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2017-07-24 19:31:29
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2024-09-03 18:38:56
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2017-09-07 01:16:45
[Ninja Profile]
Ay [The Fourth Raikage] - Ninja Discussion
The thing that scares me - hes 3 stars, so it means 100 more fragments to 4 star him and if we follow the trends of other breakthroughs - at least 50 more frags for the weakest skill, which for me, as somewhat of a free player means I have to donate about a half years worth of my salary... Which I honestly feel - is a slap on my face with a brick from oasis. A specially considering that something like Han+Roshi+S.Sakura+water with -10k power manages to beat (note: I wont say any build), most of the builds I can throw at the water with AY. Or compared to say S.Sasuke and a blitz team - I can still beat it, even a stronger person (provided I have the barrier), but its by such a hairs width, that its not even funny (probably about 7 setups tested). So I can only imagine, if the other party had the barrier, which would mean -40% dmg for me and +40% for the other party. And its not a matter of people beating me - I know I wont be as strong as people who actually donate more than I earn over 4 years, but what annoys me is that lineups with completely F2P ninjas or 1-1.5 months worth of effort ninjas are by far A MILE more efficient, that any lineup with something that takes nearly a year to save up, without spending a single seal on any other treasure... Well yet again, I simply feel played upon.. Feels like being hit over the face...
2017-09-07 01:16:45
[Ninja Profile]
Ay [The Fourth Raikage] - Ninja Discussion
Right, I'm curious.. Will the 4th Raikage ever be useful? And I am dead honest with this question.. I mean, 900 Seals for a Ninja, that can be countered by multiple 200 seal ninjas and has soooo * many weaknesses... Is he somehow different from the China version ?
2017-09-07 01:16:45
Ay Raikage builds ?
Allright, The usuall stuff then :]
2017-08-25 07:35:39
Raikage so OP not fair
Right, let me just join the conversation. By no means is AY that op at the moment... In fact, hes actually kind of weak. I am a f2p just to point out, recently got Ay. Ran test fights against people I can beat with my fire/lightning/water teams and I cant beat the same people with any builds I come up with that include Ay. Just saying, I feel like wasting 900 seals to be quite honest... people who have susanoo sasuke, that I could beat with ease as blitz, I barely get by them now... Ay is not OP, but he kind of *s, considering that you can get Han + Roshi for the same price.
General Discussion
2017-08-22 23:35:07
Cross server Sage: Complete failure or complete failure?
I agree with PeNMaX.It pretty much feels like oasis is taking a piss in my face and says its raining. I'm dead honest. This "Balanced" matchmaking is just... I cant really find the words for it. I'm 58k bp with my main setup. being matched up in the same battlefield with Tiffany, Kyo, GodPain, AlinaCox and other beasts, that's just a complete motivation killer. I am honestly thinking about quitting the game, as its just no fun any more. I can bet there are a lot of people like that in the community and if nothing will change - the game will die.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:09:00
Arena stats: Can someone explain this?
Alright, here's the deal, I really don't think its only the base stats, I didn't take a screenshot, but:I met a team, thats exactly the same as mine, except Darui is replaced as Kimimaru.My power is near 44k + I had a barrier running from Darui.I asked my opponent, he said he had "Near 49k" In either case as far as Mifunes Ult goes - its not affected by the barrier.My power in arena was 26642 his was 267* (dont remember the last numbers).His mifune dealt a bit over 50% to my main, mine did just a slight bit under 20% (maybe 20%).I would expect these numbers in real life, but not in arena..
General Discussion
Mista red
2017-07-24 21:39:30
Arena stats: Can someone explain this?
As for me, Im fairly ok with how it matches me, but I was simply shocked to see such a difference in damage that the enemy dishes out and receives from me if only the base stats are used.
General Discussion
Mista red
2017-07-24 21:39:30
Initiative - bug ? Or I only need enlightenment..
Thats exactly what we did. Let me just repeat: his total was 8 points more than mine (after he removed a few initiative runes), but my barrier was the one to stay
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:39:12
Arena stats: Can someone explain this?
There aren't many people with 75k BP even if we take all of the servers. Note this is in Kage rank, not in 6 paths, so the odds are even slimmer.Say I do meet up with a person with 60k Bp (lets face it - every server has at least one)So its his 6k Bp against my 4.5k bp. His barrier is +40% so its 8400k.Say what you will - that power difference does not compensate for the difference as someone say in this post "for some to barely scratch the surface and others to heavy nuke you" as there will be a BP minimum even for a lvl 1 nab.Oh and a bit of an eddit: BP involves Life, attack, ninjutsu, defence, resistance, crit, injury, control, combo, att and nin *ion, damage reduction and life recovery, so its not like all 4.5k and 8.4 is pure damage. its more like a 562 and 933 difference in attack (maybe even less of a difference) which, yet again, does not compensate or explain a 5-6x damage difference with the same build. It could be explained if the enemy had ~100-150k BP (if we only count the 10% stat usage and comparison base line of 45k bp) This post was last edited by Smekla at 2017-2-25 19:42
General Discussion
Mista red
2017-07-24 21:39:30
Initiative - bug ? Or I only need enlightenment..
To clarify:My battle armor is higher than his: mines lvl 4 - 70points in, his is lvl 4 30 points in.Average initiative - that's fine, but average will always be total divided by 4. So generally speaking the total initiative matters. When he had more total initiative than I had - by 8 (or on average by 2 points per char) points, my barrier was the one to stay.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:39:12