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2017-07-24 19:42:22
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2018-04-20 07:41:23
Lucky snat'ch vs Susano Sasuke
Look at the Slot Machine, 30 Sasuke fragments. 30+50=80... quick maths.
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2018-04-20 22:45:31
help me ultimate training
What I found is it becomes almost impossible once you are 400 over your highest iniative ninja. E.g if you have a 5k iniative ninja, you can get up to around 5.4k iniative recommend challenge. When you do not have the required iniative the enemy started to scale up exponentially in all stats. Whats your highest iniative ninja you have and what is the required iniative?
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Manny Schwarz
2018-04-18 04:23:36
Should I start on a old server or new?
I agree, I joined S26 a few months ago. It's really down to, do you want to be number #1 on a dead server, or #100 and something on an active server. I myself picked the 100 and something, I find the game a lot more fun on an active server even if I don't win as much. My dream is for older servers to get more newer players like myself and not only have a large populated server/zone but also have people around my level/power to compete against. It's hard for one person to join an old server but not as hard if 100 people join an old server. That is my argument summed up :)
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2018-04-19 01:06:19
Join Old Servers, not New
Cross-server events only cover a certain amount of worlds, as someone in S26, I will not meet someone who has just started cross-server on their server. I agree you don't want a server that is too overpopulated but you also don't want one that's unpopulated which is where we are at right now.
General Discussion
2018-04-14 07:32:06
Join Old Servers, not New
This is the current state of the game and I agree with most of your points here. The problem is you are looking at the game in the short run and not the long run. I myself joined an old server and can comment on these con's from personal experience. - You can't win against anyone.--------- This is not true, in old servers there are still a lot of low bp players. (If the people who join new servers came here e.g 300 + people, look 300 people now you can win against.) - You won't get any free stuffs that pretty much ALL people who play before you got. -------- Free stuff from where? are you talking about timed events? - Your survival trial experience will be hell from day 1 unlike people who started before you. ------- Survival trial started up pretty easy? did you join an old server and have a different experience? - Your rank arena will also be hell and good luck reach Sage of Six Paths for some free CP unlike other people who play before you. -------- .... Ranked arena doesn't give you coupons unless you're talking about the 1st time you ranked up then yes you miss out on a small amount. - You can't plunder, so kiss good bye the best cp income source because you won't be able to get in top 100 rank battle in at least 2 or 3 months or you need to pay for something other people get for free. Yes this is very true, you can not plunder unless you plan on spending ingots. ( top 50 in the non-merged server which is mostly old servers) - You ain't have any chance in Space Time Battle (but you won't get any chance in new server anyway lel). Haha yeah well spacetime is really for veterans or high spenders :) - When you level up you will be easy target for other people to plunder, the older the server the more freeze level players (P2W people). I guess this one depends on the server itself, aslong as you don't level up too fast and join a semi-decent group with the support you will have a better time in an old server over a new. Think about how many of the top 50(refer to comment above) , most of them will be high levels , maybe a few lower that may be able to plunder you. Now go to a new server how many of the top 50 will be able to plunder you? depends on your bp yes but it will be most likely all 50. - You won't win in sage world because your free rerouces are extremely limited. You take 1 step the other guy already take 5 or 10. Sage is not good the way it is in S26, from the start you are with people around level 1 -90ish, What the cross-sever in my region lacks is more lower levels to fill up the lower level bracks. This will not be fixed unless a change is made. - Same for matsuri, your life will be basically hell. Matsuri can be done, but you really need to be on as soon as it starts as there is only a small player base of lower levels, get in before high levels haha XD - No group would allow you to participate GNW let alone GNW pack it if you decided to join a crowded server. I am apart of a group in GNW, we always get into cross sever GNW aswell, I am giving packs even though my input to the fights feels less then important due to my lower bp compared to group mates.This depends on the group you join, any reasonable person would welcome to you to their group and treat you like anyone else. - Most of people you see in afk in town won’t even bother to gelp you with your TI or SA unless they’ve done with their. So unless you have the patience and time to wait for them else you are screw. In a more populated server, this is the opposite, a lot of people will help you, even in my server a lot of people helped me through my low levels and still do. To sum this up, most of the con's could be improved more with more new players joining old servers over new ones as well.
General Discussion
2018-04-14 07:32:06
Join Old Servers, not New
The problem with this, is people have invested a lot of time in their server which is unfair for them to have to start again because they joined into a server that they were unaware was going to lose a large portion of its population in a small period of time. But if this was the case and they decide to join a new server again they know where the server will drift off to again unless a change is made.
General Discussion
2018-04-14 07:32:06
Join Old Servers, not New
If you have a low populated server that is dying being #1 on a dead server doesn't really mean much. If your only goal in a game is to be #1 and not enjoy the game and interact with the player base, are you really having fun?
General Discussion
2018-04-14 07:32:06
Join Old Servers, not New
I feel like you haven't read anything I have said? I state the difficulties in this and how it is not something that works as of right now. It requires a large group of people to join around the same time. e.g let's say 500 people join a new server if 300 joined into an old server they all have some level competition. I have never stated there was a catch-up mechanic so I am unsure where you got this from? Someone suggested this in a post here for a possible fix but this is not implemented. There is no cheating here? With most game mods there is some form of level capping so they will be versing the 300 relatively new players on the server in most events. The purpose of this is not to "cheat" anyone out of fun. The purpose is to extend the life of the game so everyone can enjoy the game longers with a more active player base with higher populated servers rather than spread out with low populated servers. I suggest you read over what I have said at the start to have a greater understanding of what this topic is for.
General Discussion
2018-04-14 07:32:06
Join Old Servers, not New
@Sui,@ignitionkai I don't play db very often mainly due to the time and that it is hard takes a while to find even matches. I never stated that I compete with the strongest, I said it started out hard but it is getting easier. There are a lot of lower bp /level players on S26 which is why I can plunder. When I say low I mean around 50k bp. Gnw doesnt require much in the way of bp, aslong as you are in a good group. @uugh, not only your respond but others reponse prove some do care. @Brandenlol You raise some good points there, this would then move over to the developers to implement such a function. It sounds like a great idea though!
General Discussion
2018-04-14 07:32:06
Join Old Servers, not New
I wasn't stating that for that reason, it's the server I am on which I joined few months ago so that why I used it on example. Thank you for your input :) I agree, it is hard to join a new server when so far behind. This is a hurdle that needs to be cleared if you wanted to join an old server. It would take a large group of people joining in on a server so you have people around your level to compete with. Even if this was the case you would never become number 1 in an old server or even top 10, but this game is more then just... hey, I am rank 3 in battle power. As stated I joined S26 a few months ago, at the start it was rough, and has gotten better. I am now able to plunder, i get wins in fighting matsuri, the only problem I face is Sage world. But that is based on the cross servers not having enough players to create a 3rd bracket in my server bracket.(this would be fixed with a larger player base in lower servers in my region.)
General Discussion
2018-04-14 07:32:06
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