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2017-12-05 12:55:56
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2021-07-16 19:10:51
Delays!! Delays everywhere!!!
Btw what happened to the thread created by daiske 1 or 2 months ago? Did you guys really do something about that problem or just made a thread to calm players at that time and do nothing? Any update on the problem? Any news? Have you guys identify what cause the problem yet? This is why players said Oasis is not a transparency company, most of forum event went unnoticed after a while (aka poem event, I havent see the winner announce thread) and critical problem thread like this and the thread daiske made.
Bugs & Support
2018-05-07 11:00:31
About ninjas price
Can you name a few ninjas you want they put in a new treasure?
Bugs & Support
2018-05-02 21:35:50
Lucky Stars
I don't like you, I don't like any people who got lucky... If there is down vote fuction I'll make 100 accounts and down vote all threads like this. It hurt mi feeling
General Discussion
Rom Reckt
2018-04-27 17:49:27
New event cycle - 26th of April
HK already updated but no faithful choice. Please fix asap. On the note it said faithful choice also appear on 26th
2018-05-02 19:49:09
Konan Angel of God
There you go
General Discussion
2018-04-26 21:59:19
About the current situation.
But you still do slaughter them for sage reward? Right? There. They served their purpose. Joined sage so there are enough players to make it happen. They are part of the "gathering resources" process. It's a fact. Same for matsuri. Ofc there is no deny space time is where whales actually compete with each others. You said it yourself, you * all the f2p that half of your bp in sage so you can collect resouces. Just because you said it here that you don't enjoy it doesn't mean other whales don't. I don't see any whale go here on forum and say, I want to be put in a sage bracket that only fill with people 1-5k around my power. No, most of them are busy freezing and abuse the f2p for easy resources. So instead of *ing them and give them little to no reward in return like now it why don't you give them something? And that something to have fun with aka what I mentioned in my 1st post also benefit you, just that you already too powerful to make use of it.
General Discussion
2018-04-24 20:27:12
About the current situation.
You still won against them, so what? If they insult you there are thread to report that. The fact whale and p2w give the game money is because they want to have fun, to become stronger, to feel superior than other or just having gambling addiction. But hey, oasis and f2p delivered exactly what you ordered except for the gambling part. You can't deny the fact f2p is there to make the game feel like it alive and become joy for whale. However not all f2p realize and accept that, some are r3tarded and dreaming about the impossible stuff like get event ninja for free like I mentioned but still, fact is fact. Push them harder won't solve your problem, instead it will kill the game if the f2p decide they had enough and leave.
General Discussion
2018-04-24 20:27:12
About the current situation.
They also need the f2p to be entertainment for the p2w. There will always be a gap between f2p and p2w. No matter what we do p2w always has the advantage in a fight. But what they can do is provide f2p a better gaming experience, give them more free stuffs as compesation for helping oasis keep the whale happy. Even if f2p and p2w get the same free stuffs, it's still better than nothing. All the stuffs that suppose to be give out for free and make players happy are pretty much delayed in our version. + Mood scroll a.k.a the stuff that suppose to be delete in CN are not free. So I guess it won't be delete here. + The update speed for BT ninjas, f2p and casual p2p benefit from this a lot but whale? Not really. Because whale are still gonna use their OP event ninja instead of some random konoha ninja with bt. That's why this get delay or pretty much ignore in the past couple months. + Shop exchange update, ninja like sage naruto, sage jiraiya and other gnw ninjas should be in the exchange shops right now. But again, this only benefit f2p and low spender. The reason why players are saying this game is so P2W is because they get pretty much nothing in return for doing their job which is "get abuse by the whale and keep them happy". Oasis failed to see this. I know some f2p demand rediculous stuffs like give them event ninjas for free which is r3tarded imo but other than that, Oasis should keep the non r3tarded f2p player base happy by do the stuffs I mentioned above.
General Discussion
2018-04-24 20:27:12
!Main Characters In A Nutshell!
I see some people saying how SB is considered OP instead of weak because whales are using him. Well first of all, whale's population are very low compare to majority of player base. Just because few % of players at the top find him "op" doesn't mean he is actually op for the rest. This was the same case as CF in the past, back in 1.0 and 2.0, he was considered god tier among the whale because his shield are just straight up op and there were so little to no way to counter shield back then, but he also was garbage among the normal players. Same case here for SB, whales are using him mostly because 2 reasons. His mirror and 4th mystery, these two provide great unity without condition that allow whales to pick any carry ninja they want. Beside that the rest of his kit are ignorable because how lack luster it is compare to others. But majority of players who are not whale can't just depend only that 2 things, they need more. From 1.0 to 4.0, most changes SB received were just nerf left and right while other got buffed. Want me to list some for you guys in case you are new?- His mirror return used to had another effect that allow him and his team deal increase damage on ignited targets. - His 2nd mystery used to had a mini unparalleled built in. All they did was nerfed it and waste a new talent slot for unparalleled. - His Red Lotus buff used to buff blood limit ninjas instead of secret jutsu user and I'm pretty sure there are more f2p friendly blood limit ninjas than f2p secret jutsu user ninjas out there. - His Oboro clone used to be able to attack on it own and cause imprison effect, high chance of cause repluse. - His Bani Chakra used to be able to ignite 1 random target and delete buffs on them. - His Death Mrrage used to be able to cancel 1 debuff on 2 random targets in your team and recover 20 chakra. Just look at all that and look at him now. He is just a shadow of his previous self. So, how to fix SB for everyone and not just for whale? Reduce his unity and increase his own gimmick is the way. - Give him back his increase damage to ignited target, no need to put it into mirror, just put it into Ninjutsu Urge. - Make his Bani Chakra ignire 2 random targets and recover 10 chakra for each unit that succesfully got ignited. - Make him interact with blood limit ninjas again instead of secret user. - Make his 2nd mystery cause ignite to all targets that get hit, I always wonder why MB allowed to paralyzed with his mystery when fire main can't ignite with his mystery. Feel free to decrease the damage deal like 70-80% to make it balance and won't render his 1st mystery useless. - Make his 4th mystery no longer able to make his whole team immune for 1 round. Just delete debuffs. - And his 3rd mystery work like CN. Done, you have a fire maniac with ignited gimmick to play around instead of a fodder for the 1st round mystery then stand there and look pretty rest of the match.
General Discussion
2018-04-25 05:24:59
Lucky snat'ch vs Susano Sasuke
Because Sasuke is counted as a super rare no matter how uneffective he is compare to other event ninjas. They still not hang him out easily as a rebate. There are some challenge there for you in the crazy slot machine
General Discussion
2018-04-20 22:45:31
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