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2017-07-24 19:44:14
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2017-10-20 23:24:36
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2017-10-12 03:12:19
Events - October 12th
Always nice to have the Myoboku Trials event. I wish the daily log in rewards were better though; definitely lackluster compared to the few times this event came around. Also nice to see Rasa in the wheel instead of Gengetsu again. ^^
Ludd Blaster
2017-10-20 10:19:52
Events - 28th September
Making the group skills a part of the monthly event is a terrible idea. Not everyone has group skills available to them if they're already at their group's current max.
2017-10-01 21:35:05
Mei Terumi drop rate?
It's all about luck. Of the rares (Mei, Danzo, Kazekage Gaara, Darui, Onoki, Chojuro, Mifune, Killer Bee Seven Sword) there's an equal chance of pulling any of them; none of those listed have a higher chance than another. As for myself, it took about 840 scrolls or so, and just before getting a super rare (along with 6 dupes of others in total I think), to finally pull Mei from the Kage Treasure. Best of luck! Edit: I should note that I have group mates who pulled her as their first rare; I was just incredibly unlucky.
General Discussion
2017-08-07 18:49:48
Teaming up in Group Summon 3rd (?) stage. Mostly.
That's what I experienced when I was in the center against the Mei and Ay teams (I haven't encountered the Onoki team yet, but I can assume the same). In their own teams, the kages seem to have infinite initiative so they'll go first. Mei immediately combo'd my first move and controlled it so I couldn't do much with my main damage dealer. The middle team also eats all of the standards, so it kinda makes sense. My third and fourth position ninjas were the only ones that got to do any damage, really.
Bugs & Support
2017-08-24 03:10:29
Events - 3rd August
Really like the two versions of the refine rebate running together! I just wish the wish credit you can earn was permanent instead of temporary. D: Also happy that the rebate starts tomorrow and not on Sunday this time!
2017-11-21 18:30:40
Teaming up in Group Summon 3rd (?) stage. Mostly.
Yes, you can fight the snake in a team. You just need to form the team before entering the summon capture area. ^^
Bugs & Support
2017-08-24 03:10:29
Teaming up in Group Summon 3rd (?) stage. Mostly.
Update! My group had a summon capture tonight, and I did defeat one of the hostile elite ninja squads with a team (I didn't even notice that there were three before; there's an Ay team, an Onoki team and a Mei team), and this time I noticed something dropped for defeating them. 1 Spirit (which is one of the 3 buffs you can get during the first phase), 50k coins and 5 coupons. It was... quite underwhelming, haha. But it's something, I guess? It also looks like the damage you do to the hostile ninjas counts towards your total damage. I was late to the summon capture, missed the first phase and didn't even reach the snake to fight it (since I got ambushed lol). so all I did was the elite hostile ninja fight, but I still got 15 coupons, exp, coins and a summon frag for it. Also, note that in your team, whoever is in the center is mostly likely not gonna get to do much against the elite hostile teams. The middle team will be soaking up the damage and debuffs, mostly. xD
Bugs & Support
2017-08-24 03:10:29
[Player Guide]
Unofficial 3.0 patch notes (community collaboration)
My bad, guess I just missed those details. I'll remove it from the original post. ^^
2018-03-14 23:35:28
Teaming up in Group Summon 3rd (?) stage. Mostly.
I think it's part of a bug, not being able to form a team once your inside the summon area. However, you can form a team outside the summon area (in the group base, at the frog npc Fukasaku) and then enter the summon area. You're better off this way, actually. That way, more people can get the buffs that are dropped from fighting the enemy ninjas in the first phase. Once that is done, keep your team together and go fight the snake/summon (you can now do this fight as a team). If you end up going through all 10 rounds before the snake is dead, then you'll get attacked by the elite ninja, but in a team so hopefully the battle is easier. The elite ninja bit is still a major waste of time though. I've defeated the elite ninja in a team and nothing happened. Also, at the end, there is an anbu npc where you can drop items (or something, I'm not entirely sure, haha) that you apparently gather during the instance. Once your group gathers enough of each type, your group gets a buff (for the next group summon capture, I believe). Basically, have a buddy/trio system ready before going in, and stay with your buddies till the very end.
Bugs & Support
2017-08-24 03:10:29
[Player Guide]
Unofficial 3.0 patch notes (community collaboration)
- Rich Field trials are no longer listed on the left side (if uncompleted, anyway). - A cool down is now shown on the left side for black market. - If a player applies to a group, the Leader/Seniors are notified in the same fashion as a friend request (blinking icon appears at the bottom of the screen). - The player's inventory in "Character" was reorganized. Packs of any kind (most of them), stamina potions, revive potions, etc are now shown at the top of the inventory instead of the bottom. The tabs are also functional. Some items will only show up under the "all" tab, however (like the lucky ninja packs from lucky board). - Survival trial was updated to be a bit more challenging, I think. You'll get players closer to your battle power, or possibly above. Also a higher chance of giving your opponent a higher move1 initiative to make it more challenging (usually either the last fight in the trial or breakthrough). - Your friend list is now organized by friend level first, and then alphabetically, instead of just alphabetically. - Battle on the Bridge Team Instance (the first one available) changed slightly. Haku attacks immediately and damages your team significantly before you can move. For any of the ninja skills I list, I could be wrong, so please forgive me if that's the case. - Gakido's chase: recovers a certain percentage of life when the chase is triggered *side note, I noticed that the chase is labeled as tai, but the description says it causes ninjutsu damage -Shizune's "Poison Expert" passive was re-written to be explained correctly. It now says "Significantly increases Shizune's damage to units suffering from Debuffs" (although this still might only apply to poisoned units, not entirely sure)
2018-03-14 23:35:28