Naruto Online's anniversary is upon us and the Hokage has brought some tasks he needs you to do!
Create Your Own Breakthrough event
With the upcoming Konoha Anniversary Festival, there is one event that has always held more importance than others: The Anniversary Combat Tournament. Every year, this tournament takes the spotlight over every other event in Konoha. For this year event, Lord Hokage has picked one random Konoha Villager to train one participant of his choice and he has entrusted YOU with this mission.
In the –Create Your Own Breakthrough event- you’ll need to pick one in-game ninja that currently doesn’t have a breakthrough and it’s your job to train them and make them reach limits they didn’t know could be reached. It’s up to you to fantasize how their breakthroughs might look like.
The rules for this event are simple:
-It has to be a ninja that is already in-game and doesn't have a breakthrough yet!
-The breakthroughs have to be reasonable. Ex: You can't make Shino suddenly become a Deus Ex Machina.
-No Edo Hiruzen!
This event will have 3 winners:
-1st rank will receive 3k coupons.
-The 2nd and 3rd rank will receive 1.5k coupons.
Build Your Own Clan event
There are a bunch of clans in Konoha. The Yamanaka’s, The Uchiha’s, The Hyuga’s and so many others. They all have their own traditions, abilities, customs and anniversary festivities which make them different and unique.
In the –Build Your Own Clan event- you’ll need to make a story of how the clan you’re in was built, what are their traditions, the unique abilities they have, the festivities they usually celebrate and you’ll need to do a small fanart of how the clan banner looks like.
The rules for this event are simple:
-200 words minimum.
-No plagiarizing! This means, don't take any fanfic from Google obviously.
-Be creative and have fun.
This event will have 3 winners:
-1st rank will receive 3k coupons
-2nd and 3rd rank will receive 1.5k coupons.
The event duration is July 12th, 2021 (HK time) - July 25th, 2021 (HK time)
PSA: If you have any questions, please pm them to me. Don't post them here in the thread. ANY questions posted in the thread will be deleted.
Server ID: 328
In game name: ユジンタカラ
UID: 200000097379279
-Create your own breakthrough event.
+Orochimaru looks at Mitsuki, and his sweet smile when he’s asleep. Orochimaru again looks at the registration form for the Anniversary Combat Tournament. He has decided. His aim is the top prize of an unlimited fund for a project that the winner wants. It’s everything for his beloved son. However, he is informed with a lot of information, that there will be an unusual amount of talented and strong ninjas. But without hesitation, he already has a plan.
“Summoning Technique: Impure World Reincarnation Jutsu!”
+Rise from the ground, is a talented Uchiha. Orochimaru chose him because he’s one of the most intelligent ninjas to have ever lived.
+After hearing what has happenned, the famous Uchiha agrees, and starts to enhance himself even further, in order to aid Orochimaru towards his victory.
-New ninja skill breakthrough Itachi Uchiha [Edo Tensei]:
Requirement: 4 star
Item usage: Advanced Experimental Vial, Advanced Protection Vial
-Izanami [Prompt]: Causes damage and Dream for 2 rounds to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 3
Chakra: 20
-Izanami +1 [Prompt]: Causes damage and Dream for 2 rounds to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 3
Chakra: 0
-Izanami +2 [Prompt]: Causes unavoidable damage and Dream for 2 rounds to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 3
Chakra: 0
-Izanami Y [Prompt]: Causes damage, Suppress Immunity and Dream for 1 round to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 3
Chakra: 20
-Izanami Y+1 [Prompt]: Causes damage, Suppress Immunity and Dream for 2 rounds to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 3
Chakra: 20
-Izanami – Infinite Loop L+1 [Prompt]: Causes damage and Dream for 1 round to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs.
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 1
Chakra: 20
-Izanami – Infinite Loop L+2 [Prompt]: Causes damage and Dream for 1 round to the selected unit, while canceling any Shields and Buffs.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 1
Chakra: 20
Standard Attack:
-Yasaka Magatama: Attacks the line of units in front and has a high chance of causing Knockdown to 1 random unit hit. This skill never misses.
-Yasaka Magatama +1: Attacks the line of units in front and has a high chance of causing Knockdown and Imprison for 3 rounds to 1 random unit hit. This skill never misses.
-Yasaka Magatama +2: Attacks the line of units in front and causes Imprison for 3 rounds to all units hit, guarantee to cause Knockdown to 1 random unit hit. This skill never misses.
-Yasaka Magatama Y: Attacks the line of units in front and has a high chance of causing Knockdown and Suppress Super Armor until the end of the next round to 1 random unit hit. This skill never misses.
-Yasaka Magatama L-1: Attacks the line of units in front and has a high chance of causing Knockdown with damage decreased by 15%. This skill never misses.
-Yasaka Magatama L-2: Attacks the line of units in front and has a chance of causing Knockdown with damage decreased by 30%. This skill never misses.
-Amaterasu: Chases and Attacks a High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 Combo and Ignition for 3 rounds.
-Amaterasu +1: Chases and Attacks a High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 Combo, Ignition for 3 rounds and reduces that unit’s Resistance by 5% (stackable up to 5 times).
-Amaterasu Y: Chases and Attacks a High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 Combo and Ignition for 3 rounds. This skill never misses.
Passive 1:
-Demonic Illusion – Mirror World: For the first time each round, when a unit receives a Debuff, it will instead be reflected to the opponent’s unit. While Itachi is on the field, the first 2 times each round a unit in your lineup suffers from a Pure Ninjutsu damage, that damage will be reduced by 50%.
-Demonic Illusion – Mirror World +1: For the first time each round, when a unit receives a Debuff, it will instead be reflected to the opponent’s unit. While Itachi is on the field, the first 3 times each round a unit in your lineup suffers from a Pure Ninjutsu damage, that damage will be reduced by 50%.
-Demonic Illusion – Mirror World +2: For the first time each round, when a unit receives a Debuff, it will instead be reflected to the opponent’s unit. While Itachi is on the field, the first 3 times each round a unit in your lineup suffers from a Pure Ninjutsu damage, that damage will be reduced by 70%.
-Demonic Illusion – Mirror World Y: Every ninja in your lineup will have 1 chance each round to reflect the first Debuff which that ninja receives back to the opponent. While Itachi is on the field, the first 2 times each round a unit in your lineup suffers from a Pure Ninjutsu damage, that damage will be reduced by 50%.
Passive 2:
-Crow Clone: Itachi has high chances of evading Chase Attacks.
-Crow Clone +1: Itachi has high chances of evading Chase Attacks and also has high chances of evading 1 Mystery Attack each round.
-Crow Clone +2: Itachi has high chances of evading Chase Attacks and also has high chances of evading 1 Mystery Attack each round. Whenever Itachi successfully evades an attack, Itachi summons a Crow Clone with 20% of Itachi’s stats. The Crow Clone uses Yasaka Magatama +2 as its Standard Attack and this clone cannot suffer damage. The clone will disappear when Itachi is defeated. There can only be a maximum of 3 Crow Clones present in the lineup at any time.
-Crow Clone Y: Whenever Itachi is defeated, he revives 2 rounds later with 30% of his HP. Whenever Itachi revives using this passive, Itachi summons a Crow Clone with 40% of Itachi’s stats. The Crow Clone uses Yasaka Magatama +2 as its Standard Attack and this clone cannot suffer damage. The clone will disappear when Itachi is defeated and will be summoned again when he revives using this passive.
Server ID: 618
In-game name: Koyomi
UID: 300026039765682
Here my entry for the "Create your own Breakthrough" event:
Yagura [Three-Tails Jinchuriki] Breakthrought:
He might require Blue vials/protections since hes an old ninja, but since i think the breaks are quite strong, it might be gold vials/protections instead.
Water Style - Aqua Mirror: Summons 1 Clone ba
Battle CD: 0 Rounds.
CD: 2 Rounds.
Chakra: 40.
Water Style - Aqua Mirror +1: Summons 1 Clone ba
Battle CD: 0 Rounds.
CD: 2 Rounds.
Chakra: 40.
Water Style - Aqua Mirror +2: Summons 1 Clone ba
Battle CD: 0 Rounds.
CD: 2 Rounds.
Chakra: 20.
Water Style - Aqua Mirror Y: Summons 2 Clones ba
Battle CD: 0 Rounds.
CD: 2 Rounds.
Chakra: 40.
Water Style - Aqua Mirror Y+1: Summons 3 Clones ba
Battle CD: 0 Rounds.
CD: 2 Rounds.
Chakra: 20.
Ricochet Armoured Tower L-1: Deals moderate damage to the selected unit, Supresses inmunity to debuffs and causes Accupunture until the end of next round.
Battle CD: 0 Rounds.
CD: 3 Rounds.
Chakra: 20.
Taijutsu Attack: Attacks the opponent units in the front row with and has a high chance of causing 7-COMBO and Low Float.
Taijutsu Attack +1: Attacks the opponent units in the front row has a high chance of causing 10-COMBO and Low Float.
Taijutsu Attack +2: Attacks the opponent units in the front row with damage increased by 30% and has a high chance of causing 10-COMBO and Low Float.
Water Style - Aqua Mirror L+1 (changes mystery to Ricochet Armoured Tower L-1): Summons 1 Clone ba
Chaser 1:
Active Coral: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Low Float with and Acupuncture.
Active Coral +1: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Low Float with damage increased by 20% and Acupuncture.
Active Coral +2: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Low Float with damage increased by 20% and Acupuncture. Can be triggered twice each round.
Active Coral Y: Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Low Float, Acupuncture and increases mystery cooldown by 1.
Chaser 2:
Water Style - Great Water Mass: Triggered with at least 10 COMBO, attacks 3 of the opponent's units and causes 5 COMBO.
Water Style - Great Water Mass +1: Triggered with at least 10 COMBO, attacks 5 random opponent’s units in the field and causes 5 COMBO.
Water Style - Great Water Mass +2: Triggered with at least 10 COMBO, attacks 5 random opponent’s units in the field with 40% increased damage and causes 5 COMBO.
Water Style - Great Water Mass Y: Triggered with at least 10-COMBO, attacks 3 of the opponent’s units and causes 5 COMBO and Slow Down for 1 round.
Passive 1:
Tailed Beast Chakra - Flow: Before the first action in a round, recovers life points ba
Tailed Beast Chakra - Flow +1: Before the first action in a round, recovers life points ba
Tailed Beast Chakra - Flow +2: Before the first action in a round, recovers life points ba
Tailed Beast Chakra - Unity Y: Before the first action in a round, recovers life points ba
Tailed Beast Chakra - Unity Y+1: Before the first action in a round, recovers life points ba
Server ID: 1481
In game name: Sushi
UID: 300040399299212
-Create your own breakthrough event.
Itachi Uchiha [Susano'o] Breakthrough:
Requires advanced vials to skill break
Requires 4 star to skill break
-Mystery: [Prompt] Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected opponent’s units and Chaos for 2 rounds. After using for 2 rounds, it will start to Cooldown for 4 rounds.
Battlefield cool down : 0
Mystery cooldown : 4
Chakra : 20
-Mystery +1: [Prompt] Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected opponent’s units and Chaos for 2 rounds. After using for 2 rounds, it will start to Cooldown for 4 rounds. The selected unit will also suffer from ignition until end of the round.
-Mystery +2: [Prompt] Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected opponent’s units and Extreme Chaos for 2 rounds. The selected unit will also suffer from ignition until end of the round. After using for 2 rounds, it will start to Cooldown for 4 rounds
Battlefield cool down : 0
Mystery cooldown : 4
Chakra : 20
-Mystery Y: [Prompt] Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected opponent’s units and Fear for 2 rounds. The selected unit will also suffer from ignition until end of the round. After using for 2 rounds, it will start to Cooldown for 4 rounds
Battlefield cool down : 0
Mystery cooldown : 4
Chakra : 20
-Mystery Y+1: [Prompt] Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected opponent’s units and Fear for 2 rounds. The selected unit will also suffer from Irremovable ignition until end of the round. After using for 2 rounds, it will start to Cooldown for 4 rounds
Battlefield cool down : 0
Mystery cooldown : 4
Chakra : 20
-Standard: Attacks all the opponent’s units in the front column and has high chances of causing Repulse. If killed by this skill, the unit will not be resurrected.
-Standard +1: Attacks all the opponent’s units in the front column and has high chances of causing Repulse. If killed by this skill, the unit will not be resurrected. This skill never misses.
-Standard +2: Attacks all the opponent’s units in the random column with damage increased by 30% and has high chances of causing Repulse. If killed by this skill, the unit will not be resurrected. This skill never misses.
-Standard Y: Attacks all the opponent’s front row and Suppress Super Armor and Causing Ignition until the end of the round and has high chances of causing Repulse. If killed by this skill, the unit will not be resurrected. This skill never misses.
-Chase 1: Chases, and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Critical Hit.
-Chase 1 +1: Chases, and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Critical Hit. This skill ignores small amount of defence and resistance.
-Chase 1 +2: Chases, and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Critical Hit. This skill ignores moderate amount of defence and resistance.
-Chase 1 Y: Chases, and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float, Critical Hit and Ignition which last until end of the round.
-Chase 1 Y+2: Chases, and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float, Critical Hit and Irremovable Ignition which ignores immunity until end of the round. If the unit is already suffering from ignition, the irremovable ignition will last until end of next round.
-Chase 2: Chases and Attacks High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 COMBO, and Ignition for 3 rounds.
-Chase 2 +1: Chases and Attacks High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 COMBO with damage increased by 10%, and Ignition for 3 rounds.
-Chase 1 +2: Chases and Attacks High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 COMBO with damage increased by 30%, and Ignition for 3 rounds.
-Chase 1 Y: Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, causes Fire attribute Ninjutsu to 4 of the opponent’s units and has a fixed chance for Critical Hit.
-Chase 1 Y+2: Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, causes Fire attribute Ninjutsu damage increased by 30% to 4 of the opponent’s units and has a fixed chance for Critical Hit. The units hit by this skill will suffer from Ignition.
-Passive: Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse, Knockdown and all other Debuffs.
-Passive 1 +1 Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse, Knockdown and all other Debuffs. Itachi will suffer 15% less damage from opponents.
-Passive 1 +2 Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse, Knockdown and all other Debuffs. Itachi will suffer 30% less damage from opponents.
-Passive 1 Y Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse, Knockdown and all other Debuffs as well as Pure Ninjutsu Damage.
-Passive 1 Y+2 Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse, Knockdown and all other Debuffs as well as Pure Ninjutsu Damage. Any unit who attacks Itachi will suffer from Ignition and their resistance & critical hit rate will decrease by 5% (stackable).
Server ID: 1292 Brotherhood
In game name: Morata
UID: 200000106008190
-Create your own breakthrough event.
Jinpachi Munashi [Edo Tensei] Breakthrough:
Requires experimental vials to skill break
Requires 4 star to skill break
- Mystery: Explosive Blade Ninja Art - Multiple Explosions of Death [Prompt]: Use 1 Technique Point to use this skill. Causes fire attribute damage and causes ignition to the opponent's entire lineup.
Battle Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 1 Chakra: 0
- Mystery+1: Explosive Blade Ninja Art - Multiple Explosions of Death [Prompt]: Use 1 Technique Point to use this skill. Causes fire attribute damage and causes irremovable ignition that supresses inmunity until the end of the round to the opponent's entire lineup.
Battle Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 0
- Mystery+2: Explosive Blade Ninja Art - Multiple Explosions of Death [Prompt]: Use 1 Technique Point to use this skill. Causes fire attribute damage and causes irremovable ignition that supresses inmunity for 2 rounds to the opponent's entire lineup.
Battle Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 0
- Mystery Y: Explosive Blade Ninja Art - Multiple Explosions of Death [Prompt]: Use 1 Technique Point to use this skill. Causes unmissable fire attribute damage increased by 15%, interruption to the opponent's entire lineup and knockdown to a random unit.
Battle Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 1 Chakra: 0
- Mystery Y+1: Explosive Blade Ninja Art - Multiple Explosions of Death [Prompt]: Use 1 Technique Point to use this skill. Causes unmissable fire attribute damage increased by 30%, interruption to the opponent's entire lineup and knockdown to a random unit.
Battle Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 1 Chakra: 0
- Standard: Explosive Blade Strike - Attack the opponent's units in the front row and has a given chance of causing repulse.
- Standard+1: Explosive Blade Strike - Attack the opponent's units in the front row with increased damage by 10%, causes ignition and has high chance of causing repulse.
- Standard+2: Explosive Blade Strike - Attack the opponent's units in the front row with increased damage by 20%, causes ignition and has high chance of causing repulse.
- Standard Y: Explosive Blade Strike Y - Attack the opponent's units in the front row, causes ignition and removes super armor, has a given chance of causing repulse.
- Standard Y+1: Explosive Blade Strike Y - Attack the opponent's units in the front row, causes ignition and removes super armor, has a high chance of causing repulse. The attack cannot miss.
- Chase: Explosive Slash - Chases and attacks a knock down unit, causes repulse and ignition. Can be triggered two times every round.
- Chase+1: Explosive Slash - Chases and attacks a knock down unit, causes repulse and ignition. Can be triggered two times every round. Increases Ninjutsu by 3% each time.
- Chase+2: Explosive Slash - Chases and attacks a knock down unit, causes repulse and ignition. Can be triggered two times every round. Increases Ninjutsu by 7% each time.
- Chase Y: Explosive Slash - Chases and attacks a knock down unit, causes repulse, ignition and recovers 1 Technique Point.
- Chase Y+1: Explosive Slash - Chases and attacks a knock down unit, causes repulse, irremovable ignition and recovers 1 Technique Point.
- Passive: Fierce and Brutal - Before the first action in a round, up to 2 edo tensei ninjas from your lineup will get an extra standard attack. Moreover, these ninjas will have 1 layer of debuffs canceled.
- Passive+1: Fierce and Brutal - Before the first action in a round, up to 2 edo tensei ninjas from your lineup will get an extra standard attack. Moreover, these ninjas will have all debuffs canceled and become inmune to debuffs until the end of the round.
- Passive+2: Fierce and Brutal - Before the first action in a round, up to 3 edo tensei ninjas from your lineup will get an extra standard attack. Moreover, these ninjas will have all debuffs canceled and become inmune to debuffs until the end of the round.
- Passive Y: Fierce and Brutal - Before the first action in a round, edo tensei ninjas from your lineup will get an extra standard attack. Moreover, these ninjas will have 1 layer of debuffs canceled, their Ninjutsu & Attack increased by 3% (stackable).
- Passive Y+1: Fierce and Brutal - Before the first action in a round, edo tensei ninjas from your lineup will get an extra standard attack. Moreover, these ninjas will have 1 layer of debuffs canceled, their Ninjutsu & Attack increased by 7% (stackable).
- Passive 2nd: Explosive Blade Technique - At the beginning of a battle this unit has 3 Technique points. A maximum of 3 Technique points can be stacked up. This ninja will have its Defense increased by 40% for each point stacked up.
- Passive 2nd+1: Explosive Blade Technique - At the beginning of a battle this unit has 3 Technique points. A maximum of 3 Technique points can be stacked up. This ninja will increase the Defense & Resistance of edo tensei units from your lineup by 15%. Each time a Technique point gets consumed increases the Critical of edo tensei units from your lineup by 3%.
- Passive 2nd+2: Explosive Blade Technique - At the beginning of a battle this unit has 3 Technique points. A maximum of 3 Technique points can be stacked up. This ninja will increase the Defense & Resistance of edo tensei units from your lineup by 30%. Each time a Technique point gets consumed increases the Critical of edo tensei units from your lineup by 7%.
- Passive 2nd Y: Explosive Blade Technique - At the beginning of a battle this unit has 3 Technique points. A maximum of 3 Technique points can be stacked up. If this unit would recieve fatal damage, 1 Technique point will be consumed and this unit will resurrect with 50% of its original life points. Each time this effect triggers will increase the Defense & Ninjutsu from your lineup by 10% (stackable). The buffs last even after this unit is defeated and cannot be dispelled.
- Passive 2nd Y+1: Explosive Blade Technique - At the beginning of a battle this unit has 3 Technique points. A maximum of 3 Technique points can be stacked up. If this unit would recieve fatal damage, 1 Technique point will be consumed and this unit will resurrect with 75% of its original life points. Each time this effect triggers will increase the Defense & Ninjutsu from your lineup by 20% (stackable). The buffs last even after this unit is defeated and cannot be dispelled.
UID Ninja 1: 300004904348363
SID Ninja 1: S1338 Ice Darts Jutsu l NY
IGN Ninja 1: Crystal
Neji [Great Ninja War] Breakthrough:
- 4 star
- Uses blue experimental vial
-Uses blue protection vial
Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms: Is certain to cause damage to a selected unit, will also cause the selected unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for one round.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 3
Chakra: 20
Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms +1: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause the unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for two rounds.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 20
Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms +2: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause the unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for two rounds. This skill can be triggered twice in the same round
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 20
Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms Y: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause the unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for 1 round. When you have a minimum of 70 chakra points this skill will not consume any chakra, and won't suffer from cooldown.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 3
Chakra: 20
Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms Y+1: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause the unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for 1 round. When you have a minimum of 50 chakra points this skill will not consume any chakra, and won't suffer from cooldown.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 20
Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms Y+2: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause the unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for 2 rounds. When you have a minimum of 30 chakra points this skill will not consume any chakra, and won't suffer from cooldown.
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 20
Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms L+1: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also causes unit to suffer from acupuncture, repulse, and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for 1 round.
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 3
Chakra: 20
Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms L+2: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause unit to suffer from acupuncture, repulse, and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for 2 rounds.
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 20
Standard Attack:
Taijutsu Attack: Attacks the opposing unit and has a chance of 3-combo and high float.
Taijutsu Attack +1: Attacks the opposing unit and has a chance of 5-combo, high float, and acupuncture.
Taijutsu Attack +2: Attacks the opposing unit and has a chance of 5-combo and a high chance of high float and acupuncture.
Chase Attack:
8 Trigram Air Palm - Heavan Collapse: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing high float and acupuncture.
8 Trigram Air Palm - Heavan Collapse +1: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing high float and acupuncture, while removing any shields/buffs.
8 Trigram Air Palm - Heavan Collapse +2: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing high float and acupuncture, while removing any shields/buffs. This skill can be triggered twice per round.
8 Trigram Air Palm - Heaven Collapse Y: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing high float and acupuncture. This skill will also increase chakra cost by 20 (stackable) Last until the end of the next round.
8 Trigram Air Palm - Heaven Collapse Y+1: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing high float and acupuncture. This skill will also increase chakra cost by 20 (stackable) Last unit the end of the next round. This skill can be triggered twice per round.
Passive 1:
8 Trigrams Palm Rotation: Increase 20% of standard attack evasion rate and causes low damage to the attacker when successfully evading.
8 Trigrams Palm Rotation +1: Increase 35% of mystery, standard, and chase evasion rate and causes low damage to the attacker when successfully evading.
8 Trigrams Palm Rotation +2: Increase 35% of mystery, standard, and chase evasion rate and causes 10% of damage ba
8 Trigrams Palm Rotation Y: Whenever Neji receives damage by an attacker, increases evasion rate by 25% (can stack 3 times) until the end of the round and causes low damage to the attacker when successfully evading.
8 Trigrams Palm Rotation Y+1: Whenever Neji receives damage by an attacker, increases evasion rate by 25% (can stack 3 times) until the end of the round and causes 10% of damage ba
8 Trigrams Palm Rotation L+1: Neji has a high chance of evading the first attack suffered by this unit per round, as well as a 25% increase to standard attack evasion.
8 Trigrams Palm Rotation L+2: Neji has a high chance of evading the first two attacks suffered by this unit per round, as well as a 25% increase to standard attack evasion.
Passive 2:
Guarding: This will be the only of the opponent's standard attacks (effective against the first row).
Guarding +1: This will be the only of the opponent's standard attacks (effective against the first row). Moreover, whenever Neji receives damage, increase all units in your lineup (with allied shinobi forces tag attribute) attack and ninjutsu by 2%.
Guarding +1: This will be the only of the opponent's standard attacks (effective against the first row). Moreover, whenever Neji receives damage, increase all units in your lineup (with allied shinobi forces tag attribute) attack and ninjutsu by 4%.
Guarding Y: This will be the only of the opponent's standard attacks (effective against the first row). Moreover, whenever Neji receives damage, increase all units in your lineup (with allied shinobi forces tag attribute) defense and resistance by 2%.
Guarding Y+1: This will be the only of the opponent's standard attacks (effective against the first row). Moreover, whenever Neji receives damage, increase all units in your lineup (with allied shinobi forces tag attribute) defense and resistance by 4%.
Server ID: 1577 Hermit Group
In Game name : Awalone
UID: 300015772487663
-Create your own breakthrough event.
Shisui [ Kotoamatsukami ] Breakthrough:
Requires advanced vials to skill break
Requires 4 star to skill break
New debuffs:
Silence - While this debuff is active, the unit cannot be targeted. Also, the damage to this unit is reduced by 20%.
Intimidation - When a unit with this debuff attempts to use a skill, there is a 50% chance that the skill will not activate and the champion will lose his turn. The skill he was trying to use goes on cooldown.
Ninjutsu Kotoamatsukami – Radiance [Prompt]: Causes damage to up to 7 of the opponent’s units. The selected unit will have all Shields and Buffs canceled and will suffer Knockdown and Chaos (Chaos effects for the affected unit will last for 2 rounds)
Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 40
Mystery +1
Ninjutsu Kotoamatsukami – Radiance [Prompt]: Causes damage to 9 enemy units. The selected unit will have all shields and buffs canceled, and it will undergo Knockdown and chaos (the chaos effects for the affected unit will last 2 rounds)
Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 40
Ninjutsu Kotoamatsukami – Radiance [Prompt]: Deals 30% increased damage to 9 enemy units. The selected unit will have all shields and buffs canceled, and it will undergo Knockdown and chaos (the chaos effects for the affected unit will last 2 rounds)
Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 40
Mystery Y
Ninjutsu Kotoamatsukami – Body bl
Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 40
Mystery Y+1
Ninjutsu Kotoamatsukami – Body bl
Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 20
Standard Attack
Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Uchiha Style – Halo Dance: Attacks and causes Ignition to up to 2 of the opponents’ units, this attack has a high chance of causing Repulse.
Standard Attack+1
Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Uchiha Style – Halo Dance: Attacks and causes Ignition to up to 3 of the opponents’ units, this attack has a high chance of causing Repulse.
Standard Attack+2
Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Uchiha Style – Halo Dance: Attacks and causes not removable Ignition (2 rounds) to up to 4 of the opponents’ units, this attack has a high chance of causing Repulse.
Standard Attack Y
Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Uchiha Style – Halo Dance: Attacks Unmissable damage and causes Ignition to up to 3 of the opponents’ units, this attack has a guaranteed chance of causing Repulse.
Standard Attack Y+1
Taijutsu, Ninjutsu Uchiha Style – Halo Dance: Attacks Unmissable damage and causes to up to 3 of the opponents’ units, this attack has a surpress super armor of causing Repulse.
Ninjutsu Genjustsu Barrier- Radiance: At the beginning of the battle, launches Barrier “Radiance”. All Fire, Lightning and Wind attribute units will have their Attack and Ninjustsu increased by 40% while this Barrier is Active.
Ninjutsu Genjustsu Barrier- Radiance: At the beginning of the battle, launches Barrier “Radiance”. All Fire, Lightning and Wind, attribute units will have their Attack and Ninjustsu increased by 45% while this Barrier is Active.
Ninjutsu Genjustsu Barrier- Radiance: At the beginning of the battle, launches Barrier “Radiance”. All Eath, Lightning and Wind attribute units will have their Attack and Ninjustsu increased by 45% and Crit.Rate 15% while this Barrier is Active.
Passive Y
Ninjutsu Genjustsu Barrier- Radiance: At the beginning of the battle, launches Barrier “Radiance”. All Uchiha clan in the field units they receive a crit rate of 15%. Attack, Ninjutsu 30%
Passive Y+1
Ninjutsu Genjustsu Barrier- Radiance: At the beginning of the battle, launches Barrier “Radiance”. All Uchiha units on the field have increased damage from mystery by 50%, Crit. Rate +15, but from auto attacks and chases, the damage is reduced by 20% . While the field is active, Shisui is immune to Debuffs.
Taijutsu Uchiha Style – Gale Sword Attack: Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Tag.
Chase +1
Taijutsu Uchiha Style – Gale Sword Atack: Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float, igniton and Tag.
Taijutsu Uchiha Style – Gale Sword Attack: Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Not removable Tag.
Chase Y
Taijutsu Uchiha Style – Gale Sword Attack: Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Igniton (Unmissible).
Chase Y+1
Taijutsu Uchiha Style – Gale Sword Attack: Chases and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Igniton (Unmissible) .Increases crit rate by 10% (Stackable) Decreases mystery cooldown by 1.
Ninjutsu Teleportation Jutsu– Very high chances of evading Mystery Skill, Standard Attack or Chase Skill suffered by this unit. Can be triggered once every round.
Ninjutsu Teleportation Jutsu– 20% chances of evading Mystery Skill, Standard Attack or Chase Skill suffered by this unit.
Ninjutsu Teleportation Jutsu– 40% chances of evading Mystery Skill, Standard Attack or Chase Skill suffered by this unit.
Passive Y
Ninjutsu Teleportation Jutsu– Imposes the Silence debuff on itself at the beginning of the battle.
Passive Y+1
Ninjutsu Teleportation Jutsu– At the beginning of the battle, imposes the Silence debuff on itself and one random Uchiha unit.
Requires 4 star to skill break
Tailed Beast Planetary Rasen Shuriken [prompt]
Causes damage to opponent's entire Lineup and 10 COMBO, a selected unit will suffer fromr Repulse.Every time Naruto's standart atack couses 10 COMBO, his mystery Skill's Cooldown will be reduced by round.
Mystery +1
Causes damage to opponent's entire Lineup and 10 COMBO, a selected unit will suffer from Repulse and Suppression of Super Armor. Every time Naruto's standart atack couses 10 COMBO, his mystery Skill's Cooldown will be reduced by round.
Mystery +2
Causes unavoidable damage to opponent's entire Lineup and 10 COMBO, a selected unit will suffer from Repulse and Suppression of Super Armor. Every time Naruto's standart atack couses 10 COMBO, his mystery Skill's Cooldown will be reduced by round.
Mystery Y
Causes damage to opponent's entire Lineup and 10 COMBO, a selected unit will suffer from Repulse and Suppression of Super Armor. Every time Naruto's standart atack couses 10 COMBO, incereases his own ninjutsu 15% (Stackable up to 3 layers)
Standard Attack
Tailed Beast Atack
Atacks the opponent's unit in the front row and couses Ignition, there is chance of also causing 10 COMBO and repulse
Standard Attack +1
Atacks the opponent's unit in the front row and guaranteed to cause 10 COMBO and repulse
Standard Attack +2
Atacks the opponent's unit in the front row and guaranteed to couse 10 COMBO and repulse. Causes Suppresion of Super Armor to the target until the end of the round.
Standard Attack Y
Atacks the opponent horizontal line of opponent, high chance causes 5 combo and repulse.
Standard Attack Y +1
Atacks the opponent horizontal line of opponent, guaranteed 5 combo and repulse.
Super-Mini Tailed Beast Ball :
Chases and Atacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low float and Immobile.Naruto's Combo rate will increase by 80% until the end of the round.
Chase Y
Chases and Atacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low float, Suppresion of Immunity and Immobile.Naruto's Combo rate will increase by 80% until the end of the round.
Chakra Teleportation Jutsu
High Chance of Evading a Mystery skill, a Standart Atack or a Chase Skill. Can be triggered once every round
Passive Y
High Chance of Evading a Mystery skill, a Standart Atack or a Chase Skill. Can be triggered once every round. Whenever Naruto execute an action recovers 20 chakra and 5% HP
Passive Y +1
High Chance of Evading a Mystery skill, a Standart Atack or a Chase Skill. Can be triggered once every round. Whenever Naruto execute an action recovers 40 chakra and 10% HP
Chakra Transmission :
Naruto immune all Debuffs.Furthermore, at the beginning of the battle, another Allied Shinobi Forces unit from your lineup will also become immune to Debuffs, last 4 rounds.
Passive +1
Naruto immune all Debuffs.Furthermore, at the beginning of the battle, All Allied Shinobi Forces units from your lineup will also become immune to Debuffs, last 4 rounds.
Passive +2
Naruto immune all Debuffs.Furthermore, at the beginning of the battle All Allied Shinobi Forces units from your lineup will also become immune to Debuffs and incereases all units resistance 40% until the end of the battle.
Passive Y
Naruto immune all Debuffs.Furthermore, at the beginning of the battle All Allied Shinobi Forces units from your lineup will also become immune to Debuffs and incereases all units ninjutsu 30% last 3 rounds.
Passive Y +1
Naruto immune all Debuffs.Furthermore, at the beginning of the battle All Allied Shinobi Forces units from your lineup will also become immune to Debuffs and incereases all units ninjutsu 40% until the end of the battle.
In Game Name: Sephiroth
In game name UID: 300030389371555
Server Number: S1360
Server Region:EU UK
Server ID: S4 Kakashi LA
IGN : HangeZoë
UID: 200000083513381
Mystery +2- Deals damage increased by 30%, 5 combo, and irremovable ignition which neglects immunity for 2 rounds to all units in a random row in the opponent's field. Moreover, deals 50% splash damage to units 2 grids away from the hit units.
BCD- 0 CD- 3 Chakra- 40
Mystery Y+2- Deals damage to an opponent's lineup, causes paralysis, and suppresses immunity to debuffs for 2 rounds. Deals 20% splash damage to units 1 grid away from those hit.
BCD- 0 CD- 3 Chakra-40
Standard +2- Attacks 5-6 units in the opponent's team and causes 3 combo, along with a high chance of High Float and Immobile to 1 unit.
Standard Y+ 2- Attacks 3-4 units in the opponent's team and causes 3 combo. Damage is decreased by 20%.
Chase +2- Triggered with 10 combo, causes unavoidable damage increased by 30% and 5 combo to up to 5 units from the opponent's lineup.
Chase Y- Triggered with 10 combo, causes unavoidable damage increased and 5 combo to the entire opponent's lineup.
Passive 1 +2- Konan has a high chance to dodge Standard attacks, Chase attacks, and Mystery skills. Can be triggered 4 times per round.
Passive 1 Y+3- Konan will increase you lineup's Akatsuki units Ninjutsu and Attack by 2.5% for each chakra above 0. Effect will not take effect when lineup has chakra below 50.
Passive 2 +2- At the beginning of each round, each Akatsuki unit will receive an extra standard attack, and a shield ba
Passive 2 Y+1- At the beginning of each round, Konan will make her skills unavoidable. Whenever this effect is triggered, generates a shield ba
İn game Name : Azrail
Server İD:1704
Here my entry for the "Create your own Breakthrough" event:
For: Darui
Mystery +1:Cause Lightning attribute damage and Paralysis to up to 9 of the opponent’s units and Knockdown a selected unit.
Mystery +2 Cause Lightning attribute damage and Paralysis to up to everyone of the opponent’s units and Knockdown a selected unit.
Standart+1 :Attacks the opponent’s front row and has chance of a 5 COMBO and causing High Float and Paralysis
Standart+2:Attacks the opponent’s front row 5 COMBO and causing High Float and Paralysis.
Passive +1:Launches barrier – Lightning Cloud Wave at the beginning of a battle. Increases the Attack and Ninjutsu by 45% for all ninjas with Lightning and Water attributes on your main team if the barrier is activated. Launch one extra attack by oneself each round.
Passive +2:Launches barrier – Lightning Cloud Wave at the beginning of a battle. Increases the Attack and Ninjutsu by 45% for all ninjas with Lightning Water and Wind attributes on your main team if the barrier is activated. Launch one extra attack by oneself each round.
Chase+1: Gale Style – Laser Circus: Triggered with at least 10 COMBO, causes Ninjutsu damage and Paralysis to 4 of the opponent’s units at random.
Chase +2: Gale Style – Laser Circus: Triggered with at least 20 COMBO, causes Ninjutsu damage and Paralysis to all of the opponent’s units.
Chase +1: Water Style – Water Wall: Water Style – Wall of Water: Chases and Attacks a High Floating unit, causing Push. Triggers 2 times
Chase +2: Water Style – Water Wall: Water Style – Wall of Water: Chases and Attacks a High Floating unit, causing Push. Triggers 2 times and he has chance reduces his mytery cooldown by 1
Server ID: S622 :Crow Clone Jutsu
In game name: KanonKaguya
UID: 300018195749520
-Create your own breakthrough event.
-New ninja skill breakthrough Killer Bee (seven swords style)
Requirement: 4 star
Item usage: Advanced Experimental Vial, Advanced Protection Vial
-Yo [Prompt]: Will give an additional extra standard attack to a select unit each round (cannot stack up with other extra standard given by other ninjas) the select unit will also be immune to interruption, last 2 round
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 0
-Yo [Prompt]+1: Will give an additional extra standard attack to a select unit and a random unit each round (cannot stack up with other extra standard given by other ninjas) the select unit will also be immune to interruption, last 2 round
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 0
-Yo [Prompt]+2: Will give an additional extra standard attack to a select unit and a random unit each round each round (cannot stack up with other extra standard given by other ninjas) and both unit will also be immune to interruption, last 2 round
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 0
-Yo [Prompt] Y+1: Will give an additional extra standard attack to a select unit each round (cannot stack up with other extra standard given by other ninjas) the select unit will also get unstoppable effect(the mystery will not be stop even after getting control, but only if the mystery was already lauch before the interruption), last 2 round (cant be take off)
Battlefield Cooldown: 0
Cooldown: 2
Standard Attack:
-Seven Swords Stream: Attack the opponent's front row with 7 combo and has a chance of knockdown
Standard Attack:
-Seven Swords Stream+1: Attack the opponent's front row with 7 combo and has a high chance of knockdown
-Seven Swords Stream+2: Attack the opponent's front row with 7 combo, chance of 14 combo and has a high chance of knockdown
-Lightning Plough Hot Sword : chase and attack a a knocked down unit, also causes high float and paralysis
-Lightning Plough Hot Sword+1 : chase and attack a a knocked down unit, also causes high float and paralysis that work vs unit with immunity to debuff
-Lightning Plough Hot Sword+2: chase and attack a a knocked down unit, also causes high float and paralysis that cant be remove (work on unit with immunity to debuff)
-Lightning Plough Hot Sword Y: chase and attack a a knocked down unit, also causes high float and paralysis, increase enemy cooldown by1
-Lightning Plough Hot Sword Y: chase and attack a a knocked down unit, also causes high float and paralysis, increase enemy cooldown by1. Chase can be do 2 times
Passive 1:
-Tailed Beast Chakra:
Before each action in a
round, recorvers life ba
-Tailed Beast Chakra+1: Before
each action in a round, recorvers life ba
-Tailed Beast Chakra+2: Before
each action in a round, recorvers life ba
-Tailed Beast Chakra Y:
Before each action in a
round, recorvers life ba
-Tailed Beast Chakra Y:
Before each action in a
round, recorvers life ba
Passive 2:
-Tailed Beast Instructor:
in the beginning of a
battle, up to 9 jinchuriki ninjas from your field will be given a
shield ba
-Tailed Beast Instructor+1:
in the beginning of a
battle, up to 9 jinchuriki ninjas from your field will be given a
shield ba
-Tailed Beast Instructor+2:
in the beginning of a
battle, up to 9 jinchuriki ninjas from your field will be given a
shield ba
-Tailed Beast Instructor Y: in
the beginning of each round, all jinchuriki ninjas in your line up
will be given a shield ba
-Tailed Beast Instructor Y+1:
in the beginning of each
round, all jinchuriki ninjas in your line up will be given a shield
Server ID: 1463
In Game ID: KaitoEzaki
UID: 200000097794127
-Create your own breakthrough event-
Kushimaru Kuriarare [Edo Tensei]
Requires 4 Stars, Blue Experimental Vials, and Experimental Protections
Long Blade Ninja Art- Wire Crucifixion [Prompt]: Use 2 Technique points to use this skill. Causes damage and Immobile to up to 2 of the opponent's units in their Lineup, the selected unit will suffer from Knockdown.
Chakra- 20 Battlefield Cool Down: 1 Cool Down: 3
Long Blade Ninja Art- Wire Crucifixion +1 [Prompt]: Use 2 Technique points to use this skill. Deals 15% increased damage and Immobile to up to 2 of the opponent's units in their Lineup, the selected unit will suffer from Knockdown.
Chakra- 20 Battlefield Cool Down: 1 Cool Down: 3
Long Blade Ninja Art- Wire Crucifixion +2 [Prompt]: Use 2 Technique points to use this skill. Deals 15% increased damage and Immobile to up to 3 of the opponent's units in their Lineup, the selected unit will suffer from Knockdown and 3-Combo.
Chakra- 20 Battlefield Cool Down: 1 Cool Down: 3
Long Blade Ninja Art- Wire Crucifixion Y [Prompt]: Use 2 Technique points to use this skill. Deals 10% increased damage and Slow Down to up to 4 of the opponent's units in their Lineup, the selected unit will suffer from Knockdown and 3-Combo.
Chakra- 20 Battlefield Cool Down: 1 Cool Down: 2
Long Blade Ninja Art- Wire Crucifixion Y+1 [Prompt]: Use 2 Technique points to use this skill. Deals unavoidable, 10% increased damage, and Slow Down to up to 6 of the opponent's units in their Lineup, the selected unit will suffer from Knockdown and 5-Combo.
Chakra- 40 Battlefield Cool Down: 1 Cool Down: 2
Long Blade Strike: Attacks the first line of units in the opponent's Lineup. Morever, this unit will get 1/2 a Technique point and this skill has a given chance of causing Repulse.
Long Blade Strike +1: Attacks the first line of units in the opponent's Lineup, doing 10% more damage. Morever, this unit will get 1/2 a Technique point and this skill has a given chance of causing Repulse.
Long Blade Strike +2: Attacks the first line of units in the opponent's Lineup, doing 15% more damage. Moever, this unit will get 1/2 a Technique point and this skill has a given chance of causing Repulse and 3-Combo.
Long Blade Strike Y: Attacks the unit with the least life in the opponent's Lineup, dealing 10% reduced damage, causing Repulse, Immobile, and 5-Combo. Morever, this unit will get 1/2 a Technique point.
Long Blade Strike L: Attacks the first line of Units in the opponent's Lineup, dealing 10% reduced damage, suppressing Super Armor. Morever, this unit will get 1/2 a Technique point and this skill has a given chance of causing Repulse.
Long Blade- Drop: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown. Morever, this unit will get 1 Technique point.
Long Blade- Drop +1: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown and Slow Down. Morever, this unit will get 1 Technique point.
Long Blade- Drop +2: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown and Immobile. Morever, this unit will get 1 Technique point. This skill ignores a small amount of defense and resistance.
Passive 1:
Addicted to Killing: If this units Standard Attacks defeats an opponent's units, this unit will get one extra Standard Attack.
Addicted to Killing +1: This unit heals 20% of the damage dealt to the opponent's units. If this units Standard Attacks defeats an opponent's units, this unit will get one extra Standard Attack.
Addicted to Killing +2: This unit heals 20% of the damage deal to the opponent's units. This unit gains one extra Standard Attack. If this units Standard Attacks defeats an opponent's units, this unit will get one extra Standard Attack.
Addicted to Killing Y: Whenever a unit dies, attack and resistance will increase by 10%.
Addicted to Killing Y+1: Whenever a unit dies, attack and resistance will increase by 15%. If this units Standard Attacks defeats an opponent's units, this unit will get one extra Standard Attack.
Passive 2:
Long Blade Technique: At the beginning of battle, this unit has 2 Technique points. A Maximum of 4 Technique points can be stacked up.
Long Blade Technique +1: At the beginning of battle, this unit has 2 Technique points. A Maximum of 4 Technique points can be stacked up. At the beginning of every round, increase this units initiative and attack by 2%.
Long Blade Technique +2: At the beginning of battle, this unit has 2 Technique points. A Maximum of 4 Technique points can be stacked up. At the beginning of every round, increase this units initiative and attack by 3%.
I'm Already Dead Y: Whenever Kushimaru is defeated, revives 3 rounds later with 40% HP. When revived, increases this units and other Sword-User units attack by 10%. Morever, a Maximum of 4 Technique points can be stacked up.
I'm Already Dead Y+1: Whenever Kushimaru is defeated, revives 2 rounds later with 40% HP. When revived, increases this units and other Sword-User units attack by 15%. Morever, a Maximum of 4 Technique points can be stacked up.
Deadly Cackle L: At the beginning of every round, 1 random unit in the opponent's Lineup will suffer from Fear and another random enemy unit will suffer from Slow Down. This unit starts out with 1 Technique point. A Maximum of 4 Technique points can be stacked up.
Server ID: S4 Kakashi LA
IGN : HangeZoë
UID: 200000083513381
The Itarashi Clan-
The Itarashi Clan began during the times of the first ninja. When the Sage of Six paths passed away, giving Asura all 9 biju to distribute, Kano Itarashi was given the Two Tailed Biju, Matatabi. Kano was always a shinobi devoted to knowledge. He would teach many shinobi jutsu, so that they would have the ability to fight. However, whenever he would help someone, he would absorb some of their chakra and store it else where. After years of spreading knowledge, he has amassed enough chakra to rival his biju. Becoming a god from knowledge and collecting power, he begun to bring pupils, whom had to learn to take power of those they helped. While not connected by blood, Kano's clan grew stronger than any other clan had before.
However, this turned into a dark time for the clan. Many members became consumed of gaining power, and started massacring shinobi to absorb their chakra. Kano, turned to the Great Snake Sage of Ryuchi cave. Having gained sage mode, he took down the rogue Itarashi members. However, the toll on his heart turned his skin white. He grew sadness that stopped him from taking in more pupils. Not long after, the Itarashi begun to fade. Those who collected powers never completed themselves, and lived a solitary life.
Abilities- Those that they learn from helping others, along with those that they absorb from others. Kano was even able to create truth seeker orbs, along with use the Sharringan, as he gained it after the death of an Uchiha friend.
Clan Goal- The purpose of the clan members is a last line of defense. Since they learn to hold and collect as much power as possible, releasing all the power will cause fatal damage to almost any enemy, however, releasing so much chakra results in the casters death.
Traces of the Itarashi can still be found to this day, in the two shinobi Orochimaru, and Kabuto.
Server ID: 77 - Mabui
In Game ID name : Larachell
UID: 200000087496854
--Create your own breakthrough event:
--Mystery: Hanabi Style - Protective 8 Trigrams 32 Palms [Prompt]: Cause damage, 16 COMBO and Acupuncture to a selected opponent’s unit.
Battlefield Cooldown : 0
Mystery Cooldown : 3
Chakra : 20
--Mystery +1: Hanabi Style - Protective 8 Trigrams 32 Palms [Prompt]: Cause damage, 16 COMBO and Acupuncture and Defense Reduction 8% (stackable) to a selected opponent’s unit.
Battlefield Cooldown : 0
Mystery Cooldown : 3
Chakra : 20
--Mystery +2: Hanabi Style - Protective 8 Trigrams 32 Palms [Prompt]: Cause damage, 32 COMBO and Acupuncture and Defense Reduction 8% (stackable) to a selected opponent’s unit.
Battlefield Cooldown : 0
Mystery Cooldown : 2
Chakra : 20
--Mystery Y: Hanabi Style - Protective 8 Trigrams 32 Palms [Prompt]: Cause damage, 16 COMBO and Acupuncture to a selected opponent’s unit. Hanabi c*e 2 Mysteries in 1 Round.
Battlefield Cooldown : 0
Mystery Cooldown : 3
Chakra : 20
--Standard Attack: Hanabi Style - Kunai Attack: Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance of causing Repulsed and Ignition.
--Standard Attack +1: Hanabi Style - Kunai Attack: Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance of causing Repulsed, Ignition and Tag.
--Standard Attack +2: Hanabi Style - Kunai Attack: Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance of causing Repulsed, Ignition and Tag. Hanabi's Mystery Cooldown is decreased in 1.
--Standard Attack Y: Hanabi Style - Kunai Attack: Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance of causing Repulsed, Ignition and Tag. Increases Target's Mystery Cooldown in 1.
--Chase 1: Hanabi Style - Mad Attack: Chase and Attacks Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown. Can be triggered up to 2 times each Round.
--Chase 1 +1: Hanabi Style - Mad Attack: Chase and Attacks Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown. Additionally deals 50% splash damage to units 1 grid away from the target . Can be triggered up to 2 times each Round.
--Chase 1 Y: Hanabi Style - Mad Attack: Chase and Attacks Repulsed unit, causes Knockdown and increases own Attack and Ninjutsu by 8%. Can be triggered up to 2 times each Round.
--Chase 2: Hanabi Style - Rotation: Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, causes damage and Acupuncture to 2 units of the opponent's Lineup. Will also cause Acupuncture to yourself.
--Chase 2 +1: Hanabi Style - Rotation: Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, causes damage and Acupuncture to 3 units of the opponent's Lineup. Will also cause Acupuncture to yourself.
--Chase 2 +2: Hanabi Style - Rotation: Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, causes damage and Irremovable Acupuncture which neglects Immunity for 1 Round to 3 units of the opponent's Lineup. Will also cause Acupuncture and Chaos to yourself.
Server ID: S1261
In-Game Name: IamtheHYPE
Server Region: HK
Event: Create your Clan Event
The Doge Clan
Long ago, the Doge Clan was closely related to the Ōtsutsuki clan but they were banished from their home planet because the latter feared their immense potential. Forced to take refuge in a planet where shinobis are aplenty, their leader - Elon Musk - decided to lead his clan into the Konoha Village and learn the ways of the ninja. Their unique abilities are: being able to HODL any enemies, which immobilizes them indefinitely. Physical capabilities and chakra reserves going STONKS whenever they're angry. And they have amazing genjutsu abilities leaving their foes in a state of "MUCH WOW SUCH DOGE". Because of their ties with the Ōtsutsuki they were the ones to popularize the Rinne Festival in Konoha which is celebrated by gift-giving. Initially though, it was meant to pray for the deceased (and banished). But there is much more to it as this festival also coincides with a special event in the moon. And the Doge clan has never forgotten their goal: TO THE MOON and to put an end to the Ōtsutsuki clan for good.
Clan Banner:
Region: HK
Server: 1185
IGN: Alice
UID: 200000081601337
Requirement: 4 star
Item usage: Advanced Experimental Vial, Advanced Protection Vial
-Christmas Tree Attack [Prompt]: Causes unmissable damage to up to 4 units of the opponent's team, and causes 3 combo, Interrupt and suppression of Super Armor until the end of the round. The selected character suffers High Float.
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 40
-Christmas Tree Attack +1 [Prompt]: Causes unmissable damage to up to 9 units of the opponent's field, and causes 3 combo, Interrupt and suppression of Super Armor until the end of the round. The selected character suffers High Float.
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 40
-Christmas Tree Attack +2 [Prompt]: Causes unmissable and 30% increased damage to up to 12 units of the opponent's fied, and causes 3 combo, Interrupt and suppression of Super Armor until the end of the round. The selected character suffers High Float.
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: 40
-Christmas Tree Attack Y [Prompt]: Causes unmissable damage to up to 4 units of the opponent's team, and causes 3 combo The selected character suffers High Float and suppression of Super Amor until the end of the round. This skill will consume all the charka and for every 10 chakra consuming, this skill's damage will increase by 10%
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: All
-Christmas Tree Attack Y+1 [Prompt]: Causes unmissable damage to up to the entire opponent’s lineups, and causes 3 combo. The selected character suffers High Float and suppression of Super Amor until the end of the round. This skill will consume all the chakra and for every 10 chakra consuming, this skill's damage will increase by 15%
Battlefield Cooldown: 1
Cooldown: 2
Chakra: All
*Standard Attack:
-Blazing Palm - Christmas Present: Attacks an opponents unit with the lowest health, and has a high chance of causing High Float, Ignition and Chaos.
-Blazing Palm - Christmas Present +1: Attacks 2 opponents unit with the lowest health, and has a high chance of causing High Float, Ignition and Chaos.
-Blazing Palm - Christmas Present +2: Attacks 2 opponents unit with the lowest health, guarantee to cause High Float, Ignition and Chaos.
-Christmas Present: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, while removing all Shields and Buffs from the target, and causing Chaos, Knockdown and 10 COMBO. Furthermore, your Mystery skill’s Cooling Time will be reduced by 1 round.
-Christmas Present +1: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, while removing all Shields and Buffs from the target, and causing Chaos, Knockdown and 10 COMBO. Furthermore, your Mystery skill’s Cooling Time will be reduced by 1 round. Can be triggered 2 each round.
-Christmas Present +2: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, while removing all Shields and Buffs from the target, and causing Chaos, Knockdown and 10 COMBO. Furthermore, your Mystery skill’s Cooling Time will be reduced by 1 round. Can be triggered 2 each round with damage increased 30%.
-Christmas Present Y: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, while suppressing Immunity to Debuffs, and causing Chaos, Knockdown and 10 COMBO. Furthermore, your Mystery skill’s Cooling Time will be reduced by 1 round.
-Christmas Present Y+1: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, while suppressing Immunity to Debuffs, and causing Extreme Chaos, Knockdown and 10 COMBO. Furthermore, your Mystery skill’s Cooling Time will be reduced by 1 round.
*Passive 1:
-Christmas Dance: At the start of each round, up to 4 enemy male units Defense and Resistance are reduced by 8% (stackable)
-Christmas Dance +1: At the start of each round, up to 4 enemy male units Defense and Resistance are reduced by 12% (stackable)
-Christmas Dance +2: At the start of each round, up to 4 enemy male units Defense and Resistance are reduced by 12% (stackable), then causes unmissable damage to them.
-Christmas Dance Y: Whenever this unit triggers an attack, it will recover 10 Chakra and 5% HP.
-Christmas Dance Y+1: Whenever this unit triggers an attack, it will recover 20 Chakra and 10% HP. Moreover, while this unit is on the field, your team’s Chakra cannot be absorbed.
*Passive 2:
-Red Hot-Blooded Habanero: Kushina Uzumaki is immute to Debuffs. While she is on the field, for each 10 Chakra the team consumes, their Attack increased by 8% and their Critical Hit by 3% (The bonus is calculated independently for members, and persists after Kushina’s defeat)
-Red Hot-Blooded Habanero +1: Kushina Uzumaki is immute to Debuffs. While she is on the field, for each 10 Chakra the team consumes, their Attack and Ninjustu increased by 8% and their Critical Hit by 3% (The bonus is calculated independently for members and stackable up to 20 times, and persists after Kushina’s defeat)
-Red Hot-Blooded Habanero +2: Kushina Uzumaki is immute to Debuffs. While she is on the field, for each 10 Chakra the team consumes, their Attack and Ninjustu increased by 10% and their Critical Hit by 5% (The bonus is calculated independently for members and stackable up to 20 times, and persists after Kushina’s defeat)
Server ID: S1261
In-Game Name: IamtheHYPE
Server Region: HK
Requirement: 4 star
Item usage: Advanced Experimental Vial, Advanced Protection Vial
Susano'o Tsukumo: Deals unmissable damage, 4 combo and suppression of super armor to up to 9 enemy units until the end of the round with increased damage by 20%. The selected unit will suffer from Knockdown and its Mystery Skill cooldown will be locked to 2 rounds, lasting until the end of the next round.
Battle CD: 1 round
Cooldown: 2 rounds
Chakra: 40
Susano'o Tsukumo+1: Deals unmissable damage, 4 combo and suppression of super armor to up to 12 enemy units until the end of the round with increased damage by 30%. The selected unit will suffer from Knockdown and its Mystery Skill cooldown will be locked to 2 rounds.
Battle CD: 1 round
Cooldown: 2 rounds
Chakra: 40
Susano'o Tsukumo+2: Deals unmissable damage, 4 combo and suppression of super armor to up to 12 enemy units until the end of the next round with increased damage by 40%. The selected unit will suffer from Knockdown and its Mystery Skill cooldown will be locked to 2 rounds.
Battle CD: 1 round
Cooldown: 2 rounds
Chakra: 40
Susano'o Tsukumo Y: Deals unmissable damage, 4 combo and suppression of super armor to up to 9 enemy units until the end of the round. The selected unit will suffer from Knockdown and its Mystery Skill cooldown will be locked to 2 rounds. Furthermore, if Shisui's HP is less than 25%, he heals himself by 15% of the ninjutsu damage dealt.
Battle CD: 1 round
Cooldown: 2 rounds
Chakra: 40
Susano'o Tsukumo Y+1: Deals unmissable damage, 4 combo and suppression of super armor to up to 9 enemy units until the end of the round. The selected unit will suffer from Knockdown and its Mystery Skill cooldown will be locked to 2 rounds. Additionally, if Shisui's HP is greater than 75% he deals 30% splash damage to units up to 2 grids away from all units hit. If Shisui's HP is less than 25%, he heals himself by 15% of the ninjutsu damage dealt.
Battle CD: 1 round
Cooldown: 2 rounds
Chakra: 40
Susano'o Burst Flame: Attacks the opponent's front row, causing 5 combo and ignition with a high chance to cause Low Float. This skill ignores a small amount of Defense and Resistance.
Susano'o Burst Flame+1: Attacks the opponent's front row, causing 5 combo and ignition with a high chance to cause Low Float. This skill ignores a small amount of Defense and Resistance. This attack cannot miss.
Susano'o Burst Flame+2: Attacks the opponent's front row, causing 5 combo and ignition for 2 rounds with a high chance to cause Low Float. This skill ignores a small amount of Defense and Resistance. Whenever this skill causes critical damage to an enemy, increases that unit's mystery chakra cost by 20. This attack cannot miss.
Susano'o Burst Flame Y: Attacks the opponent's front row, causing 5 combo and ignition with a high chance to cause Repulse to all units hit. This skill ignores a small amount of Defense and Resistance. Whenever this skill causes critical damage, decrease this unit's mystery cooldown by 1. This attack cannot miss.
Uchiha Style - Fire Blade: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, causing High float, Interruption and Ignition, while increasing Shisui's Attack and Ninjutsu by 12%. Can be triggered twice each round.
Uchiha Style - Fire Blade+1: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, causing High float, Interruption and Ignition, while increasing Shisui's Attack and Ninjutsu by 16%. Can be triggered twice each round.
Uchiha Style - Fire Blade+2: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, causing High float, Interruption and Ignition for 2 rounds, while increasing Shisui's Attack and Ninjutsu by 20% and Critical and Injury stats by 2%. Can be triggered twice each round.
Uchiha Style - Fire Blade Y: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, causing High float, Interruption and Ignition, while increasing Shisui's Attack and Ninjutsu by 15%. Can be triggered twice each round.
Uchiha Style - Fire Blade Y+1: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, causing High float, Interruption and Irremovable Ignition, while increasing Shisui's Attack and Ninjutsu by 15% and Critical and Injury Stats by 4%. Can be triggered twice each round.
Passive 1
Nimble Body: Triggered at the beginning of even rounds, causing this unit and 1 random ally to enter Explosive Mode. Units in explosive mode are immune to debuffs and gain 5% initiative increase. Chasing skills increased by 2 times lasting until the end of the round.
Nimble Body+1: Triggered at the beginning of even rounds, causing this unit and 1 random ally to enter Explosive Mode lasting until the end of the round. Units in explosive mode are immune to debuffs, gain 5% initiative increase and chasing skills increased by 2 times and cannot miss.
Nimble Body+2: Triggered at the beginning of even rounds, causing this unit and 2 random allies to enter Explosive Mode lasting until the end of the round. Units in explosive mode are immune to debuffs, gain 5% initiative increase and chasing skills increased by 2 times and cannot miss.
Nimble Body Y: Triggered at the beginning of even rounds, causing this unit to enter Explosive Mode. During explosive mode, this unit is immune to debuffs, gain 6% initiative increase, first damage instance dealt is a guaranteed critical hit. Furthermore chasing skills increased by 1 each time this unit enters explosive mode (max of 3x) and they cannot miss.
Nimble Body Y+1: Triggered at the beginning of every round, causing this unit to enter Explosive Mode. During explosive mode, this unit is immune to debuffs, gain 7% initiative increase, first damage instance dealt is a guaranteed critical hit. Furthermore chasing skills increased by 1 each time this unit enters explosive mode (max of 6x) and they cannot miss.
Passive 2
Susano'o Super Armor: Grants this unit super armor. Reflects first 2 debuffs aimed at Shisui at the start of each round. When receiving an attack, reduce the attacker's Critical Hit by 50%, lasting until the end of the round (non-stackable)
Susano'o Super Armor+1: Grants this unit super armor. Reflects first 2 debuffs aimed at Shisui at the start of each round. When receiving an attack, reduce the attacker's Critical Hit by 50%, lasting until the end of the round (non-stackable) and increases Shisui's defense and resistance by 3%.
Susano'o Super Armor+2: Grants this unit super armor. Reflects all debuffs aimed at Shisui. When receiving an attack, reduce the attacker's Critical Hit by 50%, lasting until the end of the round (non-stackable) and increases Shisui's defense and resistance by 6%. For every debuff reflected/cancelled due to immunity by explosive mode, grants Shisui an extra standard attack during that round (up to 5 additional standards per round)
Susano'o Super Armor Y: Grants this unit super armor. Reflects first 2 debuffs aimed at Shisui and 1 debuff for every other ninja in the linuep at the start of each round. When receiving an attack, reduce the attacker's Critical Hit and Injury by 50%, lasting until the end of the round (non-stackable)
Susano'o Super Armor Y+1: Grants this unit super armor. Reflects first 2 debuffs aimed at Shisui and for every other ninja in the linuep at the start of each round. When receiving an attack, reduce the attacker's Critical Hit and Injury by 50%, lasting until the end of the round (non-stackable) If a debuff is reflected for a ninja in a lineup, that ninja will gain an additional standard (only one additional per round).
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