I am pretty sure this thread will be deleted, as usual, but i want to try to open it the same.
Jiburiru, Exvius, i want to ask if is possible to talk a bit about the current situation.
I know you tell us to fill the feedbacks and to go in bugs&support and put there a suggestion if we think there is something that do not work, but where is the place where us players may talk among ourself about what does work and what does not work in the game? And where is the place where we may coordinate to ask for a specific thing in mass?
Right now if i fill the feedback doc i just say to oasis my personal opinion on the current events and i may just reply to their questions, but i cannot ask them for anything that is not preset there. So if i want to tell them about specific or massive changes i have no place to ask for them and no ways to know how many other people asked for the same thing.
If i suggest something in the correct zone of the forum the threads or get closed as soon as possible with vague and ambiguous replies or, if they reach a certain number of replies mods simply do not reply at all there and seems is not possible at all to talk with daiske, the only known admin, since you send him pms here and in discord and he never replies. He just replies to what he wants to reply.
This way to go is obvious that the voice of f2p and low cashers does never reaches oasis ears and any concrete change that would help them or never happens, even if is right now implemented in other regions, or gets delayed so much that when comes in play is wholly useless and lost its whole purpose.
So, exvius, jiburiru, daiske (if he has the decency to grant us the privilege to hear his voice for something that is not li
Example 1: i asked more than once (and i was not the only one) to know what is the concrete reason why the management chose willingly to go back to their word about bringing back mood scrolls in group wheel. Beware that i did not ask at all to bring them back, i just wanted to know why was chosen to not bring them back.
Was enough they replied something like: 'we thought, given the amount of new features and free power granted by them, that for a global balancement was better to let you players actually spend coupons to level up them over a certain level because the wheel granted too many of them per day for free' and the chapter was closed.
Example 2: many of us asked why the red runes are still not implementee in the eight inner gates redeem shop. None ever gave us a reply. Was enough to say something like: 'yes we promised it, but at the moment the number of places where you may spend coupons to get a power up is still too narrow, so we prefer to go on with the policy of putting red chakra packs in shops and events. As soon as we reach a certain number of new features we will add them there' and this chapter too was closed.
Example 3: many of us asked why takes so much time to implement a new skillbreaktrough ninja because we know there are really a lot that still need to be implemented making a comparison even with the german version, to not talk about chinese servers 1 year ago. None ever replied. Was enough to say something like... no, here there is no acceptable reply to give so i am not even able to find a decent excuse for it, but anyways is not my job to give it, is oasis job and they never gave one reply.
TBH i don't see how any of this would help low casher / f2p.
The only way to close the gap, is by limit the ingot spending. Otherwise, the whales / p2w, will get the same stuff as the F2P and the difference stays the same.
Obv. this is never gonna happen, because F2P don't pay anything and the company needs the p2w to be willing to cash.
TBH i don't see how any of this would help low casher / f2p.
The only way to close the gap, is by limit the ingot spending. Otherwise, the whales / p2w, will get the same stuff as the F2P and the difference stays the same.
Obv. this is never gonna happen, because F2P don't pay anything and the company needs the p2w to be willing to cash.
They also need the f2p to be entertainment for the p2w.
There will always be a gap between f2p and p2w. No matter what we do p2w always has the advantage in a fight.
But what they can do is provide f2p a better gaming experience, give them more free stuffs as compesation for helping oasis keep the whale happy. Even if f2p and p2w get the same free stuffs, it's still better than nothing.
All the stuffs that suppose to be give out for free and make players happy are pretty much delayed in our version.
+ Mood scroll a.k.a the stuff that suppose to be delete in CN are not free. So I guess it won't be delete here.
+ The update speed for BT ninjas, f2p and casual p2p benefit from this a lot but whale? Not really. Because whale are still gonna use their OP event ninja instead of some random konoha ninja with bt. That's why this get delay or pretty much ignore in the past couple months.
+ Shop exchange update, ninja like sage naruto, sage jiraiya and other gnw ninjas should be in the exchange shops right now. But again, this only benefit f2p and low spender.
The reason why players are saying this game is so P2W is because they get pretty much nothing in return for doing their job which is "get abuse by the whale and keep them happy". Oasis failed to see this. I know some f2p demand rediculous stuffs like give them event ninjas for free which is r3tarded imo but other than that, Oasis should keep the non r3tarded f2p player ba
You still won against them, so what? If they insult you there are thread to report that. The fact whale and p2w give the game money is because they want to have fun, to become stronger, to feel superior than other or just having gambling addiction. But hey, oasis and f2p delivered exactly what you ordered except for the gambling part.
You can't deny the fact f2p is there to make the game feel like it alive and become joy for whale. However not all f2p realize and accept that, some are r3tarded and dreaming about the impossible stuff like get event ninja for free like I mentioned but still, fact is fact. Push them harder won't solve your problem, instead it will kill the game if the f2p decide they had enough and leave.
I can completely deny that. You think the Whales take joy in slaughtering people in Sage World? Fighting people half our power in Matsuri is fun? This should entertrain us / makes u feel alive? BS.
It's all about the end game (=space time / xgnw). The part with the weak player is nothing, but gathering resources. It's a necessary procedure. But, rest assure, I never sat there jumping up and down on my chair, because I burst down someone much weaker in SW. Nah, but when i fight someone in Space Time who is on my power, or higher, and I can come up with a strategy to counter him - THAT I enjoy.
But you still do slaughter them for sage reward? Right? There. They served their purpose. Joined sage so there are enough players to make it happen. They are part of the "gathering resources" process. It's a fact. Same for matsuri. Ofc there is no deny space time is where whales actually compete with each others.
You said it yourself, you * all the f2p that half of your bp in sage so you can collect resouces. Just because you said it here that you don't enjoy it doesn't mean other whales don't. I don't see any whale go here on forum and say, I want to be put in a sage bracket that only fill with people 1-5k around my power. No, most of them are busy freezing and abuse the f2p for easy resources.
So instead of *ing them and give them little to no reward in return like now it why don't you give them something? And that something to have fun with aka what I mentioned in my 1st post also benefit you, just that you already too powerful to make use of it.
Hi! To answer your question, there is no issue in opening up a discussion in General Discussion as long as it abides by forum rules. If the discussion is ba
If you do have any questions for us specifically though, you c*ways private message us directly rather than just opening up a thread too, as you know, private message is now available and we try our best to answer you.
To answer your other question though. Your feedback is definitely important to us, I don't know what happened but if you ever have any questions, I am also available both in forum private message and discord. Terribly sorry that you felt like your voice is not heard =( please do message me if you ever have any concerns. Every feedback is important to create a healthy relationship between game and community. I know sometimes it takes time but changes do definitely happen due to everyone's feedback.
This is pointless. Your argument, always starts with the idea of noble self-sacrifice and here is how it reads: "the f2p player, are investing time in sage world withe SOLE purpose of giving resorces to YOU! Yes YOU! "
Ofc it's a load of BS. Just like the argument with 1-5k around my power. You would need to have several hundred servers in the same bracket, to even think about making this happen.
Like I said before: your Ideas will not close the gab between f2p and p2w. So there are mood scrolls in the wheel. So, what? It helps P2W just as well, when new Ninjas are released. Now, even If i am in hurry, I will not need to spend on it anymore. I save the same amount has him.
BT comes faster? Why would i bother about that? I get them too.
For all I care about, you can make Sage World completely team reward and very little more for the top 3. I do not lose, when the F2P gains, because at no point in time, is the F2P ever my competition (unless he comes from an much, much, older server and is way ahead to begin with)..
Give out 1 legendary packs to every member of the winning group in GNW. I don't mind. Why would I?
Your Ideas, do not improve the situation for f2p, but you keep on dreaming...aehm sorry, "serving a higher purpose of statisfaction for the 1% of the 1%".
Example 1: i asked more than once (and i was not the only one) to know what is the concrete reason why the management chose willingly to go back to their word about bringing back mood scrolls in group wheel. Beware that i did not ask at all to bring them back, i just wanted to know why was chosen to not bring them back.
Was enough they replied something like: 'we thought, given the amount of new features and free power granted by them, that for a global balancement was better to let you players actually spend coupons to level up them over a certain level because the wheel granted too many of them per day for free' and the chapter was closed.
Example 2: many of us asked why the red runes are still not implementee in the eight inner gates redeem shop. None ever gave us a reply. Was enough to say something like: 'yes we promised it, but at the moment the number of places where you may spend coupons to get a power up is still too narrow, so we prefer to go on with the policy of putting red chakra packs in shops and events. As soon as we reach a certain number of new features we will add them there' and this chapter too was closed.
Example 3: many of us asked why takes so much time to implement a new skillbreaktrough ninja because we know there are really a lot that still need to be implemented making a comparison even with the german version, to not talk about chinese servers 1 year ago. None ever replied. Was enough to say something like... no, here there is no acceptable reply to give so i am not even able to find a decent excuse for it, but anyways is not my job to give it, is oasis job and they never gave one reply.
Before I try my best to answer these questions, I do have to let you know that these questions were asked and also answered. I know this because I answered many of them.
1: I know there has been quite a long wait for mood scrolls in group wheel. I too want it back but one of the reasoning it was taken out was to make way for a new feature. However, player feedback said to not update the new Tactics which is why the feature was halted. Once more information is known though, we will definitely update you guys on this.
2: This is part of one of the future updates. Once more information is known about it, we would definitely update you guys on it. I know many of you go by other versions, but we are still our own version. We have had many updates that happened earlier than any other versions as well as changes that did not happen due to feedback from you guys.
3: Newer Skill Breakthrough for Ninjas will come in the future, it just takes time to implement them. Thanks so much for being patient and we will definitely update you guys on the release of New Skill Breakthrough Ninjas.
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