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[ Updates ] Deluxe Tactic Pack


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On 2017-07-29 13:12:16Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I wasn't aware of the UNDO*ENTED change to deluxe tactic pack, and thus bought it and opened it, as I have always done with space time coin, not checking its content as I assumed it would be the same. Only by seeing that I only get 5 tactics at time of opening did I realize the change. This significantly changes the value of the pack, from 225 coupon (or 0.1125 per point) to 125 coupons (or 0.0625 per point.) this makes it inferior to advanced thread, which is at 0.07875 coupon per point. Should I have known this change, I would have bought advanced thread instead.

I have not used the tactics, can you:

1. Remove the 5 tactic pages and refund me the 2000 space-time point.


2. Give me the 4 tactics that were removed from the pack without do*entation

Unfortunately, I can't exactly ask for it to be exchanged into advanced thread, as that would be 2.5 of them... I don't think there is such a thing as half an advanced thread.

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On 2017-07-29 20:22:45Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-29 20:23:24Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-29 20:25:37Show this Author Only

they won`t do anything since that was supposedly a " normal change due to the introduction of new tactics " according to customer service. how on earth the removal of half the contents of a pack is " normal " and not a bug sicne it was not announced ? dunno ... and what new tactics they are talking about , again i dunno since it`s the same 9 tactics it has been for a few months now ...tactics

This post was last edited by Max642 on 2017-07-29 20:30:25.
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On 2017-07-29 20:28:52Show this Author Only
  • Max642 On 2017-07-29 20:25:37
  • they won`t do anything since that was supposedly a " normal change due to the introduction of new tactics " according to customer service. how on earth the removal of half the contents of a pack is " normal " and not a bug sicne it was not announced ? dunno ... and what new tactics they are talking about , again i dunno since it`s the same 9 tactics it has been for a few months now ...tactics

How can it be normal change when that tactics pack had new pages in even before those new tactics were but ingame in 1st place? And it seams like even costumer service dosnt realy know how game was in the 1st place.

This post was last edited by NameBot on 2017-07-29 20:32:02.
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On 2017-07-29 20:40:20Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-29 20:53:05Show this Author Only
up, happened to me too.

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On 2017-07-29 20:57:30Show this Author Only
  • NameBot On 2017-07-29 20:28:52
  • How can it be normal change when that tactics pack had new pages in even before those new tactics were but ingame in 1st place? And it seams like even costumer service dosnt realy know how game was in the 1st place.

thats what i`mm asking myself as well . also on another ticket where i asked why the advertised new group summon gamabunta isn`t avaible and why moodscrolls aren`t avaible yet either their response was that " the changes are not intended " ... and that there were " display errors that sliped in " .... how on earth a official statement where u advertise what future changes players should expect contain display errors and un-intended changes ..don`t ask me ... false advertising most likely ....ticket

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On 2017-07-29 21:22:37Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-29 21:31:29Show this Author Only

Can we have an update on this please, its one of the most important bug or "change". Rather than people spamming that the view function is missing from chat in the bug hunting contest...

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On 2017-07-29 22:17:38Show this Author Only

seems like we are not getting any update on this thread yet mods seem quite busy with all other threads ....

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On 2017-07-29 22:18:26Show this Author Only
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* bruh wheres the tin foil hat when you need it

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On 2017-07-29 22:39:34Show this Author Only

bump , trying to get a mod to answer on this thread ....

This post was last edited by Max642 on 2017-07-30 00:42:51.
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On 2017-07-30 01:55:40Show this Author Only
  • Max642 On 2017-07-29 20:25:37
  • they won`t do anything since that was supposedly a " normal change due to the introduction of new tactics " according to customer service. how on earth the removal of half the contents of a pack is " normal " and not a bug sicne it was not announced ? dunno ... and what new tactics they are talking about , again i dunno since it`s the same 9 tactics it has been for a few months now ...tactics

Well, what you are asking for and what I'm asking for is two different things.

I don't care about them changing the pack, the only issue I have with it is that due to it being undo*ented, I was not aware of it and therefore bought the pack under false impressions, effectively along the line of bait and switch. And for that, I want refund on the item bought. As far as the change itself, it's "whatever" for me, I just won't buy it again.

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On 2017-07-30 03:12:15Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-07-30 01:55:40
  • Well, what you are asking for and what I'm asking for is two different things.

    I don't care about them changing the pack, the only issue I have with it is that due to it being undo*ented, I was not aware of it and therefore bought the pack under false impressions, effectively along the line of bait and switch. And for that, I want refund on the item bought. As far as the change itself, it's "whatever" for me, I just won't buy it again.

well the reason why i asked what i asked in that ticket is precisely because i bought a pack ( like i usually do ) under the false impresion that it was not changed since this change is not announced. so we are in preety much the same situation.

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On 2017-07-30 03:22:17Show this Author Only
  • Max642 On 2017-07-30 03:12:15
  • well the reason why i asked what i asked in that ticket is precisely because i bought a pack ( like i usually do ) under the false impresion that it was not changed since this change is not announced. so we are in preety much the same situation.

Probably should have worded your ticket differently. It seems to be merely asking if the change itself is intended

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On 2017-07-30 04:33:01Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-07-30 03:22:17
  • Probably should have worded your ticket differently. It seems to be merely asking if the change itself is intended

of course imm asking if the change is intended or not since it was not announced , so i can find out if i should ask for a refund of the pack i bought or not ...since if it is not intended and it is a bug , most likely we can get a compensation for the packs we bought , if it is a intended change ( even tough not announced ) most likely we cannot get any refunds on it .

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On 2017-07-30 05:01:29Show this Author Only

I'm not trying to defend Oasis here but you guys need to remember most of these changes are from Tencent in China.

For the most part, all Oasis is doing is translating the game and I think they also get to pick the rewards for events.

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On 2017-07-30 05:54:32Show this Author Only

You bought the pack without looking whats inside it. Don't blame oasis for inability to check whats in the pack before you bought it. It clearly states whats in it. Regardless if it in the update or not. Its your job as the consumer to make sure that's what you want and if you failed to look at what you were getting, that is on you not Oasis or anyone else. Now if the pack was broken when you bought it that is something else. It seems this update to that was intended so, we can rule out the pack as broken.

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On 2017-07-30 07:08:32Show this Author Only
  • AssumedParasite On 2017-07-30 05:54:32
  • You bought the pack without looking whats inside it. Don't blame oasis for inability to check whats in the pack before you bought it. It clearly states whats in it. Regardless if it in the update or not. Its your job as the consumer to make sure that's what you want and if you failed to look at what you were getting, that is on you not Oasis or anyone else. Now if the pack was broken when you bought it that is something else. It seems this update to that was intended so, we can rule out the pack as broken.

The closest example in legal precedence I can find would be:

Rodman v. Safeway, Inc. and Douglas v. Talk America

The gist of the idea is, changes are fine, changes without notifications are not. Because without notification, it's unreasonable for the end user to inspect every detail of every product, service or agreement every time they buy or use a product or service.

yes, I could have looked at the content of the tactic pack. But saying that implies that I must also inspect the content of the lv 2 magatama pack, charms pack and whatever pack I might get everytime before making a purchases. I must also manually test whether sweeping ninja exam gives same reward as manually redoing it daily, which defeats the purpose of sweep (same for survival). I must inspect the number of fragments it cost to recruit/upgrade/breakthrough a ninja before buying/farming for a frag everytime. I must inspect the cost of refine(# of refine to fill bar), armor rank up etc everytime before I get more refine rune, thread etc.

Do you see the problem? If users were expected to safeguard themselves against undo*ented changes, then every single thing they do would require re-verification. The scope of the problem would be huge and simply unrealistic.

So don't apply your backward logic here. As they say, hind-sight is 20-20. It appears to be a simple "you didn't look" in hind-sight, but what you need to look at forwards is simply too much to be reasonable.

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