As much as all the players who have unfairly profited from others work might complain, coupon plundering is hurting the game badly in more ways than one.
1. Revenue. Why would I spend $6 a month for 1800 coupons when I can plunder nearly 4000 per month completely for free? Aside from the major whales, it gives no active player any incentive to ever pay any money into the game again - terrible from a business point of view for a game which needs income to survive, and needs players to feel they are getting something for their money that they cannot get elsewhere.
2.Morale. Nobody likes being plundered, especially so when only the top 30 players on a server are allowed to do it, so you already know that there will be no fair fight and just an instant loss. A great way to cause resentment of high level players and drive more and more lower levels to leave the game. You high level guys can sermonise all you like about how others just need to "get stronger", unfortunately that will never EVER happen when you are getting 150 coupons per day compared to the convoy runners 15.
3,Cheating - it is well known on many servers that most low level players have quit and this means high level guys have to stand waiting for 3-4 hours a day to find any SS plunders..... or they make themselves three side accounts (a banned practise), level them up using their main to drag them through, sit them in an inactive guild and plunder at will. It cheats the developers out of more revenue, as well as putting needless extra strain on the servers with these false accounts.
I say get rid of coupon plunders entirely - if players want to get ahead they need to pay for it, otherwise those of us who do spend money and play the game honestly will stop doing so, and the game will fade and die.
1. Ever heard of diminishing return? It's every where. The first X is free/easy, but if you want more, you gotta pay up. In this game, you will see this in magatama, 8 gate, cave rune etc. Why would you ever get more keys if 2 lv 2 runes produce a lv3 that's less than 1.5x of a single one?
2. top 50
Also, your point #1 and #2 conflict with each other. As you said, only top player can plunder and fact of the matter is, only the topmost player will succeed reliably. How do you become such a player? Ptw will help!. So in a way, spending money is like an investment and plunder is the return on investment.
Granted, ftp can be strong enough to plunder too. I could, I don't but I could, easily plunder and I'm ftp. But it's less reliable and heavily depends on the server demographics.
So while I dislike plunder, your reasoning doesn't hold much water.
The two first points do not conflict, for example if a 50k player decides he has had enough and wants to turn the tables on a 70k free player who keeps plundering him the option should be there for him to spend some money buying lots of ingots/coupons and catch up.
This is not possible, however, as the 70k guy can keep robbing coupons at a faster rate then the lower level guy can earn money to pay for them - one is trying to play in the right way, the other is a parasite leeching a free ride and killing the game.
At the absolute minimum, the game should make it that you only get one "free" coupon plunder every day and have to pay ingots to attempt more - the poor old convoys get worse rewards and have to pay for repeat attempts so why not the plunderers too?
You know, there's a few ways to counter plunderers. The simplest being support. You could also run later during the day/event, or during events such as great ninja war if you're in an inactive group. Sure, some people have alternate accounts, and that's not really fair, but there's not many people, and removing plundering coupons would also ruin the aspect of convoy, in my opinion. You'll just run a convoy without any risk? It's made to be risk and reward. Not just a free reward. Removing the coupon plundering would cause nobody to plunder, since it's either 35 coupons or a lot of coins. Seriously, who'd pick the coins? I personally don't even run S or A unless I want to get in the daily.
And besides, you could pay like, $100 to get 5k ingots faster then you can make in a month, and you can get various other things to get even more stuff. P2W, this is mainly a P2W game, so....
Plus, only a certain amount of people can plunder, some of the strongest don't even choose to. I don't plunder (much) nowadays, and for some of us other people, it's one of the few ways we can keep up.
Edit:Also, regarding ingot plunders, why do you want this game to be even more p2w?
Here is the thing that would help the most.
Plunderers have too much of an advantage, If your support fails even if you damaged them or beat a couple ninjas, the plunderer heals right up with all their ninjas, making the whole support aspect useless.
Either make the whole system a 2v1, or the plunderer not heal between fights.
Here is the thing that would help the most.
Plunderers have too much of an advantage, If your support fails even if you damaged them or beat a couple ninjas, the plunderer heals right up with all their ninjas, making the whole support aspect useless.
Either make the whole system a 2v1, or the plunderer not heal between fights.
This needs to happen. The damage that the plunderer received shouldn't heal up -_-. It should stay and give people who convoy a chance.
But then again, if you had the ability to constantly plunder and get 150 coupons a day, I don't think you would complain...
Just my opinion anyway
Taking away coupon plunders would just lead to an uproar of all the stronger people in the server. And your point about plunders meaning people don't buy monthly pack.
That is all BS lmao
The coupon plunder system is largely there to serve a greater purpose:
Free players aren't wanted. Not really. They're wanted to "feed" the Pay players and all... but at the end of the day, they really want Servers to sorta die with just the paying players *ing around... then they want to merge servers and decrease the cost of all the "freeloaders" taking up resources and the paying players are supposed to then feel the need to pay even more to beat the other paying players with any free players still *ing around not mattering too much.
Yes, the plunder system lets the "rich get richer" - that's sorta the point.
And if you pay enough then you don't even care too much about the pitiful amount of coupons that your daily convoy might get you anyways...
Now, I'm not saying I like that business model... but I do think it IS the business model and it's not going to go anywhere.
I would say that the very strongest players would not be overly bothered - they are already buying far more than 150 coupons a day, and if anything are probably slightly annoyed that cheap players are able to even scratch them after they spend so much. The only ones who would really complain are those on the tier below mega whales, but if they are paying nothing into the game then what loss would they really be if they were to disappear?
This needs to happen. The damage that the plunderer received shouldn't heal up -_-. It should stay and give people who convoy a chance.
i'm going to fight for the weaker plunderers right now, since this suggestion wouldnt hurt me at all since i end most fights at so high of health that i dont even need the extra to win the 2nd fight.
but for the weaker plunderers they have to face people like me, who when they see me they already know they are going to lose and retreat, there are a few other people in my group that cause the other groups to retreat right away instead of wasting their time trying to win as well. when convoy gets a support like that it doesnt matter how much health the enemy could have started the next fight with, they are going to lose the first fight anyway and our suggestion becomes worthless.
but when the people plunder a support who is only slightly weaker than they are that means the plunderer will fail because it will end up 1v4 in the 2nd fight.
with those odds how many people do u thing would bother with plunders at all? multiple people on my server in the top 10 have stopped plundering because it takes too long, some have also stopped because there are too many people they cant beat so they dont waste their time when they know they cant win often enough. and now u want more people to quit because ur going to make it harder to win and lessen the rewards they can get? plunder already has a chance at 0 rewards a day, convoy will always give at least some coupons,
people who convoy already have a chance, and its a pretty good one for alot of people. plus only 50 people can plunder, and they can only plunder 3 times a day, so thats 150 times that people can be plundered, if u have more people on ur server doing convoys than that then some1 will get to convoy safely. also we can only plunder people within 15 lvls of us so anyone running convoy at a lower lvl cant even be seen by most if not all plunderers(depending on server). also multiple people can lose their plunder chances when attacking a single convoy, my group mates have had 3 different people attack them with me for support and they won every time, so they stopped our enemies from getting 150 coupons from 1 support of mine.
it feels like ur just complaining that u cant win in a game that you haven't spent money on and where money makes u strong.
"it is well known on many servers that most low level players have quit and this means high level guys have to stand waiting for 3-4 hours a day to find any SS plunders"
There it is right there, if you had to sit and wait for 3-4 hours for the potential of getting NO coupons (which has happened to me before) you would be pissed. This is the trade off from running all your convoys in 10 mins so you shouldn't be complaining.
I mean seriously, who is going to create three accounts and get them up to a level that can even be plundered (has to be within 15 levels of you) this is not happening. And if it is happening you are talking about MAYBE 1% of those who are capable of plundering so the cheating point has no validity as far as I'm concerned.
I understand that you are not happy with the fact that you have 35 coupons dangled in front of your face only to have them taken away every time but that is the way the game is. Just like I have 150 coupons dangled in front of my face every day but I barely ever get all 150, 50-100 is the average and lately its been mostly 50, and that is for sitting and waiting for 2 hours to complete.
It must be very different on some servers, but on mine (a merged server) the top 5 are big cash spenders who plunder for entertainment but do not care much either way (you do always see them on support) then you have about 15-20 who have paid nothing and are consistently ranked 10,000 power higher than everybody else because they plunder 150 coupons every single day and have alt accounts just in case pickings are slim. There are plenty of paying players ranked below these parasites who can never catch up, and are plundered instantly if they run a convoy (why can they not get support, you ask, well that is because all the top players are in the same group and deny entry to anyone else so that they get easier plunders).
This simply loses money for the game and fun for the players.
Here is the thing that would help the most.
Plunderers have too much of an advantage, If your support fails even if you damaged them or beat a couple ninjas, the plunderer heals right up with all their ninjas, making the whole support aspect useless.
Either make the whole system a 2v1, or the plunderer not heal between fights.
I'm fine with plunders if this is implemented.
If someone plunders me, they should actually be taking a risk. You want to plunder me? Fine, but make it a challenge: Here are two teams to fight back-to-back, you up for it? This will make those big players think twice and give us plunderees a potential fighting chance. I have NEVER been able to defeat a plunderer after my support has died, and what's worse is that I've been actually pretty close to beating them with the support team anyway, but it was all for naught because the plunderer team healed up.
I'm fine with plunders if this is implemented.
If someone plunders me, they should actually be taking a risk. You want to plunder me? Fine, but make it a challenge: Here are two teams to fight back-to-back, you up for it? This will make those big players think twice and give us plunderees a potential fighting chance. I have NEVER been able to defeat a plunderer after my support has died, and what's worse is that I've been actually pretty close to beating them with the support team anyway, but it was all for naught because the plunderer team healed up.
How many people who plunder do you think are big spenders? I plunder and I'm not, I'm already taking a risk by plundering because I could put MULTIPLE hours into waiting for SS plunders and get nothing (and that has happened to me before)
People who convoy are GUARANTEED at least 15 coupons (and x number of coins because nobody plunders S or A rank convoys) I could spend 3 hours waiting and get zero coupons, that is the risk. Be happy you get 15 coupons because the previous convoy/plunder system didn't even give any coupons.
I swear people just love to be salty and this isn't just a knock at you, its to everyone who is making such a big deal out of it when you are at least guaranteed some coupons and the people who plunder are not promised anything.
So people are discussing the risk of plundering being a chance at getting no coupons and thats understandable but with a large majority of the community using cheats for plundering the risk is only if someone strong is defending cause everyone knows only high power players plunder I only recent found out that half of my server is using a plundering bot when i would spend hours just refreshing its not fair cause plundering rewards people who cheat
maybe the probleme is that convoy doesnt give much coupons, maybe able to do 2/3 SS/day will put everyone happy, plunders got more chance to plunder, and the others got more coupons even if they got plundered ...
I dont understand why u didnt think about this possibilities, with this way we can resolve the plundering problem for good.... but this community like scion said is so ... meh
True! This is one of the main reasons why low level players are quitting. The strong gets stronger. The weak gets weaker. And they quit. Eventually, when the weak people are gone, the strong ones get bored since they have no one to play with anymore/seeing only a few people play
I don't mind if they removed plunder and added the chance of doing up to 4 ss without paying the 10 ingots.on the other hand in my server p2w or the whales never plunder since they don't have the patient to sit and refresh there for 4 hours. people who do the plunders are mostly strong free players as this is the only way for them to get some extra coupons.
Like in any other games, those who understand the game quickly will benefit the most compared to the others that don't. Of course, the plunder system is designed to benefit for those who are at the top.
Anyways, if you expect change, look into the future via looking at what other servers (German, Taiwan, China) have. Since Oasis is just a publisher, they just get translate the content from Tencent. I'm currently on the China server and i've tried to do convoy about 3 times since their server kicks me out after 2 hours worth of gameplay for some reason so I don't get a lot of chance to do any other dailies. Convoy has only 3 tries rather than 4, ss mission = 40 coupons instead of 35, and the time to refresh missions get reduced (i think 15-25 mins). Since 3.0 increased the amount of coupons we could get from ss missions by 5, I doubt Oasis would add another 5 unless it was added twice on the China server.
To sum up what I said, the number of missions gets reduced, the value of rewards get increased, and the time to refresh decreases. Whether or not people would be satisfied with this is up to them.
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