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2017-07-24 19:57:06
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2017-07-24 22:10:20
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2017-07-24 22:10:20
What are the best ways to level up quickly?
Just to add to the above, make sure to do your wanted missions in a group (so, at least 2 people) for the double exp. And if you have a choice, pick the wanted missions that give higher exp.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:09:40
Battle Points Progress
It's just an additional stats boost like the other rank ups were. As far as I remember you don't unlock any new features or gameplay functions, you just get a bit more stats added to your main character. You can see how much your stats will go up by promoting by clicking the "Progress Attributes" *on at the bottom of the Progress window.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:09:47
Events - 1st June
The mixup was probably an honest mistake, but I feel bad for the people who decided to get Hidan from time limited recruitment on the last day when they saw he wasn't going to be in lucky board :(
Thane Krios
2017-07-24 22:10:39
Events - 1st June
I think it's just something they do to showcase which rare ninjas you can earn for the week's events. I'm assuming it's to get people hyped up for the week as well as a way of letting people know who to expect. Sometimes there are other rare ninjas that can be earned but are not featured (like Hidan in the event cycle we just had), but they might have messed up this time and posted a ninja that we can't earn this;dr: It's not related to the weekend chases, it's just who you can earn from the week's eventsEDIT: I'm not on the HK server, so I'm just basing the no Nagato off of what people there have said. He very well might still be offered this week. This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-6-1 13:52
Thane Krios
2017-07-24 22:10:39
Events - 1st June
The first post is edited and Nagato is gone now as a weekly strong ninja.Incoming pitchforks lol
Thane Krios
2017-07-24 22:10:39
Events - 1st June
Is that pack in the lower left the charm material pack, like last time?
Thane Krios
2017-07-24 22:10:39
Events - 1st June
I'm not sure what I'm assuming other than the amount of refines it would take to level up, which was just to illustrate that the only thing that matters for the wish credit event is that the level up takes place during the event.You're looking at this event the wrong way because you're trying to compare it with the wish credit refine event. This event is not a good event to increase your refine level. This event is a good event to prep your gear for when the wish credit refine event comes back.I'm not sure I can be any clearer on this, but what I'm saying is try not level up the refine level of any of your gear during this event, just spend refines to fill up the bars and get the rewards and save the rest of refines for when the wish credit event comes back. This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-6-1 13:16
Thane Krios
2017-07-24 22:10:39
Events - 1st June
You have a piece of gear at refine level 5 at 0/70You use 20 refines during this event and collect a few advanced refinesDuring wish credit refine event you use 30 more refines and it hits level 6 with wish creditsEnd result: level 6 gear with wish credits ready for more refining, 50 medium refines spent, a few advanced refines gainedvsYou have a piece of gear at refine level 5 at 0/70You don't use any refines during this eventDuring wish credit refine event you use 50 refines and it hits level 6 with wish creditsEnd result: level 6 gear with wish credits ready for more refining, 50 medium refines spentThe idea is to try not to level up the refinement level of any of your gear during this event, just spend runes to increase the bar. The main part I'm trying to emphasize is "there's no downside to using refine runes outside of the wish credit event unless it causes your gear to level up". This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-6-1 12:59
Thane Krios
2017-07-24 22:10:39
Events - 1st June
There's no downside to using refine runes outside of the wish credit event unless it causes your gear to level up. If you don't want to use any refine runes during this event that's fine, but you're probably going to end up missing out on some free advanced refine runes.
Thane Krios
2017-07-24 22:10:39
Events - 1st June
The way the other refine event works is you get a fixed amount of wish credit towards the next level when you finish a refinement level up. So during this event you ideally want to get everything up to 30-50% and then wait until the other refine event comes around so that you can finish of the refine level up to get the wish credits towards the next level.Basically as long as you're spending refines but not leveling up during this event you're losing out on nothing. And if you unexpectedly happen to get a lucky level up from a very low %, you won't get wish credits but the amount you saved from good luck partially makes up for it. The main thing is to be careful leveling up refine level 6 items because 6 -> 7 gets you advanced refine rune credit.
Thane Krios
2017-07-24 22:10:39