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2017-07-24 19:59:09
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2018-10-11 05:09:46
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2017-08-22 13:34:49
Coupon Plunder Needs To Go
Looking thru the comments here they all have something in common and it seems to be that people are upset about how much they lose which makes sense that losing half would make you upset and it seems that there is a concern for people coming into a established server not liking to lose.Lets look at things in reality would you walk into a gym having never lifted in your life and expect to out lift someone who has trained for years lifting?Most likely no you wouldn't cause logic tells you I can't out lift someone who is lifting what I weigh and you most definitely wouldn't drag your friend who you know is weaker then you in to out lift that guy either.Now how is bringing a new person into a place like that going to benefit them positively in any way?The best results you could hope for is they get competitive and sink time and money into training but the reality of it is most likely they will feel like crap and not want too even try.What you want to do is start them off in a fresh server where they can get there training wheels and get use to the game first and learn how to play and it gives them room to make mistakes which they could learn from and apply to going to a established server which would give them a nice starting edge.So please stop trying to use the new players didn't like this mechanic as it doesn't help you it only hurts your stand point more cause its showing your not thinking of the best way to bring someone else into this game without them being thrown to the wolves and expecting them to enjoy it.
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2017-08-23 18:28:20
Coupon Plunder Needs To Go
I have been on both sides of this fence so yes I do full understand how much it hurts losing a little more than half of what you could get.The best you could hope for realistically is the amounts to be changed of how much you lose per loss and that is about the best that can happen.
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2017-08-23 18:28:20
Coupon Plunder Needs To Go
That is why you shouldn't bring new players into established servers.Starting new on a established server where people are over powered and have been playing for a year and invested time and money into it will turn people off.There is no avoiding over powered people or higher powered people plundering its unavoidable in established servers.The solution to just getting rid of the system screws over f2p players because instead of the free 15-30 coupons you get a day you would get nothing at all.The fact that people want the whole system scrapped cause they cant win screws the whole community over.Lets do the math here so we can see how much f2p would lose out in one months time.15 x 30 = 450 (That's if you get plundered everyday for a whole month.)30 x 30 = 900 (If you don't get plundered at all.)So if you want to give up 450-900 FREE COUPONS A MONTH be my guest and if doing them is such a issue then just don't do them.The only person your going to hurt by scrapping the system is the f2p people cause that is how many even get the coupons to save.People who spend time and money in the game it wont really effect them your only hurting the f2p and smaller spenders by removing a nice size of income from them.Tencent and Oasis can not and will not go in and reprogram the game cause some people take issue with losing.To be perfectly honest don't pretend for a second if you were the over powered guy you wouldn't take advantage of it either cause people want to use what they PAID for.Would you buy a new computer and not use it just cause someone else couldn't get one cause they don't have the money to? No you would use it regardless of if someone else couldn't get one as good as yours or not at all.
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2017-08-23 18:28:20
Coupon Plunder Needs To Go
Why is this even a issue? Even if you get plundered you still get if memory serves 15 coupons, yes being plundered cuts that in half but you still get 15 free everyday which is only 5 less then the people who have bought the medal get for a day log in which they paid for.I understand the frustration of getting beat on a plunder but the fact that they have it where you can invite a whale to * you seems to fall flat on people.Convoy is set up so it makes people work together to promote team building and the fact that this has fallen flat on people is just sad.It's really simple if your getting plundered every time there are several options you c*e.1) Ask a whale for help to * you so your chances of not getting plundered increase greatly.2) Take the chance of running them solo if you can not find help and expect to get plundered.3) Wait till later in the day to do them as plunder can only be done 3 times in a day.4) Start spending and do it wisely,you can keep competitive with small amounts of money invested into this game.Best of luck to you on not getting plundered.
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2017-08-23 18:28:20
1000+ Pulls in Five Kage Treasure
I pulled susano at 1000 but others in my group had got their supers well before that in the 850-900 range for one of them and the other was right around 950ish if I remember correctly.
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2017-08-03 22:36:38
<Naruto Online> Player Guide Recruitment Notice
QQ#3551294912Level:90Time online: 10+hrs Time on most likely to be on: Both day and night off and on.Reasons for application: I have been playing the game since September of last year and still play every day and would like to help people avoid the mistakes I made starting out. With a good start comes competition and more enjoyment from the game.
2017-11-30 17:11:55
[Midnight Blade]
Midnight blade a touch OP?
Wind main with kage garaa, sage naruto and jigokudo is the meta for that main right now and its such a pain in the ass to fight. I just changed to fire cause lightning wasn't doing * to that line up of wind meta.Try the water meta if you can mabui,gnw tenten and mei.
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The Almighty
2017-07-24 22:00:18
Reanimated Treasure
I don't understand all the hate for edo they have some pretty decent ninjas in them just look at Nagato and he rips it up. Look up some of the others in there I could be wrong but the silver and gold brothers are in edo I think and if you faced them in the ultimate training they still do a decent amount of damage together. Edo could be a lot of fun and break the freaking meta teams everyone is running now. I hate running into that * wind, kage garra ,sage naruto and jigokudo team every 3 seconds.
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2017-07-24 22:00:16
He really isn't pointing fingers he just said what everyone else was thinking. Blaming Oasis for not merging your server is just bull* there are tons of other servers that need it more. One whale expecting special treatment and not getting it so he quits is just dumb. Normally I wouldn't say anything because it promotes toxic bull* in the community but blaming the company for your problems isn't the right way to go about it.He chose to spend as much as he did and hes reaping the benefits of being a whale. People quitting because they have no hope of beating a bottomless bank account is normal.I've fought Agathor in matsuri before and I'm almost 60k power my self and got * stomped but that's to be expected. When you fight a whale expect to lose but being a whale and blaming the company that its there fault your op as hell is just *.No one held a gun to his head and made him drop 10 grand and make people quit cause they had no chance. I play in the same server group as AP and have got stomped by him many times but I play cause I enjoy the game.Agathor had a point he enjoyed the people and friends he made so kudos to you man for pointing that out what the meaning of the game SHOULD be.Lets be realistic here tho people how many of you have whales on your server you wish would quit?More then a few I'd guess and why cause you wanna be king of the hill your self.Agathor I wish you the best man hopefully you can take this as a lesson in controlling your spending to keep the game fun for you and everyone else on the server.
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2017-07-24 22:03:04
The community needs to cut the bull*.
They may be under gag order to not respond to any of it be cause they represent the company and anything they say be it truth or not can be held against the company.They are playing things safe by trying to not dig a deeper hole then they are already in.Clearly they know they got caught with there fingers in the cookie jar but they also know how this community responds to mods. We tend to react harshly to anything we deem as a defense of the things we don't like.I'am guilty of doing this a few times my self so I more then understand why it happens, when people feel strongly about a subject they tend to lose sight of their real goal. This post was last edited by Encounterzero at 2017-4-1 04:37
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2017-07-24 21:52:05
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