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Critical Hit too Godly OP


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  • Registered: 2019-07-02
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On 2019-07-19 01:56:24Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I'm fighting someone who barely does any damage to me (%5 iof lifebar), they're around the same bp as me, then all of a sudden they deal a criticial hit and half my team is whipped out (%97 Life Bar)! What in the (world) is this? what in the fuuudge is going on here? what in the censored are we doing here?

Am I the only one who hates critical hit rates???

Its so unfair! Now, even though I dont want to, I feel like I have to change my assist link to tenten because of her critical boost. Because my current command flag link doesnt even matter when someone lands a critical hit! Kepp in mind I'm using Edo Itachi, and i buff a lot of resistance with or without him. Usually mysteries dont do much damge, even if the bp is higher than mine. That Critical hit whiped out my team! And that same person, when he didnt land a critical hit, barely did any damage at all, in the same fight!

Critical hit,, to me, throws all logic out the window. It takes the strategy out of the game. Now we all stack pos1 and critical hit, and injury, and spin the slot machine to hope we get a win. Without that crtical hit, I would havee whiped the floor with that ninja

This post was last edited by its thatboy on 2019-07-19 01:56:24.
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On 2019-07-19 01:56:13Show this Author Only

you can get your crit rates up 2 (ninjas/runes/purifies that + crit) but i think increasing your resistance may help reduce crits not sure :/

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On 2019-07-19 01:57:31Show this Author Only

No, My resistance is through the roof. The way it was explained to me, The higher your crit rate, the less likely other people will Crit you.

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On 2019-07-19 03:42:39Show this Author Only

oh, seeing as the guy was around the same power level as you, maybe he had crit buffs? or his crit rune stones are much higher than yours

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On 2019-07-19 04:10:11Show this Author Only

I guess no one's taking this seriosuly!

Yes, liight, but everyone loves buffing crit, and crit as i understand it- ignores a lot of resistance and defense, and basically givves you God power in a battle based on rng, with no strategy required!

The reason i finally made a thread about it is because of the TenTen ninja assist. She buffs crit an obsurd and obnoxious amount! This upsets me because i spet so much time on my current ninja assist, and if extra crit buffs keep getiting added to the game, i worry i will just have to start spending all my in game recources on crit rather than anything else. As if im forced to do it. Kuind of like stacking pos1. but worse.

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On 2019-07-19 04:48:20Show this Author Only

You don't seem to understand the importance of substats. In late game, critical hits account for a lot of your damage. The critical stat increases the chance of getting a crit on your enemy and decreases the chance of your enemy landing a crit on you. Injury is also important, as it increases the damage of your crits and decreases the damage you receive from your opponent's crits. Critical and injury are just as if not more important than base stats like resistance and life, so it is worth it to change your assist to Tenten. If you have high enough critical, you can crit on your opponent 80% of the time, which means you deal much more damage. You probably have lower crit and injury than the other guy, so if you increase them, you will also take less damage

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On 2019-07-19 07:00:16Show this Author Only
  • kazikazi On 2019-07-19 04:48:20
  • You don't seem to understand the importance of substats. In late game, critical hits account for a lot of your damage. The critical stat increases the chance of getting a crit on your enemy and decreases the chance of your enemy landing a crit on you. Injury is also important, as it increases the damage of your crits and decreases the damage you receive from your opponent's crits. Critical and injury are just as if not more important than base stats like resistance and life, so it is worth it to change your assist to Tenten. If you have high enough critical, you can crit on your opponent 80% of the time, which means you deal much more damage. You probably have lower crit and injury than the other guy, so if you increase them, you will also take less damage

i do undertstand the importaance of subtats. as i was just explaining to light, I feel forced to get tenten now. I cant buff the substats i want, it seems, because critical seems to ignore all substats and logic, so i have to boost it to counter it.

You make a good point though, about injury. Matybe if i boost injury, I can get away with not boosting crit. maybe.

Im ha ving a bad day. I also spent a ton of coupons on summer sakura, yet now she is being given away for free today! Same thing happened with sailor sakura! I dont dump coupons on ninja often. its rare i get a new ninja. So this obviously upsets me. I'm gonna try to stop crying like a wuss though, and just get some sleepers. Im super pissed cuz my mom woke me up, and she wont stop talking.

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On 2019-07-19 07:32:43Show this Author Only

I did spend my coupons for Summer Sakura too, but I've made her worked hard enough for many months to pay me back all those coupons I spent on her.

I think it's ok for other players to enjoy her as well.

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On 2019-07-19 09:33:07Show this Author Only

Which event is she free in? I don't remember seeing her for free.

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On 2019-07-19 11:14:38Show this Author Only
  • kazikazi On 2019-07-19 09:33:07
  • Which event is she free in? I don't remember seeing her for free.

Anniversary firework celebration and I wouldn't say she is free. Like with swimsuit Samui you need an active group with players willing to spend. If you already have fragments for her you will probably be able to pick her up here. Most active group should be able to get her or majority of her fragments.

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On 2019-07-19 15:33:56Show this Author Only

Why do you think people was so against the level 13/14 rune cap upgrade?

Currently the game is exceedingly unbalanced towards move 1 overstacking and the more you'll go on playing the more this will worsen.

To asnwer to your question: no, the problem is not linked to critical strike chance, the problem lays in another secondary stats: injury.

The basic extra damage a critical hit lands in comparison with a non critical hit is +30%.

What makes it way bigger is injury.

Every 100 points of difference between the injury rate of ninja A (attacker) and ninja B (defender) increases this extra damage by 1%.

So where is the problem?

As long as the difference between the average enemy move 1 stats and your move 3/4 stats is low (aka being in a new server), you do not actually feel the problem exists at all, but little by little you'll begin to feel it.


Because whatever ninja you'll begin to use later as your move 1 will have a mystery and very likely also a standard attack that's able to hit more than 1 target.

Lets take my current situation as an example.

I have right now 25k injury on move 1, 14k in move 2, 13k in move 3 and 4 (and about 2k more critical hit rate per move).

So what happens when i face somebody with my same stats?

Happens that his agk/naruto sosp or whatever multiple target hitting move 1 he uses will hit my move 1, if crits, with a critical hit 30% higher in damage in comparison with the eventual non critical hit he would have landed if didn't crit, but on my move 2/3/4 first he is basically granted to crit since he hits the cap (that is 9500 difference in critical hit rate) but by how much the damage he lands is multiplied? On my move 2 by +30%+110%=+140%, on my move 3/4 by +30%+120%= +150%.

To answer to your second doubt the chance ninja A has to deliver a critical hit on ninja B is by default something around 15% (what you basically see in arena) but this chance is increased by the eventual difference between ninja A critical hit rate and ninja B critical hit rate, by how? You make the difference between the two numbers and you divide it by 100, so, for example, if your ninja A has 15k critical hit rate and ninja B has 12k. Then your chance to crit on ninja B is 15% (basic) + (15k-12k)/100 = 45%.

Beware that the number may be negative too and that the % is limited to be in the range of 5-95%. Basically this means exists always a 5% chance your move 4 crits on sharingan or loco move 1 and exists always the chance their move 1 won't crit on you.

The same way works injury, just that there's no upper limit (or if there is one is over 200%), only a bottom limit of +5%.

P. S. Honestly speaking if you ask me where lays right now the major unbalancement in the game i would answer that's here.

The devs should have capped injury stat effect at 95% like is for the other 3 substats at least when a ninja hits a ninja that is in a backrow position in comparison with the ninja that delivers the damage.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-07-19 15:51:15.
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On 2019-07-19 19:37:15Show this Author Only


Not true, I'm in a dead group and we nearly got all the summer sakura fragments free the first day of the event!


Thanks for that! You laid out the imbalance of crit and injury rates stacked on pos1 perfectly!

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On 2019-07-20 00:14:41Show this Author Only
  • Koncept On 2019-07-19 11:14:38
  • Anniversary firework celebration and I wouldn't say she is free. Like with swimsuit Samui you need an active group with players willing to spend. If you already have fragments for her you will probably be able to pick her up here. Most active group should be able to get her or majority of her fragments.

Too bad for me XD My server is almost dead and all the active players are f2p or only buy jonin medals

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On 2019-07-20 00:45:04Show this Author Only

So I just fought a ninja, he's 9k BP above me which is nothing, His position 1 mystery whiped out 3 of my ninjas at full health!!!!!! In Round 2! And I have Edo Itachi, Plus Resistance buffs on! That should not be possible!!!! And he didnt even stack all his power into his pos1 because his other ninja didnt die so easily. what kind of bs is this???

I seriously am not having fun. I dont understand what has happened with the update, I assume its the crit and injury imbalance issues, but I wish for something to be done about this. I mean, If I stack everything on my pos 1, that still wont solve the problem. The rest of my team will still be dead, and I will be forced to get a ninja like SOSP, Skill broken Ay, or Kakuzu to be my pos 1, because not too many other ninja can really hold their own against an entire team of ninja if it came down to that.

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On 2019-07-20 05:07:57Show this Author Only

You don't say where you are fighting these other players. If it is in arena a 9k BP difference is HUGE.

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On 2019-07-20 05:38:24Show this Author Only
  • Picklejuicy On 2019-07-20 05:07:57
  • You don't say where you are fighting these other players. If it is in arena a 9k BP difference is HUGE.

My Lord. If I'm talking about BP, I obviously dont mean arena. Since its not in arena, I wouldnt think it to matter. But where I'm talking about i just in the game, south konoha, robbing ninjas, or in sage world batttlefields, etc.

And as stated above, I buff resistance, and have edo itachi, who greatly reduces damage done to my team, so there's really no excuse for this. This has never happened until the new update came through, and now suddenly the fact that I have edo itachi, and the fact that I spent so many recources boosting resistance, doesnt seem to matter 1 bit anymore. Its completely irrellevant now. I get 1 shotted by people who have the same BP as me, and suspect is the rune update; crit and injury. And its possible some other things are a wry as well since the new update came out.

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On 2019-07-20 06:19:45Show this Author Only

power becomes harder to get the higher you go, so a 9k bp difference with him stacking his m1, would be a much bigger difference if he wasn't stacking.

also consider, if his m1 had 25k injury, but his m2/3/4 only had 10k, but all of your ninjas had 15k you may have much more injury on your ninjas than his back line which helps close the bp gap, but since the difference is so much smaller comparatively it feels like you don't do much damage after getting 1 shot., also remember the higher your crit the more often u crit up to 95% chance, so if ur not critting u it for even less than his m1 is since hes critting 95% of the time vs your 20%?, which is again a huge difference.

the current power features heavily support stacking just 1 ninja and using the other 3 to buff it, or who have some special feature to give u that slight advantage, edo itachi to reduce nin dmg and cc an enemy or edo minato for the barrier to prevent chakra gains. against a s06p naruto, u WANT your backline dead so he wont heal off them, which makes stacking an m1 an even better idea.

nerfing injury wont solve the problems, because later on, ninjas have so much hp that u cant kill them easily, so u need that bonus crit dmg or u will never be able to kill 1 enemy ninja. while saying that might make % tactics sound like a good idea if we nerf injury, it ends up having the same effect as leaving injury without the % tactics at higher bp and at lower bp things just die to whoever is faster with ninjas like edo hiruzen being more op for their raw dmg

what is really needed is power features like 5 natures chakra, which gives a % of ur m1 stats to the rest of ur ninjas on top of giving them their normal amount of stats when u work on them, so the m2/3/4 end up getting more stats total than the m1, but that would require tweeking so it can be finished on the m1 sooner to let the m2/3/4 actualy have time getting the stats, but again with the current feature set people would rather get less power and stack it onto the m1 for more results.

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On 2019-07-20 19:17:19Show this Author Only

I hate critical rate so much because like that's why only reason i lose fights with people using sosp and have like 200k bp when it's not critic they do 6k damage which is not a big deal since i just heal back to full but when they hit critic they do like 19k damage and sometimes even 1 shot my sakura and my water main like whattt and once a guy with sosp hitted critic with standard and it took only 2 standard to kill my sakura cuz he did like 9k+ with that naruto on critic so x2 times that's like 18k and i lost and idk why it even happens the gap between our critic isn't that big either and the sosp users mostly hits critics on my team

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On 2019-07-20 22:42:56Show this Author Only
  • its thatboy On 2019-07-19 19:37:15
  • @Koncept

    Not true, I'm in a dead group and we nearly got all the summer sakura fragments free the first day of the event!


    Thanks for that! You laid out the imbalance of crit and injury rates stacked on pos1 perfectly!

How many of you group members are there? Because on day 1 you could get around 100 points each person, so I highly doubt your unactive group didn't spend coupons. She is free to either active groups or spending groups. Yes you don't have to spend to get her, but as I said that's the case for only active groups or spending groups. Only 3 of the 10 groups doing the event on my server have over 4000 points and to unlock her each member has to have 500 contribution (to get the 80 frags), so I highly doubt your group didn't spend to get her. So to get the total 80 fragments you have to have atleast 500 contributions plus the total 4000 contribution from the group to unlock her which for a non spending unactive group is impossible on the first day.

This post was last edited by Koncept on 2019-07-20 22:54:54.
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On 2019-07-21 00:10:37Show this Author Only


I was 2nd place for most fire works, and didnt spend a coupon. My group is so dead. We had about 4 "active" members at the time the event started. I added about 1 more relevant member since then. The rest are either fodder begginers, or alts that never really do anything.

And Regardless, Considering we got so many of her frags first day, I'm almost certain most groups would either have all of her frags or the majority by the end of the event. You can spin it any way you want. At the end of the day, she's available for free. For doing absolutely nothing other than what you'd already be doing if the event didn't exist. Or for just being a part of a group.

This post was last edited by its thatboy on 2019-07-21 00:12:46.
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