Ninjutsu and 10% Critical Rate increase, while all non-Konoha ninjas in the opponent's field will have their Resistance decreased by 25% and their Critical Rate decreased by 10%. Whenever a Fire ninja in your lineup is defeated, Midnight Blade immediately executes Akatsuki's Secret Art - Raging Thunder without causing Knockdown. This action will not use Chakra and will not affect the current Mystery or the current Mystery cooldown.
2021-03-18 19:49:36
Ninja Festivities: Chinese New Year/Valentine's Day Event
Server ID: 328 In game name: ユジンタカラ UID: 200000097379279 Create your own Chinese New Year Themed Ninja: . Ninja Itachi Uchiha [New Year] Element: Fire Attribute: Male, Konoha, Akatsuki, Blood Limit, Uchiha Clan, Secret Jutsu User. Recruitable at 3 star. Mystery [Prompt]: New Year Illusion - Izanami: Deals damage, Suppress Immunity until the end of the next round and Dream for 2 rounds to the selected unit. If Itachi's lineup has 100 Chakra when Itachi uses his Mystery, activates the Izanami barrier for 2 rounds. Under Izanami barrier, if the opponent executes 3 actions (either Mysteries, Chases, Standards or Passives) within a round, that unit will suffer from Irremovable Immobile which neglects Immunity for 2 rounds. If Itachi's lineup has 100 Chakra, Izanami barrier cannot be broken by other barriers from other ninjas. Battlefield cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 4 Chakra: 40 Standard: New Year Illusion - Fireworks Clone Explosion: Summons an Itachi Fireworks Clone with 40% of Itachi's HP. With high chances of evading 1 attack each round, whenever this unit uses its Standard Attack or is defeated, it will explode, dealing unavoidable damage, 3 Combo and Tag for 2 rounds to all units in the opponent's lineup. If Izanami barrier is active, summons 2 Itachi Fireworks Clones. Chase: New Year Illusion - Tsukuyomi: Triggered with at least 30 Combo, causes damage and Chaos to 2 random units in the opponent's lineup as well as summons an Itachi Fireworks Clone with 40% of Itachi's HP. If Izanami barrier is active, reduces Itachi's Mystery cooldown by 1 as well. Passive 1: Transcription Seal - Amaterasu Protection: At the beginning of every round, Itachi places an Amaterasu mark on a random ninja in your lineup, lasts until the end of the round. Whenever that ninja is attacked, the attacker will suffer from Irremovable Ignition which neglects Immunity for 1 round. Passive 2: New Year Resolution - Uchiha Reunion: Itachi gives all Uchiha ninjas in your lineup 30% evasion to all attacks. Additionally before the first action every round, cancels 2 Debuffs of all Uchiha ninjas in your lineup. If the Izanami barrier is active, before the first action every round, Itachi will instead cancels all Debuffs of all Uchiha ninjas in your lineup, as well as giving them a 20% Ninjutsu and Critical Rate increase (stackable up to 5 times).
2021-02-14 22:50:32
Valentine Event - Love Finding
Server ID: 328 In game name: ユジンタカラ UID: 200000097379279 Answer: 12 Hearts found!!
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2021-02-14 03:13:09
Shinobi Festivities - The Fire that Works for a Blast
Server ID: 328 In game name: ユジンタカラ UID: 200000097379279 Now, here me out. The main damage dealer in this team is surprisingly Miss Shizune with her Mystery hitting the rogue's full lineup which c*ready be triggered at round 1, dealing immense fireworks damage at all those pesky festival haters. Furthermore, Hashirama provides an extra chase attempt for either Shizune or Scarlet Blaze, so they can deal even more extra damage with their chases. Not just that, Hashirama's Mystery provides a control method for the rogues to be immobilized at their place and cannot do anything. But I'm not done yet!! Sai isn't there to 'just complete the team'. His Mystery is used to reduce all mystery cooldown of everyone in the field, so he will give Shizune, Hashirama and Scarlet Blaze yet ANOTHER Mystery ready at the next round. More fireworks, more control gates and more rock punching!! Bombarding the enemy is never too hard with this lineup!! Konoha will be 100% safe this festival. Happy Lunar New Year!!
2021-02-14 04:26:51
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