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[ Ninja Profile ] Ay [The Fourth Raikage] - Ninja Discussion


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-21 07:23:23Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Source: Kage Treasure
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~Mystery: Lighting Protector : *Ling* - When used, becomes immune to all Debuffs during the round it was launched. Moreover, during that round, this unit will use 4 standard attacks while simultaneously increasing its critical hit rate by 15%, lasts 1 round.
`Cooling time: 3 round
`Battlefield cooldown: None
`Chakra use: 20
`Additional status: None

~Standard: Lightning Plough Hot Sword *Ling* - Attacks a random opponent's unit and causes Tag, also has a chance of triple combo and High Float.
`Additional status: Tag and High Float

~Passive: Lateral Bolt Of Pain Dance *Ling* - If the opponent's team as a ninja suffering from Tag, replaces standard attack, might cause a certain 5 combo attack and High Float to 1 opponent's unit suffering from Tag individual and then disperse its Tag. (?)
`Additional status: High Float

~Passive: Aggressiveness - Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse and Knockdown. Heals oneself by a certain percentage in case of damage caused by a taijutsu attack.

~Chase: Ligthning Style - Liger Bomb *Ling* - Chases and attacks a High Floated unit, causes Knockdown and Paralysis.

``~My thoughts: He is really good, mostly seen with Lightning main and DPS Hidan.
(?) - The translation is kind of weird..

This post was last edited by Yeize at 2017-2-26 04:29
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-21 07:26:59Show this Author Only
ay > sasuke
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On 2017-02-21 07:34:48Show this Author Only

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On 2017-02-21 07:35:54Show this Author Only
  • Gideon Rize On 2017-02-21 07:34:48

Really dude using kakashi when you got Ao .. when you get Ao you probably have all kage rares lmao just dont look at combo stop it ... combo doesnt mean *.
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On 2017-02-21 07:38:29Show this Author Only
Who said anything about AO? I don't have him, but have others. Sure, he would also work great, not saying he wouldn't.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-21 08:18:15Show this Author Only
Hahaha lmao. Kakashi and then the comment hahaha
And then he says Ao and the other one takes it that serious hahahaha

Great show guys. Like it was planned hahaha everything is perfect here
This post was last edited by sei*** at 2017-2-21 08:22
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-09-06 21:17:57Show this Author Only


I'm curious.. Will the 4th Raikage ever be useful? And I am dead honest with this question..

I mean, 900 Seals for a Ninja, that can be countered by multiple 200 seal ninjas and has soooo * many weaknesses... Is he somehow different from the China version ?

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On 2017-09-06 21:31:27Show this Author Only
  • Smekla On 2017-09-06 21:17:57
  • Right,

    I'm curious.. Will the 4th Raikage ever be useful? And I am dead honest with this question..

    I mean, 900 Seals for a Ninja, that can be countered by multiple 200 seal ninjas and has soooo * many weaknesses... Is he somehow different from the China version ?

When he get's Skill Breakthroughs, he becomes extremely strong.

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On 2017-09-07 01:16:45Show this Author Only
  • Hiagura On 2017-09-06 21:31:27
  • When he get's Skill Breakthroughs, he becomes extremely strong.

The thing that scares me - hes 3 stars, so it means 100 more fragments to 4 star him and if we follow the trends of other breakthroughs - at least 50 more frags for the weakest skill, which for me, as somewhat of a free player means I have to donate about a half years worth of my salary... Which I honestly feel - is a slap on my face with a brick from oasis. A specially considering that something like Han+Roshi+S.Sakura+water with -10k power manages to beat (note: I wont say any build), most of the builds I can throw at the water with AY. Or compared to say S.Sasuke and a blitz team - I can still beat it, even a stronger person (provided I have the barrier), but its by such a hairs width, that its not even funny (probably about 7 setups tested). So I can only imagine, if the other party had the barrier, which would mean -40% dmg for me and +40% for the other party.

And its not a matter of people beating me - I know I wont be as strong as people who actually donate more than I earn over 4 years, but what annoys me is that lineups with completely F2P ninjas or 1-1.5 months worth of effort ninjas are by far A MILE more efficient, that any lineup with something that takes nearly a year to save up, without spending a single seal on any other treasure...

Well yet again, I simply feel played upon.. Feels like being hit over the face...

This post was last edited by Smekla on 2017-09-07 01:21:36.
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