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Join Old Servers, not New


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On 2018-04-13 07:24:42Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello Fellow Naruto Online players, today I would like to discuss the problem of a large number of servers not being full.

The reason I start this is to try and get people talking about this and get new players into older servers.

The main reason people do not join an old server is the player base has such a "head start". If one person joins, for example, S26, this has a lot of people with high battle power how would I compete in this server? As one person good luck buddy... but if every person who was going to join a new server instead joined S26, well look at that you now have a bunch of players who are at the same point of you.


This post was last edited by iPackaPunch on 2018-04-13 07:24:42.
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On 2018-04-13 06:22:22Show this Author Only
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On 2018-04-13 06:47:50Show this Author Only
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On 2018-04-13 07:23:24Show this Author Only
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It was, but the previews post needed to be changed a bit to become more of a discussion rather then a suggestion thread.

So all is good now :D

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On 2018-04-13 07:43:40Show this Author Only

Or just older servers in general. But we all know everyone is going to end up with their own server and being "numbah 1" on their server.

This post was last edited by Rom Reckt on 2018-04-13 07:43:56.
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On 2018-04-13 08:19:50Show this Author Only

The main problem is most new players don't understand how servers will work.

They will join a new server play for a while and then quit when they see the serves activity die down. Most people would not like to play on a low populated server, and this is why some people will quit.

The current amount of new servers being made causes the populated to be thinned out too much. In the short run it may work but in the long run less servers with higher populated will result in less people quitting due to an active server.

Of cause this has its opposing effects. In a larger server there is a higher chance of having "whales" which will make some aspects of the game harder, causing some to quit.

But the question is which option would have less people quitting?

If you think about why people quit when a game doesnt feel very active, this effects general the entire population of the server.

When cosidering people quitting due to difficulty from "whales" this would only effect a portion of the population.

Another question to ask is how many people you know have quit causes of one or more of these reason?

Would they come back if activity increase? Or would they come back if that "whale" left the server?

Whats everyones experience as a new player? If you could would you change the server you started off in( not based on individuals on your server but the activity)

This post was last edited by iPackaPunch on 2018-04-13 08:23:38.
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On 2018-04-13 08:38:34Show this Author Only
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On 2018-04-13 09:01:07Show this Author Only
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You are absolutely right about that being a bigoted comment, I apologize if I have offened you or your opinion.

Maybe this change to you is not "great" and will impact your gameplay style in a negative way?

What are you opinions on the situation that you don't feel is great?This is not me saying you are wrong I want to read and understand your opinion on the matter friend :)

(Emotion is sometimes hard to understand over text)

I would disagree of your opinion on mods.

You first need to understand that mods don't "fix" things involving the game, that is the developer. Their role is to moderate forums so they do not play a role in whether you believe the game is good or bad to the extent I think you are getting across?. This is besides the point as this is far from the topic of this thread.

This post was last edited by iPackaPunch on 2018-04-13 09:02:03.
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On 2018-04-13 10:41:23Show this Author Only

For my opinions, I will not join old game anymore since i know i'm behind from other even i just offline within 3 days. I would like to create character in new server though. And from my "Experience" I was top 3 in my server but after merged i was top 10 and offline around 10-15 days and then drop out till top 20 even i have some rare ninjas like 3 Tailed Kyubi and Tendo but that not gonna make sense since i'm too behind in power even in sage my bracket become harder surrounded with "Whales". So i decided to join "new server" and then after merged it become unbalanced again after most strongest players merged up together. I just make a mind to suggest another merged if possible lol even the probability too low. Lets wish Oasis will take care of customers better.

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On 2018-04-13 10:42:46Show this Author Only

by the way, i'm agreed with your statement that s26 is having most strongest players around with high bp even GeneralBudz is playing on that server as well i think based on his video.

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On 2018-04-13 11:28:09Show this Author Only
  • MadaraFounder On 2018-04-13 10:42:46
  • by the way, i'm agreed with your statement that s26 is having most strongest players around with high bp even GeneralBudz is playing on that server as well i think based on his video.

I wasn't stating that for that reason, it's the server I am on which I joined few months ago so that why I used it on example.

Thank you for your input :)

I agree, it is hard to join a new server when so far behind. This is a hurdle that needs to be cleared if you wanted to join an old server. It would take a large group of people joining in on a server so you have people around your level to compete with.

Even if this was the case you would never become number 1 in an old server or even top 10, but this game is more then just... hey, I am rank 3 in battle power.

As stated I joined S26 a few months ago, at the start it was rough, and has gotten better.

I am now able to plunder, i get wins in fighting matsuri, the only problem I face is Sage world. But that is based on the cross servers not having enough players to create a 3rd bracket in my server bracket.(this would be fixed with a larger player base in lower servers in my region.)

This post was last edited by iPackaPunch on 2018-04-13 11:29:14.
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On 2018-04-13 11:49:46Show this Author Only
  • iPackaPunch On 2018-04-13 11:28:09
  • I wasn't stating that for that reason, it's the server I am on which I joined few months ago so that why I used it on example.

    Thank you for your input :)

    I agree, it is hard to join a new server when so far behind. This is a hurdle that needs to be cleared if you wanted to join an old server. It would take a large group of people joining in on a server so you have people around your level to compete with.

    Even if this was the case you would never become number 1 in an old server or even top 10, but this game is more then just... hey, I am rank 3 in battle power.

    As stated I joined S26 a few months ago, at the start it was rough, and has gotten better.

    I am now able to plunder, i get wins in fighting matsuri, the only problem I face is Sage world. But that is based on the cross servers not having enough players to create a 3rd bracket in my server bracket.(this would be fixed with a larger player base in lower servers in my region.)

Wow! You're just joined server 26 a few months ago? it is just about an old server and you've to compete among them the strongest. By the way you're saying you're able to plunder + win in Matsuri. I guess you're worth player with great experience because i don't think there are players like you who're able to create an account and join an old server like server 26 which is famous with "Whales". Do you mind let me know about your bp please? Coz when i met s26 in db, i felt like having more spirit to be stronger like them by looking their battle power.

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On 2018-04-13 13:23:30Show this Author Only

Wow that was amazing even i have a hard time to beat them in DB, swb, gnw, matsuri and mostly lose

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On 2018-04-13 13:32:14Show this Author Only

I mean this is a good idea. It's always better to start on server opening day to get a good start and be competitive, but joining an old server would guarantee I bit more longevity. Casual players shouldn't have too much of an issue going to an older server since you basically have to play every single day and do every event just to keep up as a f2p "Unless you freeze." The only problem is that new players usually go straight into game before ever logging onto forums and getting the scoops. Especially when I joined, I went right to make a character and the game basically picked my server. Oasis would have to implement a "join an old server and get rewarded" bonus or something right on the server select screen.

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On 2018-04-13 14:04:38Show this Author Only

I think you just late like one and a half year whit this thread when the forum already said and shout that dont make new servers so fast so often.... So some players freeze level to try to compete but it was totaly pointless cuz spenders doing the same so you falling between two chairs in the end. Join new server if want to compete or older if you want to chat chill relax etc.

Jib Edit: Feedback and suggestions are definitely needed to help in the constant improvement of Naruto Online. Doesn't hurt to at least try to put thoughts out there.

This post was last edited by Jiburiru on 2018-04-13 20:15:45.
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On 2018-04-13 15:56:31Show this Author Only


I don't play db very often mainly due to the time and that it is hard takes a while to find even matches.

I never stated that I compete with the strongest, I said it started out hard but it is getting easier. There are a lot of lower bp /level players on S26 which is why I can plunder. When I say low I mean around 50k bp.

Gnw doesnt require much in the way of bp, aslong as you are in a good group.

@uugh, not only your respond but others reponse prove some do care.


You raise some good points there, this would then move over to the developers to implement such a function. It sounds like a great idea though!

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On 2018-04-13 16:39:08Show this Author Only
  • Brandenlol On 2018-04-13 13:32:14
  • I mean this is a good idea. It's always better to start on server opening day to get a good start and be competitive, but joining an old server would guarantee I bit more longevity. Casual players shouldn't have too much of an issue going to an older server since you basically have to play every single day and do every event just to keep up as a f2p "Unless you freeze." The only problem is that new players usually go straight into game before ever logging onto forums and getting the scoops. Especially when I joined, I went right to make a character and the game basically picked my server. Oasis would have to implement a "join an old server and get rewarded" bonus or something right on the server select screen.

Agreed, Should be rewarded to encourage people to join old server.

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On 2018-04-13 16:46:00Show this Author Only
  • S36-Sui On 2018-04-13 13:23:30
  • Wow that was amazing even i have a hard time to beat them in DB, swb, gnw, matsuri and mostly lose

I know that feeling, bad right? but competitive

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On 2018-04-13 17:37:19Show this Author Only

They should grant a 90k power character for that thing to be slightly viable.

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On 2018-04-13 20:26:36Show this Author Only

I think more people should join old servers rather than new servers.The old servers are over time,dieing and with the server merges,its like we're just being ignored.

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