GNW Treasure
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2017-07-24 19:58:57
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2018-07-05 07:08:48
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2018-05-29 10:11:11
Sunflower Compensation unacceptable
I almost never play this game or even post here anymore but let me give you some info before you decide to get a lawyer to sue for something you will not win in any way. First, you must have Oasis give the original statement saying the Flower event is per server. Second you have to prove they mislead on purpose. Misleading on PURPOSE is against the law, if it is misleading due to a bug that is not false adverti*t. Also you have to find a law that governs internet games such as this one and find that law and look at it then throw it away. Then you have to find a lawyer that knows Chinese Laws then find the law that governs that and then sue. Before you talk about suing someone look it up. If you haven't already read the TOS, it states and i quote "By visiting or using the Service, you agree that the laws of The People's Republic of China, without regard to principles of conflict of laws and regardless of your location, will govern these Terms of Service and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and OASIS. Any claim or dispute between you and OASIS that arises in whole or in part from your use of the Service shall be decided exclusively by a court of competent jurisdiction located in Haidian District,Beijing, and you hereby consent to, and waive all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non conveniens with respect to venue and jurisdiction in Beijing." Please learn what you accepted when you decided to recharge or play this game. So for all of you saying sue this sue that, learn what you have accepted and then see what you can do aka get a good * lawyer and find one that will fight the biggest gaming company in China. This is a written post by the one and only AssumedParasite. Have a nice day and and don't forget Oasis does not like you and just wants your money :D. This is has been endorsed by your friendly neighborhood community member :D
Bugs & Support
2018-05-30 04:36:34
a bit disappointed
I just want to say this. You are grouping every person who invested in this game into the category of WE wanted GNW Treasure NOW. How about you learn to actually spend time in Discords with these so called whales. Most of the whales I talk to want to see this game get better for everyone. I think you have the wrong idea about whales. You make it seem like whales are the reason we are getting updates faster instead of using your brain. The reason why they are rushing it as fast as they are is because from the stand point of a developer, they want to create one client ( in terms of version) where they are as close as possible. This allows them to create a patch for one client version and not 5 or 6. The other side of the coin is they are seeing a dying tread on the global version and wanting to milk people for what they have. You want these skill break through but not all of them came before GNW treasure. The shop update may not be required to update the version so they may be able to make a patch. For the love of this game, deal with what we have. Not everyone is wanting things you assume we want. Yes I want GNW Treasure but I didn't care when. I just want this game to last longer then I think it will. Rant over.
Bugs & Support
2017-12-16 11:07:12
Elemental Res
General Discussion
2017-12-06 17:32:37
4.0 First Look : Part 1
Wonders if Sai is even a root ninja he got the most useless information a ninja could get. Oh look a map, what are we Dora the explore now? I think Sai should be fired from root and have Konohamaru take over cause i bet he could find out some real information and not some dumb map. Wonders if he will ever find english title for having the highest bond level. Wonders if he ever found Gamabunta.
2017-11-21 05:26:08
Tendo Treasure - Hashirama Senju
Lmao who ever said tendo is 1k is wrong. Him and hashi are 400 lol.
General Discussion
2017-09-15 06:27:56
Red Ninja Tools' Highest Stats
Gold res is +4 for all also i am pretty sure you can get max of like 50 attack
General Discussion
2017-08-24 02:34:24
Deluxe Tactic Pack
You bought the pack without looking whats inside it. Don't blame oasis for inability to check whats in the pack before you bought it. It clearly states whats in it. Regardless if it in the update or not. Its your job as the consumer to make sure that's what you want and if you failed to look at what you were getting, that is on you not Oasis or anyone else. Now if the pack was broken when you bought it that is something else. It seems this update to that was intended so, we can rule out the pack as broken.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-30 07:49:47
Consumption wheel doesn't work
The event is cross server so if the server you are on is not 2 months old you can not participate in it.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:21:52
Event - Feedbacks 20th July
Server : 55 Region : NY Current BP : 109k Events : Red Envelope Reasoning / Opinion : This event I feel is great for people but I think you should have had it so people who have good connections aka people who have lower ping or lag can't get all of them. For example, I recharged for the soul purpose of giving back to the group I am in and mainly 2 people got all the coupons. I feel that this needs to be reworked into a cooldown type thing to allow other players the ability to get to it. Also the recharge wheel that is supposed to come out later in the week, should have been added with this one to increase the odds of people recharging. I also think it should be rebate At 50% instead of 20% which any person trying to get power would easily take this chance to recharge. Events : Call for Duty Reasoning / Opinion : This is by far the worst event I have ever seen. This should be an event that happens every week and once you fini* you are done with it. This should not be for the first anniversary. This is something that should have been enabled a long time ago. Once you leave a sour taste in someone mouth most likely they will not come back regardless of what you do. Also if the invited person does come back it should work both ways. The invited person should be getting something as well for coming back to the game. Events : Naruto Froggies Reasoning / Opinion : I think this event is * because to me what you get is not worth it. Id rather people spend their ingots on other things. Also I noticed people don't understand the event itself when though it was clearly explained in game. For anyone reading this, depositing it into Narutos Froggies means that the Ingots you put in are going to come out as the items. Also I think you should have given half of the Ingots back as coupons instead of 1/5th (My math may be wrong). That would make it worth the cost. Events : Consumption Wheel Reasoning / Opinion : This event shouldn't only be done with Ingots, it should be allowed to be done with coupons to allow the max amount of participation from the community, instead of just 1 free use. I also think you should get rid of the coins and add them with more items such as threads or refines. I also think that Stamina Pot instead of the little ones. They aren’t really worth anything so I think any event that gives 10 should give the larger one instead. Events : The ramen event Reasoning / Opinion : I think you should have made the ramen give more points than just 1. It would allow people a better chance at getting the ninja inside. Also, I think you should have put Items that give power instead of ninjas. That is personal preference that all events that f2p can do without spend any money, should allow them the ability to pick between ninjas or power. Since this is currently what they need. This post was last edited by AssumedParasite at 2017-7-21 11:00
2017-07-28 07:25:35
Froggy * ?
There is actually many different ways to deposit things such as into your own account or into a fund that gets you money out of it such as TSP for the Military. In this case if you read the bottom of the event in the game it says "You can make deposits into different Froggies! Make a plan! Watch your money being put into good use. So basically when you put 5000 ingots you are putting into an account that is using it to get the items under the 5000 ingots. There is no misleading information at all.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:21:48
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