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2018-02-11 00:02:02
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2018-09-21 23:59:00
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2018-07-19 00:27:19
Happy 2nd anniversary - Event cycle 19th of July
I hope shisui is not in the lucky draw, ony need 6 more fragsbut anyway sounds like great week
2018-07-25 17:16:22
[Scarlet Blaze]
Why Scarlet Blaze is Weak and Some Suggestion
if my essay can be summed up into two sentence, it is this "anything fire main can do, other main can do it better. fire main is the only one without niche he is excel at" Im at lvl 79, I dont think its low level. in fact, if Im still low level I will not care so much about FM since at low level its more about numbers in your power rather than utilizing every little detail your main and ninja has well of course I am comparing him to other main, if not it will only boil down to spewing all super specific ninja lineup to prove he is as strong (if not stronger) than other main, and everyone can come up with anything like that not just with fire main but other main as well
General Discussion
2018-04-25 00:42:52
[Scarlet Blaze]
Why Scarlet Blaze is Weak and Some Suggestion
that would be nice, now his ignition can pose more threat if left alone and yeah too bad we can't reach the dev from here, I write this out of feel of helplessness LOL
General Discussion
2018-04-25 00:42:52
[Scarlet Blaze]
Why Scarlet Blaze is Weak and Some Suggestion
I don't understand why those saying fire main is strong keep bringing super spesific case where he is good against han, good at end game level, etcdid you ever consider the rest of the gameplay? where he is not against han, where he doesn't have madara and shisui? where lightning main with it's swordman * finish your team within the first second rounds? where lighning kill fire clone with 1 beam of light and its chase combo and then kill the ninja it is defending with 3 beam of light? where you watch water main with hinata spread poison to your entire lineup and be half health after the first round finished? where shisui cast his mystery in the second and third round, because wind main reset his cooldown, then her 5 clone clean up the rest? I too can come up with many, many spesific cases where fire main doesn't do * compared to other main, which is why my original post is comparing all main regardless of your ninja lineup I too would like to have compensation, what does fire main have compared to other main? which can be applied to many cases throughout many stage of levels? his chase skill all cause debuff? surely you can't argue that ignition is more annoying than acupuncture? or paralysys? or immobile? especially imprison, which may or may not give damage because the target can just not cast their mystery, or at least wait unti it is dispelled first just like many people have said, fire main is annoying, but thats all he is, annoying. does not mean you have hard time dealing with him, does not mean your ninja will be unable to do chase or mystery skill, you just need to outsmart his mirror return, thats all. his immunity skill? just wait 1 round, or better yet, interrupt him or use acupuncture
General Discussion
2018-04-25 00:42:52
[Scarlet Blaze]
Why Scarlet Blaze is Weak and Some Suggestion
1. OK it is useful for baiting a dodge ninja, but when compared to others, earth main standard change to cause immobile and low float when he is already shielded, wind main clone can tank or can start the chase combo for you, water heal and dispel debuff, it's still useful, but not that useful compared to others, especially outside those special case you mention 2. well at least the clone is getting a buff so it's good 3. of course i don't expect fire main to excel at everything, but what does he excel at anyway? whatever support he is trying to give, defensive or offensive, other main can do it better dealing with debuff? use lightning or wind, if its not female or sword user? use water main to dispel it. earth will stand in front, immune to chase combo and keep shielding those behind wind clone will be all the enemy attacking, easily generated water will keep the team alive while chipping away enemies health with poison. lightning can stand in front and be immune to all debuff and keep healing himself. fire main doesn't have that if for example, one of fire standard is to give ninja with the least health a genjutsu shield to make him/her evade the first attack / mystery skill, and his passive support that kind of role, that would be cool. of course that is just an example, it could be anything really, that he can be excel at something. for now, yeah he can synergize with more ninja than other main, but those synergy is not much, only his 4th mystery does. while other main can synergize much more to their specific niche.
General Discussion
2018-04-25 00:42:52
[Scarlet Blaze]
Why Scarlet Blaze is Weak and Some Suggestion
"If you are relying on your auto attack to start your combo" I don't, at least not after the first round. But for the first round there is not much ninja that have mystery with 0 battlefield cooldown and able to start chase combo. Other main can rely on their auto attack to start that, why can't fire do that? even earth main can hit multiple target and still can start chase combo "You said nothing about his mystery and you are comparing them." because I don't have any problem with fire mystery skills "Wind only can give 2 and it has to be female, while LM has to be sword and only gives 3, and these both last for only 2 rounds, and u can't time it" yes, it last for the first and second round, both the most important rounds in fights. with 3 turn cooldown, fire main can only protect the team for the first OR the second round. other than that the fight is basically finished "You underestimate the power of mirror genjutsu. If your opponent doesn't have a mirror, they will have an annoying time dealing with your team if their first debuff is a control debuff, such as shisui chaos." yes, then the chaos debuff is transfered back to shisui, but he is immune because of lightning main and he cast his spell in the second round. get it now why it is still inferior? "At end game, basically all the mains are used for support. Fire main is one of the strongest support, immunity + shield, ignite multiple units, reflect debuff, and all his chase skills cause debuff which is another plus. His clone is probably the most underwhelming thing about him but an end of the round sleep/ignite is still amazing." yes and at end game, all fights basically ends within the first 2 rounds. but I agree, time it right and his sleep is annoying. If the opponent is not immune that is LOL and since you mention shisui so much, let'ts compare fire main to shisui, shisui attack guaranteed 2 ninja get burned and have high chance of repulsive, compared to maybe set some or all of 4 opponent on fire
General Discussion
2018-04-25 00:42:52