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2019-09-19 01:20:53
An Open Letter to Oasis Part 2
Renji, just quit. Use the time on something more valuable, Oasis doesn't value you outside of your wallet, so ignore them. Grab your friends from here and pick another game to play with them. You will be surprised by how much free time you will have after quitting this game and how much you can get done to make your life better. For me, these refines are the straw that broke the camels back, I'm going to stay tonight for xgnw for my groups sake, then tomorrow I will log on and write a message telling them all that I quit and pass the leadership of my group to another.
General Discussion
2019-09-23 11:06:04
Refinement Feature Update Survey
600k bp player here, most would consider me a whale. I DON'T WANT THIS. I don't know why anyone would, the only person in my spacetime cluster who is done with refines is over 800k bp, even then he doesn't want more refines he's happy to let the system be done as far as i'm aware. most people once they finish a ninjas gear want that ninjas gear to be finished. we don't want to go backwards from being finished with something to not being finished, that doesn't feel like we accomplished something it feels bad its not how a good game works. If this goes through, I will quit immediately, no ifs and or buts. I stopped spending last year cause of all the bad stuff that was being done, all the lies, all the bs. If this passes then I quit and find a new game, and I know a few people in my group will do the same and it will likely cause a chain reaction since the main reason most people play this game is cause of the social ties we have built by this point that we don't want to lose.
2019-09-13 17:55:53
Is it worth to play survivor ultimate mode?
ultimate has a chance for a couple drops that the others dont, but for the most part (99%) the drops r all the same. since u cant do ultimate every day, expect once a year to get one of the good drops, its kind of worth it if it means u save a few hundred cp from buying that ninja frag in events, but its not major, u choose if u would rather save the time or save the cp.
General Discussion
2019-08-20 00:41:17
cant possibly beat NE 380 no matter how many times i try
x | x | x x | susano itachi | x FM | SB edo deidara | sb kakuzu grudge mode let their itachi waste myst on urs and reflect the mm myst, then use ur main to heal/shield/regen chakra for ur kakuzu dmg/reset. there is a cn video on this team but im too lazy to find it for u.
General Discussion
2019-08-21 19:09:28
Decisive Bonds , Arenas, SWB
DB - 1) that system wont work, you would literally stop me from being able to do the event at all since no1 else would be in my bp range, there would be 3 people in the groups above me and only 3 people in the group below me so they wouldn't be able to do the event either, as well as people who are closer in bp having much higher queue times as well, so the people who would have killed a couple ninjas now have to wait 15minutes for a fight against someone who they may not kill any ninjas against anyway because of team comps, hell, i would just stack my m1 even more to drop my bp so that i would have more options which would just make my m1 hit u even harder, so it doesn't really solve ur problem, it just makes the system more annoying for every1 to use. 2)the top guy on my server is over 100k above me the #2, so are you really saying he cant do this event? i don't think its right to tell people who paid money that they cant play the game they paid money for, the game will die because no1 will pay for it after that. so again your solution doesn't work. 3) agreed if you really want this system improved then its the little things that would help most not massive overhauls that cant be done without ruining the game for others. reduce the amount of kills for the packs. increase the amount of rewards to give incentives to more low lvl people so they join and can fight each other in between fighting us whales. stop people from joining anymore after they hit the reward cap like is done with matsuri, that way 1 whale cant afk for their whole group, they will only be able to help 1 person get all the boxes or.18 wins spread out among their group mates. SWB- 1)this wont change much for the majority of people, most servers are dying off and getting cluster merges at this point, they only have enough people for 1 swb not 2, so changing it from lvl to bp does nothing when there is only 1 swb. my cluster is one of the more populated ones, and we dont always get 2 swb groups. none of your logic for db works for swb either. the best way to make it better for low lvl players would be for the winning team in swb to get the 20 adv refines for each player and the individual rewards to no longer give them, but even doing that will hurt the noobs cause us whales will focus you to remove u from the event since u give the fastest points and the fewer of u get points the more likely my team wins, any system that would make more powerful people worth more wont fix it cause noobs die so much faster that i can kill 3+ in the same time as 1 person near my bp so the kill steaks would need to be removed plus the victory rewards would need to be changed to a bp system at which point the #4-10 will try to stay fighting noobs so the #1-3 dont knock them out for the bigger amount of points again hurting noobs. removing adv refines from the event entirely fixes the issue with whales since we will stop doing swb outside of needing a few sun coins, but then the noobs wont really want to do it either so it doesnt truely help them either it just stops whales fro benefiting more. Arena- only init counts, ive tested it and so have others, trust me if the other stats counted you would die to me much faster, you can even double check it yourself by lvling an account to 100 without using any power feature outside of your gear, which you can remove to check your stats at lvl 100 to see if your total bp is the same as it says in arena, or by just having a friend with more/less bp queue against u using the same team, outside of buffs both teams hit within the same range. tai/nin pen have 0 noticeable effect in game, that has also been tested by many people, the effect might exist but its a counter to dmg reduction and we get so much pen for free it completely eclipses the dmg red that we can only stack so much when we try.
Bugs & Support
2019-08-01 16:34:44
Critical Hit too Godly OP
power becomes harder to get the higher you go, so a 9k bp difference with him stacking his m1, would be a much bigger difference if he wasn't stacking. also consider, if his m1 had 25k injury, but his m2/3/4 only had 10k, but all of your ninjas had 15k you may have much more injury on your ninjas than his back line which helps close the bp gap, but since the difference is so much smaller comparatively it feels like you don't do much damage after getting 1 shot., also remember the higher your crit the more often u crit up to 95% chance, so if ur not critting u it for even less than his m1 is since hes critting 95% of the time vs your 20%?, which is again a huge difference. the current power features heavily support stacking just 1 ninja and using the other 3 to buff it, or who have some special feature to give u that slight advantage, edo itachi to reduce nin dmg and cc an enemy or edo minato for the barrier to prevent chakra gains. against a s06p naruto, u WANT your backline dead so he wont heal off them, which makes stacking an m1 an even better idea. nerfing injury wont solve the problems, because later on, ninjas have so much hp that u cant kill them easily, so u need that bonus crit dmg or u will never be able to kill 1 enemy ninja. while saying that might make % tactics sound like a good idea if we nerf injury, it ends up having the same effect as leaving injury without the % tactics at higher bp and at lower bp things just die to whoever is faster with ninjas like edo hiruzen being more op for their raw dmg what is really needed is power features like 5 natures chakra, which gives a % of ur m1 stats to the rest of ur ninjas on top of giving them their normal amount of stats when u work on them, so the m2/3/4 end up getting more stats total than the m1, but that would require tweeking so it can be finished on the m1 sooner to let the m2/3/4 actualy have time getting the stats, but again with the current feature set people would rather get less power and stack it onto the m1 for more results.
General Discussion
2019-07-23 17:05:31
Redeem bet chips in Space time shop.
I would like to add the Super Kage Scroll, Scroll of Preta, Sage Scroll of Preta, Chikushodo Scroll, Common/Medium/Advanced thread, and Five Natures Stone[Common/Uncommon] to this list of items to sell to the chip shop
Bugs & Support
2019-07-14 05:00:33
An Open Letter to Oasis
Sorry, I should have said, "would have taken", yes the game has been out for 3 years that's why no one was able to finish the system, that's kinda the point. I had my m1 maxed and I didn't quit recharging after that, I was done with m1 runes charms and refines and working on my m2, my m2 is still done with charms and refines now but he was at lvl 11 runes that i broke apart for my m1 runes with the new system. I was working on my m3 refines/charms, so you see just finishing my m1 isn't a reason for me to quit, even finishing m2 charms/refines wasn't a reason to quit, it never was never would be, so your point isn't valid at all, we can finish one ninja without being done with the game, The game isn't about increasing our power by huge margins, it's about the community we create with our groups and server and even here on the forums that keeps people like me playing, not the runes, because again my m1 was maxed on his runes and I was still playing the update didn't bring me back instead it's bringing me closer to quitting. Finishing one power feature doesn't make the game boring, prior to the rune update my m1 was done with most things, battle armor, nature training, runes, refines, charms, i had lvl 9 mags for attack and nin, lvl 8s for the other 3 stats done with breakthrough pills on 2 pieces of gear, and yet I still kept playing and recharging. it was only after I decided that oasis and tencent didn't deserve my money that I stopped recharging, not because of the game running out of ways to spend but because of the companies behind it making decisions I wasn't willing to support. The 10 tails madara recharge was the last straw for me.
General Discussion
2019-07-26 07:13:09
An Open Letter to Oasis
patient and longest running players, so me, i've been playing since day 1. guess what, i didn't want it, i have over 500k bp, most consider me a whale, no1 on the game has played longer as it's impossible to have done so and yet here i am saying its a bad update. I've gone over the reasons it's a bad idea before, multiple times in fact, tldr: it took over 4 years to finish the system if you do the full rebate each month before the update, the 800k bp person in my spacetime cluster hadn't finished it, I wasn't even done with my m2 runes. and now, all they have done is make it so I'm not done with my m1 runes either, the stat gains aren't worth investing into compared to other features, so I'm still going to ignore the system outside of what I get with moon coins and I will only use the system 1 DAY A MONTH. That's not even going into the emotional or psychological effects of them basically removing progress I made into the system, because while the amount of exp I have in the system didn't change, as I said before, my m1 was done, now hes not, that feels like going backwards to me. Why people bring up runes or charms or refines but never bring up, oh, battle armor ranks or levels always makes me wonder if they understand how many whales have had this SYSTEM finished and for a long time at that. But this system isn't the one that's getting an upgrade or anything, because the devs know that not even the biggest of whales will ever bother trying to max it since the stat gains are so bad. The battle armor system isn't one that was considered for an upgrade even though it was the first system I finished, makes you think huh?
General Discussion
2019-07-26 07:13:09
Events Cycle - July 11th
for people complaining about fuku, they are saving it for the anniversary week, which is the 18th-24th event cycle. since fuku is such a nice f2p event they want to give that to players during the anniversary so f2p cant say its only a p2w week. @Daiske - when people complained about needing more keys to make up for the new rune levels they meant more on the line of doubling the ones from wishing tree or increasing the amount redeemable and decreasing the cost of the one in the spacetime redeemable shop, or adding cave keys to the group shop, or lowering the price of keys in the grocery store. You said you are updating the spacetime shop, so I'm hoping you improved them, I also hope that the rest of my scrolls will be sell-able ( and don't say I can sell them for coins I have over 1 billion coins currently I don't need coins ).
2019-07-13 07:12:04