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f2p ninjas might as well get deleted...


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-13 04:56:57Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Okay hear me out. Why are most of these f2p ninjas even in the game when u cant even buy them? Mizuki,chiriku,shira,masked man,itachi anbu,hokage minato and dozens more. I know they were all used before but whats the point of releasing new servers weekly if you dont even have a chance to collect their frags? And dont come at me with dumb comments that everyone has them already... Im talking about servers that are few months old. Theres no way to even get them with coupons in most cases and when u can they are too pricy... There should be a solution for this with optional packs with most of the ninjas in there. Or just the simplest thing to do would be that every ninjas has its price in the shop like every other online game has... Not everyone wants to go for edo minato, kushina, kakuzu etc.

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On 2020-07-13 05:39:42Show this Author Only

Well season ninjas are meant to be limited and reward for playin that season same for all festive ninjas for new year/chinese new year etc.

All others you listed are still in events just not every week, Masked Man/Minato/Anbu Itachi are here every treasure of sage event and few others. Mizuki is a bit rarer, think he was only in his first give away event, sakuras gift and monthly event but pretty sure you can get him eventually, i have almost 4 star and i never checked him till you mentioned just now, so his frags are droping somewhere lol.

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On 2020-07-13 05:57:40Show this Author Only
  • Dym On 2020-07-13 05:39:42
  • Well season ninjas are meant to be limited and reward for playin that season same for all festive ninjas for new year/chinese new year etc.

    All others you listed are still in events just not every week, Masked Man/Minato/Anbu Itachi are here every treasure of sage event and few others. Mizuki is a bit rarer, think he was only in his first give away event, sakuras gift and monthly event but pretty sure you can get him eventually, i have almost 4 star and i never checked him till you mentioned just now, so his frags are droping somewhere lol.

I know they are season ninjas mate. But hey thats the same saying madara was 3k dollars on his release and now u can get him if u are lucky on slot machine or lucky stars... Im saying that they need to change that. That means whoever played while shira or chiriku was in season only them will have those ninjas for the rest of the game. And yeah i know mizuki is in sakuras festival and i know masked man and itachi are on treasure of the sage, but as i already said they are too pricy... Masked man is 12k coupons there. Dude thats 4 star nagato lmfao, wheres the logic in there. And yeah i wont even talk about sakura festival. When u get a mizuki,izuna or any other ninja from sakura festival u will already have 500k power with all the op ninjas. Im saying that we dont need those f2p ninjas after its too late. They need to be achievable when servers are few months old so we have some uniqueness in the game and not just same old teams.

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On 2020-07-13 08:59:36Show this Author Only
  • Dym On 2020-07-13 05:39:42
  • Well season ninjas are meant to be limited and reward for playin that season same for all festive ninjas for new year/chinese new year etc.

    All others you listed are still in events just not every week, Masked Man/Minato/Anbu Itachi are here every treasure of sage event and few others. Mizuki is a bit rarer, think he was only in his first give away event, sakuras gift and monthly event but pretty sure you can get him eventually, i have almost 4 star and i never checked him till you mentioned just now, so his frags are droping somewhere lol.

Well Chiriku was also a 3v3 reward....just sayin....

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On 2020-07-13 10:04:46Show this Author Only

ya i agree they should make more of the very old outdated ninjas frags collectible,

even thou who wants to collect them when they can spend those same on collecting current meta ninjas ?

the best they can do is put in the monthly sign in or fireworks or maybe in the mysterious shop lol.

however for the record, 1) they are not called f2p ninjas stop instigating n insulting them 2) they are not wasted,

coz like a old model car, if you don't use it, but they'r still a part of epic collection esp for the oldbies/history.

what oasis need to do is still make them collectible in sub minor shops/events coz some people play to just collect

but if you really insist they c*so take it out of the new servers list (if that makes you happy) XD

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On 2020-07-13 10:55:53Show this Author Only
  • BustCheeksDesu On 2020-07-13 08:59:36
  • Well Chiriku was also a 3v3 reward....just sayin....

Yeah i know mate. My point is that they need to put those less used ninjas somewhere for f2p players cause otherwise they wont be used at all.

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On 2020-07-13 11:02:57Show this Author Only
  • T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C On 2020-07-13 10:04:46
  • ya i agree they should make more of the very old outdated ninjas frags collectible,

    even thou who wants to collect them when they can spend those same on collecting current meta ninjas ?

    the best they can do is put in the monthly sign in or fireworks or maybe in the mysterious shop lol.

    however for the record, 1) they are not called f2p ninjas stop instigating n insulting them 2) they are not wasted,

    coz like a old model car, if you don't use it, but they'r still a part of epic collection esp for the oldbies/history.

    what oasis need to do is still make them collectible in sub minor shops/events coz some people play to just collect

    but if you really insist they c*so take it out of the new servers list (if that makes you happy) XD

I agree with what u said, but i called them f2p cause they arent strong at all compared to the meta we are in. Im just saying that they are all fun ninjas to make early and mid game much more fun. For example why would anyone spend 12k cps on masked man when they can just BT nagato for that price... Those ninjas should atleast drop in price cause no one is using them at all. You cant even have different teams when no one is buying them cause they just aint worth it for their price. Thats why everyone *s to kushina, edo minato and that crap that ruined the game...

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On 2020-07-13 13:03:49Show this Author Only

Maybe they gonna change ninja collection system soon

Who knows.. For some reason they updated that sys in China that what the players talking about

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On 2020-07-13 14:07:15Show this Author Only
  • Suspecttt On 2020-07-13 13:03:49
  • Maybe they gonna change ninja collection system soon

    Who knows.. For some reason they updated that sys in China that what the players talking about

Yeah China does a really good job, meanwhile oasis ehm... u already know.

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On 2020-07-13 21:07:38Show this Author Only

i agree, they should atleast put anbu itachi and masked man (maybe) as a collectible in ninja collection. anbu itachi is useful mid-game, but he's barely available in events. well there's monthlys but it takes too long to be able to get him. it really wouldnt hurt to put him on ninja collection as a collectible. these ninjas might not be in the current meta but can still be useful someways.

ps. put protection vials in groceries, it rlly wont hurt anyone

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On 2020-07-13 21:31:18Show this Author Only

Oasis should just let those ninjas be collectible from the Collection Scrolls,

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On 2020-07-14 00:03:32Show this Author Only

Oasis, please upgrade Tsunade NPC. It will be a best present from you to all players!

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On 2020-07-14 01:17:31Show this Author Only

Thats why Fireworks event exist for.

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On 2020-07-14 03:35:08Show this Author Only

I remember I was thinking about getting 4th Hokage Minato. Treasure of the Sage came, his frags are there.

14k coupons with best discount. Seriously? You can get Edo Minato for not much more and he owns 4th Hokage. Tbh, someone should look at this game's meta and characters at least twice per year and recalcyulate prices. Game has great amount of characters, but it barely matters when 80% of them is uselss and not even worth for collection purpose.

This post was last edited by Aerth on 2020-07-14 03:35:52.
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On 2020-07-14 06:49:03Show this Author Only
  • kaminariii On 2020-07-13 21:07:38
  • i agree, they should atleast put anbu itachi and masked man (maybe) as a collectible in ninja collection. anbu itachi is useful mid-game, but he's barely available in events. well there's monthlys but it takes too long to be able to get him. it really wouldnt hurt to put him on ninja collection as a collectible. these ninjas might not be in the current meta but can still be useful someways.

    ps. put protection vials in groceries, it rlly wont hurt anyone

Indeed mate.

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On 2020-07-14 06:49:40Show this Author Only
  • BustCheeksDesu On 2020-07-13 21:31:18
  • Oasis should just let those ninjas be collectible from the Collection Scrolls,


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On 2020-07-14 06:51:21Show this Author Only
  • Eligosiel On 2020-07-14 01:17:31
  • Thats why Fireworks event exist for.

Yeah but by the time they put them in fireworks it will be too late.. Thats why it would be much better to put them in collection scrolls for moon scrolls atleast.

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On 2020-07-14 06:53:37Show this Author Only
  • Aerth On 2020-07-14 03:35:08
  • I remember I was thinking about getting 4th Hokage Minato. Treasure of the Sage came, his frags are there.

    14k coupons with best discount. Seriously? You can get Edo Minato for not much more and he owns 4th Hokage. Tbh, someone should look at this game's meta and characters at least twice per year and recalcyulate prices. Game has great amount of characters, but it barely matters when 80% of them is uselss and not even worth for collection purpose.

Exactly mate. Thats my point of view right there. 80% of the ninjas aint even worth using when every player rushes meta like a maniac.

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On 2020-07-14 15:39:36Show this Author Only

Heck I know a certain player that would happily pay to get Naruko, Shizuka, Guren, Dan Kato, swimsuit temari etc in new servers just to shake the meta but frequently such ninja fall under a once per server lifetime event (counting from opening to merge as lifetime as so many quit and move on around merge week)

Have you guys noticed how players join a just opened server play a month or two see someone meta up and move on to a new server hoping to meta up again and again *like my groups leader* - That would be a nice cycle to break by having under played nin around for people to goal when they cant meta up, it would reduce the need for frequent merges and in theory retain players as some will meta, some will anti-meta, and both sides will have loyal friends keep it populated and spread a desire to keep playing x server to prove x method best method.

The number of people using methods that shall not be named to play seems to have rapidly grown... with some I've asked listing the miniclients many "bugs" as the "reason" they use such tools... if the meta never changes why should these "players" stop using methods that shall not be named to play when it's a monotonous unchanging game as it cant only be due to the miniclient being poorly optimized and a infinite swarm of black screens if you dare have more than one account logged in at a time. *latter a slight exaggeration but srsly

This post was last edited by .Reagan. on 2020-07-14 15:45:52.
  • Registered: 2018-02-14
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On 2020-07-14 17:07:57Show this Author Only

that depends how far players has gone in the game, those people who keep jumping servers

will nver last long enough to pass the 300k power limit... and if you ask me the 300k mark is

imo the official line that a full f2p deserve a lvl of respect for having come that far.. those who pass that mark knows.

anyone below is just a casual player who either don't play long enough or hard enuff.

even so, they will not be able to compete with paying players who should ezily pass that mark ahead of time.

but beyond 300k bp and with about at least 3 merges the remaining players (f2p or not) who manage to stay on

should probably not quit ezily coz for the amount we invest in time/ effort alone. not to mention money for paying ones.

for many even if they stop paying they r among the top few and can just enjoy their game.

i cannot say for the US/UK servers where many r rich n have much spare time thus driving higher competition,

but as usual, chances are rich people either get over the game faster/ get bored faster/ move on to other things faster

or they will keep on growing at a faster pace coz they can. in short, jumping players are not exactly oasis targets.

simply winning top ranks in new non merge servers do not exactly put you on the same lvl or

winning grounds as an old merged server. thus what remains in the end... ???

those who put in the time and effort to play or cash in money to get far ahead that's what !!

both of which deserve my respect > coz willingness to part with their money on a silly game =P

is simply a real value of time and effort in liquidity form. k i said my peace, i gotta go back to work, the end XD

This post was last edited by T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C on 2020-07-14 17:08:39.
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