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2017-07-24 19:50:10
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2025-02-28 14:09:12
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2024-05-16 10:24:56
Server Merge Request - May
1. Server ID: Regarding 2 merges. S1438(S1442,S1446,S1450,S1454,S1458,S1462,S1466,S1470,S1474,S1478,S1482,S1486,S1490,S1494,S1498,S1502,S1506); S1510(S1514,S1518,S1522,S1526,S1530,S1534,S1538,S1542,S1546,S1550,S1554,S1558,S1562,S1566,S1570,S1574,S1578,S1582,S1586,S1590,S1594,S1598); 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: #1 Estimated 4 years - merged 2 years ago, #2 Estimated 3 years - merged over 1 year ago 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: #1 ~10mins; #2 ~15mins 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: #1= 35; #2= 23 million 6. No. of the groups participating in Great Ninja War: #1= 1; #2 =3 this week *has been 0 or 1 for almost a year prior 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Combined #1 Top 5: 2.5M, AVG Top 10: 2.09M, AVG Top 20: 1.67 (#20 1.10m) AVG Combined #2 Top 5: 3.42M, AVG Top 10: 2.65M, AVG Top 20: 1.92 (#20 969k) and
2024-05-22 23:15:10
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
In the event that staff wish to proceed with this case, This is my original account made when I first came over to this game, as such it has a history of each of my IP's in the event that they are needed to filter customer support activity. As well this is the best account/email to contact me on either username email or bound. I am more than happy to supply anything requested if it can help prevent other players from suffering the stressful hell I've gone through due to the noted CS member in the quoted post, as well I am more than willing to supply any information requested about individuals I've either helped in the past or con artists/scammers I've dealt with to aid in recovering accounts to their rightful owners over the years. As I've acted as pseudo staff in the past I have left every conversation open in the event anything was ever requested by official staff, to which only Flori has ever requested anything from a case he was handling that I had part of. As I've implied I don't care if I'm treated like * but knowing that this individual has also acted similarly to others is the bigger problem, aswell I can accept a lifetime flag against me if it means we can do something to improve the community as a whole especially if it means individuals like mentioned never attack actual victims in the future or he atleast doesn't act in ways that escalate *ready tense and stressful situation for others.
Bugs & Support
2024-04-04 17:27:26
Instance "Fight Together!"
This has been brought up so many times before, it's not a bug just your first actual challenge. This is the best general advice I've seen posted here: -SirPetrikov The rhino is a guaranteed win no matter what you do. The Devildog Chameleon portion seems to work as follows: 1.) Select Dog, 2.) Round one: use skill 2 immediately 3.) Round two Use skill 1 4.) Round three use skill 2 (dog should faint, if your hp drops under 8k, or if dog is still alive... back out and try again) 5:) Select Chameleon 6.) Rinse repeat method for dog, (It is possible to get through the first portion with only skill 2, however I note this method as it has consistently worked for me.) -Notes- Suggested Power for the actual fights is 34k, If your team is exceptional, you may get away with pow as low as 28k. Be sure to have a poison wind and ignite on bench or in team just for sanity as the actual fights seem to almost require their use across the multiple fights.
Bugs & Support
2023-12-01 05:16:49
My account has expired because I used a Quest account
Unofficial solution: If you encounter this error on login:"To konto wygasio, nie mozesz sie zalogavac" this is the official solution: This error means that your account did not accept the GDPR and thus got locked after some time. It c*ually be 'fixed' by the following steps: 1) Make a new character in a another server 2) Fill in the GDPR information (Age and Country) 3) Accept the GDPR Policy by clicking the 'Cog' next to the 'Party' icon in the top right, then click 'Data Transfer Outside EEA' and then click on 'Accept'. 4) Wait 10-15 minutes 5) You should now be able to log back onto your old character and continue playing Best Regards, For the many with account deletion lockout: Simply create a new account in the same timezone as the accounts that are locked with error: " To konto wygasło, nie możesz się zalogować " Go to account deletion > delete account > and Cancel deletion.After this process login to prior affected account it should now allo you to login These are the two methods I am aware of that may help you, however guest accounts may follow different protocol which may need you to talk with a support member/submit a support ticket to resolve.(click link next to user icon on the top right, go to "my customer service")
Bugs & Support
2023-12-11 18:54:34
New Event Cycle July 20th
The first interesting event week in almost a year, even if HWH packs just give clothing frags I'm game to earn em.
2023-07-21 16:40:45
New Event Cycle - 15th of December
Not quite exaggerated, I've burned through 100k in both stars and wheel each and failed to get a jackpot (did it mostly for the meme and some bp grind) Between them you have a fair chance at wheels 2nd prize... but stars is usually more useful... both are horrible events and should only be done for the meme with the expectation that you will get nothing of value from the event itself.
2022-12-20 21:36:45
New Event Cycle - 28th of April
Just make a alt in your server if you want to milk it, Having a mini me with a basic b team to whip through everything till mid-game seems like a potentially interesting time waste. I "wasted" money over the years on p2w ninja that became free so this is nothing new to cry about.
2022-05-02 19:41:29
New Event Cycle - 17th of June
An old con game, they know he's still "too new" to give out but if they give you some frags it annoys some whales into buying the rest of his frags (or finish starring up).
2021-06-21 07:29:17
mini client
At it's best the new miniclient fixes all the complaints I've had for years regarding the old miniclients. I've been lucky to not see any issues as of yet but I acknowledge that may change as eventually reported bugs start getting fixed etc. I know of many that aren't as lucky... The only major issue I faced was losing all the logins when it updated over my old miniclient which thankfully I had archived so not a big issue for me... but a few friends are still working on finding their logins again. If you are facing bugs or don't want to run the risk of using an unstable client the old one is still up If you intend to use the new client please read around a bit, see what issues are happening so you aren't caught by surprise when some bug happens.
Bugs & Support
2020-12-15 10:50:50
f2p ninjas might as well get deleted...
Heck I know a certain player that would happily pay to get Naruko, Shizuka, Guren, Dan Kato, swimsuit temari etc in new servers just to shake the meta but frequently such ninja fall under a once per server lifetime event (counting from opening to merge as lifetime as so many quit and move on around merge week) Have you guys noticed how players join a just opened server play a month or two see someone meta up and move on to a new server hoping to meta up again and again *like my groups leader* - That would be a nice cycle to break by having under played nin around for people to goal when they cant meta up, it would reduce the need for frequent merges and in theory retain players as some will meta, some will anti-meta, and both sides will have loyal friends keep it populated and spread a desire to keep playing x server to prove x method best method. The number of people using methods that shall not be named to play seems to have rapidly grown... with some I've asked listing the miniclients many "bugs" as the "reason" they use such tools... if the meta never changes why should these "players" stop using methods that shall not be named to play when it's a monotonous unchanging game as it cant only be due to the miniclient being poorly optimized and a infinite swarm of black screens if you dare have more than one account logged in at a time. *latter a slight exaggeration but srsly
General Discussion
Yell0w FlasH
2020-07-18 06:15:43